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How to Lower BMI and Body Fat in 14 Days or Less

how to lower bmi
diets to lower BMI fast

How to lower BMI? – This is one of the most common questions that inevitably arise as you embark on your fitness journey. After all, BMI is one of the simplest ways to measure a person’s fitness level. To reduce BMI, you must follow the right approach to exercise, stick to a lower BMI diet, and stay committed.

Needless to say, we’ll be approaching the question of how to lower BMI with a specific focus on the female body. We’ll be delving into the best ways to lower BMI faster, as well as outline a simple lower BMI diet that anyone can follow.

What is BMI?

Before tackling the matter of how to lower BMI, we must first answer the basic question: what is BMI?

Put simply, BMI stands for Body mass index. It is a ratio of your weight and height. To get your BMI, all you need to do is get on a weighing scale and take note of your weight in kilograms. Then, divide this number by the square of your height in meters.

Based on the resulting ratio, you can then proceed to categorize yourself as underweight, healthy, overweight, or obese. It is extremely straightforward and serves as a simple way to categorize your fitness levels.

Why is BMI Important?

BMI is an important tool to assess one’s health and fitness. Specifically, the BMI metric can effectively assess your metabolic rate and your likelihood of developing certain diseases in the future. While it doesn’t directly measure a person’s body fat, it can make a strong assessment of your overall health through other correlated factors.

For instance, if you determine that you are underweight, it is safe to say that you are also at risk of developing health issues anemia, and osteoporosis later on. Moreover, underweight women find themselves especially at risk of malnutrition.

Conversely, being overweight or obese also has its share of health risks. It is no secret that being overweight puts you at risk for a whole range of chronic conditions including:

  • Heart Problems
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Musculoskeletal problems

This list of diseases should also explain why more and more women are looking for ways how to lower BMI.

how to lower bmi diet

BMI Calculator

Before you can work on ways to reduce BMI, you must first have a clear idea of where you stand. Be sure to give this BMI calculator a try.

Your BMI is

BMI Chart for Women

UnderweightBelow 18.5
Healthy weight18.5–24.9
Obese30.0 and higher

How to Reduce BMI for Women

As you look for ways how to lower BMI, you should also know that there are important, yet subtle, differences between the physiology of men and women. Specifically, women typically have 6-11% more fat compared to men as estrogen drastically reduces a woman’s ability to burn energy after eating.

This seemingly minor difference in body chemistry and composition creates unique challenges for women. As you may have figured out by now, you certainly have your work cut out for you. However, like with everything else, you can lower BMI faster by following the right approach.

how to lower BMI fast
how to lower BMI for women

Best Diet to Lower BMI

That said, there are several ways to lower BMI faster depending on which category you find yourself in. This is worth noting if you are looking to reduce BMI. This is because what may be effective for women in the healthy/normal range may not be enough for obese and overweight women.

Presented here are the different approaches to a lower BMI diet.

Normal Range (18.5-24.9) Lower BMI Diet:  Carb Cycling

It is perfectly common for women in the normal/healthy range to still look for ways how to lower BMI further. In this regard, carb cycling has been lauded as one of the best ways to reduce BMI. Specifically, carb cycling helps you burn fat and maintain peak physical performance. It is also effective in helping women overcome weight loss plateaus.

Carb cycling helps you optimize your carb intake. This approach stems off from the fact no macronutrient is inherently bad. Instead, carb cycling gives you a certain level of flexibility and freedom in terms of how you want to approach your weight loss journey.

Carb cycling entails following low, moderate, or high-carb diets for specific periods (cycles). Some women adjust their carb intake daily. Meanwhile, others follow longer cycles that can last for weeks or even months at a time. This is affected by several factors including your fitness routine and the number of calories you need to burn. 

The science behind this is called carbohydrate manipulation. By doing carb cycling, you are trying to teach your body to burn alternative sources of fuel. In this case, you want your body to start burning fat instead of carbs. By doing so, you maximize the benefits of carbohydrates and cut it off when it isn’t needed. 

Overweight Range (25 – 29.9) Lower BMI Diet:  Low Carb

Here, it becomes clear that there is no single approach to the matter of how to lower BMI. While women in the normal range are recommended to follow carb cycling, the same can’t be said for overweight women. Instead, we enjoin them to try a low-carb diet.

As its name suggests, a low-carb diet drastically restricts your carbohydrate intake. This takes into account all the usual suspects from pasta and bread to sugary foods. Instead, you will need to start eating more protein-rich food as well as green and leafy vegetables.

Obese Range and Higher (30+) Lower BMI Diet:  Keto

Now, people categorized as obese shouldn’t lose hope. They can still reduce BMI safely. However, carb cycling and low-carb diets simply won’t be enough. Instead, they need to follow the keto diet to get rid of that excess fat efficiently.

Put simply, the ketogenic diet (more commonly known as Keto) focuses on maximizing your consumption of high-fat foods while also drastically cutting down on carbs. By doing so, the diet seeks to help your body reach the metabolic state known as ketosis. Ketosis is a highly efficient metabolic state wherein your body starts burning fat for energy.

How to Lower BMI and Body Fat Percentage in 14 Days

As made explicitly clear in the previous sections, body fat percentage and BMI share a strong connection. If you want to lower BMI fast, then you should also work on reducing the amount of fat you have in your system. You can even start seeing results in as little as 14 days.

That said, you need to commit to a lower BMI diet and regular exercise to get the job done. Here are some tips to make your journey easier.

Reduce Carbs

More often than not, we often consume more carbohydrates than we need. These excess carbs eventually turn to fat and unwanted weight gain. By making simple adjustments to your diet, you can train your body to start being less dependent on carbs and start burning fat for fuel.

The previous section discussed everything from carb cycling to low-carb diets and keto. Be sure to check which approach works best for your BMI category.    

Eat More Green Veggies

Green and leafy vegetables are incredibly nutritious. They also contain high levels of antioxidants and an incredibly low number of calories. Introducing lots of green vegetables to your diet will lead to a myriad of health benefits including weight loss.

Foods to Lower BMI
Green veggies lower BMI

Consume the Right Amount of Lean Protein

Protein is another essential macronutrient in your diet as it builds and maintains the muscle and tissues in your body. However, most protein sources also include high levels of fat and carbs. That is why we recommend that you stick to lean proteins.

It is also worth noting that lean proteins promote satiety and suppress yourappetite – an indispensable element to safe and effective weight loss.  Listed here are some of the lean protein sources you should try:

  • Fish
  • Lentils
  • Greek Yogurt
  • White Meat
  • Chicken
  • Tofu

That said, you should also ensure that you are getting the right amount of protein. It is recommended that you eat 0.8 – 1 gram of lean protein per pound of body weight. For instance, if you weigh 160 pounds and want to reduce BMI in 14 days then you need to eat 128 – 160 grams of lean protein. The calculations are as follows:

  • Total daily protein = 0.8 X 160 =128 grams/day
  • Total daily protein = 1 X 160 =160 grams/day

Remove Sodas, Juice, and Sugary Drinks from Your Diet

This should go without saying. After all, juice, sodas, and other similar drinks contain high levels of sugar. While they may taste great, they do nothing but make your weight-loss journey that much harder in the long run.

Instead, try drinking other beverages with no-sugar content like tea and coffee.

how to lower bmi
How to Lower My BMI

Drink Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is an important aspect of leading a healthy lifestyle. It can also make your goal of lowering BMI that much easier. This is because water also acts as a natural appetite suppressor. So, if you find yourself craving some snacks, maybe try drinking a glass of water instead.

Eat High Fiber Foods

High-fiber foods help keep you full longer and prevent overeating. This is because they require you to chew more thus helping you eat slower and better savor your meals. High-fiber foods include lots of grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as seeds and nuts.

Plan Your Meals

The best way to control your diet and your BMI is by keeping a close eye on your food. Planning and preparing your meals is crucial as you are the one in charge of your portions and calorie count. The opposite is true if you choose to order out or do someone else do the cooking for you.

Exercise at Least 3 Times per Week

Aside from your diet, you also need to follow a regular exercise regimen. Reducing your body fat percentage is made significantly more difficult without consistent physical activity. Exercising at least three times helps you burn those calories and build your strength.

Best Exercises to Lower BMI

Diet is one of the most important components of lowering a woman’s BMI; however, exercising is very important concerning how to lower BMI. Here are some of the best exercising approaches to lower BMI.

HITT Training

High-intensity interval training is one of the best exercise regimens for lowering BMI. As its name suggests, it relies on optimal effort and a high heart rate to get your body to start burning calories at a faster rate.

Needless to say, HIIT leads to faster results compared to moderate and low-intensity workouts. However, it may not necessarily be for everyone. It can be especially jarring if you have been physically inactive for a long time before giving HIIT a try.


On the other end of the spectrum, you have Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) training. Unlike HIIT that relies on pushing yourself to the breaking point using short, but intense, bursts of energy, LIIS encourages low-level physical exertion albeit for a long and continuous.

LISS can include hiking, walking, jogging, swimming at a relaxed pace. One great way to practice LISS in a gym is on the treadmill, stairmaster, or elliptical machine.

Here is a video discussing HIIT vs. LISS (Steady State). Honestly, I have used both for fat loss. However, take a look at this and decide which one is best for you. You should probably try both types to lower BMI.

Full Body Strength Training (3 Times Per Week)

Full Body Strength Training entails hitting all the major muscle groups in your body in a single workout. This is especially useful if you are just getting started as it lets you comprehensively build whole-body strength.

This program lets you build a lean muscle mass. Remember, lean muscle tissue gives your metabolism gets a major boost. More importantly, full-body strength training lets you identify any weak areas and adjust your routine accordingly. Interestingly, you only need to do this type of training three times a week. This gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of time management and doesn’t punish you for missing a day.

To lower BMI faster is no easy feat. Needless to say, this is easier said than done. That is why you must have a complete understanding of what BMI is, how it works, and the different factors involved. It is more than a number – it is a metric for your health.

Moreover, as a woman, you must also remember that there are specific ways to approach the challenge of reducing your BMI. If you want to see significant results in 14 days, then be sure to remember everything we’ve covered here.


Creatine for Women: Why Women Need It and Questions Answered

creatine for women

There is no shortage of questions and misconceptions when it comes to creatine for women. For the most part, people are simply unaware of creatine female hormones. They fail to realize the vast potential of creatine supplementation in women and the implications of creatine for women’s fertility. Moreover, there is a well-known myth that creatine for women over 50 will lead to weight gain. Needless to say, this is a situation that needs to be remedied.

So, be sure to keep reading as we delve into creatine for women side effects. We’ll be looking at some of the major questions that need answers. This includes how creatine for women works and how it can help with your fitness goals. We’ll also touch on how you can use creatine for menopause.

What is Creatine Monohydrate?

Before we delve into the effects of creatine for women, we must first look at what creatine is and how it became the top supplement for optimizing results in the gym. It is worth mentioning that several medical studies have shown the effectiveness of creatine in terms of increasing muscle mass, enhancing strength, and improving performance.

Put simply, creatine helps your muscles work harder and longer. Its primary role is to help your muscles produce a high-energy molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that acts as the fuel your muscles need. By helping replenish the fuel supply, in the form of ATP, creatine allows your muscles to sustain energy as you push through with your intense exercise regimen.

Now, it may come as a surprise, but creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in your muscle cells. This is affected by several factors such as your exercise routine, meat intake, muscle mass, and hormone levels. That said, you may be wondering, if it’s a naturally occurring substance, then why the need for supplements? The answer to this is simple: your body can only produce so much creatine at a given time.

