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Top 10 Endomorph Workout Exercises for Fat Burning

endomorph workout exercises

Have you tried countless ways to lose weight but the stubborn fat keeps on clinging? Well try these endomorph workout exercises and lose it within days!

Most people try so many ways of losing fat without even knowing their body type. The result? Either the fat comes back or they come to a weight plateau where no more loss occurs no matter what they do.

Read about the top 10 most effective endomorph workout exercises for fat burning below and lose body fat faster than ever before!

Three Body Types

Most body shapes can be categorized into three types based on the structure. These are ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

  1. The Ectomorph Body:

The ectomorph body is characterized by a thin body structure with long features. Ectomorphs have difficulty in gaining weight, no matter what they eat and how much they eat.

  1. The Mesomorph Body:

The mesomorph body can be seen as ideal body shape. It is characterized by a narrow waist, wide shoulders, thin joints, and round muscle bellies. Mesomorphs have a fit body and a good muscle mass.

  1. The Endomorph Body:

The endomorph body is characterized by a bulky body with wide hips, thick ribcage, and short limbs. Their bodies have a good amount of muscle. However, this muscle is accompanied by a high amount of fat too.

As you can see, endomorphs need specialized ways to lose fat while at the same time toning their muscles. This is why in this article, we will focus on the most effective endomorph workout exercises to burn fat and build lean muscle.

The Endomorph Body

The endomorph body gains weight very easily. This is because this body type has a tendency to store fat, even with what most may consider following normal eating patterns. Once this fat is accumulated, endomorphs can find it very hard to burn it.

While each body type is beautiful in itself, endomorphs still need to workout to remain toned and for overall health. The muscle mass on their bodies is disproportionate. Therefore, endomorph workout exercises focus on ways to shape their muscles while also burning calories.

Keeping the endomorph body in mind, the endomorph workout exercises we recommend are perfectly tailored for them. Endomorphs can utilize this to lose fat at a faster rate.

endomorph workout exercises

Best Female Endomorph Workout Exercises

Since the fat in an endomorph body is spread throughout, endomorph workout exercises should focus on full body fat loss.

For this purpose, compound lifts are the best exercise. Compound lifts are a combination of two or more different kind of lifts. Because for some compound lifts, you are doing various lifting motion at the same time, compound lifts involve more and larger muscle group than other weight lifting exercises.

Compound lifts for full body workouts are easy to include in your exercise plan. For lower body work, exercises should incorporate 10 – 15 repetitions for 3 to 5 sets. For the upper body, it should include around 10 – 12 repetitions for 3 to 5 sets. 

One myth is that women should lift lighter weights…this is not true.  Lift heavier weights to burn more calories and make your muscle work harder.  No, you will not look like a man and you will not be masculine.  However, you will develop lean sexy muscle.  The only way for you to look like a man is for you to take you to take some type of illegal anabolic steroid.  That is a myth and frankly it is a ridiculous one.

Endomorph Workout Exercise: Squats

Squats involve a wide array of muscles including your calves, thighs, butt, and hips. As such, they are a good way of keeping your body in perfect shape.

Benefits of Squats:

Muscle Building: Squats build muscles of your hamstrings, quadriceps, abdomen, lower back, glutes (butte), and the hips. There is hardly any other exercise that can utilize all these muscles together.

Calorie Burning: Due to the larger number of muscles at play, squats will help in burning a higher number of calories faster.

Improved Body Functions: Squats can improve your cardiac health as well as lung capacity. Additionally, they also improve your digestion as well as blood circulation.

Endomorph Workout Exercise: Deadlifts

If you want to achieve your fitness goals, you need to include deadlifts in your workout plan. You can perform a simple deadlift or several other types of deadlifts. They use muscles throughout your entire body.

As a general precaution, it is a good idea to do some warmup before deadlifts.

Benefits of deadlifts:

Core Strength: Deadlifts improve the core strength of your body by training the central muscles. These core muscles are the muscles in your lower back, buttocks, and abdomen.

Muscle Mass: Deadlifts increase your muscle mass and give shape to them as well. The primary muscles they stimulate are the hamstring, glutes, and spinal erectors. Bent knee deadlifts can also improve the quadriceps.

Fat Burning: Deadlifts help in burning the fat on your hips and abdomen very fast. Further, due to movement on core muscles, overall fat in the body is reduced.

Here is a great article on how to deadlift for beginners.

Endomorph Workout Exercise: Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are probably one of the best endomorph workout exercises. Kettlebells are miracles when it comes to weight loss exercises. Kettlebell swings involve most of the muscles in your upper body as well as lower body.

Benefits of Kettlebell Swings:

Muscle Building: kettlebell swings improve the core muscle mass of the body. The muscles built by kettlebell swings include the glutes, hamstring, hips, shoulders, and lats (back). They also improve the core strength of the body.

Fat Burning: Kettlebell Swings burn the fat in the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, as well as the upper body.

Endomorph Workout Exercise: Lunges

While lunges seem simple, they provide several benefits to the muscle structure and stability of the body.

Benefits of Lunges:

Core Stability: Lunges involve the muscles of the core. They improve the core strength and help in its stability. This also reduces the risk of injury of the core.

Muscle Strength: Lunges improve the strength and endurance of the muscles in the legs and buttocks. This further helps you to do other exercises easily.

Fat burning: Lunges burn fat on the lower half of your body as well as your abdomen. They give a good shape to your legs.

Endomorph Workout Exercise: Pullups (Assisted)

Pullups utilize your own body weight for the workout. Therefore, they have a lot of muscle building benefits for the body.

Benefits of Assisted Pullups:

Muscle Mass: Pullups utilize all the muscles in your upper body. As such, they provide a better shape to it while building muscle mass.

Fat burning: Due to a large amount of muscles used, assisted pullups will burn the fats in your arms, abdomen, and chest, giving it all a better tone.

If you are unable to do a pullup on your own, you can use an assisted pullup machine or exercise bands.  Here is a good video on how to use exercise bands to assist with pullups if you lack upper body strength.

Band Assisted Pull-up

Endomorph Workout Exercise: Thrusters

Thrusters combine the front squad with the overhead press. It is a compound exercise with an array of benefits.

Benefits of Thrusters:

Muscle Mass: Thrusters improve the muscle mass and shape of the glutes, hamstring, quadriceps, triceps, shoulders, core muscles and back muscles.

Fat burning: Since they involve almost all of the main muscles of the body, thrusters help in overall fat burning.

Endomorph Workout Exercise: HIIT

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. It involves short and intense intervals followed by a period of rest.

Benefits of HIIT

Fat Burning: HIIT burns a very high number of calories in a very short amount of time. Not only that, it enables burning calories while resting too. It is one of the fastest ways to lose fat.

Muscle Mass: HIIT helps you in building the mass of the muscles of your choice.  You can choose the type of exercise you want to do in HIIT.

Endomorph Workout Exercise: Overhead Press

Overhead press is the best way to improve your body strength as well as muscle mass. It is an essential part of endomorph workout exercises.

Benefits of Overhead Press

Muscle Mass and Strength: Overhead press utilizes all the muscles in your body. It creates a very strong torso by building the muscles in the abdomen, chest, back, and arms.

