10 ways Pilates Will Improve Your Sex Life


What if I told you that all you need to improve your sex life is a 5-foot mat?  Would you do it?  Heck yea you would!  Well that’s all you need to do PILATES.  If you don’t know, Pilates is, it is a compilation of movements similar to yoga but emphasizes your body’s core…the abs, obliques, lower back, inner and outer thighs, and butt.  Because of this, Pilates develops strength, flexibility, and muscular endurance to help you perform better at other forms of exercise and “contact sports”….if you know what I mean.

Pilates is designed to keep the mind and body fit and interrelated. It has six basic principles focusing on concentration, control of self, flowing movements, precision, breathing and centering. What does this have to do with sex…everything! Let’s dive a little deeper to see how these principles along with other characteristics of Pilates can improve your health and your sex life.

1.    Concentration

How many times has it happened…you’re supposed to have a perfect night with your man and all you can think of are the bills, laundry, or the all the places you have to drag the kids to tomorrow? Countless! These thoughts and mental distractions may have screwed your perfect night many times. Pilates exercises can help improve concentration. The concentration principles of Pilates helps you to learn conscious control.  So when you are entering an intimate moment, or even in an intimate moment, and the all the loads of laundry that’s waiting for you when you get done creeps into your mind, you can consciously gain control of your thoughts and truly be “IN” the moment.  This will help you to enjoy the encounter more and even perform better.

2.    Breathing

Other than, you being out of breath…you’re probably thinking what in the world does breathing to do with sex. Well, deep slow breathing improves blood oxygen levels and that makes you feel more energetic. And energy is of essence during sex. Pilates exercises specifically geared towards improving breathing involves effort during expiration so that you can inhale at maximum. More inhalation means more oxygen going to all parts of your body.


3.    Control of Self

Pilates teaches you to control your movements.  Because of the extreme concentration required, you learn to control how and when your body moves.  Often times, women and even men are afraid to have an orgasm because they may lose control and it may seem a little weird.  Well, Pilates teaches you to control your body…the large muscles as well as the smaller ones, so that there won’t be any weird losses of control that may make you feel embarrassed.  With Pilates you can climax and enjoy the moment in a sexy feminine way with grace.


4.    Flowing movements

Sexual activity takes on a couple of different forms.  It can be “herky jerky”, or “slow and steady” or both.   As women, sometimes, we want it “herky jerky”, but most of the time, we want it nice and easy, slow and steady.  Sometimes, because the flow of our sexual encounters isn’t what we prefer, we don’t enjoy it, we don’t reach our peak, and we lose our drive and interest.   With the Pilates principle of flow, you can learn how to be make your body move in a smooth, continuous, steady manner.   That way you can facilitate flow and show your man how to love you and how to move with you so that love making is fluid and somewhat graceful and will meet your needs.  Several studies have found that men find it attractive and sexy when a woman gives direction in the bedroom.  So speak up girl.  Take the lead!

5.    Confidence

Research has shown that the psychological effects of one’s perception of his/her own body can have huge effects on sex.  As women, we always are aware of how our body looks.  When, in our minds we think we look good our confidence levels are heightened.  We often have problems accepting our broad hips, or flat booty.  Well, Pilates teaches you to accept your body, regardless of shape, and to be confident in your own skin.  Confidence is tremendously sexy, and once you have that, you will stop allowing your image insecurities to sabotage your love life.

6.    Your body is your exercise equipment

One wonderful thing about Pilates is that it requires no machinery at all. You do exercises on a mat and learn to support your body as a whole. There is some amount of bodily support required for sexual intercourse.  Developing the strength to support yourself can certainly enhance your sex life.

7.    Improved flexibility

You’ve gotta be flexible.  Flexibility = creativity = satisfaction for you and him.  Enough said.

8.    Pilates tones the pelvic floor

This is more of a scientific aspect…but is worth noting.  Pilates strengthens your pelvic floor.  The pelvic floor is a group of muscles in your pelvis that support your uterus and bladder.  The bottom layer of this group of muscles wraps around your vagina, urethra, and anus.  If you have ever tried to squeeze your lover’s penis during sex, you are contracting these muscles.  Learning how to control these muscles will allow you to increase sensations during sex.  By strengthening these muscles during Pilates, you can increase the intensity of your orgasms.

9.    Pilates increases Physical Stamina

The Pilates exercises are done slowly. There’s no hurry, no rush. Because movements are slow, it requires your muscles to remain engaged for extended amounts of time thereby increasing your overall stamina.  You learn to stay calm and feel the physical stamina improve as you go along.  One reason we shy away from sex is because it makes us so darn tired.  We just can’t go that long.  Well Pilates will give you the stamina to stay in the game longer.

10.  Pilates Powerhouse for a Great Pelvic Action

The Pilates powerhouse area of your body goes from the bottom of your ribs all the way to your hips.  It includes your ab muscles, lower back muscles, pelvic floor, and the hips and butt muscles.  The powerhouse gives you the energy, stability, strength, and control you need to reach peak physical condition and sexual performance.

So there you have it ladies, 10 reasons why you need to get started with Pilates.  Now don’t get me wrong, one Pilates session won’t transform you from a shy little kitten to a lion in the bedroom.  You have to give it time and consistency.  If you put your all into it, you will see a big difference in your overall physical strength and health, as well as your sex life.


Tell me what you think.  Are you willing to try Pilates?


  • jonesmelinda@hotmail.com
Melinda is a fitness enthusiast, wife, and mother who is passionate about helping women overcome barriers of weight loss, self-esteem, finances to become a phenomenal woman. Read Melinda’s story and how she has learned how to juggle life’s ups and downs be in great health, have a thriving marriage, and nurture healthy and whole children. Feel free to send Melinda a message anytime.
Melinda is a fitness enthusiast, wife, and mother who is passionate about helping women overcome barriers of weight loss, self-esteem, finances to become a phenomenal woman. Read Melinda’s story and how she has learned how to juggle life’s ups and downs be in great health, have a thriving marriage, and nurture healthy and whole children. Feel free to send Melinda a message anytime.
  • jonesmelinda@hotmail.com
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