This is why creatine supplements are popular among athletes and bodybuilders. By making use of creatine supplements, they can safely increase their creatine levels which, in turn, helps enhance their cell’s ability to create ATP.

What are the benefits of Creatine for women?

Now that you have a better idea of what creatine does, we can delve into the question of what creatine supplementation in women looks like. You are probably wondering what to expect when it comes to using creatine for women. After all, there are subtle differences between male and female physiology and body chemistry that need to be taken into account.

  • Building Lean Muscle – If you are already living an active lifestyle, then the use of creatine should be a no-brainer at this point. It can help you build lean muscle as you engage in high-intensity training regimens.
  • Improved Cognitive Skills – An unexpected creatine for women side effects is improved mental clarity and enhanced ability to focus. Remember, aside from your muscles, creatine is stored mainly in the brain. So, by enhancing your creatine levels, you also give your brain a huge boost.
  • Alleviates the Effects of Aging – This is a crucial benefit of creatine for women over 50. Creatine for women does more than boosting your body’s ability to produce ATP. It also helps address some of the most common problems women have to deal with as they age. Specifically, it promotes healthy bones, improves your skeletal muscle mass, and prevents bone loss due to aging.
  • Alleviates Menopausal Symptoms – There have been studies that show the benefits of creatine for menopause. With regular exercise and the right amount of creatine, you can address the loss of muscle mass that is associated with aging and menopause.

Will creatine make a woman gain weight?

Creatine for women often gets a bad rap. This is because of the widely circulated myth that creatine is primarily a bulking supplement — due in no small part to its overwhelming popularity in the bodybuilding community. To be clear: creatine will not make you gain weight (at least not in the way you probably imagine).

Put simply, creatine use will not increase your fat levels. It is completely free of any calories. However, there is the issue of water weight that you need to be aware of. Specifically, as creatine helps your cells produce more energy through ATP, it can also cause your muscles to start storing more water – causing what could easily be mistaken as weight gain.

However, water weight is all but insignificant and completely temporary in the grand scheme of your fitness goals. As you know, your muscles need to rebuild and strengthen themselves after engaging in high-intensity workouts. One of the creatine side effects (which is POSTIVE) is the increased water retention in the muscles. More water in the muscle is a good thing!!

This is not like the water weight women pick up during their cycle or the water weight that makes you feel bloated. More water in your muscles makes you look more toned and muscular. You won’t look like she-hulk, but you will be stronger and have more water in your muscles. There is no magic pill to make you turn into wonder woman, but creatine is a great legal, well researched supplement to help you reach your fitness goals.

When put in the right context, water weight can be seen as a good sign as you inch closer to your fitness goals.  As stated earlier, one of the main benefits of creatine for women is that it aids in building lean muscles. This means that there is no bulking effect to speak of. Instead, you get to trim off that unwanted excess weight while building a stronger and leaner physique.

How Does Creatine Affect Women?

As stated above, you won’t have to worry about excessive weight gain or muscle gain (bulking) when using creatine. This is primarily due to the differences in body chemistry between men and women. Specifically, our hormones.

Basic biology dictates that women have significantly lower testosterone. Keep in mind that creatine female hormones play a major role in how you build muscle mass. With lower testosterone levels, it is much harder for women using creatine supplements to start bulking up compared to women. Needless to say, the ability to build a lean muscle mass is one of the most important creatine for women side effects that you need to maximize. 

It is also worth mentioning here that while there is no definitive study on the effects of creatine for women’s fertility, several clinical tests have shown that you can use creatine for menopause and aging. Specifically, creatine for women over 50 is crucial if they want to prevent osteoporosis or the loss of bone mass – a common problem among postmenopausal women.

Does Creatine for Women Make You Gain Belly Fat?

Most women point to their bellies as one of their most problematic areas. Most of us want to have the perfect set of abs and a strong core to go along with it. So, it only comes naturally that women would be concerned whether or not creatine for women can cause an increase in belly fat.

This concern is understandable. After all, having too much belly fat is a serious health concern. Aside from being unsightly, it can also increase your risk for developing chronic diseases later in life. This can include everything from Type 2 diabetes to heart disease. Too much belly fat even increases your chances of having a stroke.

That said, as stated earlier, the primary purpose of creatine is to help you build muscle. It also helps improve your metabolism and increases your ability to burn fat as fuel. So, to answer the question: creatine for women does not make you gain belly fat. On the contrary, it helps you get rid of it faster.

creatine female hormones
Creatine does not cause a fat belly.

How Much Creatine Should Women Take?

Now that we have covered what creatine is and what it can do, it is time that we talk about dosage. After all, like with any other supplements, there is a science behind creatine for women that you shouldn’t ignore. However, there are different approaches that you need to be aware of.

For instance, according to medical studies, you can take 3 grams of creatine taken daily for 28 days to ensure that your muscles are well-saturated. Once you successfully saturate your muscles with creatine, you can start lowering your dose and still maintain high levels of creatine in your system.

Another common method of taking creatine supplements is called creatine loading. To do this, you will need to follow a week-long loading phase wherein you would consume 20 grams of creatine daily. After the loading phase, you can switch to lower doses yet still be able to enjoy high levels of creatine safely.

While it is still an expedient and safe method to follow, creatine loading may not be necessary for women, at the end of the day. This is because maintaining a daily 3-gram dose of creatine will also do the job effectively and efficiently.

Types of Creatine

You should note that creatine comes in several different forms. Listed below are some of the most popular types that you need to know:

  • Creatine Monohydrate – This is the most commonly used form of creatine around. It is also the most-researched. This means that most of what we understand about creatine for women stems from this particular form of creatine. Needless to say, its safety and effectiveness are indisputable.
  • Creatine Ethyl Ester – The information and medical literature surrounding creatine ethyl ester are conflicting, to say the least. Some claim its superiority over other forms of the supplement. However, some studies show that it does a worse job at increasing creatine levels and ATP production in muscles.
  • Creatine Hydrochloride – This is another type of creatine that has generated significant hype and excitement among manufacturers and fitness buffs. Creatine hydrochloride, also known as HCl, is known for its supposed superior solubility in water. This means that you can use a lower dose and expect the same results. Sadly, all of this remains speculative as there are still no published studies on the effects of HCl in humans.
  • Buffered Creatine – This particular type of creatine is an attempt to stabilize the chemical by mixing it with an alkaline. In theory, this would make the creatine more potent. However, the data remains inconclusive in this regard.
creatine for women best creatine for women

What is the Best Creatine for Women?

The list above is by no means an exhaustive one. However, you should also know that not all forms of creatine are made equal. If we were to recommend a specific type of creatine for women, then it simply has to be creatine monohydrate.

While the newer forms of creatine seem promising, creatine monohydrate remains the most-researched and the most well-understood of the bunch. The overwhelming scientific data and evidence show its effectiveness and efficiency. There is no doubt that it can help to increase your creatine levels and improving your overall performance.

While creatine is well researched, I have found that buffered creatine works well for me. It is what was referred to above as buffered creatine. Give it a try and send me an email at and let me know what you think. I absolutely love it! Click on the link to grab some now.

There you have it. Everything you need to know about creatine for women. Be sure to remember all the things we’ve covered here so that you can start on you maximize this supplement on your fitness journey.

If you are interested in other supplements for weight loss and muscle building, check out this article.

Till next time ladies!!!


Macros Calculator

macros calculator low carb

Using this Macros Calculator

Use the macros calculator below to calculate the best macros for your weight loss goals. With this calculator you can calculate the macros for a variety of diets. Use this calculator as a baseline and fine tune macros to fit your own personal body composition and goals.

Step 1: Calculate Your TDEE (daily calories required)

Macro Calculator

The macro calculator is first flexible dieting tool of its kind. We developed it to be the most comprehensive and easy to use fitness calculator for people following the diet. The macro calculator takes the guess work out of dieting. All you have to do is enter your details, select your goals and retrieve your macros. We have added a few options in step 3 for those of you that like to manipulate your protein and fats. Scroll down to get started with the Macro Calculator now!
Age is required!
Choose your gender
ft in
Height and weight are required!

Current Body Fat %:
How would you describe your normal daily activities?
How many week days per week do you exercise?
How many minutes per day do you exercise (cardio & weight lifting combined)?
How intense is your excercise?
Your BMR is: 1655 Calories/Day
Your TDEE is: 2246 Calories/Day
Step 2: Choose Your Goals (and pick your intensity)
Fat loss
Suggested 15%
Aggressive 20%
Reckless 25%
Same as TDEE
Cautious 5%
Text Book 10%
Aggressive 15%
Enter Your Own
Step 3: Select Your Nutrition Plan (we suggest Balanced)
Choose Plans
1.00 grams per lb. of body weight
1.15 grams per lb. of body weight
1.25 grams per lb. of body weight
Custom grams per lb. of body weight
.35 grams per lb. of body weight
.40 grams per lb. of body weight
.45 grams per lb. of body weight
Custom grams per lb. of body weight
Carbohydrates are calculated based on the calories you have remaining after calories from protein and fat have been subtracted from your TDEE.
Step 4: Your Results
GRAMS per day 280.3 0 0 0 - 0 1121
GRAMS per meal 93.4 0 0 0 - 0 374


Macros Diet for Beginners: Lose Weight and Build Lean Muscle

macros diet for beginners

Flexible dieting or macros dieting is a great way to shed those stubborn pounds. Following a macros diet for beginners can be a bit tricky.  If you count macros and follow your macronutrient ratio correctly, you should be able to achieve your fitness goals. This is true whether you are looking to lose weight or achieve a lean mass.

Luckily, there is a macros diet for beginners that you can try. By following these tips, you should be able to hit your ideal body weight with relative ease. This article will dive into how you can use macros to lose weight and build muscle.

What are Macros?

Before anything else, you must keep a close eye on your macronutrients: carbohydrates protein and fat. Aside from watching your calorie intake, you must keep track of your macros to lose weight. This is because your macronutrient consumption plays a role in your weight gain, weight loss, and muscle mass. This is the fundamental principle behind the macros diet for beginners.

Macronutrients Explained: Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates serve as a major source of energy for your body. That said, you can have too much of a good thing. If you eat too many carbs, they can turn into sugar and lead to unwanted weight gain.

This is precisely why you need to count macros. Keep close track of your macros to lose weight. Cutting carbs out of your diet completely should not be done. They are necessary to fuel your body. Just remember to consume them in moderation.

Best Carbohydrate Sources for Macros Diet for Beginners

By now, we have established that carbs an important aspect of your diet. However, you should also know that not all carbs are made the same. Surprisingly, there are good carbs and bad carbs. Knowing the difference between the two will come in handy. It can help in terms of preventing heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

Good carbs are characterized as low glycemic foods – meaning they have minimal effects on your sugar and insulin levels. The opposite is true with the bad carbs. Eating them will surely result in a drastic spike in your insulin and blood sugar levels.

Listed below are some of the good carbs you can try:

  • Whole Wheat Pasta
  • Sourdough Bread
  • Multi-grain Bread
  • Whole-grain Bread
  • Bulgur
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Lentils
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Oats
  • Brown rice
  • Bran Flakes
  • Quinoa
  • Apple
macros for low carb diet

Macronutrients Explained: Protein

Finally, there is protein. Like with the other macronutrients, you need to monitor your protein intake. Remember, you need to have the right amount of protein in your diet. It is crucial to helping you build muscle mass.