Fat burning: Due to a higher rate of muscle building and a larger number of muscles involved, overhead press results in overall fat burning in the body.

Endomorph Workout Exercise: V-Ups

V-Ups have a variety of ways of execution. You can modify these to suit the muscles you wish to work on. It is one of the best endomorph workout exercises for the upper body.

Benefits of V Ups

Fat Burning: V Ups are a very fast and efficient way to burn fat of your lower body and abdomen. Further, you can use different variations to burn fat in the upper body as well.

Muscle Mass: V Ups improve the muscle mass of the legs, abs, thighs, waist, arms, and can be modified to include other muscles as well.

Endomorph Workout Exercise: Planks

Planks are one of the best endomorph workout exercises to build strength in your body.

Benefits of Planks

Muscle Definition: Plans provide a good tone to the muscles in your abdomen, chest, legs, and the back.

Fat burning: Planks burn fat at a fast rate, especially on your stomach.

endomorph workout exercises

5 Endomorph Workout Tips

Here are five quick tips for endomorph workouts.

  • It is important that you should not over stress your body. Take short rests (between 30 – 60 seconds) between sets.
  • Try circuit training using high resistance to help you in burning fat even faster.
  • Once you are comfortable with a weight, increase it. Lifting heavy leads to faster muscle mass building.
  • Even if you keep failing, do not worry. Keep on pushing yourself until you fail. Once you fail, start again!

These 10 endomorph workout exercises will help in toning your body with an astonishing rate of fat loss. Combine it with a good diet and you are golden. Make healthy lifestyle choices, like substituting regular oil with olive oil, consuming healthy fats, and drinking green tea.

Add these weight training exercise to your regime today and see the results for yourself. Thank me later!


3 Easy Fat Burning Female Endomorph Workout Plans

endomorph workout

Many endomorph women are looking for ways of losing fat without even actually knowing their body types. Finding the best female endomorph workout plan is key. In this article we will tell you the ideal workouts for female endomorphs and give you three free workouts to get started.

The Three Body Types

The body shape are categorized into three distinct types. Generally, every person’s body falls into one of these categories. These categories are:

  • Ectomorph Body: Ectomorph body is characterized by a lean and long structure. Such people often complain that no matter how much they eat, they aren’t able to gain weight. These people can have difficulty in building muscle mass.
  • Endomorph Body: Endomorph body is characterised by higher body fat. These people often have a pear shape body. Their bodies tend to store fat very easily. Even moderate eating can lead to gaining weight for them.
  • Mesomorph Body: The mesomorph body type is characterized by a muscular and well-built body. The people who have this body have very responsive muscle cells. They also have a high metabolism rate.
female endomorph workout

As you can see, a female endomorph workout needs to be different and more specialized than other body types. This is because they need exercises which primarily focus on weight loss and fat burning. This is not so much the case with other two body types which need a greater focus on muscle building.

The Endomorph Body

People with an endomorph body type have the basic tendency to gain weight easily. Once their body has accumulated the extra pounds, female endomorphs find it very hard to burn them. For this reason, a female endomorph workout plan needs to be focused on intense fat burning.

Endomorphs have a bulky body. Their ribcage is very thick. Further, they have thicker joints as well. The limbs seem to be shorter and the hips are as wide as the clavicle.


female endomorph workout

Some of the most beautiful women in the world like Marilyn Monroe and Jennifer Lopez have an endomorph body. If you have an endomorph body, it’s not all bad news.  You are actually lucky because you have the ability to achieve that sought-after hourglass figure if you have larger hips.  All you need to do is drop a few pounds so you can get your body in the perfect proportions. This can be done by burning fat and building lean muscles.

Best Female Endomorph Workout: Interval Training

Interval training is one of the best methods for a female endomorph workout. It is an efficient workout strategy that can lead to optimal weight loss. Interval training can be done through several methods two of which are HIIT and Tabata.

Female Endomorph Workout: HIIT

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It is an interval training method in which the workout is divided into two interwoven training sessions. First, you go through some type of high intensity anaerobic cardio. You do this for a short interval of time and then you take a short recovery period.

It is one of the best methods to incorporate into a female endomorph workout because you lose fat not only during the intense workout but also when your body is recovering after your workout.  The general length of a training session can go for around 30 minutes. Its benefits include:

  • Burns a larger number of calories (around 30% more) than a normal workout.
  • Significantly heightens your metabolic rate even hours after the workout.
  • Leads to the building of muscle mass.
  • Reduces heart rate and blood pressure.

Female Endomorph Workout: Tabata

Tabata is a specialized form of Interval Training introduced by Dr Izumi Tabata. In Tabata training, the entire length of the exercise is about four minutes.

Tabata workouts involves a repeated cycle of 20 seconds of workout and 10 seconds of rest. The 20 seconds of exercise should involve pushing your limits and testing your endurance.

If done properly, Tabata workouts can be the most effective weight loss strategy you will ever use. Its benefits include:

  • Tabata workouts reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.
  • Leads to mitochondrial biogenesis, which helps you in staying young.
  • Helps in preserving your muscle and reducing muscle deterioration.
  • Is the fastest way to accomplish the highest fat loss.

Best Female Endomorph Workout: Weight Training

If you have an endomorph body, losing fat shouldn’t be your only priority. You also need to focus on building muscle and getting your muscles in shape. Therefore, a female endomorph workout should also include weight training.

The best form of weight training for such a body type is compound lifts. Compound lifts are the lifts which involve the combination of two or more lifts so that a larger muscle group is at use.

For example, if you are doing bicep curls, you are building the muscles in your biceps. If you are doing lunges, you build the muscles in your legs like thighs, hamstring, etc. However, if you combine these two, you could build all these muscles at the same time.


Full body female endomorph workouts should involve compound lifts and other exercises that engage more than one muscle group. For the upper body, you should perform 3 to 5 sets of around 10-12 repetitions. Lower body you should include 3 to 5 sets of around 15 repetitions. For fat burning; try to do more repetitions with lighter weights.

Get Our Female Endomorph Workout

Some of the benefits of compound lifting include:

  • Burn more calories due to more amount of muscles involved.
  • Improve coordination between muscles.
  • Increase the dynamic flexibility of the muscles.

Optimize Endomorph Workout

A female endomorph workout isn’t just limited to the exercise you do. Your body is influenced by the food you eat as well. Therefore, if you working this hard to lose some weight, you should also focus on what you eat as well.

It is a good idea to eliminate processed foods from your daily meal plan. They contain a lot of fats, and are not the healthy fats that your body requires. You should include protein powders like whey protein to help in building the muscle mass.

The best diet you can have for your endomorph body type is a diet comprising of lower carbs, high amount of healthy fats, and high proteins. Add some high fiber components in your diet as well. Check out our list of the top 10 most important endomorph diet tips by clicking the link below.

Lastly, making healthy substitutions like using olive oil instead of refined oil to make sure you get the right amounts of healthy fats.

Download three female endomorph workout plans. Simply enter your email address and we will take you to our download page.


Easy Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan PDF to Jumpstart Weight Loss

intermittent fasting meal plan

There are more and more people who are looking for effective weight loss strategies every day. An intermittent fasting meal plan is probably one of the best strategies for effective long-term weight loss.

