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Using Reflexology to Boost Sex Drive


Reflexology is an ancient method of holistic healing that believes specific “reflex” points on feet, hands, and ears correspond to different organs and biological systems in the body and that applying pressure onto these points help to address physical and psychological issues.

Reflexology is known to improve sex drive by:
• Improving circulation to sexual organs
• Removing toxins from the body to create a smooth flow of sexual energy
• Eliminating stress and prompting a state of deep relaxation
• Balancing physical and emotional hormones

Below are reflexology areas of the body that can be stimulated to increase sex drive and arousal. Ladies, use the information below to give direction to your lover so that he can help to increase your pleasure and revive your desire. Guys, if you happen to read this, follow some of the techniques below to help get your lover in the mood if her sex drive has flat-lined.


Everything begins with a thought. The biggest driver of the libido is the brain. Running your fingers through your lover’s hair and massaging the scalp is a great way to sexually engage the mind. To stimulate the brain reflex apply pressure to the fleshy part of the big toe.


The stomach, especially the lower area, is one of the highest areas of sensitivity on the body. The stomach reflex area is located at the center of the foot. Massage and knead up and down the length of the foot with your hands. This area is also linked to the digestive tract which helps you relax and release stress.

Breast and Chest

Breast and chest reflexes facilitate relaxation for many people. It also helps to increase oxygen flow by improving breathing. More oxygen means more blood flow to genital areas to prompt arousal. To stimulate breast and chest reflexes, gently massage the middle/upper area of the soles of the both feet. Pressure in these areas can send sensations to the nipples and genital areas.


The inside and outside of the ankles have many nerve endings that directly correspond to the most sexually stimulating parts of the body, such as the vagina, penis, prostate, and uterus. To stimulate these reflexes, gently press the channel of the hollow area just under the ankle bone on the inside of the foot. Pressure here will have a direct arousal impact on the most important sexual organs.

You don’t have to be an expert to try any of these. I recommend to just begin to massage your lover’s feet and observe their response. When you touch an area that they appear to be sensitive to, exploit it. This will help to increase their arousal and make you more aware of ways to relax your lover and enjoy their sexual experience with you. Reflexology is completely natural with NO SIDE EFFECTS! So try it!

What do you think about this technique? Are you willing to try it? Let me know.

Till next time…



Two Fabulous Exercises To Get a Sexy Firm Butt


Every woman wants it. Most men love it. It makes everything you wear look 10 times better. What is it…a nice firm, sexy butt! Women like J-lo, Beyoncé, and Kim Kardashian are known for their eye catching booties. Even though a lot of what they are packing is God given, you can create your own little sexy bump. Most of you probably have already heard that squatting is great for perking up and rounding your backside cheeks; however, there are two other exercises that do not get much attention, but are super for toning and firming up your butt. Check them out below.

Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swing are great for toning and shaping your butt. To perform this exercise, you hold the kettlebell with both hands and stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Slightly bend your knees and lower your torso until it forms a 45-degree angle with the floor. Do not arch your back, try to keep is straight. Swing the kettlebell between your legs. With your arm remaining straight, thrust your hips forward by squeezing your butt. Swing the kettlebell up to the chest level. Repeat this motion for multiple repetitions.

Okay, so I know that was a lot. Check out this Yout=Tube tutorial video to see how it is done.



You have to remember to thrust your hips forward and squeeze your booty. That’s how you will get those sexy curves.

Deadlifts work your butt as well as your hamstrings. To perform, start in a wide stance with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Grab the kettlebell with both hands and keep your shoulders back. Tighten your core, squeeze your butt and stand up. Do not use your back to stand up, squeeze your butt up. Use your butt and your hamstrings to erect your body.

Check out this video. It’s a great tutorial. It goes into great deal about the hip hinge movement as well.



So there you have, two awesome exercises to help you get that sought after J-lo and Beyoncé’ booty.

Oh yeah, you not only can get a sexy tush from these exercises, but can also have better sex. Because these exercises cause you to engage your hips and your lower extremities, they will get stronger. Having stronger lower extremities helps you to make more “motion in the ocean” while having sex and tension in the lower extremities is one of the precursors for having an orgasm.