That said, you can also play around with your macros to gain muscle. If you are trying to get toned, then you might want to look for lean sources of protein.

Keto carb cycling macros

Best Protein Sources for Macros Diet for Beginners

As stated earlier, you need protein to build muscles. However, if you are looking to lose weight, then we recommend sticking to lean proteins. Listed below are some of the proteins you can introduce to your diet.

  • Lean Ground Beef
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Fat-free cottage cheese
  • Egg whites
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Tilapia
  • Skinless Chicken Breast
  • Skinless Turkey Breasts
  • Lean Ground turkey
  • Bison meat
  • Top Round Steak
  • Buffalo meat
  • Beef Flank

Macronutrients Explained: Fat

For the longest time, fat was virtually labeled as an absolute evil among fitness enthusiasts. To promote weight loss, it even reached a point when dieticians and nutritionists would completely remove it from people’s diets.

However, the body needs fat. This is because consuming fats helps boost your metabolism and the rate at which you burn calories. Moreover, there are also certain kinds of fats and oils that the body needs, but can’t produce.

Best Fat Sources for Macros Diet for Beginners

When it comes to fat intake, women should also know that there are good and bad fats. Needless to say, you want to ensure that you stay away from the bad fats. Bad fats contain trans fats as it drastically increases your risk for developing heart disease later in life.

Instead, you should stick to consuming good fats regularly. These fats promote a healthy heart as they contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Knowing the difference between the two is indispensable. Listed below are some of the good sources of fat that you should try:

  • Avocado
  • Peanut Butter
  • Almond Butter
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Pecans
  • Olive oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Canola Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Corn Oil
  • Peanut Oil
  • Soy-based Oil
  • Salmon
Keto Over 50 macros

What is the Macros Diet (IIFYM)?

Now that we have gone over the different macronutrients and the role they play in your diet, it is time that we delve into the macros diet for beginners. Commonly known as If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM), this macros diet is a flexible dieting option that lets you count macros to lose weight.

It is considered as the macros diet for beginners because it gives you a significant level of freedom in your dietary choices. This is welcome news for most women as most of them are probably sick and tired of all those fad diets and overly restrictive regimens that require you to starve yourself.  

Surprisingly, IIFYM is incredibly simple. All you need to do is to count macros. To be more specific, you will need to take note of the number of grams per macronutrient that you consume per meal. So, at the end of the day, you will have a specific figure of how much protein, fat, and carbohydrates are in your diet.

Then, once you have everything written down, you will need to compare it with the suggested macro intake levels and ensure that they match. Needless to say, this is macros diet for beginners is a simple way towards fat loss.

Benefits of a Macros Diet

Now, you may be wondering why you should bother with macros for weight loss. After all, crash dieting, juicing, or even going on a no-carb diet is known to create faster results, right? Well, the answer to that is simple: the macros diet for beginners is a safer and more sustainable way of reaching your fitness goals.

Listed below are some of the benefits of optimizing macros to lose weight:

  1. Precise – Counting macros lets you keep track of the amount of food you are eating
  2. Versatile – It may come as a surprise to some, but counting macros can be used in conjunction with other diets and exercise routines. You can also make adjustments based on your specific fitness goals.
  3. Balanced – By following the macros diet for beginners, you get to do lose weight without compromising your nutrition. After all, using macros to lose weight enables you to enjoy a healthy and well-balanced diet. Again, we must reiterate that every one of the macronutrients is essential to your diet as it ensures your body’s optimal performance. Each of the macronutrients has a role to play in your bodily functions. So, cutting any of them out of your diet is ill-advised.
  4. Indulgent – Compared to other diets, counting macros doesn’t deprive you of certain foods. Using macros to lose weight means no longer having to endure self-imposed starvation nor making do with bland and tasteless food.
  5. Simple – Simplicity is key to success. Using macros to lose weight can be done with relative ease since all you need to do is count macros and start making the necessary adjustments.

How to Calculate Macros

We have already covered IIFYM and the benefits of counting macros. One of the most impressive benefits of the macros diet is its sheer versatility. For instance, if you are underweight, then you can adjust macro ratios and increase your carb intake to help you put on a few pounds.

On the other hand, if you are trying to put on shape up, then you can also do just that by making the necessary adjustments to your macro levels. To give you a better idea of how this can be done, we have listed down the suggested macros for beginners:

  • 40% protein
  • 35% carbohydrates
  • 25% fat 
macros diet for beginners
macros diet for fat loss for women

To help you on your way, use macros calculator below. Be sure to make the most of it and come up with your sustainable fitness plan.

Click here to access our Macros Calculator.

Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Counting Macros to Lose Weight

  1. Not preparing your own food – The secret to success is preparation. By not preparing your food and choosing to eat out, you are leaving things to chance. Remember, you need absolute control over your portions and ratios. You can’t count macros effectively if you didn’t oversee the preparation.
  2. Inadequate water intake – Drinking water is essential – even more so while eating increased amounts of protein. Remember, you need adequate amounts of water to help you process this adjustment to your diet. Failure to do so will inevitably leave you constipated.
  3. Not Tracking Your Daily Intake – This is the cardinal mistake that you should avoid. To successfully count macros, you need constant monitoring of your daily intake. Otherwise, you risk losing track of your progress.
  4. Thinking all Calories are Created Equal – Again, you must count macros. While your caloric intake is important, planning and monitoring the kind of food you consume is also important. Remember the difference between good carbs and bad carbs.
  5. Weighing and Measuring Liquids and Solids with Inappropriate Tools – You need to be precise to effectively count macros. Get exact measurements, weigh your food. Use the correct tools for measuring liquids and the correct tools for measuring solids.
macros diet for beginners


Crafting a plan for macros diet for beginners can be challenging but is certainly worth it. If you would like to get started with a macros diet, creating and obtaining nutrients from a combination of foods guaranteed to lead to major weight loss, fill out the form below and we will shoot one right over to you. As always, there’s no time like the present. Get started creating a healthier you today!


How to Lose 50 Pounds in 3 Months: 23 Simple Ways to Get Started

lose 50 pounds in 3 months

Do you want to lose 50 pounds in 3 months? This may seem like a lofty goal, but with the right plan, you can lose 50 pounds fast! Believe in achieving the best possible version of yourself and get on it! This guide will help you lose 50 pounds quickly and safely with the right kind combination of diet, exercise, and the right mindset. So keep reading!

Dieting Tips to Help You Lose 50 Pounds

You are what you eat. Here are some tips to help you shed those pounds, sister!

1. Drink Your Water!

Ladies, take note, drinking water is extremely beneficial for your weight loss goal. It is a well-established fact that staying hydrated has several health benefits. This is because it plays several crucial roles in your body’s digestion and muscle functions – even helping you burn calories faster.

In addition to this, water intake also acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking water lets the stomach send signals to the brain indicating that it is full. Give this a try if you ever find yourself craving a midnight snack: drink a cold glass of water instead.  

So, drink up if you want to lose 50 pounds in 3 months.

Drink Water to lose 50 pounds in 3 months.

2. Eat Breakfast

You’ve probably heard the adage: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A nice breakfast helps give you a great energy boost to start your day. At the same time, it prevents you from relentlessly snacking before lunchtime. 

Of course, what you eat for breakfast is another important matter that you shouldn’t ignore. After all, eating a bowl full of sugary cereal won’t be doing you any favors. So, a healthy breakfast is just as important.

3. Drink Coffee

Caffeine is a girl’s best friend – especially if you are trying to lose 50 pounds. Needless to say, you’ll need all the help you can get to achieve this weight loss goal. This is where coffee comes in. Coffee boosts your metabolism.

This means that aside from that you’ll be getting a lot more than a jolt of energy from your morning cup. Specifically, you’ll also get to enjoy an increased capacity to burn those pesky calories at a much faster rate.

4. Drink Green Tea

Now, we understand that coffee isn’t for everyone. After all, some women like to follow a more laid back and relaxed pace to their morning routines. Luckily, there is an alternative source for that metabolism-boosting compound known as caffeine – green tea.

Similar to coffee, we highly recommend that you can drink this first thing in the morning to help jumpstart your body’s metabolism.

5. Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is another method that you can try to help you lose 50 pounds in 3 months. However, bear in mind that you will need to have considerable self-discipline to see this through. Yet, as anyone who has tried this diet will tell you, the results speak for themselves.

Just remember that there are different ways to approach intermittent fasting. The simplest and most viable route is following the 16-8 rule. This is a fairly straightforward approach: you fast for 16 hours. Then, you’ll fit your meals in the remaining 8-hour window.

6. Use Sugar Substitutes

As you probably already know, too much sugar isn’t good for you as it can lead to diabetes. Moreover, it is the leading cause of obesity among men and women alike. So, you should do your best to stay away from sugary products whenever you can.

Of course, this is easier said than done. That is why we highly recommend that you switch to healthier sugar substitutes. You are doubtless familiar with the big brands like Stevia, but you are free to use whichever sugar substitute fits your tastes best. Remember, small changes like these can go a long way if you want to lose 50 pounds.

7. Eliminate Sodas and Juices (Diet Sodas are Okay)

While we are on the subject of eliminating sugar from your diet, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention one of the biggest culprits: sodas and juices. It would surprise you how much sugar is in a can of soda. Even those so-called healthy drinks masquerading as juices serve ridiculous sugar levels.

That said like with everything else in your diet, you should explore healthier alternatives when it comes to your choice of beverage. Take note that you can still drink diet sodas because they contain sugar substitutes. Better yet, try sticking to water as it contains zero sugar and zero calories.  

8. Use Smaller Plates

Now, this may seem like a strange tip but bear with us. Using smaller plates for your meals has a practical benefit as well as a psychological one. Specifically, a smaller plate prevents you from overindulging.

This is because you get to keep your portion sizes in check. This is especially handy if you are practicing intermittent fasting as it can be quite tempting to dump as much food on your plate as possible. Needless to say, with a smaller serving size, your plan to lose 50 pounds in 3 months becomes so much easier.

9. Keep Healthy Snacks Handy

It should be made clear that you don’t need to starve yourself to lose 50 pounds. However, you need to be smart about your eating habits. As much as we’d hate to admit it, we love snacking. Chances are, you probably share the same sentiment.

While eliminating snacks can be done, it can be extremely challenging and frustrating to do so. However, we do not recommend going down this path as the plan to lose 50 pounds in 3 months is hard enough as it is. Instead, we recommend preparing healthier snack alternatives like fruit to satisfy those midday cravings.

10. Reduce Carb Consumption

Carbohydrates are a major component of your diet. They provide you with energy to help you get through the day. However, too much of a good thing can be bad for you as excess carbs turn into unwanted weight gain.

While we don’t recommend cutting it out entirely, we suggest you cut back on your carbs. This can be as simple as cutting back on bread. When you go to a restaurant, stay away from the mashed potatoes and order a salad instead. These small changes can go a long way in helping you lose 50 pounds.

lose 50 pounds in 3 months
Tips to Lose 50 pounds in 3 months

11. Increase Lean Protein Intake

Try to stay away from fatty cuts of meat if you are looking to lose 50 pounds in 3 months. This means no bacon or fatty hamburgers. Instead, stick to lean white meats like chicken and turkey for your protein intake. Alternatively, you can also eat fish rich in healthy fats like tuna and salmon.

Remember, just because you are trying to eat healthier doesn’t mean that your diet needs to be bland. There are plenty of ways to prepare a delicious and nutritious meal using lean proteins. So be sure to give it a try.