With little hard work and a wide array of health benefits, you can employ our intermittent fasting meal plan in your lifestyle starting today! Read on to learn more about intermittent fasting and how to get our 7-day intermittent fasting plan pdf.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is basically an eating timing scheme. In an intermittent fasting meal plan, you alternate between periods of eating and periods of fasting.

Following an intermittent fasting meal plan does not involve eating some particular foods and shunning the rest. Instead, it simply tells you when you should eat and when you should not. This makes it an easy-to-employ fat burning method.

***Keep reading to see how to get our free 7-day Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan pdf.

What is intermittent fasting?

The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting

Our bodies are designed to perform in their optimal capacity during all sorts of conditions. It can adapt to any type of changes in the environment by modifying its internal processes.

When we are fasting, the processes going inside our body change to adapt to the food shortage. This is especially true for genes, cell repair processes, and hormones.

Since there is fewer calories intake, the blood sugar and insulin levels drop significantly. The growth hormone in the body increases.

With the drop in the insulin level and the blood sugar, the body goes into a fat burning mode. This is why intermittent fasting becomes an effective weight loss strategy.

Types of Intermittent Fasting

An intermittent fasting meal plan isn’t restricted to a particular type of eating habit. You can induce intermittent fasting in your diet in a variety of ways. These include:

Intermittent Fasting: 16/8 Method

This is one of the best and simplest intermittent fasting meal plan method. In 16/8 fasting, you skip your breakfast early in the morning. You have your first meal at noon and your last meal strictly before 8 pm.

This means that you are eating within those eight hours. The rest of the 16 hours of the day become your fasting period (yes, you are fasting while you sleep).

Intermittent Fasting: Eat Stop Eat Method

Eat stop eat intermittent fasting meal plan is easy to employ as well. in this method, you simply fast for an entire day once or twice in a week.

For example, suppose that you want to fast on Tuesday. You can have dinner on Monday. The next meal you should then consume is dinner on Tuesday. This gives a 24-hour gap between meals. Hence, you fasted for an entire day.

Intermittent Fasting: 5:2 Method

The 5:2 intermittent fasting meal plan is similar to the Eat Stop Eat method. In the 5:2 method, you basically eat normally for five days a week. However, for the remaining two days, you have to gradually limit the calories you consume.

The calorie intake on these 2 fasting days should be 25% of your normal calorie intake. For example, if your normal calorie intake is 2000 calories, you should have only 500 calories on the two days that you fast.

***Want a free 7-day Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan pdf?  Keep reading!

Crescendo Fasting: Best Intermittent Fasting for Women

Men and women have different body compositions. Due to this, their bodies react differently to fasting. For women, general fasting methods can lead to different problems like insulin resistance, hormonal issues, and a few others.

This is why a specialized fasting method called Crescendo fasting is recommended as a starting point for women. Crescendo fasting is an intermittent fasting meal strategy that is best suited for women due to their complex bodies. It is a hybrid of the fasting methods we discussed.

You do not need to fast every day if you are using Crescendo Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan. You only need to choose two or three days (non-consecutive) as per your choice for fasting. If you are a beginner, start with any two days.

Now, on the fasting days you choose, you should follow the 16:8 method. You can eat for any eight hours of your choice but you have to fast for the rest. During the fasting period, it is advisable to consume a lot of water. You can also have coffee, tea, and some other non-sugar drinks.

Further, your exercise patterns should be adjusted as well. Strength training or other heavy exercises should be avoided on fasting days. If you want to do any exercise, you can do yoga or easy cardio workouts. You can do heavy exercises on the non-fasting days.

Once you are acclimated to this intermittent fasting meal plan, you can increase your fasting days from two to three non-consecutive days. For example, you could fast on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  You would continue to add fasting days until you are able to easily fast every day of the week.

Check out our article on cresendo fasting. Learn how to do it the right way.

What to Drink During Intermittent Fasting?

While following an intermittent fasting meal plan, you should from eating during the fasting period.  However, you are encouraged to drink plenty of fluids.

You should especially consume a lot of water. In addition to that, you can have tea and coffee as well. Herbal tea is an excellent option. However, alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.

Other acceptable options include sparkling water and apple cider vinegar. You don’t want to raise your insulin levels during the period you are fasting. Therefore, you should avoid any beverage that does has sugar.  There are different schools of thought concerning whether or not adding non-calorie sugar substitutes to drinks are acceptable during fasting.  Here at Libifit, we believe that using Stevia as well as aspartame (in limited amounts) are acceptable to add to drinks during your fasting period.

***Download our 7-day Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan pdf below.

Supplements for Intermittent Fasting

While fasting, you are allowed to consume supplements that are without any calories. These supplements have a variety of health benefits on your body. They include:

Electrolyte Supplements: Electrolytes are important chemical compounds that power important bodily functions. They are important for sending messages throughout your body as well.

Generally, the body’s need for electrolytes is fulfilled by fruits and vegetables. However, during the fasting period, you are not consuming any of them.

Therefore, it is a good idea to consume electrolyte supplements in the intermittent fasting meal plan. These supplements help in avoiding muscle weakness or any fatigue you might feel during the fasting period.

intermittent fasting meal plan pdf libifit

Cinnamon Supplements: Cinnamon, among its other health benefits, is found to lower your blood sugar levels. It also lowers the insulin resistance of the body.

Therefore, it can act as an added booster during your fasting session. You should have these supplements as recommended.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar is like a magic drink with its tons of benefits. It has no calories in itself and the benefits of the beverage are numerous.

It lowers the blood sugar level of the body. Therefore, it can be an extra aid during the fasting period. Not only that, it aids in digestion as well.

Whey Protein: Amino acids are essential life blocks which carry out all the repair and cellular process in the body. They are created from protein, which in turn comes from food.

When you are on a fasting period, your body is not consuming any proteins. Therefore, during the physical exercising, it can start breaking down muscle to create Amino acids.

To avoid this, it is a good idea to supplement eating periods with whey proteins. That way, you have enough protein build up in the body to avoid muscle breakdown.

Fiber Supplements: Fiber supplements are a good way to curb your appetite without spiking your insulin levels. They are especially helpful when you have just started intermittent fasting meal plan.

You can mix a teaspoon of fiber supplement with a beverage and you will see you no longer feel hungry. Fibres have numerous health benefits on the body as well.

***Download our 7-day Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan pdf below.

intermittent fasting meal plan pdf

How to Avoid Binge Eating on An Intermittent Fasting Diet

When you first start following an intermittent fasting meal plan, you might experience extreme hunger pangs. When this happens, you can be tempted to binge eat during the eating period.

The first thing to know is that even though you have fasted, there is still a need for a caloric deficit.  This means that if you binge during your eating period, and consume more calories than you burn during the day, you WILL NOT LOSE WEIGHT.  You must still follow a healthy diet during your feeding window.

To avoid binge eating, you should be prepared.  Have your first meal ready to go at the start of your feeding period.  And this first meal should be filled with green veggies and fiber.  We recommend that your first meal after fasting be a huge bowl of veggies or a large salad.  This will help to fill you up and give you more self-control.  If you are full, you will make better food choices during you eating period.  You should also have a teaspoon of MCT oil before you eat anything.  Here is the MCT oil we recommend.