Okay, so I think I know what you may be thinking. What size kettlebell should I start with? Well, I would recommend for females, start off with a 10 or 15 pound kettlebell. If you are a bit stronger than the average female, start with 20 pounds. Don’t go too light because you will get stronger and your strength capacity could quickly outgrow your kettlebell forcing you to buy a heavier one. You can pick up a kettlebell at any sporting goods store.

You can get a nice sexy butt in just 10-minutes a day. Enter your name and email address and I will send you LibiFit’s 10-minute daily butt toning workout. It’s super easy and super effective. It will also give you a nice little fat burn.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at

Till next time…



Dukan Diet Review


The Dukan Diet claims to be the perfect diet for people who want to lose weight quickly without the hassle of calorie counting, weighing food, and determining exact serving portions. The diet promises to keep weight off for good.

Diet Summary
This is a high protein, low calorie diet created by a French doctor, Dr. Pierre Dukan. He believes that when starting a diet, quick results are the key to fueling weight loss motivation. The diet is divided into four phases.

The Attack Phase: The goal of this is dramatic weight loss, to the tune of 4 -10 pounds in seven days or less. This is an extreme low carb phase in which dieters eat an unlimited number of lean protein supplemented by 1 ½ tablespoons of oat bran. Some of the lean proteins allowed during this phase are fish, shellfish, eggs, tofu, skinless poultry, seitan, and nonfat dairy.

The Cruise Phase: During this phase, dieters alternate protein only days with days of protein and non-starchy vegetables until they reach their “goal” weight. During this phase weight loss is bit slower. Dieters can expect to lose between around two pounds per week.

The Consolidation Phase: After the goal weight is reached, dieters enter the maintenance phase. The first goal of this phase is prevent rebound weight gain. The duration of this phase is five days for every pound lost. So if you lost 20 pounds in the previous phase, your consolidation phase will last for 100 days. During this phase unlimited amounts of protein and non-starchy vegetables are permitted. You can also add fresh fruit, whole-wheat, and cheese into your diet. Also two weekly servings of a starch such as pasta, beans, and potatoes are permitted. Finally in this phase, one day per week dieters are to revert to the eating regimen of the Attack phase.

The Permanent Stabilization Phase: The goal of the final phase of the diet is to facilitate lifelong weight maintenance. Once dieters have reached this point, they can follow any eating regimen they desire as long as they follow these three rules:
• Eat a pure protein only diet at least one day per week
• Always take the stairs instead of escalators or elevators
• Eat a tablespoon of oat bran daily


Libifit has rated this diet based on convenience, fullness, variety, nutrient value, cost.

Convenience: The Dukan Diet is very convenient. It does not require any specialized shakes or supplements. Nor does it require any special organic foods or grass feed proteins. You can go to any local grocery store and pick up the required food.

Fullness: The Dukan Diet allows for unlimited amounts of lean protein. Protein is very filling and without any caloric or quantity restrictions on protein, you shouldn’t feel much hunger on this diet.

Variety: Because of the emphasis on animal protein, this diet does not offer a good deal of variety. It would not be suitable for those following a vegan or vegetarian diet. Also, because the first phase is very restrictive and only allows for lean proteins, and the second phase only allows for lean proteins and non-starchy vegetables, the dieter is left with a small variety of foods to select from. This in some cases can be demotivating.

Nutrient Value: The Dukan Diet bans entire food groups within certain phases of the diet without any supplementation, namely grains and fruits. This could cause nutritional deficiencies.

Cost: This diet is not very costly. The first seven days of eating only lean protein could be potentially be costly; however, the diet does allow for fish and this requirement could be met with cans of tuna or sardines. This doesn’t sound very appealing; however, if you want extreme weight loss, you have to pay an extreme price. That price is not always money!


If you are interested in learning more about the Dukan Diet, purchase Dr. Dukan’s book here

Till next time…



7 Effective Metabolism Boosters


There are several ways to boost metabolism. Most articles and resources concerning boosting metabolism speak of specific foods and exercises. You know, the typical ones like… interval training, green tea, eating breakfast, etc. However, there are many ways to boost your metabolism that fly under radar and are overlooked quite often. Here are seven little known ways to boost your metabolism.