12. Consume Large Amounts of Green Veggies

If you have kids of your own, then this piece of advice will certainly seem familiar. Eating lots of green and leafy veggies is an indispensable component of any realistic dietary plan. If you are serious about your mission to lose 50 pounds, then you should take this advice to heart.

To start, you should ensure that vegetables comprise at least a third of your plate. This is a basic rule of nutrition that you shouldn’t ignore. Then, if you start to feel the cravings creeping up on you, you better have some vegetable-based snacks ready just in case – carrot sticks and zucchini sticks are a great place to start.  

Lose 50 Pounds in 3 Months with these Mindset Tips

You are a warrior woman! You can do anything if you set your mind to it. So, be sure to follow these tips.

13. Set Small Goals

As you have probably figured out, to lose 50 pounds is no laughing matter. However, the last thing you would want is to be overwhelmed by the gravity of your goals. Rather than setting out to lose 50 pounds in 3 months in one go, we highly recommend that you divide it into smaller and more attainable goals.

Alternatively, you can also focus on a set of goals dedicated to helping you establish the right kind of weight-loss habits.

14. Stay Away From the Scale

As you embark on this fitness journey, you will likely be tempted to check the scales daily. However, we highly recommend that you do the opposite and stay away from the scale. Instead, schedule a monthly weighing session to keep track of your progress.

This has a lot to do with the previous tip as it will likely overwhelm you with the immensity of your weight-loss goal. By constantly checking on your progress, you will easily get frustrated as you fixate on the seemingly slow progress of your journey.

15. Find An Accountability Partner

Increase your chances of success by finding an accountability partner in your weight-loss journey. After all, the last thing you want is to go on this journey alone. Your accountability partner should be someone you trust and is willing to push you towards your goal.

Your accountability partner can be your best friend, husband, one of your girlfriends, even your kids if they are feeling up to the task. The most important thing is that they are able to push you to do your best. Your success is their success.

16. Keep A Food Diary

Keeping a food diary is an effective means of keeping your eye on the ball. As its name suggests, a food diary is a list of all the things you eat in a day. You should also indicate your mealtimes. Needless to say, this will give you a lot of perspective concerning your eating habits and which aspects you need to improve upon.

Additionally, you can also use the information in your food diary to start counting calories.

17. Plan Your Meals

While improvisation is a highly important life skill, it isn’t something you should rely on in your three-month weight loss journey. Instead, you should be organized in your approach to losing weight. This means establishing the right kind of eating habits and having a working meal plan to see it through.

When making your meal plan, make sure to keep it interesting. Mix it up and play around with the menu. A quick online search will yield an endless list of healthy recipes that you can try at home.

18. Recite Mantras

The power of repetition is a wonderful thing. Get in the right headspace for weight loss by repeating a powerful motivational mantra. This will strengthen your resolve and keep you focused as you work to shed those pounds.

Want more weight mindset tips? Click on the link below to read more details mindset tips.

Exercise Tips to Lose 50 Pounds

Shed those pounds with these easy workout tips!

19. Invest in Cardio (Walking is Great)

One of the best ways to shed those pounds quickly is by investing in a solid workout routine that incorporates a lot of cardio. This is because cardio helps shed those pounds quickly as you burn off the fat in your system.

Jogging is perhaps the most ideal place to start. However, that can be pretty intense for some. We also recommend that you give long-distance walking a try if it is more your speed.

20. Build Your Strength

Enhancing your endurance levels through cardio isn’t enough. You should also focus on your strength and conditioning. Needless to say, this is another aspect of your workout plan that you need to focus on. This way, you get to build muscle as you shed the fat.

There are different approaches available to you. The most sustainable of which is the use of body-weight exercises.

21. Pace Yourself

Similar to setting smaller and more realistic goals, you will need to pace yourself when it comes to exercise. This is especially true if you are trying to shed some of the baby weight that you’ve put on recently.

Remember that this is not a race. You want to reach your goal in the safest way possible.

22. Don’t Overdo It

When you are just starting out, it can be awfully tempting to start exercising on a daily basis. As commendable as the sentiment may be, you should be careful not to overdo it as it can easily lead to undue strain and stress on your body.

23. Establish A Routine

Similar to making a meal plan, you should also develop an approach to your exercises. This is crucial if you are looking to establish a working routine for your workouts. It can be as simple as making a weekly schedule. You can also assign days dedicated to specific types of workouts like cardio or weight training.

By doing this, working out should become second nature to you.

Ladies, losing weight is no easy feat. It requires dedication and a lot of hard work. Moreover, you have to be smart about it. More than shedding pounds, your weight loss journey entails a lifestyle change. This change reflects in the way you eat, exercise, and think. Hopefully, these changes make you a more fulfilled and more complete woman.


Weight Loss Mindset: 7 Tips to Keep Weight Off Forever

mindset for weight loss
7 Tips for Weight Loss Mindset

The right weight loss mindset is a problem we all struggle with. However, if you are truly serious about keeping the pounds off, then you must also grasp the importance of having the right weight loss mindset. Most people seem to think that losing weight is all about eating healthy food, proper hydration, and regular exercise. While they aren’t wrong, it also glosses over the role of one’s mindset for weight loss.

This is because your weight loss journey is as much a mental task as well as a physical one. As anyone who has tried to lose weight will tell you: the greater challenge is how to keep it going after the initial stages, especially as your motivation starts to wear down.

Of course, like with everything else, establishing the proper mindset for weight loss is easier said than done. Luckily, we are here to lend a hand. Be sure to keep reading as we break down our 7 Tips to help you create a weight loss mindset.

Weight Loss Mindset Tip 1: Brace Yourself

If you want to lose weight, then you have to come to terms with the fact that you will have to make some changes to your lifestyle. This means keeping a closer eye on your daily food intake, keeping track of your nutrition, and control your portion sizes. At the same time, you will also need to start establishing an exercise routine that fits your fitness goals.

To succeed in your goal, you need to come to terms with the fact that you have to make a change. So, before anything else, you will need to steel yourself and recognize that the road ahead probably won’t be as easygoing as you imagine.

Weight Loss Mindset Tip 2: Take Responsibility

Remember that, ultimately, your weight loss journey is a path that you need to take alone. Every woman is ultimately the master of her fate. If you want to shed those pounds, then do it knowing that you are an empowered woman who can do whatever she puts her mind to.

Most people are either unsatisfied or thoroughly unhappy with their weight. They are completely aware of the problem. Yet, they can’t even summon the will and motivation to do something about their problem. Worse, some people have even resorted to pretending that there is nothing wrong. Needless to say, this is the exact opposite mindset for weight loss.

Always remember that you have the power to positive changes in your life – no one else can do it for you. Know that every day, you will need to actively choose self-care. In this case, self-care will come in the form of regular exercise and a balanced diet. By making this conscious choice, day in and day out, you are ultimately empowering yourself.

Weight Loss Mindset Tip 2: Set Your Goals and Visualize

The most effective way to get results is to have concrete goals. This can come in several forms. For instance, perhaps the most obvious and common goal is to hit your ideal weight. However, this isn’t the only way you can approach it. For instance, you may also start working towards a particular dress size.

Whatever goal you set, you must keep a mental picture of that goal. Visualizing helps keep you motivated and pushes you onwards.

Here is a great article on the process of goal setting.

Weight Loss Mindset Tip 3: Stay Positive

It is only natural for people to start seeing the things they can’t do, the things they can’t eat, and the work they need to put in. Needless to say, such a negative outlook on weight loss isn’t doing you any favors. It also sets you up for failure as it provides you with a convenient list of things you don’t want to do.

Instead, we recommend that you shift your focus on the things you stand to gain: improved confidence, better health, and a better body.

weight loss mindset
7 Tips for Weight Loss Mindset

Weight Loss Mindset Tip 4: Be Patient, Recognize Progress

As the adage goes: patience is a virtue. This is made especially true as people try to lose weight. If there is one major criticism that can be made with our culture today, it is that we have established a fixation on instant-gratification and instant results which has led to unrealistic expectations when it comes to weight loss.

Sadly, most people simply want too much, too fast. If you have this kind of mindset for weight loss going in, then you are effectively setting yourself up for failure and utter disappointment. Instead, you need to take things in stride while putting in the right level of effort to guarantee results.

Weight Loss Mindset Tip 5: Stick to Your Guns

Another important tip that you need to remember is that motivation is hard to sustain. This is probably one of the greatest challenges that you will have to face during your weight loss journey. So, what do I do as my motivation starts to wane?

There is no other way around it. You need to stick to your guns and stay disciplined. To do this, you will also need to reaffirm the choices you made to get to this point and remember why you embarked on this fitness journey in the first place. Recognize the progress you have made and enumerate all that you stand to lose.

Weight Loss Mindset Tip 6: If You Fall, Pick Yourself Up

If you are not disciplined enough, you will likely start losing interest or motivation after a couple of days, or weeks, at most. So, you may end up lagging or breaking a couple of rules. This is often the case when people start becoming frustrated by the pace of their progress. Needless to say, this will lead you back to square one – overweight and unhappy.

Now, the next question is: will you quit? Remember, dealing with failure is an important aspect of success. If you find yourself at a loss, dare to start again.

Weight Loss Mindset Tip 7: Memorize a Mantra

Never underestimate the power of repetition. A motivational mantra never fails to establish a mindset for weight loss. Repeating it over and over again will surely help strengthen your resolve and keep you centered as you work towards your short-term and long-term fitness goals.

If you are struggling with weight loss mindset and need a simple less aggressive diet to start your weight loss journey or get back on track, checkout this article on the Mediterranean diet. It is one of the easiest and most effective diets for weight loss.

Losing weight is often an uphill battle. That is why you have to be in the right mindset for weight loss if you want to keep those pounds off forever. By following these time-tested tips, you should be able to do just that.


13 Amazing Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

benefits of a Mediterranean diet

Are you are looking for a diet plan that benefits your heart, brain, and overall health? If you are, the Mediterranean diet can be the perfect fit for you. There are so many amazing benefits of the Mediterranean diet.  This popular diet plan blends all ancient cooking methods and traditional flavors with the very basics of healthy eating.

People living along the bank of the Mediterranean Sea are famous for their longer life spans. The not-so-surprising secret behind their impressive health status and longevity is undoubtedly an active lifestyle and better weight management. The most important of all is a diet rich in nuts and produce and low in sugar, red meat, and saturated fats. This dietary lifestyle, famously attributed to the Mediterranean diet offers a lot of health benefits. They include weight loss, better brain health, and improved heart health. The Mediterranean diet is highly recommended to be followed by many health experts around the world.

This article will discuss the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and why you should incorporate it into your daily diet.

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

When you think about the Mediterranean food, your mind probably jumps to pizza, pasta, or baklava.  Maybe even delicious lamb chops from Greece. However, you may be surprised to know that these dishes do not exactly fit the definition of a Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating that involves the use of traditional cuisines of all the countries located along the border of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a little difficult to define this diet. It is typically high in fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, and olive oil.

The main components of this diet which are behind the Mediterranean diet benefits include:

  • Eating more fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and whole grains
  • Moderate consumption of dairy products
  • Consumption of fish, eggs, beans, poultry, and fish on a weekly basis
  • Limited intake of red meat

Other aspects of the Mediterranean diet include enjoying a glass of red wine occasionally.  Being physically active, and of course, sharing meals with other members of the family are traditional for this area of the world too.