In addition to eating healthy and breaking your fast the right way, you should take the supplements recommended above.

It is also important to note that it takes some time to include intermittent fasting in your lifestyle. Most people tend to feel immense hunger during the first week, but they soon become acclimated to it.

Therefore, if you have just started intermittent fasting, you simply need to be patient. If you still feel it is a hard thing to do, you can make a few tiny changes here and there to ease yourself into it. You will find it to be one of the best decisions in your life.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

  • Burning up of your fat stores:  Intermittent fasting creates a calorie deficit in your body. Therefore, your body will start burning up the fat in order to create energy. This can lead to the desired weight loss.
  • Immunity:  Intermittent fasting is shown to improve the immunity of the body. This helps you to be protected against all types of diseases.
  • Longer life expectancy:  Studies have found that people who practice intermittent fasting tend to live longer. Therefore, you can follow this simple life and enjoy the extra years of your life happily!
  • Improved Bodily Function:  Intermittent fasting helps in improving the overall bodily functions. People who practice this method testify that they get better sleep, feel higher energy levels in the body, and feel a general sense of wellness.
  • Hearth and Brain Health:  Intermittent fasting improves brain function and heart health drastically. You are at a lower risk of a heart attack. Further, it helps in controlling type 2 diabetes as well.
  • No restrictions on the food:  Intermittent fasting does not force you to eat any particular type of food or avoid the other. During the eating period, you can eat whatever you like as long as it is healthy and there is a caloric deficit. This makes it a less restrictive method and gives you a sense of comfort.


As you can see, following an intermittent fasting meal plan is easy to employ and has tons of health benefits and is excellent for weight loss.  Download our 7-day Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan PDF file to get started today!

Enter your email address below to get the 7-day Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan pdf file.


Confusing Your Metabolism: Why It Works and How to Do It

confusing your metabolism metabolic confusion

Confusing your metabolism may initially sound a little sketchy.  Do you really want to “confuse” a major process in your body that burns fat?  The answer is YES!  What if we told you that metabolic confusion is the best way for fat burning and to lose weight?

So, let us discuss metabolic confusion in detail and know how confusing your metabolism will help you in long term weight loss.

What is Metabolic Confusion?

To understand what confusing your metabolism means, let us first grasp the basic idea of metabolism. Metabolism is the process by which your body burns its calories and carbs in order to make energy.

Metabolism is not a pre-programmed thing. It varies from person to person. And for every person, the metabolism can keep changing based on varying life habits, the food one eats, and physical exercising.

Metabolic confusion is the process of presenting your body with variations in diets and exercises so that your metabolism isn’t dependent upon a particular calorie intake or calorie burn rate.

Metabolic confusion is a proven method for fat loss and achieving the weight and body composition that you want. Here is why it works.

Confusing your Metabolism: Why It Works

Initially, it may not seem very obvious that confusing your metabolism could lead to fat burning. After all, it has been pounded into our brains via television and other advertising mediums that consuming a low-calorie diet is the perfect way for lower body weight.

However, it’s a complete myth. Having a low-calorie diet for a prolonged period can have adverse effects on your health. Not only that, it can lead to weight gain over time.

When you are consuming a low-calorie diet every day, your body eventually adjusts your metabolism accordingly. It begins to optimize the calories needed for your physical work daily and stores the rest as fat.

Further, eventually, when you move to your normal diet, your body has even more calories to store as fat. This makes you gain more weight than you actually started out with.

It is important to remember that calories are essential to provide energy to your body. Therefore, a low-calorie diet means that your body does not have enough energy to function properly. This can lead to reduced muscle mass.

Additionally, consuming a lower calorie diet for extended periods, can also trigger the stress hormone in the body. This stress hormone, cortisol can impede weight loss as well as other adverse health effects on its own.

Same goes for physical exercises as well. It has been said that working out in the lower heart rate zone for prolonged periods can lead to weight loss. However, it actually teaches your body how to store fat in the long run.

Therefore, for optimal weight loss, confusing your metabolism is very important. Keep reading to see how to do it.

Confusing Your Metabolism: How to do it

Confusing your metabolism is a very easy process. Not only it is the best way to lose weight, but it also avoids unnecessary strain on your body by consuming a low-calorie diet exclusively.

The best way to boost your metabolism through this method is by carb cycling or calorie cycling. Calorie cycling is the process where you follow alternating diets. You keep shifting between low-calorie diets and high-calorie diets.

Calorie cycling does not focus on eating some particular foods and avoiding the rest. It simply revolves around the number of calories you consume.

Similarly, carb cycling is the method in which you alternate the carbs you consume. This can be done on a monthly basis, weekly basis, or even a daily basis. It is the best method to lose weight even when you feel it won’t go below a certain point.

You can vary the number of carbs that you intake based on the energy you would be needing, your workouts, your lifestyle, and many other factors.

The science behind this variation is simple. The carbs you consumed are broken into glucose, which the body uses for daily metabolism. On high carb days, the body will use this glucose as the functioning source of energy. Carbs will also be converted to glycogen, which is important for muscle functioning. This can provide you with the energy you need on intensive workout days. At the same time, it can avoid muscle breakdown.

On the low carb days, the body will not have sufficient carbs to use as energy, so it will switch to a fat burning mode. This improves your metabolic adaptability and enables your body to burn fat as fuel whenever needed.

Interested in a meal plan for confusing your metabolism? Download our free 7-day meal plan for metabolic confusion below.

Best Carbs for Confusing Your Metabolism

Whether a carb is conducive to weight loss, is measured by the Glycaemic Index (GI). It is the ability of the carb to raise your blood’s glucose level. Based on the GI, the best carbs for confusing your metabolism are:

  1. Quinoa: Quinoa is one of the healthiest things you can eat. It is high in carbs (the good kind). Not only that, but it is also gluten-free. It has all the nine essential amino acids in good amount.
  2. Oats: Oats are like the magic food of the dieting world. They are rich in so many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also contain more protein than any other grain.
  3. Buckwheat: Buckwheat is like wheat only in its name. The pseudo-cereal has zero per cent gluten content. It is exceptionally healthy for heart health as well as blood sugar level.

Confusing Your Metabolism with Exercise

To get the most efficiency out of any weight loss regime, it is best to pair it with regular exercise. Same goes for metabolic confusion.

As we mentioned earlier, working out on a lower intensity for a prolonged period actually leads to storage of fat in the body. So, what do you do for fat loss? Obviously, just the opposite.

Fat loss exercise through metabolic confusion involves High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT is the best exercise in order to create metabolic confusion. It will not only lead to strength training but it also burns that unwanted fat around your stomach.

In HIIT Training, you continually switching the type of training, the duration of the training, and the intensity of the training. This keeps your metabolism revved to its optimum since it never knows what is coming next.

The best way to do it is to do activities that raise your heart rate to 70% of the maximum. Do this for a short amount of time, then recover for a short amount of time. After that, spike up your heart rate again.

Here is a great video explaining HIIT.


