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7 Non-Health Reasons You Need to Lose Weight


Most of the time, when you find a list of the top reasons you need to lose weight, it lists a lot of health reasons, which are all true in most cases.  However, the two main reasons people actually lose weight are due to self-esteem and pure vanity.  You want to feel better about yourself and you want to look good in and out of your clothes. I’m not saying that there are not people who lose weight for health benefits, there are.  However, most of the time, that happens after they have been pushed by a health professional or medical event.  So in light of that here are 7 reasons why many you need to lose weight.


Your entire wardrobe is black

Okay, so most women believe wearing black makes you slimmer.  You’ve taken that to another level.  Everything you have in your closet is black.  You are in black clothes bondage.  God forbid you buy a yellow dress in the spring…you’d look like the sun!  You don’t look twice at orange pants.  Those pants would just make your butt and hips look like a big round orange!

Melinda’s response:  Black does make you look slimmer.  However, if you don’t like the way you look CHANGE IT.  Free yourself from black bondage.  The seasons change, but the colors of your wardrobe never do.  Girl, drop those pounds and brighten up your wardrobe.  Brighter clothing has an impact on how you feel.  Bright colors make you happy and change your mode.  You will be amazed how a brighter outfit makes you feel about yourself.


You won’t let your husband touch you

So you guys have been married for 8 years and together for 10.  After the babies and stress, the tight little body you had at the beginning is gone and now you don’t want him to touch you.  He still wants to make love to you, but because those babies gave you the kangaroo pouch, you’ve become uncomfortable with him seeing you naked and in your mind, he seeing what you see.

Melinda’s response:  You have picked up a few pounds and he has noticed.  However, he still loves you and he still wants you…he’s a man okay.  However, if you aren’t comfortable about the way that you look then CHANGE IT.  Dropping a few pounds will do so much for your self-esteem.  You will feel sexier if you lose weight.  So just do it girl!  Also, your reluctance for intimacy can cause problems in your relationship.  And if a man really loves you, he won’t view you as the fat girl you perceive yourself to be, he will just say to himself that my wife has a little more cushin for the pushin!


You never tuck your shirt in or wear belts

Because you know you’d have a muffin top (when your belly hangs over your buttoned pants), you won’t tuck your shirt in.  And since you never tuck your shirt in, there is no need for you to wear or purchase a belt.  All of the cute dresses that have belts, you don’t wear them because they would expose your waist!

Melinda’s response:  If you don’t like the way look CHANGE IT!


Your man runs over and controls you

You have a man, or at least half of a man and he doesn’t completely treat you right.  However, because you are overweight and feel that other guys won’t be interested in you, you take all the crap this dude is dishing out because you don’t think you can do any better.

Melinda’s response:  First of all, no matter how you look, you have to love yourself first.  If you don’t love yourself, you won’t demand that other people do the same.  Even if you are overweight, you are worthy to be treated with respect and you should receive all of the love you give away.


All of your clothes are too big

You don’t want to expose any of your fat so you try to buy bigger clothes.  You actually wear a size 14, but you always buy 16’s because they just make you feel better.

Melinda’s response:  All of these little tactics will not camouflage your weight.  Larger clothes actually make you look bigger.  It’s crazy how we try to do all of these little things to hide our weight.  Aren’t you tired of doing that?  Free yourself girl!  Lose the weight and get some classy, fitted attire that shows off the fabulous woman you are.


You don’t speak up at work

Many women who are overweight have low self-esteem…wait, let me change that…many women PERIOD, have low self-esteem.  However, it is a bit more severe in women who are overweight or women who don’t feel good about the way that they look.  Your low self-esteem is stopping you from taking initiative and speaking up at work because you don’t want to be seen.  You just want to be quiet and blend in with the background.

Melinda’s response.  Your low self-esteem is more than likely a by-product of you being overweight.  Not to mention that all of your life, people have constantly told you what you couldn’t do and what you are not.  However, if you drop just 10 pounds, you will be able to see small changes in yourself confidence.  Your weight doesn’t define you; however, it is a factor in your professional success.  Drop some pounds so that mentally, you can start believing in the abilities you already have.