Hot peppers

hot-peppers-metabolism booster

Several studies have shown that hot peppers like habaneros, cayenne, and jalapenos can speed your metabolism. It is due to the heat in these peppers produced by capsaicin. Capsaicin generates chemical processes within cell structures that have an effect on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) reactions involved t in thermogenesis. No, this is not a missing chapter in the Bible, it is the process by which your body generates heat or energy. This increases not only your body temperature but your metabolism as well.



Cinnamon is not just for sweet treats. It is great for boosting your metabolism. Just ¼ – 1 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can significantly improve your glucose metabolism to help your body use insulin more efficiently. Cinnamon improves your metabolism by taking sugar out of the blood and sending it to cells to be used for energy instead of being sent to fat cells to be stored as fat. You can include cinnamon in your daily diet by adding it to your morning coffee or oatmeal.



Sleep deprivation causes your body to store fat. Lack of sleep impairs your body from properly metabolizing carbohydrates which leads to high blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar causes increased insulin levels. Increased insulin levels signals to our body to store unused energy as fat. This ultimately leads to weight gain.

Ice Water

ice-water-metabolism booster

Before you have your morning joe, roll out of bed and grab a big tall 16 ounce glass of ice water. Researchers have found that doing this boosts metabolism by 24% for at least 90 minutes afterwards. Your body utilizes energy to heat itself up after the cold blast of water which ignites your metabolism. Also, drinking cold water in morning could help to wake you up more quickly than coffee. Not to mention it offers hydration for you after your long night’s rest which can also have an effect on metabolism.

Intermittent Fasting


Contrary to popular belief, skipping breakfast could boost your metabolism. Skipping breakfast is an easy way to easily incorporate intermittent fasting into your daily routine. Short term fasting helps to boost your metabolism and adrenaline levels causing increased calorie burning during fasting periods. By short term, I mean from 12 – 72 hours. Also, when you are fasting, your body has nothing to burn for energy except fat. So, if you eat your last meal around 8:00 PM, skip breakfast, and eat lunch around noon, you will have fasted for 16 hours which is a great short term intermittent fasting period.

Maca Powder


Maca is an adaptogen that has been used medicinally for centuries in South America. An adaptogen is a biological substance found in rare plants & herbs that help the body adapt to changes and stress. Maca has been found to increase the metabolism to burn fat and balance the thyroid. Maca improves the body’s blood sugar levels to help facilitate decreased hunger cravings as well. You can easily incorporate maca into your diet by adding it to coffee or green smoothies. You can also take it in a pill form.


watermelon_metabolism boost

Watermelon contains an abundance of the amino acid arginine. Studies have found that arginine promotes weight loss. A study in the Journal of Nutrition, found that supplementing the diets of obese mice for 3 months with arginine, led to decreased body fat gains by 64%. They believe that adding the amino acid to the diets enhanced the oxidation of fat and glucose and increased lean muscle. Lean muscle is excellent for burning fat. So snack on watermelon to give your metabolism a boost. If watermelon isn’t available to you year round, you can try other arginine rich foods such as seafood and seeds.

So there you have seven ways to boost your metabolism. There are so many ways to go about increasing your metabolism and burning fat. These were just a few that get a little less attention but are super effective. Try and incorporate a few of these into your daily routine and let me know how it turns out.

Till next time…



50 Ways to Be Happier


When you ask people what they want out of life, they start talking about money, love, health and somewhere in there they say “I just wanna be happy.” Well here are 50 ways that you can be happier. These are super simple and all of them can be done with almost no money. They are completely free!