7 Benefits of Confusing Your Metabolism

There are a number of direct and indirect benefits of metabolic confusion. While some of them are obvious, you might have not thought of the others. Here are seven of them:

  1. Removal of Unnecessary Body Strain:

Conventional weight loss methods like consuming low-calorie diets cause unnecessary strain on the body. This can lead to fatigue, energy loss, improper functioning of the body.

  • Removal of dietary restrictions:

Metabolic confusion does not require you to eat any particular food or beverage like green tea. You can eat the things you like. The only thing you need to confine yourself for is the number of calories.

  • Stress Hormone:

Consuming low-calorie diets for a prolonged period can lead to triggering of the stress hormone- Cortisol. Cortisol increases the release of sugar in the blood. It has adverse health effects in the long run.

  • Actual Weight Loss:

Metabolic confusion leads to actual weight loss in the long run. Other weight loss methods like consuming low-calorie diets can lead to weight gain in the long term when you resume your normal eating pattern.

  • Strength Training:

Physical training methods such as HIIT can help in strength training as they keep your metabolism revved up. They can also help in building muscle mass as well as endurance.

  • Low Cost to No Cost:

Most weight loss methods can actually cost you a lot of money. You need to get the ingredients for those specialized dietary plans or you need to get specialized equipment. However, metabolic confusion can be done without any extra cost to your expenditure.

  • Fat Burning:

Metabolic confusion involves carb cycling, which shifts your body to fat burning mode instead of carb burning mode. This is very beneficial for the long term. It also helps to shed those extra pounds you have around your belly.

Concluding Thoughts Confusing Your Metabolism

Taking all the aspects into account, confusing your metabolism is the best weight loss strategy created to date. Employ it into your lifestyle and you will soon begin to notice the positive affect it has on your body.  If you are interested in a 7-day downloadable metabolic confusion meal plan pdf, click on the link to the post below.


Combing Metabolic Confusion and Intermittent Fasting for Quick Weight Loss

metabolic confusion for endomorphs

Metabolic confusion has recently resurfaced in the fitness world as an amazing diet plan to lose weight and be healthy. The strategy includes cycling with your daily carb intake as well as the caloric intake.  This cycle method has led to amazing results in most of the users.

More recently, this diet has been used in conjunction with intermittent fasting in order to speed weight loss and enhance fat burning. This has left many wondering how these diets work so well together and what more health benefits they can bring about. This article will help answer these questions in detail.

What is Metabolic Confusion

The term metabolic confusion has been circulating in the fitness world for some time now. With the continuous research in the fitness world and the emergence of keto, paleo, and other diets, the popularity of this metabolic confusion waned.  However, it has still managed to hold its ground well because of its supreme effectiveness.

The main concept behind metabolic confusion and its high efficacy is quite simple. This diet requires you to eat your healthy selected meals such a way that you vary the total calories on some type of random schedule. For example, if you just had a meal with a caloric value of 500, the next meal must have a different number of calories.

Doing this creates a state of metabolic confusion in your body. Your body tries to adjust its functioning according to your method of eating and when there is no particular order detected, your body metabolism gets a boost. A change or response in body metabolism causes a greater fat loss without any serious food restriction.

Another reason metabolic confusion is popular among the fitness experts is its ability to help shed pounds irrespective of your body type. It even works great for endomorph body types which normally does not respond to most of the diet plans.

Metabolic Confusion Diet Strategies

Metabolic confusion can be induced in different ways. Here we detail two strategies: carb cycling and calorie cycling for facilitating metabolic confusion.

Carb Cycling

Carb cycling refers to a method in which you vary your calorie intake by limiting your carb intake on certain days and then eating normally the other days. With these alternating days of high-carb and low-carb days, dieters are able to follow carb cycling without any significant diet changes and burn maximum body fat.

The continuous cycling of carbs helps you maintain a caloric deficit which ultimately leads to weight loss without losing muscle mass. This is what makes carb cycling different than other low-carb diets. Another benefit of carb cycling is that it does not cause you to experience hormonal stress that normally accompanies the calorie restriction caused by most types of intensive meal plans.

Below is a simple sample calorie cycle to help you understand how to cycle carbs for weight loss.

Monday Moderate Carb Day 100g – 125g of carbs
Tuesday – Saturday Low Carb Days Less than 50g of carbs
Sunday High Carb Day 200g – 225g of carbs

The carb level variations are limitless.  However, as a rule of thumb and to ensure weight loss follow these two guidelines:

  1. Do not have back-to-back high carb days
  2. The majority of the days of the week (at least 4) should be low carb days.

A major benefit of carb cycling is that it can be easily performed by people who are regular gym-goers who perform high-intensity exercises like weight training. Idealy, these dieters should have a carb-rich meal pre-workout so that they can exercise without any problem.

While you alternate between carb levels, it is important to maintain your protein intake, consume high-fiber food and eat healthy fats like olive oil.

Here is a great link to an article discussing the best foods for carb cycling.

Calorie Cycling

Another type of metabolic confusion diet is calorie cycling in which you vary your calorie intake by dividing your week into high and low-calorie days. In this method, you vary your total calorie intake on a weekly basis instead of carb intake.

For instance, if your daily calorie value in order to lose weight is around 1500 calories, you would normally eat 1500 calories daily. However, this is not the case when it comes to calorie cycling. In this type of metabolic confusion diet, you keep varying your daily calorie intake while making sure that your weekly intake remains constant.

If you need 1500 calories per day, your weekly calorie intake comes out to be 10500. This can be achieved through calorie cycling in many different ways. A popular way of doing it is observing 2 non-consecutive days per week as high-calorie days followed by the rest of the 5 days as low-calorie days. For example:

Monday: 1200 calories

Tuesday: 1250 calories

Wednesday: 1900 calories

Thursday: 1200 calories

Friday: 1850 calories

Saturday: 1200 calories

Sunday: 1900 calories

Total Weekly Calories:  10,500

Just as with carb cycling, the combinations for calorie intake are limitless within your target weekly calorie range.  However, you should follow one of the same rules relative to carb cycling in that you should not have two high calorie days back-to-back.

Metabolic confusion diet
Metabolic Confusion and Intermittent Fasting for Quick Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF), another type of metabolic confusion, can be rightly called as a dieting pattern. It includes consciously skipping certain meals on a daily basis in order to burn fat without experiencing any side effects.

Intermittent fasting promotes the concept of fasting rather than feasting. It requires you to limit your calorie intake to a particular eating window and choose not to eat any food during the rest of the day. For more details, keep reading.

IF is comprised of an eating cycle which involves long periods of fasting followed by a brief eating period. Most proponents of IF have reported greater weight loss in a shorter amount of time. But how does this happen? How does fasting speed weight loss?

Intermittent fasting mostly works by decreasing the insulin levels in your body.

Your body normally breaks down carbs to form glucose which is then used by your cells for energy and fat storage. Insulin refers to a hormone that makes it possible for the cells to utilize glucose.

The levels of insulin tend to drop as soon as you stop consuming food. With no insulin in the body, the cells are unable to take up glucose and are forced to break down fat for energy. This leads to faster fat loss and better weight management.

Intermittent fasting can be done in several ways two of which are mentioned below.

16/8 Intermittent Fasting Method

The 16/8 method includes fasting for 16 hours followed by an 8-hour long eating window. You can do it as frequently as you can. Some people prefer doing it every single day, some repeat it once or twice a week, and some of them prefer doing alternate day fasting.