You’re afraid to talk to men

Okay, so I’m old school.  When I was single, I wanted the fellas to come to me (I’m happily married now and only one man has my heart).  My mom always told us… “Don’t call boys, let them call you.  If they want to talk to you they’ll call.”  This is true; however, in my older years, I learned that some men are shy and they want to talk to you but they are afraid.  So in that case, a woman needs to be slightly assertive.  This could never be you.  You’re a great person and would be an asset to any guy, but because you are overweight and don’t think you’re good enough, you will never approach guy because you believe all they would see is this fat woman.

Melinda’s response:  The only thing I can say about this one that you need to realize your worth and no matter what size you are, you would be an asset to any man’s life.


So, there it is…7 reasons why you need to lose weight.  All of these reasons are linked to vanity and self-esteem.  It amazing how a person’s mentality changes when they lose weight.  When you make up your mind that you are going to eat better and exercise, everything in your life will get better.  Your relationships, your self-esteem, your energy levels and of course your overall health.  So what are you waiting for?  Stop wearing black all the time.  Buy a belt and tuck your shirt in.  Feel free to let your husband love you.  Speak up and get a promotion!

No your weight doesn’t define who you are, but it sure as heck effects how you think about yourself and the confidence you have.  So if dropping a few pounds will do all of this, what are you waiting for?  I am looking for 10 willing souls to take my 12 week body transformation challenge.  If you are up for the challenge and ready to change your life, email me for more information at









Sugar is a Drug…You’re Probably an Addict


Okay, so this blew my mind when I initially heard it.  Sugar is about eight times more addictive than COCAINE!  Yes ladies, I said COCAINE.  Addiction to drugs like cocaine and heroin are caused by a faulty reward system generated in the brain.  Scientists have found that this same faulty reward system leads to desires for sugary foods.  This explains why Americans eat about 152 pounds of sugar each year!

So here’s the deal, our brains sends out the natural chemical dopamine when we eat certain foods, have sex, or exercise which gives us a feelings of pleasure.  More importantly, sugar triggers our brain’s pleasure and reward systems.  These are the same systems stimulated by cocaine drugs and alcohol.  A study performed at Princeton University by Professor Bart Hoebel, showed that a sugar binge alters the brain function and fuels more desire for the sweets.  This change in the brains functions operates just like the change to the brain function when addicted to cocaine or heroin.  Also, the study showed that when sugar was taken away, there were psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms when sugar was denied just as those that occur when drugs are denied.

So, this makes total sense to me and it should make sense to you as well.  Now I can understand why I can’t sometimes turn away from those mouth-watering Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  OMG…they melt in your mouth and it’s so easy to put away three hot ones in the car!  For those of you that have had hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts, you can relate.

Okay…back to you sugar fiends.

Let’s just clarify the foods that actually have a good amount of sugar.  So the obvious foods are desserts (cakes, cookies, pastries, candy, etc).  Then there is bread, pizza, chips, pastas, soda, fruit juices, French fries, and the list goes on.  Pretty much anything that tastes good.  So if you feel as if you can’t stop eating any of these, then you are a sugar addict.

Sugar Brain

So, if sugar is like a drug, and does to your brain what drugs do, then you need to follow a rehab program much like a drug addict to break your sugar addition…right?

First, here are five quick questions to ask yourself to determine if you are a sugar addict.

  • Do you ever feel guilty about the amount of junk food (sugary and starchy food) you eat?
  • Have you ever tried to cut back on the sugary foods you eat and have failed?
  • Are you unable to finish a meal or celebrate an event (like your birthday) without wanting to eat something sweet?
  • Do you crash almost every day in the afternoon and go look for something sweet to eat or drink to you an energy boost?
  • When you’re down in the dumps, do you reach for sweets to make you feel better?

Okay, so you probably answered yes to one of these questions.  If you did, then you’re an addict.  It’s okay girl.  Just accept it.  The first step is admitting it (LOL).