  1. Forget about it
  2. Exercise on a regular basis
  3. Give someone a hug
  4. Think about something you’re grateful for
  5. Take a hot bath
  6. Stop eating food that makes you feel guilty and bad about yourself
  7. Smile
  8. Forgive the person that hurt you
  9. Go a day without complaining
  10. Have a long passionate kiss with someone you love
  11. Look into the eyes of your children
  12. Stop saying “I can’t”
  13. Accept responsibility
  14. Start a positive journal and write down a positive thought every day.
  15. Smile at a complete stranger
  16. Take a deep breath
  17. Get 8 hours of sleep at night
  18. Eat Breakfast
  19. Write a HANDWRITTEN letter to someone you love (husband, wife, child, mother father, friend, etc.)
  20. Accept who you are
  21. Embrace your past and look forward to the future
  22. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful every morning
  23. Stop weighing yourself, just eat right
  24. Snack on something healthy that doesn’t make you feel weighed down
  25. Give someone money that you know needs it (even if it is only one dollar to a stranger on the corner)
  26. Laugh out loud
  27. Stop comparing yourself to others
  28. Support other people
  29. Be slow to speak (you will put your foot in your mouth less)
  30. Be more organized
  31. Eat some chocolate
  32. Have sex (I had to put this one in)
  33. Don’t worry about it
  34. Accept what you can’t change
  35. Speak up
  36. Don’t answer phone calls from people who mean you no good
  37. Break up with him
  38. Stop being so pessimistic
  39. Randomly send a “thinking of you” card to someone you love.
  40. Celebrate other people’s success
  41. Expect your boss or manager to be a butt hole, that way when they make you angry, you can get over it faster
  42. Write down 3 goals and work on doing something to make them happen every day
  43. Have some “me” time and do something you personally enjoy each week
  44. Stop blaming others for our circumstances
  45. Have at least 15 minutes of daily prayer or meditation
  46. Dance to a song you like
  47. Tell someone you “love them”
  48. Take a walk on a clear day.
  49. Listen to audio or read stories of people who have overcome tremendous odds
  50. Listen to your heart!

Try doing 10 things from this list and see if you feel happier. Your happiness is up to you. Don’t expect other people to make you happy because you will be disappointed time and time again. You should look to make yourself happy and to make to others happy. This will certainly lead to a more fulfilling happier life!


Till next time…



Could chocolate be better than sex?

chocolate better than sex

Chocolate is a known aphrodisiac and is constantly associated with love, romance, and sex. The effects of chocolate is not just a myth. Researchers have studied chocolate and found it to contain serotonin which are feel good chemicals that naturally occur in our bodies and are released by our brain when we feel happy, passionate, and loving. It has been found to produce a euphoric feeling like being in love. So, could chocolate really be better than sex? There is some baggage and sometimes consequences that come along with sex that far outweigh chocolate As I pondered this, some reasons why chocolate, may be better than sex came to me. Ladies, mommies, check out this list below and see if you can relate to any of these. Let me know if you find some of them amusing!

  1. You can have chocolate any time of the month.
  2. You don’t have to lie to your friends about the chocolate you had last night.
  3. You can make chocolate last as long as you want.
  4. You can have many different kinds of chocolate and still keep your reputation.
  5. When you have chocolate it doesn’t keep the neighbors awake.
  6. You don’t have to wait until the kids are asleep to have chocolate.
  7. Chocolate can satisfy you whether it is hard or soft.
  8. You aren’t embarrassed to pay for good chocolate.
  9. You don’t care about the chocolate your man has had in the past.
  10. You can have chocolate with a complete stranger and not feel guilty about it.
  11. You can enjoy all sizes of chocolate.
  12. Your kids won’t be traumatized when they see you having chocolate.
  13. You don’t get sick at the thought of your parents having chocolate.
  14. You kinda don’t care if your man has chocolate with someone else.
  15. You still want chocolate even if you have a headache.
  16. There is no stigma about putting chocolate in your mouth.

So there are 16 reasons chocolate may be better than sex. Could chocolate be better than sex? I don’t think so. Maybe a distant second but certainly not better! If you all can think of any more reasons why chocolate may be better than sex, post them in the comments. I am interested to see what you all can come up with.

Until next time…have some chocolate!



Laughter is No Joke When It Comes to Health


Think back to the last time you had a good laugh. How did you feel afterwards? Elated? Joyful? Was your stomach hurting because you were laughing so hard. Well laughter is not only great for lightening your mood, it can improve your heart health, aid in weight loss, and create many more health benefits. Laughing can even help you live longer. Laughter therapy is technique used to promote overall health and wellness. The goal is to use the natural physiological process of laughter to help relieve physical or emotional stress.

Does this really work? Well, researchers over the years have conducted studies to analyze the impact of laughter on health. Studies have shown that after evaluating participants before and after a humorous encounter (a comedy video), the occurrences of laughter helped to reduce pain, and decrease hormones related to stress, and boost the immunity of the participants.