Here’s a sample approach to 16/8 intermittent fasting.  You may have your dinner at 8 pm on Saturday and go to sleep. This is followed by getting up on Sunday, skipping breakfast, and not eating anything until 2 pm.

5:2 Intermittent Fasting Method

The 5:2 method, also known as the eat-stop-eat method is rather simple to understand. To follow this method, you need to observe 2 non-consecutive fasting days followed by 5 regular days.

This means that you would have to fast for 24 hours twice per week or reduce your calorie intake to as low as 500 calories in case of women and 600 in case of men.

You can choose any days for fasting as long as there is a non-fasting day between them.

Combining Intermittent Fasting and Metabolic Confusion

Both intermittent fasting and carb cycling are extremely powerful tools for fat loss individually. However, putting them together will help you achieve results that seemed impossible before.

Suppose you are fasting for 15 hours a day where you stop eating at 8 pm every night, skip breakfast the next day and have your meal at 11 am. To combine IF with metabolic confusion, you must break down your food into 4 meals and consume them within your eating window. For example, eat at 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm, followed by your last meal of the day at 7:30 pm. The cycle is then repeated every day.

Now, during your specified eating times, vary your carb intake daily. Experts recommend going for 4 zero-carb days, 2 moderate-carb days, and 1 high-carb day.  Apply these carb rules to the 4 divided meals you eat during your eating window followed by a fasting period of 15 hours.  Here is how a sample eating schedule may look.

Day of the Week Fasting Period Carb Intake
Monday 8PM – 11AM Moderate: Divide carb intake of 125 grams over 4 meals
Tuesday – Saturday 8PM – 11AM Low: Divide carb intake of 50 grams over 4 meals
Sunday 8PM – 11AM High: Divide carb intake of 225 grams over 4 meals

By doing this, you can enjoy the benefits of both IF and metabolic confusion together.

7 Benefits of Combining Metabolic Confusion and Intermittent Fasting

The health benefits of intermittent fasting are amazing. But if you combine it with metabolic confusion, they can exceed your expectations. The following results can be successfully obtained by the combination of two.

  1. Weight Loss: Combining metabolic confusion with IF produces a greater calorie deficit which ultimately leads to a better weight loss.
  2. Increased Fat Loss: Tricking your metabolism combined with long hours of fasting helps your body switch to fat burning in a much faster way. This leads to a greater and quicker fat loss.
  3. Muscle Recovery: People who normally complain about muscle loss due to IF can combine it with carb cycling to fuel the muscles and prevent them from depletion.
  4. Energy Enhancement: People who are unable to workout on IF can combine it with metabolic confusion to fuel their bodies with energy. This allows them to workout properly without feeling energy-depleted.
  5. Insulin Regulation: Intermittent fasting together with metabolic confusion like carb cycling can regulate your blood sugar by controlling the insulin spikes.
  6. Prevention of Diabetes: By providing better control of insulin and blood sugars, IF together with metabolic confusion can help fight medical conditions like type 2 diabetes. It can also help fight insulin resistance.
  7. Control of Inflammation: IF together with metabolic confusion can lead to better control on inflammation by controlling the sugars and processed food you eat.

Concluding Thoughts on Metabolic Confusion

Metabolic confusion diet has proven to be highly effective in healing your body and managing weight. Combining it (carb or calorie cycling) with IF provides both long and short-term benefits that can improve your health and positively impact the quality of living.


7-Day Easy Metabolic Confusion Meal Plan for Extreme Fat Loss

metabolic confusion endomorph

Confusing your metabolism to lose weight has been a well-known approach for some time now. But have you ever wondered what it is, how it works, or which metabolic confusion meal plan must be followed in order to achieve maximum benefits?

This article will help you understand the basic concept behind metabolic confusion and the mechanism it follows. It will also provide you with a 7-day metabolic confusion meal plan to help you reap maximum benefits.

What is Metabolic Confusion

Metabolic confusion was introduced to the fitness world a few years back as a guaranteed way to shed extra pounds. Despite being overshadowed by the new diet trends coming one after the other, it still remains as a popular and effective method to achieve your weight loss goals.

The concept behind this dietary approach is quite simple. Instead of eating the exact same number of meals holding the same caloric value, you have to follow a metabolic confusion diet plan in which:

  • You should eat at least 4 or more meals per day (be careful not to overeat)
  • Every meal must have a varying number of calories. For example, if one of your meal has 500 calories, the next one should comprise of 100 calories. This is also known as calorie shifting. This allows you to have high-calorie days followed by low-calorie days.

When you follow these two rules, a state of metabolic confusion is created in your body. This means that your body tries to make adjustments in your metabolisms depending on your pattern of eating when in actual, there is no pattern. This gives your metabolism a boost and helps you lose body weight quickly.

***Keep reading to gain access to our free metabolic confusion meal plan downloadable pdf.

Metabolic Confusion Meal Plan Approach

In order to get maximum benefits from this diet, all you have to do is eat at least four healthy meals per day while ensuring that every meal has a different caloric value. Generally, people are encouraged to eat low-carb food items like shrimp and veggies because they have low calories. For example, if you have a daily calorie intake of 1200 calories, divide your 4 meals into 2 meals with 400 calories alternating with 2 meals with 200 calories.

Carb Cycling: Best Metabolic Confusion Meal Plan Approach

There are different ways to trick your metabolism and lose weight. Out of all these methods, carb cycling is considered as the best metabolic confusion meal plan to follow. It is an excellent nutrition strategy that alternates between high and low intakes of carbohydrates.

The goal behind varying your carb intake is to help your body access the stored fat and use it as a fuel instead of relying on glycogen. This is combined with exercise, particularly on low-carb days which further boosts the fat-burning ability of the body.

metabolic confusion meal plan
Carb Cycling is a simple way to induce metabolic confusion

Carb cycling can be accomplished in different ways and depends on the individual goals of a person. To integrate carb cycling in your metabolic confusion meal plan, you must break your diet into varying phases of carb intake.  For example, you can have low-carb phase and the high-carb phase. Ideally, you must consume more carbs when you are physically more active and reduce their intake during the rest days.

For following the carb cycling meal plan, it is important to determine the number of carbs to eat. For this purpose, several factors must be taken into consideration such as your weight, age, basal metabolic rate, height, activity level, the macronutrient breakdown, etc.

There are many ways to carb cycle to induce metabolic confusion.  Here is a sample carb cycling schedule.

Day Carb Intake Grams of Carbs
Monday High 200 g
Tuesday Moderate 100 g
Wednesday No/Low 0 – 50 g
Thursday High 200 g
Friday Moderate 100 g
Saturday No/Low 0 – 50 g
Sunday No/Low 0 – 50 g

Carb Refeeding for Increased Metabolic Confusion

To further increase metabolic confusion, people who carb cycle often do carbohydrate refeeding.  This is a day or period where you significantly increase your carb intake level to cause your metabolism to respond more intensely.  Here are two methods of carb refeeding.