But seriously, you need to do something about it.  So here’s the deal…

Many people go through a detox program when they are trying to overcome an addition.  The same is needed for sugar addiction.  You need a detox plan.

I have an awesome detox plan to help you kick your sugar addition.  After 21 days on this plan, you will be able say no to sugar and you will have dropped some pounds.  So come on ladies, sign up for this plan and kick the habit.

Enter your email address in the box below and I will send it to you.


Ring My Kettle Bell!


One thing I hear so many women complain about is not having enough time to exercise.  With the kids and the job, for those of you that work, it is nearly impossible to get a good workout in, right?  WRONG!  I have just the thing to give you a fantastic workout in just 5 minutes.  Let me introduce you to the kettle bell swing!

Okay, so I know the “5 minute” workout thing sounds scammy.  I use to believe that a 5 minute workout could do nothing for me.  And if you are a body builder, or some type of high level athlete, then you will need more than 5 minutes to maintain your fitness level.  But for regular every day women who don’t have a SHE-HULK physique, then you can get a great daily burn doing kettle bell swings.

The kettle bell swing is an exercise which requires you to use almost every muscle in your body.  Basically, the exercise consists of gripping a kettle bell with two hands, squatting, and swinging the kettle bell up to approximately shoulder level.  Here’s how you do it:

  1. Stand up straight with your legs shoulder width apart.
  2. Place the kettle bell in between your feet in line with your heels
  3. Lean forward and squat down into a semi-squat and grab the kettle bell with both hands
  4. Keep your back straight and keep your head facing forward
  5. Swing the kettle bell up to shoulder level driving from your hips, thighs, butt, and lower back
  6. Squeeze you butt to help propel the weight up.

I know it may be difficult to visualize, but take a look at the images below.


Ladies I recommend you all start off with 5 lbs or 10 lbs.  There are a many repetition configurations you can do with a kettle bell swing.  I personally like doing 75 – 100 straight reps as fast as you can.  This is what I do with my kettle bell and I am completely spent when I reach 100.  Performing the exercise as quickly as you can, will help to give more cardio conditioning.  If doing 100 reps is too easy for you, you may need to go up 5 pounds or so.  However, remember, please make sure you use proper form and don’t go so fast as to hurt yourself.

When performed correctly, kettle bell swings work your thighs, but arms, shoulders, and last but God knows not least…abs.  Yes ladies, as you swing the kettle bell, you should stabilize your core (slight suck in your gut and flex it) and by doing this you will be forced to use your core to help balance and control yourself as you swing.  When you are done, you will certainly feel it in your ab area.

So there it.  The answer to all of your exercise excuses…kettle bell swings.  Try these every morning when you wake up for 5 days per week.  I am sure you will see a huge change in your body.

Last but not least, please contact your physician before starting any exercise or diet program.

Now go start swinging!



10 ways Pilates Will Improve Your Sex Life


What if I told you that all you need to improve your sex life is a 5-foot mat?  Would you do it?  Heck yea you would!  Well that’s all you need to do PILATES.  If you don’t know, Pilates is, it is a compilation of movements similar to yoga but emphasizes your body’s core…the abs, obliques, lower back, inner and outer thighs, and butt.  Because of this, Pilates develops strength, flexibility, and muscular endurance to help you perform better at other forms of exercise and “contact sports”….if you know what I mean.

Pilates is designed to keep the mind and body fit and interrelated. It has six basic principles focusing on concentration, control of self, flowing movements, precision, breathing and centering. What does this have to do with sex…everything! Let’s dive a little deeper to see how these principles along with other characteristics of Pilates can improve your health and your sex life.

1.    Concentration

How many times has it happened…you’re supposed to have a perfect night with your man and all you can think of are the bills, laundry, or the all the places you have to drag the kids to tomorrow? Countless! These thoughts and mental distractions may have screwed your perfect night many times. Pilates exercises can help improve concentration. The concentration principles of Pilates helps you to learn conscious control.  So when you are entering an intimate moment, or even in an intimate moment, and the all the loads of laundry that’s waiting for you when you get done creeps into your mind, you can consciously gain control of your thoughts and truly be “IN” the moment.  This will help you to enjoy the encounter more and even perform better.