Because of the recent boom in turning to natural methods for healing, laughter therapy is gaining popularity. Medical journals have even begun to publish articles concerning how this type of therapy can help to improve the quality of life for patients suffering with chronic conditions. Some hospitals even offer laughter therapy as a form of treatment for illnesses.

Here are a few ways laughter can improve your overall wellness.


Weight Loss

A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that 10 -15 minute of laughing can burn up to 40 calories. Doing this on a daily basis would lead to a yearly weight loss of about four pounds. Thanks not much, but can you think of an easier way to shed four pounds? Methods that can be easily and effortlessly added into your lifestyle are what lead sustained weight loss.


Heart Health

The American Heart Association says that there are several ways laughter can help your heart. Laughing increases the amount of good cholesterol in your body and helps to reduce inflammation in your blood vessels. Also, laughing helps to reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is stress hormone produced by the body. Chronic high levels of cortisol can lead to weight gain and a loss of sex drive, among other things. Research has also shown that people with heart disease or 40 less likely to laugh than people without heart disease.


Anxiety and Depression

A study led by Herbert Lefcourt of the University of Waterloo, found that people who are experiencing stress that have a good sense of humor, have fewer depression symptoms and anxiety than those who do not. Also, a good laugh helps you to relax because endorphins (feel good hormones) are released. This causes calms your stress response and even helps to stimulate blood circulation and muscle relaxation. Also endorphins are natural pain killers.

Here are some additional benefits that studies have shown can result from laughter therapy:

  • Improve the immune system and circulatory system
  • Enhance oxygen intake
  • Stimulate the heart and lungs
  • Trigger the release of endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers)
  • Improve digestion/soothes stomach aches
  • Balance blood pressure
  • Improve cognitive functions
  • Decrease stress/tension
  • Facilitate relaxation
  • Enhance sleep
  • Improve the quality of life
  • Improve overall attitude
  • Create general sense of well-being

Here are a few ways that you can easily add a little laughter into your day:

Watch the videos in your Facebook news feed. All of us have friends that post funny videos on Facebook. Take a moment to watch a few. I am sure you will get a kick out of some of them.

Listen to funny podcasts. While you are working or driving or just hanging out at home, go to the iTunes store and find a funny podcasts. There are several.

Listen to comedy satellite radio station. There are many satellite radio stations that play comedy shows and exerts all day. While driving, especially if you have a long commute to work, listen to one of these stations to get a good laugh. This is great for people who dread going to work. This could help you to relax before you enter there and it could also help ease the tension of your work day as you drive home.

So there you have it. Laughter is no joke when it comes to your health. Get a good laugh in today because it truly is “medicine for your soul.”

Have a good one!



Fit Women Have Better Sex


Fit women have better sex. You’ll notice I didn’t say skinny women or muscular women, I said fit women. Here the definition of fit:

 Fit: in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise.

Fit women come in different shapes and sizes. Take a look at these women below. They are not skinny nor are they ripping with muscles and veins. They are simply fit.

lsu gynmasticsthick fit lady

Over recent years, scientist have made important discoveries on how the body and brain connects via sex and exercise. Dr. Tina M. Penhollow, an associate health professor at Florida Atlantic University, who studies how exercise affects sexual self-esteem and self-perception said “Being physically active seems to be a potent aphrodisiac for women.” Her studies have found that regular exercise (remember the definition of being “fit”), plays a major role in sexual satisfaction than many other factors such as stress, weight, and relationship status. So you see, fit women really can have better sex. Not only do they have the energy and physical stamina required to participate in great sex, because of regular exercise, they will experience heighten arousal and other cognitive benefits as it pertains to sex.

Here are some benefits of being fit as it pertains to sexual arousal and brain connection:

Focus: Women are multi-taskers by nature and our minds often travel a million miles per minute…including during sex. When having sexual intercourse, our focus sometimes drifts to kids soccer game, our workload on the job, or the dishing waiting in the sink. Exercise helps to sync your mind with your body and also quiet your racing thoughts so that you can focus on your present situation says Dr. Lori Brotto, director of the Sexual Health Laboratory at the University of British Columbia. This is in fact true. Speaking from my very own personal experience, when I am working through sets of dips and kettlebell swings, my mind is only focusing on counting and breathing trying to push myself through the set. The same occurs for me during intercourse because of the physical load my body is experiencing.