  • Method 1: Low-carb diet is followed for 7 to 14 days followed by a day where you increase the intake of carbohydrates significantly. This is known as refeeding and is used more commonly as a reward for being devoted to a low-carb diet for such a long time. This helps build the psychology of this entire metabolic confusion meal plan. It also ensures that your body is as near to starvation mode as possible but does not cross it.
  • Method 2: A refeeding day is incorporated in the metabolic confusion meal plan after 3 to 4 days of following a low-carb diet. This method is especially useful for those who find it difficult to cut carbs from their diet for weeks.

Irrespective of the method you follow, it is important for your body to work out on refeeding days.

***At the end of this article, check out our 7-day metabolic confusion meal plan.

metabolic confusion meal plan
Metabolic confusion diet meal plan

Best Carbs for Carb Cycling Metabolic Confusion Meal Plan

  • On a high-carb day, try eating starchy carbohydrates coming from foodslike oatmeal, potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, fruit, and whole-wheat bread. These starches possess more complexly-structured carbs that require more energy to break down. Be sure to include lean protein sources like chicken, turkey, and fish. Also, consuming whey protein power is highly recommended. Here is a low carb whey powder we recommend. We have included it in our 7-day metabolic confusion meal plan.

Isopure Low Carb Protein Powder

  • On low-carb days, you must stay away from starchy vegetables and fruits. You are still allowed to consume low-carb veggies such as eggplant, leafy greens, peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, avocados, or cauliflower. You may get protein from lean beef, chicken breasts, and turkey.

5 Benefits of Metabolic Confusion Meal Plans

Here are five benefits of following a metabolic confusion meal plan include:

  1. Weight Loss:  A metabolic confusion meal plan leads to a calorie deficit which promotes weight loss.
  2. Fat Burning:  A low-carb diet allows your body to switch your fuel from carbohydrates to fats.
  3. Muscle Recovery:  High-carb days help refuel your muscle glycogen and provides your body with all essential nutrients.
  4. Energy Enhancement:  High-carb days in a metabolic confusion diet provide energy for working out.
  5. Insulin Regulation: Low-carb days prevent your sugar levels from spiking while enhancing weight loss. High-carb days, on the other hand, provide a sufficient amount of sugar for the preservation of muscle tissue

Concluding Thoughts on Metabolic Confusion

Following a metabolic confusion meal plan is a great way to reach your weight loss goals without completely depriving your body of all the nutrients. By switching between high-carb and low-carb days, it is possible to shed the several pounds without completely eliminating carbs from your diet.

We have created a 7-day metabolic confusion diet meal plan for you.  Simply complete the form below and your will be taken to a page to download the free pdf file.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Till next time…


3 Easy Metabolic Confusion Diets to Lose Weight Fast


Metabolic confusion is slowly gaining popularity. Many people have been turning to this type of diet, especially due to the increasing frustration related to strict dieting rules.

Is this you…You are following all the rules, avoiding desserts, eating salads, and avoiding alcohol, but for some reason, your weight is remaining the same. This leaves you thinking there may be something wrong with your metabolism. This is where metabolic confusion comes in.

Metabolic Confusion Explained

Most of the meal plans focused at fat burning and weight loss are failing, particularly because of their strict rules. Not only are these plans impractical to follow but they also slow down your basal metabolism. This makes it even harder to lose weight.

Check out this link to learn about the basal metabolic rate and calculate your own.

The reason behind this problem are the flaws in the basic structures of most diet plans. These plans focus on considerable calorie restrictions together with other rigid rules that damage your body in the long term and makes weight loss harder.

In such cases, you respond by decreasing your calorie intake even more. The body responds to this severe calorie restriction by boosting the production of cortisol which, in turn, causes weight gain.

To avoid this, experts advise creating a metabolic confusion in your body. It is a situation in which you start eating your meals in an uncertain order. This tricks your metabolism into believing that you are consuming large amounts of calories causing it to react in order to compensate for this so-called ‘calorie disorder.’ This reaction ultimately leads to fat loss.

As the metabolism continues to raise and react, your body eventually starts burning more body fat.

Metabolic Confusion Diet#1:  Calorie Cycling

Calorie cycling refers to a dieting strategy that includes alternating between high-calorie and low-calorie periods. It does not require you to follow any strict rules or food restrictions. All you need to do is maintain the total number of calories you eat per day.

There is no definitive way of following this type of metabolic confusion diet. You can set up a dietary plan that is suitable for you and start alternating between low and high-calorie days. You may start with a low-calorie day and switch to a higher-calorie time period after 1 to 4 weeks.

This tricks your metabolism into believing that you are consuming a high number of calories so it revs up its speed to burn it.

For example, start following this metabolic confusion diet on Monday. Keep your calorie intake between 1000 – 1200 calories until Friday. On weekend, increase your calorie intake to 1500 calories or more. Repeat the same cycle next week.

Another way to calorie cycle is to alternate caloric consumption days between high and low. Low calorie days range from 800 – 1000 calories  and high calorie days range from 1300 – 1500 calories.

metabolic confusion meal plan

Metabolic Confusion Diet#2:  Carb Cycling

Carb cycling refers to a dietary approach in which you keep alternating your total intake of carbohydrate on a daily basis. Carb cycling is an extremely popular way of losing fat while improving your physical performance. It is also a great way to create a metabolic confusion in those who are unable to break their weight loss plateau.

In this type of metabolic confusion diet, you are instructed to observe a low-carb diet for some time followed by a few high-carb days. The rationale behind this approach is to enable you to enjoy the perks of a low-carb diet while providing enough carbs to keep your body functioning properly.

But how should you cycle your carbs if you wish to create a metabolic confusion in your body? The following 7-day sample plan will help you understand how much grams of carbs to consume per day.

Monday: 200 grams

Tuesday: 100 grams

Wednesday: 30 grams

Thursday: 200 grams

Friday: 200 grams

Saturday: 30 grams

Sunday: 30 grams

Metabolic Confusion Diet#3:  Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting refers to a dietary approach in which you alternate between periods of eating and fasting. This means that you have to starve your body for certain hours followed by a short eating window in which you can eat anything you like.

Observing a long period of fasting tricks your metabolism into a starvation mode and forces it to burn fat in order to release energy. This leads to rapid fat loss and helps you reach your weight loss goal. There are different ways of following intermittent fasting to create metabolic confusion in your body. You can either follow a 16/8 approach in which you have to fast for 16 hours followed by an 8-hour eating window every day. Alternatively, you may fast for 24 hours straight twice a week to create a metabolic confusion in your body.

Learn more about intermittent fasting and how to easily start with crescendo fasting.

7 Benefits of Metabolic Confusion

Below are the top 7 benefits of creating metabolic confusion in your body:

  • Accelerates fat loss by giving your metabolism a boost
  • Improves your workouts
  • Maximizes your muscle gain while improving fat loss at the same time
  • Helps control your hunger which will help you prevent any more weight gain
  • Assist with strength gains at a steady pace while staying slim
  • Keeps you from acquiring a negative fluid balance, a problem commonly observed with low-calorie diet plans
  • Allows you enjoy the perks of a low-calorie, low-carb diet without actually following it

Concluding Thoughts on Metabolic Confusion

To conclude, using metabolic confusion diets to maximize weight loss is a great way to maintain a healthy body without damaging yourself. This metabolic confusion does not require you to completely deprive yourself of food just to meet your target and is a great way to lose all extra pounds.