2.    Breathing

Other than, you being out of breath…you’re probably thinking what in the world does breathing to do with sex. Well, deep slow breathing improves blood oxygen levels and that makes you feel more energetic. And energy is of essence during sex. Pilates exercises specifically geared towards improving breathing involves effort during expiration so that you can inhale at maximum. More inhalation means more oxygen going to all parts of your body.

3.    Control of Self

Pilates teaches you to control your movements.  Because of the extreme concentration required, you learn to control how and when your body moves.  Often times, women and even men are afraid to have an orgasm because they may lose control and it may seem a little weird.  Well, Pilates teaches you to control your body…the large muscles as well as the smaller ones, so that there won’t be any weird losses of control that may make you feel embarrassed.  With Pilates you can climax and enjoy the moment in a sexy feminine way with grace.


4.    Flowing movements

Sexual activity takes on a couple of different forms.  It can be “herky jerky”, or “slow and steady” or both.   As women, sometimes, we want it “herky jerky”, but most of the time, we want it nice and easy, slow and steady.  Sometimes, because the flow of our sexual encounters isn’t what we prefer, we don’t enjoy it, we don’t reach our peak, and we lose our drive and interest.   With the Pilates principle of flow, you can learn how to be make your body move in a smooth, continuous, steady manner.   That way you can facilitate flow and show your man how to love you and how to move with you so that love making is fluid and somewhat graceful and will meet your needs.  Several studies have found that men find it attractive and sexy when a woman gives direction in the bedroom.  So speak up girl.  Take the lead!

5.    Confidence

Research has shown that the psychological effects of one’s perception of his/her own body can have huge effects on sex.  As women, we always are aware of how our body looks.  When, in our minds we think we look good our confidence levels are heightened.  We often have problems accepting our broad hips, or flat booty.  Well, Pilates teaches you to accept your body, regardless of shape, and to be confident in your own skin.  Confidence is tremendously sexy, and once you have that, you will stop allowing your image insecurities to sabotage your love life.

6.    Your body is your exercise equipment

One wonderful thing about Pilates is that it requires no machinery at all. You do exercises on a mat and learn to support your body as a whole. There is some amount of bodily support required for sexual intercourse.  Developing the strength to support yourself can certainly enhance your sex life.

7.    Improved flexibility

You’ve gotta be flexible.  Flexibility = creativity = satisfaction for you and him.  Enough said.

8.    Pilates tones the pelvic floor

This is more of a scientific aspect…but is worth noting.  Pilates strengthens your pelvic floor.  The pelvic floor is a group of muscles in your pelvis that support your uterus and bladder.  The bottom layer of this group of muscles wraps around your vagina, urethra, and anus.  If you have ever tried to squeeze your lover’s penis during sex, you are contracting these muscles.  Learning how to control these muscles will allow you to increase sensations during sex.  By strengthening these muscles during Pilates, you can increase the intensity of your orgasms.

9.    Pilates increases Physical Stamina

The Pilates exercises are done slowly. There’s no hurry, no rush. Because movements are slow, it requires your muscles to remain engaged for extended amounts of time thereby increasing your overall stamina.  You learn to stay calm and feel the physical stamina improve as you go along.  One reason we shy away from sex is because it makes us so darn tired.  We just can’t go that long.  Well Pilates will give you the stamina to stay in the game longer.

10.  Pilates Powerhouse for a Great Pelvic Action

The Pilates powerhouse area of your body goes from the bottom of your ribs all the way to your hips.  It includes your ab muscles, lower back muscles, pelvic floor, and the hips and butt muscles.  The powerhouse gives you the energy, stability, strength, and control you need to reach peak physical condition and sexual performance.