Now that you understand the concepts of this diet, let’s move on to discuss the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #1:  Weight Loss

Of course, this is the one we love the most. The most awesome benefit of the Mediterranean diet is WEIGHT LOSS. For people fighting chronic obesity for a long time, weight loss is among the most important Mediterranean diet benefits. Research has suggested that following this diet plan can not only help people lose weight but also maintain this healthy weight for a long time. In fact, if followed correctly, this diet plan alone can help you lose as much weight as you can on a low-carb diet. Studies have also found that the Mediterranean lifestyle can also reduce the risk of abdominal obesity in people. [8]

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #2: Stroke Prevention

The most convincing evidence that connects the Mediterranean diet with a reduced risk of stroke is the 2013 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. This study found that adhering to the dietary protocols of this diet can reduce the incidence and mortalities related to stroke by 30 percent. [2] This is primarily because the Mediterranean diet focuses on natural fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that reduce the risk of hypertension, which is the number one risk factor for stroke.

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #3 Relief from Depression and Anxiety

Did you know that psychiatrist recommend a diet rich in vegetables and healthy fats?  This is because this type of diet aids in treating anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. These foods, especially eggs, spinach, and kale, are particularly rich in carotenoids that balance the good bacteria in your gut.  Balancing this good bacteria helps improve your mood, all thanks to the gut-brain connection. Because all these foods make up a major part of the Mediterranean diet, you can expect to experience an improvement in your mental health and energy by simply eating them. [3]

Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #4: Blood Sugar Stabilization

Blood sugar stabilization is one of the most useful benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

Unlike other diet plans, the Mediterranean diet is mainly based on healthy carbs such as whole grains.  These types of carbs usually bring along with them a lot of benefits. Consuming complex whole-grain carbs, such as quinoa and buckwheat as opposed to refined ones can keep your blood sugar levels within a healthy range.  In addition to keeping blood sugar levels low, complex carbs provide you with high levels of energy.

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #5: Postmenopausal Benefits

This is one of the lesser-known Mediterranean diet benefits that not many people are aware of. Following this diet plan can improve bone mass and enhance muscle mass, particularly in postmenopausal women. Considering how menopause can affect them both negatively, adopting on this diet seems like a good idea. [4]

benefits of Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #6:  Better Gut Health

Gut health is closely determined by the balance between the good and bad bacteria inside the body. This bacterial collection, collectively known as the gut microbiome, has been found to improve in people following the Mediterranean diet.  This is due to its high fruit and vegetable content.

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #7: Cancer Risk Reduction

Cancer reduction is also a hidden benefit of the Mediterranean diet.This antioxidant and anti-inflammatory-rich diet can particularly protect against cancers of the stomach, breasts, prostate, and head and neck. According to experts, these protective properties can be mainly attributed to the higher consumption of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. [5]

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #8:  Longevity

The Mediterranean diet is a nutrient-rich dietary lifestyle that improves general health. As health is improved, you reduce the risk of several, potentially-fatal diseases like stroke and heart disease.  You can expect to enjoy a longer, healthier life as a part of the most important benefits of a Mediterranean diet.[6]

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #9: Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes

While many people may find it counterintuitive that a diet plan with so many carbohydrates and ancient grains can help prevent diabetes, certain factors make it easier to comprehend. For example:

  • The Mediterranean diet includes whole grains and good carbohydrates coming from vegetables only, both of which do not affect your blood glucose as much as refined carbs do.
  • This diet does not encourage eating too many desserts and sweets
  • It includes lots of protein and healthy fats.
  • It encourages daily exercise which helps in the management of diabetes.

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #10:  Better Cognition

Better cognition one of the most popular benefits of a Mediterranean diet, especially among aging individuals. Evidence suggests that following this diet plan can reduce cognitive decline while preventing diseases like Alzheimer’s.

A 2016 review published in a journal named Frontiers in Nutrition analyzed the results of 12 independently carried out research studies to conclude that adhering to the Mediterranean diet can boost the health of the brain while reducing cognitive decline and minimizing the risk of encountering any diseases related to memory. [7]

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #11: Arthritis Relief

Limited evidence suggests arthritis improvement as one of the potential benefits of the Mediterranean diet. This is because a lot of foods that are typically included in this diet possess anti-inflammatory properties, such as olive oil, berries, and leafy greens. These foods can reduce the swelling around joints and improve pain management.

The Arthritis Foundation has officially endorsed this particular dietary plan to help manage the symptoms of arthritis in a better way.

Arthritis Foundation logo

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #12: Improved Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

High blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels are two important markers that not only determine your overall health status but also decide the risk of many diseases. If either of these markers is beyond the normal range, it may lead to different health problems that can cut down the lifespan significantly.

Fortunately, there are different ways to manage to lower LDL cholesterol and keep your blood pressure within the normal range. The Mediterranean diet is one of them. Scientists have worked hard to evaluate how these two markers are affected by dietary habits in different individuals. So far, they have concluded that those who adhere to a Mediterranean diet are better able to regulate their cholesterol. [9]

Similarly, following this diet can also help lower blood pressure in all people, irrespective of whether they suffer from hypertension. [10]

Mediterranean Diet Benefit #13:  A Healthy Heart

The earliest study that established a link between the Mediterranean diet and improved heart health dates back to the 1950s. Scientists discovered that people residing in the southern side of Italy had a low risk of heart disease.  They had a much lower risk of encountering heart disease and its related mortality compared to those living in the posh areas of New York. [1]

Since then, sufficient studies have been conducted validating improved heart health as one of the possible benefits of a Mediterranean diet. Following this diet can also help improve the blood cholesterol level which further improves heart health.


For people looking forward to spending a healthier, longer life with high quality, the choice of a diet plan plays an important role. Because of the potential Mediterranean diet benefits mentioned above, it can be considered a viable choice for ultimate health. On the diet you can live a great life with better heart health, improved cognition, healthy body weight, and a lot more health benefits.


Macros for Carb Cycling to Lose Fat Fast

macros for Carb Cycling
Macros for Carb Cycling

Contrary to popular belief, carbs aren’t bad.  You just need to make sure you eating the right carbs in the right amounts.  Understanding macros and more so macros for carb cycling is the key to sustained weight loss.  Timing and limiting carbs to build muscle and loss weight is tricky. One must understand how properly consume carbs to achieve this balance.  Carb cycling and proper macros for carb cycling can lead to the body of your dreams.   

To achieve the best results from carb cycling, you must understand the diet plan. Having a thorough understanding and the science involved in it, and the instructions to follow it in the right way.

This article will help you grasp the basic concept of carb cycling. It will also provide an easy-to-follow schedule of and identify the optimal macros for carb cycling.

What is Carb Cycling?

Carb cycling is a strict diet plan used by individuals who wish to lose weight while improving their muscle mass. It is particularly popular among athletes and bodybuilders. They often aim to store more carbs in their bodies for marathons and long-haul exercises. However, for us ladies, this method has been proven to work as well. This is because most women are carb sensitive. That basically means, carbs makes us blow up!

This dieting approach basically revolves around altering your daily intake of carbs. On a daily basis, you move back and forth between low-carb days and high-carb days. Sometimes, you even have a no-carb day as well where the amount of carbs to consume is minimized to zero.  While those days are not fun (they actually suck), they work wonders for fat loss and keeping your metabolism burning like an engine.

Typically, the high-carb days are timed with the exercise days because this is when your body needs more fuel. On such days, most women should consume around 1 to 1.5 grams of carbs per pound of their body weight. This amount of carbs will fulfill the increased energy requirements. Men should probably consume 2 to 2.5 grams on these days.  Low-carb days include eating less-sugary foods and low-starch vegetables and fruits to bring down the daily carb consumption.

To successfully alter between these days, understanding the proper macros for carb cycling is important. We will discuss this in later sections of this article.

Why Does the Carb Cycling Diet Work (How it Burns Fat)

The science behind carb cycling primarily relies on the benefits that can be achieved via carbohydrate manipulation. The basic goal of this diet approach is to allow the body to utilize fat as fuel instead of carbohydrate (glycogen). Carbs are the primary source of energy under normal circumstances. Timing the right kind of exercise with the right macros for carb cycling can slowly deplete the glycogen storage in the body. This will ultimately force the body to burn fat for fuel.

Including high-carb days in between low-carb days in a strategic manner also helps improve the balance and functions of several appetite-regulating hormones. Mainly ghrelin and leptin. [1] [2] This further supplements the weight loss processes inside the body.

Another mechanism through which carb cycling is thought to induce fat loss is insulin regulation. When you eat foods rich in carbs, your blood sugar levels spike up. This forces your pancreas to release insulin, a hormone that helps transfer blood glucose into the cells. Once inside, these sugar molecules are either broken down to release energy or stored in the form of fat for later use.

When you eat a meal loaded with carbs, the body ends up releasing too much insulin. This quickly acts to reduce the elevated sugar levels by shifting them into the cells. There they are converted into fat and stored as adipose tissue. It is important to control your carb intake.  Carb cycling is a great way to accomplish this is to keep an eye on your carb intake.  Understanding the proper macros for carb cycling can help you perform the diet to lose the most weight. Carb cycling gives the body a chance to burn the incoming sugar molecules instead of storing them as fat.

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients, also known as macros, refer to three key components i.e. proteins, fat, and carbohydrates. They make up the composition of every meal you have and play an important role in energy creation. You will find them listed on the nutrition label of most food items in every grocery store.

Gram for gram, these macronutrients are chiefly responsible for the calorie count in every meal you consume. Let’s look at the three basic macronutrients briefly.


When thinking about macros for carb cycling, carbohydrates are by far the most important. Carbohydrates include different varieties of fiber, starches, and sugars.

Once inside, these carbs break down into glucose or blood sugar molecules that are later used by the body to derive energy. Some of these molecules are converted into glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles for later use.

One gram of carbohydrate roughly provides 4 calories of energy. Is considered to be the most common macronutrient in most food items you consume.

Macronutrients: Carbohydrates


The richest source of energy among all macronutrients are fats.  Fats contain 9 grams of calories per gram. This particular type of macronutrient accounts for 20 to 35 percent of the total calories per meal; however, the exact amount may vary depending on the type of diet being followed.

Fat is required for several critical functions of the body, including nutrient absorption, hormone secretion, and maintenance of body temperature. [4]


Just like carbs, one gram of protein provides 4 calories to the body. This particular macronutrient is vital for immune function, hormone synthesis, and cell signaling among many other functions. Experts recommend deriving 10 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake from high-quality protein sources. [5] However, these recommendations may vary according to individual health, age, goals, and body composition. If you are looking to build muscle, you’ll need a bit more.

Protein is the building block of muscles. One of the beautiful things about protein is that it helps to reduce hunger levels. Studies have shown that proteins is more filling than any of the other macronutrients. Protein not only builds muscles, but it is good for bones. Many of us ladies, as we progress in age, are at risk for osteoporosis. Ensuring we eat enough protein will help decrease the chances of this disease developing. Also, women typically do not have enough protein in their diets. This is why it is important to use protein supplementation. These supplements will help to ensure you are consuming enough protein.

Macros for Carb Cycling

Now that you have learned about macros, let’s discuss macros for carb cycling…mainly carbs. Carbs are the most important macro to monitor when carb cycling. Controlling the number of carbs you eat to reduce body fat requires careful attention.  The main point is just to pay attention and calculate the grams of carbs you consume daily.   You need to also keep track of fat and protein as well.  We will discuss approaches for those macros as well. However, as indicated, carbohydrates are one of the main macros for carb cycling that you need to control.