Accelerated Arousal: Women who frequently exercise (women who are “fit”), become aroused faster and are able to orgasm quicker and more intensely. When women become aroused, blood surges into your clitoris and makes the vaginal area more responsive to pleasure. Performing cardiovascular exercise helps to pump blood faster to the right parts of the body at the right time.

Improved Self-Perception: Exercise changes the way you view your body and how much you enjoy sex. Dr. Penhollow found that women who exercised often, reported higher levels of personal fitness and rated their desirability and sexual performance above average. However, these women did not experience these feelings because of being slender. Researchers found that women of ALL SIZES reported increased body perception because of their physical abilities like getting stronger, improving endurance, etc. So because through being fit (regularly exercising), their physical abilities improved as well as their self-perception making them more easily aroused, enjoy sex more, and experience more orgasms. Yes, STRONG really is the NEW SEXY!

Revs Your Lidibo: I talk about this quite a bit because I am a firm believer that exercise boots your sex drive…especially lifting weights. A study performed in 2013 found that women who lift weights at least three times per week, kept higher levels of growth hormone and testosterone which are crucial for muscle growth and sex drive. Testosterone isn’t only for men. Yes ladies, we do have small amounts of testosterone. But we only need a little to make a HUGE impact! Not only does pumping iron increase these hormone levels, it reduces stress which is many times the culprit of killing a woman’s desire.

So there you have four reasons why “fit” women have better sex. There are many more; however those are some of the non-physical reasons. If you are not fit and exercising on a regular basis, I encourage you to do so, especially if you are suffering from a lack of desire. You will feel sexier, have more energy, and have better sex.


If you have any comments about this post, share them below. If you have any questions, feel free to email me




Post Vacation Bulge


Monday rolls around, and here it comes…the FAT FEELING!  I had eaten crap for four days and now I felt like crap.  Ladies we all have it.  You know, when come back from a vacation which you had an awesome time, eating and drinking until your heart is content…then you look in the bathroom mirror the morning after you return and you can just see that you have magically gained 5 lbs. overnight.  Your vacation “high” is now crumbled by your “post vacation bulge”!  You look over at the scale and you are instantly frightened.  There is no way in heck you’re stepping on that thing.  Yea, I was there this past week.  We all get there at some point.

Here’s what I did…here’s what not to do.  I went to the gym and ran fasted sprints for 10 minutes longer than I normally would.  Performing an extra 10 minutes of HIIT training, when I normally only do 20 minutes, sent my body into a little shock.  The next morning, I did the same thing fasted HIIT sprints for 30 minutes.  Then I had a killer leg workout during my lunch break.  By Tuesday night, I was barely walking.  My knees were shot and my calves were tighter than the girdles we wear!

Long story short, you can’t reverse a week of vacation in two days of workouts.  Also, if you didn’t get too crazy, you probably didn’t gain much weight at all.  If you have ever noticed, that when you have a cheat day or a cheat meal, or even a cheat weekend, you weight may go up a bit, but in a few days, it is right back.  It’s because most junk food is filled with calories and SODIUM.  The sodium causes you retain water and your weight elevates a bits.  However, once your body has released the sodium and you get back to your regular diet, the number on the scale returns to a number you hate a little less.

Here’s how to deal with post vacation bulge blues:

Accept that (if you didn’t go bananas), you didn’t gain 5 pounds in 4 or five days.  Now if you go on a 7-day cruise and you eat like it’s going out of style, you may have. The first few days after your vacation, eat very low carbs (mostly green veggies, 2 small sweet potatoes per day).  This will help to fight against water retention which can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable.

Amp up your workouts for the first 3 days you are back.  Don’t go crazy and overtrain, just push a little harder.  This is more mentally therapeutic than physically beneficial.  Pushing yourself a little harder will mentally help you pull yourself out of the typical “post vacation funk.”  You know, the dread of going back to work and “fat feeling” you have from going on a “diet vacation.”

Focus on the good time you had.  Change your focus.  You ate crap and now you feel like crap, but you had a wonderful time and a much needed break.  You only live once.  Relish the memories and the good times you have with family and friends.  This diet and weight loss stuff in minimal compared to spending time with people you love and giving yourself some much needed R&R.