So there you have it ladies, 10 reasons why you need to get started with Pilates.  Now don’t get me wrong, one Pilates session won’t transform you from a shy little kitten to a lion in the bedroom.  You have to give it time and consistency.  If you put your all into it, you will see a big difference in your overall physical strength and health, as well as your sex life.


Tell me what you think.  Are you willing to try Pilates?



Run to Ramp Up Your Sex Drive


It is a proven fact that exercise increases your sex drive.  Physical activity releases endorphins which are feel good chemicals that generate feelings of relaxation and well-being which are crucial to your sex drive.  Circulation is also very important to sexual desire  because good blood flow is required for proper sexual function.   In addition to that, adequate blood flow is essential for a healthy heart.

With that being said, one of the best ways to increase your libido and overall health is running.  Running helps your heart pump more blood and oxygen with each beat (remember…good blood flow = stronger libido).  Running improves your aerobic fitness by stimulating the muscles and the heart to work more efficiently.  Additionally, running reduces your risk of breast cancer (we gotta keep the ta-ta’s healthy) and it reduces your risk of having a stroke.  Many medical professionals suggest people in the early stages of diabetes, those with high blood pressure, and osteoporosis, do some type of daily running in order to reduce the risk of having a heart attack.

Of course running is a great way to lose weight.  Because it elevates your heart rate, your body will burn calories.  Also, losing weight will help your self-esteem and boost your confidence.  So for those of you who shy away from sex because you have picked up a few pounds and feel a little self-conscious…start running.  When the pounds come off, the clothes come off!

Finally, running will help to give you ENDURANCE.  God knows we all need that.  Many of us shy away from sex because we are just not in “sex shape.”  During sex, we get tired after a short while and want to quit.  Now let’s be honest…we all at some point, during sex have gotten tired and said “I wish he’d hurry up.”

tired lady

Ladies some of you just don’t last in the bedroom and for that reason, you aren’t interested in having sex.  It just takes so much out of you and the thought of doing it just makes you tired.  Well, if you start running or even speed walking, your aerobic capacity and your endurance levels will improve…both of which are great for your heart and an asset in the bedroom.

More than anything, you first owe it to yourself to be healthy.  You only get one body and you should do everything to make sure it lasts.  In addition to that, you have an obligation to be intimate with your spouse if that is a need or a desire that they have expressed.  You surely don’t want them to find other means to fulfill that need.  So lace up and go for a run.  It will help you lose weight, feel better, boost your energy, and improve your ENDURANCE!

Give me some food for thought on this.  Tell me what you think.




The Scale is the Devil!!!


You wake up in the morning feeling great.  Ready to go.  You hop out of bed and head to the bathroom…and there it is…the SCALE.  You step on the scale just to see where you are, and then it happens…you weigh 3 pounds more than you did yesterday.  Immediately your mood changes.  You feel fat and look over at yourself in the mirror with disgust.  All of the energy and vibrance you had before; has left you and you feel like a deflated balloon.  It is amazing how three numbers on a scale can cause your mood to change so suddenly.

Now, because you feel fat, and you “think” you are gaining weight, your day is just shot.  Nothing fits right, so you spend an extra 15 minutes trying to find something to wear to work or to run errands for the day.  Your husband sees you and wants to get a little frisky and you push him away because you feel unattractive and fat.  You skip breakfast because you don’t want to gain any more weight than you already have.  In addition to that, because you feel fat, you can’t even get your hair right…so here comes the bad hair day.  Your entire attitude has changed all because you stepped on the scale.

On the flip side, if you wake up feeling crappy and step on the scale…if it reads ONE pound lower than it did the last time you weighed yourself, you’re elated.

This scenario may sound far-fetched but it happens to women every day.  It used to happen to me before I learned better.  As women, we are so emotionally and mentally fragile at times, that a number on a scale can dramatically fluctuate our mental and emotional state.  Therefore I have come to one conclusion…THE SCALE IS THE DEVIL!!!!