Below is a sample 7-day schedule indicating the approximate grams of carbs to include in your diet per day. Note that the entire week has been divided into three categories – high, medium, and low. This is based on the grams of carbs consumed that day.

Carb Cycling Schedule and Macros

Focusing on daily carb intake is the main concern. However, the macros for carb cyling diets include perscriptions for protein and fat as well. Generally, here are a couple of rules of thumb:

  • Consume at least 0.8 grams – 1 gram of protein per body weight. Below are a few calculations for protein consumption. See table below. More lean healthy protein is always better. I shoot for 1 gram or more per body weight.
How Much Protein Per Day Woman
  • Keep fats in the range of 30 – 50 grams. More fat is consumed on lower carb days.

Keeping fat consumption low, especially on high carb days is very important. Too much fat consumption along with carbs on high carb days will result in weight gain.

Foods to Eat on a Carb Cycling Diet

To keep a proper track of your macros for carb cycling, it is important to know which foods you can eat and which ones to avoid.

On high-carb days, make sure to consume healthy carbs only. Go for foods like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat bread, and healthy fruits and vegetables. These starches contain complex carbohydrates and are rich in fiber. On low-carb days; however, avoid starchy veggies and fruits and focus more on low-carbohydrate alternatives like eggplant, peppers, avocados, broccoli, and tomatoes.

As far as your protein intake is concerned, consider eating chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, legumes, turkey, soy, or lean beef.  You can also take protein supplements in the form of protein shakes.

Lastly, don’t forget to supplement your body with healthy fats in the form of olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, etc.

Foods to Avoid on a Carb Cycling Diet

So you can go ahead and pretty much cancel any white, processed, or fried food. Here is a short list of foods you should avoid. There are others, they are just not on this list.

  • White bread
  • Sugary drinks
  • Ice cream and frozen desserts
  • White rice
  • Junk food, like burgers and fries
  • White flour
  • Processed meats like sausages
  • Packaged snack foods
  • Heavily fried food

Burn More Fat with Carb Refeeds

As you busily count macros for carb cycling, you may want to consider periodic carb refeeds to propel your weight loss. These refeeds refer to days when you intentionally over-consume calories after remaining in a calorie deficit due to diet control and exercise. [6] The primary intention of having such days is to counteract the negative effects of the calorie deficit which may include lethargy, altered hormones, and increased hunger which may potentially push you into hitting a weight loss plateau.

These refeeds refer to days when you intentionally over-consume calories after remaining in a calorie deficit due to diet control and exercise. [6] The primary intention of having such days is to counteract the negative effects of the calorie deficit which may include lethargy, altered hormones, and increased hunger which may potentially push you into hitting a weight loss plateau.

Limiting your macros during carb cycling normally pushes you into a calorie deficit which decreases the levels of a hormone called leptin. Decreased levels of this hormone signal the brain that you are in a state of calorie crisis.  The body responds to this by increasing hunger and burning fewer calories, which only hinders weight loss. [7]

By introducing carb refeeds every now and then, you can control your leptin levels and maintain the fat-burning processes in the body. This approach is particularly useful to add in a typical endomorph carb cycling diet as such individuals usually find it more difficult to lose weight and hit a weight loss plateau.

Alternating the daily carb intake to induce fat loss has emerged as a unique weight loss strategy in the fitness world. By carefully counting the daily macros for carb cycling, it is now possible to push your body into a fat-burning mode to help lose weight without compromising on muscle mass and energy levels. Supplementing this potential weight loss strategy with frequent carb refeeds and timely exercise is highly recommended for faster, more efficient, and long-term results.


Prediabetes Food List and Sample Meal Plan to Reverse Diabetes

prediabetes food list
Download 150+ Prediabetes food list items

Looking for a prediabetes food list? Do you have a family history of diabetes? Do you fear your blood sugar levels may go off the charts someday? Have you ever thought that maybe you are already suffering from prediabetes?

If these thoughts concern you every single day, there is some good news for you. It is possible to change your current trajectory of moving from a state of prediabetes to diabetes and even reversing diabetes altogether with the help of a specialized diet prediabetes diet.

What is this prediabetes diet? What’s a prediabetes food list of foods to get on the path to healing and possibly reversing diabetes. 

What is Prediabetes?

Prediabetes is exactly what it sounds like. It is a condition that occurs just before you become a person of full-blown diabetes. “Prediabetes” a state in which your blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be declared as diabetes.

Why does prediabetes occur? The reason is mostly due to a lack of insulin. Insulin is a hormone responsible to regulate and use glucose effectively. When the levels of insulin in the blood stream decrease, the body is unable to break down glucose for energy. This spikes blood glucose that keeps accumulating in the blood stream leading to a high blood sugar level. Over time, this glucose buildup may harm your body in many ways.

If you have been declared as a person of prediabetes, you are naturally at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. At the same time, prediabetes can also increase your risk of encountering other complications like stroke or IHD.

10 Prediabetes Signs and Symptoms

If your doctor has diagnosed you with prediabetes, you need to make every necessary change in your lifestyle to prevent diabetes. However, if you have not been diagnosed as having a higher risk for diabetes, there are signs and symptoms of being prediabetic.  Mentioned below are the top ten signs that may be signals that you are suffering from prediabetes.

1. Acanthosis Nigricans

Many people who suffer from prediabetes may notice the development of dark, thick, velvet-like patches on different areas of the body. These areas mostly include the groin, armpits, knuckles, and the neck and depict that your body has developed insulin resistance.

2. Unexplained Fatigue

If you feel like you are always tired and fatigued out despite getting enough food and sleep, and in the absence of any infection of strenuous exercise routine, you might be suffering from prediabetes.

When your insulin levels are down or there is some insulin resistance in your body, the cells cannot use blood sugar for energy. As a result, you always feel lethargic and lazy.  Sometimes, your body starts using fat as an alternative source of energy that may lead to unwanted weight loss as well.

3. Excessive Thirst

One of the most important signs of prediabetes and even diabetes is increased thirst. If you suddenly feel like you have started drinking a lot of water and are unable to quench your thirst no matter what you do, you might be suffering from prediabetes or diabetes.

What happens is that when prediabetes spikes blood sugar in your body, it stops the water from getting absorbed into your blood stream. As a result, you are unable to quench your thirst no matter how much water you consume.

4. Frequent, Excessive Urination

When you have prediabetes or diabetes, it spikes blood sugar and accumulates it in your blood stream. Therefore, your kidneys need to work harder than usual to get rid of all this glucose. First, the kidneys try their best to absorb it as much as they can, but when they fail, they start flushing it out.

As the body flushes out glucose from the blood stream, it takes some fluid with it making you dehydrated. To overcome this dehydration, you naturally consume more fluid and, as a result, you experience frequent urination.

5. Unexplained Weight Loss

Sudden unexpected weight loss is also an indicator of prediabetes and diabetes and may warrant an immediate use of the prediabetes diet.

Although it is a more generalized symptom, care must be taken to rule out the possibility. For example, if you are losing some pounds now and then, it is normal. However, if you have suddenly lost over ten pounds within days, you might have prediabetes or diabetes and may wish to consult the prediabetes food list at once.

6. Blurry vision

Under increased insulin resistance, your body is unable to regulate the blood sugar levels. As a result, the glucose in the blood stream starts pulling away fluid from all body tissues including the eyes. Because of this, you may not be able to see clearly or focus properly.

If you have suddenly started experiencing unexplained blurry vision, you might have prediabetes. It might be a wise decision to consider following a prediabetes diet and take all necessary steps to prevent diabetes.

7. Numbness and Tingling

Prediabetes spikes blood glucose due to increased insulin resistance which can sometimes cause nerve damage. Due to this, you may experience a loss of sensation. In other cases, prediabetes may cause tingling in your extremities.

Watch out for these signs and start following the prediabetes food list if you have the tiniest suspicion of prediabetes.

8. Poor Wound healing

It is a common observation that people with prediabetes and diabetes tend to suffer from infections more commonly than others. While more research is needed in this area, experts believe that having high blood sugar levels along with increased insulin resistance might affect your immunity and slow down the process of wound healing.

9. Dry Mouth and Itchy Skin

Itchiness of skin and dryness of mouth are some additional symptoms of prediabetes. The dry mouth is due to increased thirst and the consequent dehydration. Dehydration causes a reduction in moisture levels of the skin leading to itchiness.


10. Urinary Tract Infections

In people who are unable to regulate their sugar levels, the risk of encountering urinary tract infections is high. These infections occur as the bacteria enter the urethra and start moving upward. Because of this, you may experience a burning feeling as you urinate. You may become feverish and your urine becomes cloudy.

If you have recently developed the signs mentioned above, you might be having prediabetes. What you must do immediately is make efforts to prevent diabetes by following a prediabetes diet and closely following the prediabetes food list.

How to Reverse Prediabetes

If you suffer from prediabetes, the following methods may help your condition from deteriorating. These tips may also be helpful if you wish to reverse diabetes.

Lose Weight

If you are obese or weigh more than you should according to your BMI, the most important tip for you to prevent or reverse diabetes is weight loss. Studies have shown that if you lose about 7% of your current body weight, you can delay and even completely reverse diabetes.

This means that if you weigh 200 pounds, you only need a weight loss of 14 pounds to make a difference. This weight loss will also help alleviate other problems such as hypertension and high cholesterol.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is extremely essential if you have prediabetes and wish to prevent or reverse diabetes. Exercising in some form for at least 30 minutes for at least 4 – 5 times per week can help you burn calories, lose weight, and interrupt changes in the metabolism that lead to diabetes.  A great place to start is performing some type of walking workout or program.  One of the best exercises to regulate your blood sugar is performing HIIT workouts on a treadmill.  Below is a link to great HIIT treadmill workouts for beginners.  You can learn more about this workout and HITT

Follow a Healthy Diet

In addition to exercising, another way to lose weight is by following a prediabetes diet consisting of low sugar, incorporating healthy proteins and vegetables.  Below, we have a prediabetes food list one can follow to begin practicing this type of diet. A good prediabetes diet gives you a guide that helps you controls your food choices, portion sizes, and eating schedules to make sure that you do not eat anything that spikes blood sugar.

There is a prediabetes food list along with prediabetes diet plan that includes healthy foods like fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and avoids processed and refined foods below.  Check it out.  Also, you can download a clean prediabetes food list pdf file along with our 7-day prediabetes diet plan by entering your email address below.

Low Glycemic Index Carbohydrates and Diabetes

To understand food choices and portion sizes that are favorable for a prediabetes diet, it is important to understand the concept of glycemic index first. The glycemic index is a standard of measuring the speed at which any food item raises blood sugar levels. This makes it a perfect indicator for managing diabetes and prediabetes.

The glycemic index has a scale ranging between 0 to 100 and utilizes pure glucose with a glycemic index of 100 as a reference value. The carbohydrates with low glycemic index are usually rated below 55 and include fiber rich vegetables, fruits, etc that do not cause spikes in blood sugar. As a result, they lower the chances of encountering diabetes. Such foods are included in the prediabetes food list and constitute the base of the prediabetes diet plan.

On the other hand, foods with a high glycemic index, such as processed and refined foods, increase the glucose levels at the maximum rate. Hence, these foods are usually not included in the prediabetes food list and are not a part of the prediabetes diet plan.