So there it is ladies…how to deal with the post vacation bulge.  Don’t do what I did…exercise so hard that you’re walking around the grocery store like a zombie.  Eventually, every will get back to normal and you will continue to move forward in your quest for health and wellness.

Let me know if you have had the post vacation bulge blues by commenting on this post.

If you have any questions for me, feel free to email me at

Till next time…



Let Your Hormones Tell You the Best Time to “Get Busy”


There is a time a place for everything right?  Sex is no different…well maybe slightly different.  There is an optimal “time” for sexual intercourse for us as women based on biological and hormonal factors.  Now, the “place” part…well that depends on you and your man…bedroom, kitchen, shower, outside…okay you get it.

So first let’s discuss time of the month.  For those of you who still have a cycle, this will be of interest to you and it may already be something you know.  But for the women who don’t fully understand their body and think that it is just some uncontrollable hormone machine, you will find this helpful.

Now we all know that testosterone helps to increase sex drive.  And even though it is most often spoken of as it pertains to men, girls, we have small amounts of testosterone as well and those amounts fluctuate according to where we are in our menstrual cycle.  From day 24 of one cycle to day 13 of the next cycle our testosterone levels gradually rise.  During this time, our sexual desire consistently increases because testosterone is linked to our sex drive.  Day 13 is usually the day with the highest testosterone levels…meaning…this is “get it on for sure” day.  Also, this is the period where you will reach orgasm the easiest for the entire month.  So if you have problems with a lower libido and issues reaching your peak, try day 12- 14 (roughly the middle of your cycle) to help give yourself a biological and hormonal boost!

Have you ever noticed that you become a little more frisky during the last few days of your cycle?  It’s because the lining of your urtherine thickens during this time which stimulates nerve endings making you feel aroused.  If you haven’t been paying attention to your body, the next time your cycle is ending, make a mental note of how you are feeling sexually.

So here is a breakdown of how your desire fluctuates throughout the month…in my own words.

Day 1 (first day of cycle) to Day 14

You will feel more frisky and aroused with each day.  Just go with it.  From the morning of day 13 through the evening of Day 14, you could possibly have the best sex you will all month…not that your man will perform any differently, but your body, biologically will be easier to please sexually and more welcoming.

Day 15 – Day 23

Your testosterone is on the way down now.  You may still want it, but your desire may decrease with each passing day.  He may start to get on your nerves just a bit more and you may become “Mommy Dearest” with the kids.    You could essentially be too aggravated to want sex by Day 19.  I’m just telling you so that you will be aware that your hormones are fluctuating and you can make a consorted effort to stop yourself from being so difficult.

Day 24 until the end of your cycle

Surprisingly, your sex drive could have a little boost during this time.  Even though your testosterone levels are on the way down, your utherine lining thickens and stimulates nerve endings making you feel aroused.  All of a sudden, his socks on the floor and the hours of Xbox One and Playstation don’t matter as much.  You may want to jump in the sac before “Aunt Flo” comes.

So, here it is ladies.  The most important thing you need to take from this post.  If you still have a menstrual cycle, and you want to have some great sex…I mean “the best session of the month”, get busy on Day 13 of your cycle in the morning.  Why…well I have just explained to you why the 13thday (or just before the very middle of your cycle) is the best day for us.  I specified the morning time because we all know that men are rock solid in the morning.  If you are married, or have ever woke up beside a breathing adult male person, you know this is true in most cases.  It is because the morning is the when a man’s testosterone peaks in his 24-hour hormone cycle.

If you are struggling with low libido, and you are premenopausal try the timing described above.  Allow your biological and hormonal fluctuations to give you a boost.  If you are post-menopausal, consider yourself lucky because you don’t have to deal with these fluctuations.  But on the flip side, in many cases, women do experience a decrease in testosterone production.  In this case you should really focus on natural methods (diet, exercise, and natural supplements), to help increase your drive and testosterone levels.  You still should try to get it on in the morning during your man’s hormonal peak; however, the time of month is really irrelevant.

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful.  Let me know what you think.  Shoot me an email at

Timing is everything and we can use proper timing to help improve the quality of our sex lives and optimize our sexual encounters.

Till next time ladies…

