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Libifit | Dieting and Fitness for Women

7-Day Proven Diet and Exercise Plan for the Mesomorph Female

libifit mesomorph female diet plan

mesomorph female diet plan, mesomorph female workout

Okay, so you have determined that you are a mesomorph female.  That’s great!  Consider yourself lucky.  You don’t have to fight fat as hard as an endomorph female, but you still have to fight!  Well girl, you have come to the right place.  We are about to give you a plan to win your weight loss battle and get a bangin’ body.

If you are a mesomorph female looking for the perfect diet plan and workout schedule to staying lean or getting rid of excess body fat, look no further. This article will provide a stepwise guide to get the body you’ve always wanted.

The Mesomorph Female Body Type

Everyone’s body shape is unique and falls into one of the following three categories: endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph. Ectomorphs are normally longer and leaner whereas endomorphs are fuller or rounder. Mesomorphs, on the other hand, lie somewhere between them.

A mesomorph female tends to be naturally muscular and normally has a solid frame. If you have a mesomorph body type, you will likely have the following set of qualities:

It is very easy for a mesomorph female to maintain her natural muscularity and weight. It is also very easy for them to lose or gain weight.

Best Mesomorph Diet

The caloric needs of a mesomorph female tend to be a little higher than the other, probably due to a higher ratio of muscle mass. Such females also respond better to a meal plan with a higher amount of proteins.

It has been found that a mesomorph female responds best when her plate is divided into thirds: one-third vegetable or fruit, one-third protein, and one-third whole grains or healthy fats.

Every mesomorph female must include small amounts of proteins in every meal. This will accelerate muscle building and speed up the repair process. Carbohydrates are just as important since they provide glucose for energy production.

Mesomorphs must always mix up their carbohydrate choices to include fruit, vegetables, brown rice, whole grains, and oatmeal. Carbohydrates contain antioxidants and phytochemicals that aid in repairing exercise-induced muscle damage. As a mesomorph female, you must also add healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, and avocados to your daily diet to promote satiety.


General Diet Tips for Mesomorph Females

Keep in mind the following dietary tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle:

Sporadic meals most commonly lead to overeating. So, it is better to eat smaller portions of food more frequently. Eating smaller meals also allows better regulation of the insulin secretion in your bloodstream.

Limiting the bulk of carbs to times when your body actually needs them will help in the growth of muscles and reduction in fat gain. For mesomorphs, it is recommended to eat most of their carbs in breakfast or pre/post workout meals.

Fruits and green veggies have a high fiber content, numerous nutrients, and a low glycemic index. On top of that, such food items are very filling and can help maintain a healthy body.

Here is a great video detailing how to eat for your body type.

Mesomorph Female Workout Guidelines

If you are a mesomorph female dying to lose weight, include exercise in your daily schedule. Cardio exercises and weight training can be particularly useful for you if you are drooling over defined muscles.

Cardio Training

Attaining a lean physique for a mesomorph female requires consistent cardio workout sessions. This is especially important to stop putting on excessive fat and promote weight loss. Performing 30 to 45 minutes of cardio exercise 3-5 times a week must be a regular part of your routine.

Mesomorphs who carry a lesser degree of body fat may decrease these sessions to twice weekly. For better results, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or cardio interval training is recommended thrice a week. Interval training includes alternating bursts of highly intense activity followed by intervals of a lighter one.

A sample of 30-minute HIIT workout is mentioned below:

  1. 5-minute warm-up session: Moderate jog
  2. 8 intervals: Sprints for 30 seconds followed by a slow jog or recovery walk for two minutes
  3. 5-minute cool-down session: Walk and stretch

Weight Training

A mesomorph female is naturally strong because her muscles are dense and thick. Lifting moderate or heavyweights, with limited duration for rest, five times a week can stimulate muscle growth and help achieve an ideal body weight.

If you are a beginner, consider performing a full body weight program focusing on lower and upper body parts. Perform 8 to 12 reps of four exercises for every muscle group. Be sure to complete at least three sets of every exercise and take rest for 30-90 seconds after completion of each.

Make sure that you are doing a broad range of exercises and keep changing your workouts to challenge your body and observe maximum results.

You can also take help from online websites with personal trainers without compromising on your personal data all thanks to their strict privacy policy.

Best Supplements for Mesomorph Women

To achieve the body of your dreams, a mesomorph female can also take help from certain supplements. Some of the best supplements well-suited for mesomorphs are explained below.

Creatine Monohydrate

Mesomorph females tend to respond well to creatine. Creatine consists of three different amino acids i.e. arginine, glycine, and methionine.

Creatine monohydrate is a popular muscle building ingredient that has been strongly backed by science. It supports the energy production to increase growth, endurance, and muscle power by increasing the ATP levels in your body.

Creatine monophosphate can be taken by mesomorphs to support strength-building exercises as well as high-intensity workouts.


If you are a mesomorph female in seek of energy and added performance benefits, a pre-workout may prove handy.

Pre-workouts are available in different formulas, each tailored according to your fitness goals. Irrespective of their specific types, these pre-workouts are all rich in vitamins, caffeine, and theacrine in addition to ingredients for performance such as beta-alanine, creatinine, and arginine.

If you are training hard, these pre-workouts can maintain motivation to help you move forward.

Finally, a good branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) is great for gaining lean muscle.  Check out this article on 9 benefits of BCAA’s.

9 Amazing Benefits of BCAA Supplements For Lean Sexy Muscles

7-Day Mesomorph Female Diet Plan

Don’t forget to follow this 7-day meal plan if you are a mesomorph wishing to live a healthy lifestyle.

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Monday Scrambled eggs with rye bread and a glass of beetroot juice


Lean beef with leafy greens and mashed potatoes Canned tuna with spinach, olive oil, and mashed avocados on rye bread Mixed nuts with slices of carrots and bell peppers
Tuesday A bowl of bran cereal with bananas and 2% milk Chicken breast with brown rice pasta and mixed veggies Grilled white fish with steamed brown rice, topped with broccoli and diced carrots


One snack bar and a banana
Wednesday A protein smoothie made with 1 cup of light milk, 1 scoop of protein, 1 banana, and 1/2 cup of blueberries and oats each Toasted sandwich with 100g of shaved chicken breast and 2/5th of an avocado with salad ·         1 cup of chicken stir-fry with one cup each of steamed leafy greens and brown rice


·         200g of fat-free yogurt with 1 serving of fruit


Thursday One glass of smoothie made up of milk, flaxseeds, raw oats, strawberries, and one teaspoon of whey protein Tuna salad with brown rice pasta Grilled chicken with spinach, peas, green beans, and baked potatoes 2 boiled eggs
Friday One cup of plain yogurt with bananas and blueberries A sandwich with chicken breast, tomatoes, and spinach on rye


4 Sushi rolls or sashimi 5 pieces of sweet potatoes or mozzarella cheese
Saturday A 2-egg omelet with mushrooms, diced peppers, and tomato One rice pudding and coconut milk One cup of chicken/prawn stir-fry with mixed veggies and noodles 6 whole grain crackers with mayo dip
Sunday Plain yogurt with added muesli and mixed fruits Lean steak with sweet peas, spinach, and broccoli Grilled salmon fillet with brown rice and mixed vegetables One small-sized apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter



If you are a mesomorph female, looking to transform your body and take it to a new level, try this 7-day diet and sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter.  In it, we share diet and workout plans for women of all body types and fitness levels to change their lives and get the body they have always wanted.

Until next time…