Diabetes and Prediabetes Food List Categories and Items

Below is a prediabetes food list.  The food list categorizes foods into groups and gives examples of foods for people who have prediabetes.  If you are in a prediabetes state and want to format your diet to reduce and eliminate your chances of developing full blown diabetes, check out this prediabetes food list and enter your info at the end of this article for a downloadable copy of this prediabetes food list.

General Prediabetes Food List Category

Sample Prediabetes Food List Items


green beans, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, zucchini, butternut squash, cucumbers, green peas, chard, Cauliflower, peas, edamame, bok choy, scallions, bell pepper, swiss chard, radish, turnips, kale, sweet potato, collard greens, asparagus, leeks, onions, tomatoes, spinach, Brussel sprouts, carrots, kimchi, mushrooms, celery, jicama, okra, parsnips, purple cabbage, spaghetti squash, water chestnut, green cabbage, lettuce (all kinds), dandelion greens, sauerkraut, radicchio, kohlrabi


avocados, lemons, carambolas (starfruit), raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, Granny Smith Apples, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, peaches, kiwis, clementines, apricots, plums, blackberries, limes, grapefruit

Lean Protein

turkey, chicken, lean beef, tilapia, salmon, tuna, shrimp, halibut, trout, sardines, flounder, pollock, barramundi, haddock, bison, venison, mahi mahi, catfish, mackerel, snapper, cod, lamb


whole grain bread, whole wheat pastas (in moderation), oats, spelt, barley, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, rye, brown rice, wild rice, cream of wheat, fiber rich cereal

Nus and Seeds

sesame seeds, walnuts, almonds, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, peanuts, chia seeds, chestnuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, pistachios


chickpeas, soy beans, kidney beans, miso, black beans, lentils, pinto beans, navy beans, Lima beans, white beans, split peas, cranberry beans

Fats and Oils

olive oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, ghee, almond butter


Reduced fat milk, low fat yogurt, Greek yogurt, eggs, egg whites, low fat cheese, Gouda, cottage cheese, skim milk

Artificial Sweeteners

Erythritol, Stevia, Sucralose, Xylitol


water, tea, coffee, coconut milk, almond milk (unsweetened), cashew milk, wine (occasional), bone broth, water with Lemon, diet soft drink

Prediabetes food list
Prediabetes Food List


Prediabetes Food List (Foods to Avoid)

In addition to adding the above-mentioned foods in your prediabetes diet plan, there are certain items that you must avoid at all costs. The most common examples of such foods include processed and refined foods and the ones with a high glycemic index. This is because all these foods can cause instant spikes in the blood sugar levels due to which your chances of acquiring diabetes can significantly increase.

To make sure you stick to your prediabetes diet plan and do not deviate from the prediabetes food list, avoid consuming the following items:

Prediabetes Food List Category to Avoid

Prediabetes Food List Items to Avoid

Starchy Vegetables and White Carbohydrates

White potatoes, white pasta, white bread, corn, white flour, white rice, pumpkin, plantains


Candies, cakes, cookies, pastries, ice cream

Processed Foods

Chips, processed meats, crackers, pizza, pretzels, refined grains

Sweetened Beverages

Soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee-based drinks

Fruit Juice and Dried Fruit

All fruit juice, dried apricots, prunes, 

High Sugar Fruits

Bananas, grapes, mangoes, cherries, apples, pineapple

Fried Food

French fries, fried chicken, 

Alcoholic Beverages

Beer, mixed drinks

Best Prediabetes Diet

In addition to following a prediabetes food list, you must also follow a prediabetes diet plan to improve your condition. But which prediabetes diet plan is the most suitable for you?

The truth is there are multiple diet plans that you can follow to prevent or reverse diabetes. Some of these prediabetes diet plans are mentioned below.

Dash Diet for Prediabetes

DASH is an abbreviation for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Originally designed to keep high blood pressure in check, the DASH diet is said to be an important prediabetes diet plan that keeps a check on your portion sizes and food choices to control diabetes.

Diabetes and hypertension often go hand in hand. More than half of the people with hypertension also have diabetes. In such people, following the DASH diet, which includes refraining from processed and refined foods and focusing more on fiber rich foods, can cause weight loss and improve insulin resistance.

The DASH diet is said to lower the risk of prediabetes and diabetes type 2 by up to 20 percent. Additionally, it can also reduce the risk of hyperglycemia in children with diabetes type 1 as per research.

Intermittent Fasting for Prediabetes

Intermittent fasting is a simple approach that requires you to fast a specific amount of time and only consume during specific periods of the day. This specific type of diet plan allows you to regulate insulin and blood sugar levels in a better way. What’s more, you can easily follow this technique without paying much attention to the portion sizes and food choices.

There are several intermittent fasting methods.  Read more about them here.

Recent research has proven that people who consume their daily calories until mid-afternoon within 8 hours or less can improve their insulin sensitivity. This approach can also improve their pancreatic response to high sugar levels and, therefore, can help manage prediabetes and diabetes.

According to the current data, it is imperative to get rid of liver fat and pancreatic fat to get rid of diabetes and prediabetes. By following a prediabetes diet plan like intermittent fasting, this condition can be successfully achieved.

Ketogenic Diet for Prediabetes

The ketogenic diet is a form of low-carbohydrate diet that is among the most beneficial prediabetes diet plans so far. The goal of this prediabetes diet plan is to adopt a dietary approach with low carbohydrate content. As you start consuming low carbohydrate food on the ketogenic diet, there will be less glucose in your blood to derive energy from. As a result, your body will start breaking down fat to derive energy. With increased fat breakdown thanks to the ketogenic diet, you will enter ketosis and lose weight.

How can the ketogenic diet help with prediabetes and diabetes? The science states that as soon as your body enters into ketosis, you are assured that there are no excess carbohydrates in your body. This low-carbohydrate approach helps you avoid unnecessary glucose in the blood and helps your body run independently of it.

Ketogenic Prediabetes Food List

The ketogenic diet is a great path to take for a prediabetes diet.  Here is a ketogenic prediabetes food list to reverse diabetes, facilitate weight loss, and put you on a new path to health.

Ketogenic Prediabetes Food List Category

Ketogenic Prediabetes Food List Items


green beans, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, zucchini, butternut squash, cucumbers, green peas, chard, Cauliflower, peas, edamame, bok choy, scallions, bell pepper, swiss chard, radish, turnips, kale, sweet potato, collard greens, asparagus, leeks, onions, tomatoes, spinach, Brussel sprouts, carrots, kimchi, mushrooms, celery, jicama, okra, parsnips, purple cabbage, spaghetti squash, water chestnut, green cabbage, lettuce (all kinds), dandelion greens, sauerkraut, radicchio, kohlrabi


avocados, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blackberries, coconut


turkey, chicken, beef, tilapia, salmon, tuna, shrimp, halibut, trout, sardines, flounder, pollock, barramundi, haddock, bison, venison, mahi mahi, catfish, mackerel, snapper, cod, lamb, bacon, organ meats, pork, sausage

Nus and Seeds

sesame seeds, walnuts, almonds, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, peanuts, chia seeds, chestnuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, pistachios

Fats and Oils

olive oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, ghee, almond butter, cocoa butter, grass-fed butter avocado oil, bacon oil


Cheese, plain Greek yogurt, heavy cream, whipping cream, cream cheese, sour cream

Artificial Sweeteners

Erythritol, Stevia, Sucralose, Xylitol


water, tea, coffee, coconut milk, almond milk (unsweetened), cashew milk, wine (occasional), bone broth, water with Lemon, diet soft drink

diabetic food list
Keto Diabetic Food List


Sample 7-Day Prediabetes Diet to Reverse Diabetes










Avocado toast 


1 slice whole wheat toast topped with mashed avocado with one tablespoon of minced celery, ½ teaspoon of lemon juice and one chopped hardboiled egg.  Pair with 1 pc orange sliced in segments. 

Overnight Oatmeal 


5 tablespoons of organic oats placed in a bowl or jar with 200 ml unsweetened almond milk mixed with ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon. Cover the bowl or jar and place in the fridge overnight. Serve by garnishing with 8 pcs of blueberries, 4 pcs of chopped almonds and sprinkle over a little cinnamon. 


Egg omelette 


2 pcs free range eggs scrambled with 2 oz. of thinly sliced mushrooms, 1 cup of chopped baby spinach leaves, 1 tsp. of chopped shallots and topped with 1 pc thyme sprig.  


Yogurt parfait 


1 cup non-fat plain Greek yogurt layered with slices of 1 pc medium banana, drizzled with melted peanut butter and topped with 1 tbsp. sugar free cacao nibs

French toast 


Blend together 1 large egg, 1 pc egg white1 ¼ cup non-fat milk, ½ tsp. vanilla extract and ¼ tsp. of ground cinnamon. Soak 2 pcs of whole wheat bread in the egg mixture and lightly brown it in a pan. Top toasts with ½ cup sliced of mixed strawberries and blueberries and sprinkle with extra cinnamon.


Kiwi Chia pudding 


Place 7 oz. of unsweetened almond milk in a bowl or jar, add 1/4 cup of chia seeds, cover the bowl or jar and refrigerate overnight. Serve the next day with slices of 1 pc kiwi fruit.  

Breakfast oatmeal 


1 cup oatmeal made with fat-free milk or almond milk mixed with 1/8 tsp. kosher salt. 1/4 tsp. apple pie spice. Topped with ½ cup plain Greek yogurt and chopped ½ pc apple. 


Turkey Wraps 


Spread 2 tbsp. hummus on 2 pcs of whole wheat wraps topped with 3 oz. no salt added deli turkey, slices of cucumber, 1 pc of plum tomato, 1 pc diced olive, and crumbled 1 tbsp. feta cheese. Fold wrap to close.  

Cobb salad


2 cups of mixed greens into a large bowl or plate. Place 2 oz. of shredded chicken breast, 4 pcs cherry tomatoes sliced in quarters, 1 oz. crumbled feta cheese, 1 chopped hardboiled egg and chopped ½ pc avocado. Drizzle with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar, 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard and season with salt and pepper. 


Tuna Sandwich 


Blend 3 oz. tuna in water, 1 pc minced scallions, ½ tbsp. pickle relish, ½ tsp. lemon juice and 1/8 cup plain Greek yogurt in a bowl.  Spread the mixture on each slice of whole grain lightly toasted bread and top with low fat cheese slices, pop in the toaster until the cheese starts to melt. Serve by garnishing with 2 slices fresh tomato. 

Pita pockets


1 small whole wheat pita cut in halves and stuffed with 2.5 oz. cooked or grilled chicken and 1 cup of torn lettuce, strips of bell pepper,1/4 pc diced English cucumber, 1pc tomato and drizzle with a little low fat tahini yogurt  

Black bean tacos


2 pcs whole wheat tortilla stuffed with 1/3 cup black beans   cooked with 1 pc onion and 1 tsp. cumin. Top stuffing with 1 cup cabbage slaw, 2 tbsp. mashed avocado, 1 pc diced tomato and 1 oz. of feta cheese.  

Penne pasta 


4 oz. of lentil pasta boiled in 1 ½ cup veggie broth, ½ cup diced tomatoes, 2 pcs garlic cloves, 1 tsp. each of dried thyme and dried oregano.  Top with 2 oz. minced grilled or rotisserie chicken breast.  

 Spinach salad 


2 cups fresh spinach, ¼ cup tomatoes tossed with 1 oz. cheddar cheese, 2 tbsp. non-fat yogurt, ¼ cup chopped grapes, 1 tsp. pumpkin seeds and 2 oz. roasted chickpeas.  