No but seriously…we tie so much weight to that number and there are some many variables that can cause the number on the scale to fluctuate.  First of all, naturally your weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds.  So, regardless of what you do, your weight will change.  Water intake and retention can cause your scale reading to change.  During the menstrual cycle (if you still have one), most women, retain water.  That’s why we are bloated and irritable.  So chances are, if you weigh yourself during that time, your weight will be higher.  Also, having a high-salt, high carb diet can induce water retention and may cause an increase in your scale reading.

So what should you do?  You have to weigh yourself, right?

Yes, you should weigh yourself; however, not every day.  Checking your weight about every 5 days will give you a good idea of where you stand.  I recommend choosing a set day and time to weigh yourself once per week.  For instance you may choose to weigh yourself every Monday morning before breakfast.  Honestly, I recommend weighing yourself on Friday morning.  The reason why is because, most people abandon their diets and healthy eating on the weekends.  If you weigh yourself Friday morning, it will be fresh on your mind as you enter the weekend and help to tame the “weekend diet abandonment” most people fall prey to.  If you weigh yourself on Monday morning and the scale doesn’t show you what you want to see, it may cause you to have a crappy start to your week.

Life changes and weight loss are as much mental battles as they are physical.  You have to do things to put yourself in the best MENTAL state to succeed.  You cannot allow three digits on a scale to zap your energy, change your mood, and even impede your drive to be intimate.  You do need to weigh yourself to understand where you are; however, understand that your weight will fluctuate up to 5 pounds and resolve in your mind that if you don’t like the number you see on the scale, do something to change it.

Let’s get tough ladies.  You can win the battle of the scale!


Tell me what you think.  Does the scale “kill your joy”?




Healthy Nutritional ORGASMIC Foods


There is something seductive about rich chocolate and strawberries and we all associate those foods with sex and romance.  And scientifically, they do have components that stimulate arousal.  Chocolate contains serotonin, which is a natural feel-good chemical linked to sexual arousal and strawberries contain methylxanthines which help to boost libido.  Aside from the scientific aspect, there is something about the juicy strawberries and sweet chocolate that just gets people going!   However, did you know that eating heart and brain healthy foods fuel your sex drive?  They are a lot less sexy to talk about, but under the surface, foods rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, zinc, and amino acids can  help to boost your sex drive and increase your overall health as well.

By having a steady intake of heart and brain healthy foods, you cannot only feel great and live in a healthier state, you can begin to feed your desire by increasing your blood flow and boosting your mood and energy levels…characteristics crucial to a healthy sex drive.  Here are three healthy-libido-boosting-ORGASMIC foods you need to add to your diet today.


Asparagus: Okay first of all, asparagus has a suggestive shape…if you know what I mean and every action we perform, first begins with a thought in our mind.  So just let yourself go there.  In addition to that, it is rich in vitamin B6 and folate, both of which boosts arousal.  Folate regulates the production of histamine, which is chemical released during an orgasm.

Oatmeal:  Why do you think the old guy on the Quaker Oats container is smiling…because he is eating libido boosting OATMEAL.  Oatmeal lowers cholesterol and boosts HDL (good cholesterol).  One of the main ingredients to a strong libido is good blood flow which is linked to healthy cholesterol levels .  Also, oats naturally regulate sex hormone levels and aid in testosterone production.  Yes, ladies, we have small amounts of testosterone too, not as much as men, but we have testosterone in our bodies and aiding in the production of it will increase our libidos.

Salmon and Tuna:  These oily fish contain omega-3 fatty acids that increase blood flow throughout the body which is essential to having a thriving libido.  Salmon and tuna are also a good source of zinc.  Zinc is necessary to produce testosterone, and well…we’ve already had the testosterone discussion.  Here’s one more tip…make sure you freshen your breath after eating the tuna.  It may help you get turned on, but the smell may turn your man off!


So there you have it ladies.  Three foods that when added to your diet, will help you become healthier and boost your libido.  The beautiful part of this is that these foods will not only help to support the health and function of our physical bodies, but they will also support aspects of the emotional relationship and intimacy we share with the one we love.

If you have any comments or questions about this article, you can email me at