Quinoa with Tofu Bowl 


2/3 cup quinoa topped with a handful of arugula, 8 oz. baked silken tofu, ½ pc sliced avocado, 2 pcs of cherry tomatoes, drizzle with 2 tsp. olive oil and sprinkle with ¼ cup of chopped cashews.     

Roasted chicken and potatoes


2 pcs chicken thighs skin removed sprinkled with ½ tsp. paprika and a pinch of salt and pepper then drizzle with 2 tsp. of olive oil. Roast with 2 pcs red potatoes sliced into ¾ inch pieces. Serve by bedding 2 cups of fresh baby spinach and top with potatoes and chicken. 





Bean salad 



Place 7 oz. of Garbanzo beans or chickpeas, rinsed and drained in a mixing bowl, add ¼ pc chopped English cucumber, 5 pcs sliced ripe olives, chopped 1 pc small tomato, ½ pc sliced onions, 2 cups mixed salad greens, 3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, pinch of salt and pepper. Toss everything and sprinkle with 1/8 cup feta cheese. 

Shrimp plate 



3 oz. of boiled shrimp with 1 cup green peas, 1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil, ½ cup cooked beets, 1 cup sautéed Swiss chard and drizzle with 1 to 2 tsps. balsamic vinegar.

Chicken patties and salad 


3 oz. ground chicken breast mixed with ¼ cup chopped sun dried tomatoes, 1 pc onion, ¼ fresh basil, season with salt and pepper and form into patties. Serve patties on bedded handful arugula, ½ cup chopped watermelon, drizzle with 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar and sprinkle 1 oz. of feta cheese  

Rosemary Salmon 



3 oz. of Salmon fillet drizzled with a mixture of ½ tbsp. olive oil, ½ tbsp. balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp. of minced fresh rosemary and 1 garlic clove, baked with 5 to 8 spears of asparagus, 4 pcs quartered cherry tomatoes  and 1 pc small red bell pepper. Paired with ½ cup cooked brown rice.

Asparagus and turkey stir fry 


4 oz. of turkey breast tenderloins cut into ½ inch, fried into 1 tbsp. of Avocado oil with 1 clove minced garlic. Remove when meat is no longer pink.  Add 8 spears of trimmed asparagus cut into 1 inch pieces to the pan, cook until crisp tender and then add ¼ cup of veggie broth, 1 tsp. of low sodium soy sauce, stir until thickened. Return turkey to pan, heat through and mix. Squeeze 1 tbsp. lemon juice before serving. 


20 pieces of pistachios 

15pcs 1 gram baby carrots with 2 tbsp. hummus

1 pc apple plus 1 tsp. nut butter 15

One third cup 2% cottage cheese with diced 1 small peach 

1 cup Jicama 

5 tbsp. Almonds 

Celery sticks with peanut butter 

Prediabetes may not be as dangerous as diabetes but is an indicator for you to start making an effort before any irreversible damage occurs to your health. To make sure that your health does not deteriorate any further, you must follow a prediabetes diet plan with a proper prediabetes food list. The lists and sample plans in this article can not only help you decrease this risk but may also play an important role in improving your overall quality of life.


Top 10 Diet Tips for Metabolic Confusion for Endomorphs

metabolic confusion for endomorphs

Are you a curvy individual who is tired of the constant struggle to lose weight? The concept of metabolic confusion for endomorphs can help make your journey less of a struggle. Metabolic confusion is a dietary pattern that will help you fight your biggest enemy as an endomorph: carbohydrate sensitivity.
What is metabolic confusion for endomorphs? How does it work and what are some tips to make sure you gain maximum benefits? Keep reading to find out.

What is an Endomorph

Endomorphs are described as full-figured, small-waisted, and curvaceous. They have a pear-shaped round body with medium to large bone structure. Other physical characteristics attributed to endomorphs include short limbs and small shoulders.  However, all endomorphs do not have short limbs.  Some have long limbs and can be taller.

All endomorphs have an uneven distribution of weight. Most of them carry a large proportion of weight in their lower abdomen, thighs, and hips.

From a metabolic perspective, endomorphs usually suffer from insulin and carbohydrate sensitivity. Their bodies have a natural tendency to store most of the consumed carbs in the form of fat rather than storing them. As a consequence, people with this body type are more prone to gaining weight.

What is Metabolic Confusion

When it comes to metabolic confusion for endomorphs, most people get confused about what it actually is. Metabolic confusion is a way of eating in which you alternate the calories you consume daily to ‘confuse’ their body’s metabolic processes.

When your body consumes a similar number of calories every single day, it adjusts its resting metabolic rate according to it. This often leads to weight loss plateau in which you are unable to lose weight no matter how hard you try. In these circumstances, the best solution is to confuse your basal metabolism by eating a variable amount of calories every single day.

Consuming different calories on different days resets your metabolisms over and over again and helps make weight loss easier.  This strategy makes metabolic confusion for endomorphs the ideal weight loss strategy.

Best Approach for Metabolic Confusion for Endomorphs

By now, it is clear that metabolic confusion for endomorphs is extremely beneficial for effective weight loss. So the next question to raise is what is the best approach to effective metabolic confusion for endomorphs?

The answer is simple: carb cycling.

What is Carb Cycling?

Carb cycling refers to a dietary approach in which you consume varying amounts of carbohydrates on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. This is an effective approach to lose weight, improve physical performance, or break the weight loss plateau.

The Science Behind Carb Cycling

Carb cycling is a relatively innovative dietary approach based on strong evidence. The science behind this method involves the biological mechanisms directly related to carbohydrate manipulation.

In carb cycling, you designate low-carb days and high-carb days. In the former, you limit your carbohydrate intake whereas, in the latter, you eat more carbohydrates. The cycle continues throughout your diet.

Carbohydrate cycling is an attempt to match your body’s requirements for glucose or calories. For instance, it focuses on supplying carbohydrates on your workout days when your body needs it the most. Doing this refuels your muscle glycogen and minimizes the risk of muscle breakdown.

Strategically alternating the number of carbs you consume daily also improves the functioning of leptin and ghrelin, the hormones that regulate appetite. [1] [2] This, in turn, helps you lose weight.

On the other hand, the low carb days help your body switch to a system that predominantly uses fat to generate energy. This improves metabolic flexibility and increases the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel. [3]

Another mechanism through which carb cycling works is the manipulation of insulin. Eating the minimal amount of carbs on low-carb days and focusing on a higher carb intake on workout days improve insulin sensitivity and, in turn, controls body weight. [4]

In short, carb cycling is the best technique to create metabolic confusion for endomorphs and maximize the benefits of the carbs in their bodies.

How to Cycle Carbs

The exact schedule of carb cycling depends on your training schedule. For example, consider a 7-day carb cycling method in which you eat a low amount of carbs (around 75 to 100 grams per day) in the first two days and on days five and six. Then, you increase your daily carb consumption on days four and seven to 175 to 225 grams per day.

Shown below is an example of a 7-day carb cycling plan to attain metabolic confusion for endomorphs.

  • First Day75 grams
  • Second Day100 grams
  • Third Day75 grams
  • Fourth Day200 grams
  • Fifth Day100 grams
  • Sixth Day: 75 grams
  • Seventh Day: 225 grams
metabolic confusion for endomorphs

10 Tips for Practicing Metabolic Confusion for Endomorphs

To create effective metabolic confusion for endomorphs through carb cycling, the following tips must be kept in mind.

1. High Carb Days Should be on High Training Volume Days

When you are performing a high-intensity exercise, your body generates most of its energy from carbs. It either breaks the carbs using oxygen or without it, eventually leading to the production of lactic acid. While this process is occurring, introducing a high amount of carbs into the body is beneficial as they will be immediately broken down to release energy instead of being stored as fat. [5] For this reason, try to schedule your high carb days on days where you plan on exercising and try to have a more intense workout.

2. Choose Complex Carbs Low Glycemic for your Diet

Complex carbohydrates, also known as polysaccharides and starches, are the type of carbohydrates that contain at least three or more sugars. They have long structures and low glycemic indexes due to which they are easily digested and absorbed more slowly by the body as compared to simple carbs. Due to this feature, using complex carbs do not cause spikes in the blood sugar and insulin levels.

Some best sources of complex carbohydrates include:

  • whole grains like brown rice, oats, and wheat
  • beans and legumes like peanuts, chickpeas, and peas
  • nuts and seeds like chia seeds, cashews, and walnuts
Good Carbs Vs. Bad Carbs

3. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day

Around 60% of the average adult body consists of water. Water forms a major content of your heart, brain, skin, muscle, and lungs. Even 30% of your bones are made up of water. Besides being the major component of the human body, water is also responsible for other functions like regulation of internal temperature, transportation of nutrients, the formation of saliva, lubrication of joints, etc.

Additionally, water is extremely helpful for weight loss. It is calorie-free, an appetite suppressant when consumed before meals, and a beverage that helps you burn more calories overall.

Therefore, it is important to drink at least 64 ounces of water daily, irrespective of whether it is a low-carb or a high-carb day.

4. Avoid dropping calories too low on low carb days

While carb cycling is an efficient way to induce metabolic confusion for endomorphs, you must take care never to drop calories too low on low-carb days. As a general rule of thumb, there must never be more than 33% of the difference in the total calories you consume from one day to another. A variance higher this can hurt your recovery process and make it difficult for you to follow carb cycling for a longer duration of time.

Therefore, it is advised to at least eat 68 percent of your normal energy intake, even on low-carb days.

5. Eat carbs earlier in the day

Research has proven that your body is naturally more efficient at burning carbs in the morning hours and burning fat in the evening. This means that you must consume more carbs as early as possible during the day to optimize fat burning. [6]

6. Avoid large meals before directly before bedtime

Several studies have indicated that weight gain mostly occurs when you eat more calories close to bedtime. So, you must avoid eating larger meals in the evening to maximize fat loss.[7]

7. Keep fat intake low on high carb days

On high carb days, you must make sure not to eat too much fat. The main reason is eating high amounts of fat and carbs together can lead to increased cravings in the brain. Increased cravings mean overeating which can make weight loss more difficult.

8. Consume large amounts of leafy green veggies on high carb days

Leafy green vegetables are rich sources of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They have a high amount of fiber that improves the digestive processes and improves satiety; hence, it helps in weight loss. Consuming fiber also slows down the rate of absorption of carbohydrates and controls blood sugar levels which help endomorphs lose weight.

Some fiber-rich leafy green vegetables include lettuce, spinach, and kale.

metabolic confusion endomorphs leafy greens

9. Eat Lean Protein at Every Meal

Research has indicated that diets with higher levels of protein improves satiety and keeps you fuller for longer durations of time. Experts believe that a diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates can cause more weight loss. So make sure to include lean protein in your daily meals.

10. Eliminate Refined Carbs and Sugary Drinks

While carb cycling does permit you to eat carbohydrates to lose weight, not all carbohydrates are suitable for it. Refined carbohydrates and every food item that contains it such as sodas, pasta, cookies, etc. are strictly prohibited as they cause sugar spikes in the blood and make weight loss extremely difficult. So, these foods must be avoided at all costs.

Concluding Thoughts on Metabolic Confusion for Endomorphs

Metabolic confusion for endomorphs is a great way to lose those stubborn pounds that fail to go away with any other method. The best way to achieve metabolic confusion for endomorphs is carb cycling. By simply varying the number of carbs you eat daily, you can now achieve the physique of your dreams. So try it out now!