Give one of the three types of metabolic confusion diets discussed in this article a try. All these diets carry equal potential for fat loss if followed properly. So if you are an someone who is struggling with losing weight, try creating metabolic confusion in your body using one of these methods and see the results for yourself.

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to receive free diet plans and tips on all types of diets and weight loss.


Ultimate 175 Item Paleo Diet Food List PDF

paleo diet food plan pdf

The paleo diet has been known to benefit those wishing to achieve a better body. It has been associated with a lot of health benefits in addition to weight loss. In this article we give you the science behind the paleo diet and an ultimate paleo diet food list pdf to download.

Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease: These are a few health problems that the advocates of the paleo diet blame on the current lifestyles and modern diets of the people. The best solution according to these people is to cut down all the modern foods from the diet and go back to the ways in which our ancestors ate i.e. the paleo ways.

What is this paleo diet? What are its benefits and side effects? This article will provide you with in-depth answers and we will give you access to free paleo diet food list pdf file to download and use for your convenience.

What is a paleo diet and how does it benefit you? Let’s find out.  Then, download our paleo diet food list to help get you started.

What is the Paleo Diet?

The paleo diet is a dietary plan based on foods that are similar to those eaten during the Paleolithic era. This era is said to exist around 2.5 million to about 10,000 years ago.

A paleo diet is said to consist of different food varieties such as fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and seeds, and lean meat, the foods that were commonly obtained by gathering and hunting. On the other hand, this diet restricts the foods that became common when farming emerged around 10,000 years ago. These food groups include legumes, grains, and dairy products.

In addition to foods eaten during the paleolithic era, additional items that you can eat on a paleo diet includes healthy fats, veggies like sweet potatoes, olive oil, coconut oil, vegetable oils, gluten-free products and free-range products.

Other names for the famous paleo diet includes the Paleolithic diet, the Stone Age diet, the caveman it, or the hunter-gatherer diet.

***Keep reading to receive our free paleo diet food list pdf downloadable file.

The Science Behind the Paleo Diet

The concept behind using the paleo diet is backed up by science. Many studies have proven that the genetic patterns in humans have undergone very little change over 2.6 million years ago. About 0.02% change has been observed in the human genome over the last 40 thousand years.

Most of the modern diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart diseases emerged ever since we started incorporating changes in the diet plan. The modern diet of today is completely different from the one that humans have been consuming since they started living on this planet.

The fossil records have given the scientific community an idea about what the ancient men have been eating. To tell you the truth, it is nowhere close to what humans are eating these days.

So what did the Paleo man eat and why? He didn’t drink milk because it was not feasible for him to milk the wild animals. He didn’t consume any cereal grains, did not salt his foods, and never used refined sugars and sweeteners.

Wild animals were considered to be the main source of food for the ancient man. Their diet was rich in protein and high in carbohydrates. All these carbs came directly from berries, fruits, and vegetables in which there were a higher fiber content and low starch.

Scientists believe the simplicity of the diet to be the reason why the ancient men had better health than the people of today. Therefore, the paleo diet has been encouraged by experts to promote weight loss.

***Get access to our free paleo diet food list pdf downloadable file below.

 paleo diet food list
Paleo Diet Food List

Benefits of the Paleo Diet

The paleo diet will not only help you to lose weight, but it will also bring about other health benefits. Here are some of the other health benefits of the paleo diet.

  • The paleo diet will help you eat a cleaner diet without any preservatives, chemicals, and additives.
  • The paleo diet possesses anti-inflammatory benefits due to the nutrients present in the vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and oils.
  • Eating more red meat creates an increase in iron in the body.
  • Following a paleo diet will help you achieve satiety i.e. a feeling of fullness between the meals especially because you are eating more fats and proteins
  • Many people tend to lose weight basically because they have limited food choices on paleo

***Get our free paleo diet food list below.

Foods to Avoid on the Paleo Diet

If you wish to follow the Paleo diet, there are certain things that you need to avoid. Some of these food groups are mentioned below.

  • Sugar/ high-fructose corn syrup: Soft drinks, table sugar, fruit juices, pastries, ice cream, candy and other forms of foods must be avoided.
  • Grains: These grains include pasta and breads in addition to wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and more.
  • Legumes: Legumes such as lentils, beans, and more are particularly not allowed on the paleo because of their high phytic acid content.
  • Dairy: Steer clear of most of the dairy, especially those with low-fat varieties.
  • Vegetable Oil: Certain vegetable oils like sunflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil, grapeseed oil, safflower oil, and cottonseed oil, etc. are not allowed on the paleo diet.
  • Trans Fats: Trans fats are mostly found in processed food varieties such as margarine. Also referred to as the hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, trans fats must be avoided at all costs.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, aspartame, saccharin, cyclamates, and acesulfame potassium are not allowed on the paleo diet. Try using natural sweeteners instead of this.
  • Highly-processed Foods: Everything that bears a label of “diet” or having “low fat” or any kind of additives must be avoided. These foods are extremely processed and can, in fact, lead to increased weight gain.


The paleo diet is considered as one of the top-notch meal plans of getting rid of excess weight. This meal plan is based on the fact that the diet utilized by the ancient cavemen was the best and the most suitable for human bodies.

Foods like artificial sweeteners, highly-processed foods, legumes, grains, and dairy must be avoided while focusing on healthy fats and oils.

Okay, so now just enter your email address below to gain immediate access to the paleo diet food list pdf.


Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female


Intermittent fasting results 1 month female outcomes are constantly searched for.  Here at Libifit we have just what you are looking for if you are interested in intermittent fasting results after 1 month.  We have gathered data from 12 different women who been committed to following an intermittent fasting protocol for at least 1 month.  These same women were given a copy of our Intermittent Fasting for Women 60-day journal to use to help them on their weight loss journey.

This article will detail the progress of these women 1 month after they started intermittent fasting.  All of the women had goals to lose weight, improve their overall energy levels, and experience all of the health benefits of intermittent fasting.

Intermittent Fasting Brief Overview

Before we get into the intermittent fasting results 1 month female outcomes, let’s briefly discuss intermittent fasting. 

Intermittent fasting has been trending in recent years due to the numerous health benefits it promises. This dieting method is claimed to improve metabolic health, induce weight loss, burn body fat, and extend the lifespan of people following it.

Given the growing popularity of intermittent fasting, different methods have been developed to make it as convenient and sustainable as possible. While all the methods can be effective, the one which fits the best varies according to the individual.

What is intermittent fasting and what are different ways of doing it? Are there any side effects of fasting for such a long time? This article will provide in-depth answers. 

Also, we will examine the intermittent fasting results 1 month female outcomes mentioned previously.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting refers to a type of eating pattern that alternates between periods of eating and fasting. There are no specific restrictions regarding which foods to eat and which ones to avoid.

Human beings have been fasting throughout the entire process of evolution. The ancient hunter-gatherers had no means of storing food and often had to starve themselves due to unavailability of food. As a result, humans gradually developed an ability to be able to function for extended periods of time without food.

Fasting is, in fact, considered a more natural process than eating every 3 to 4 meals per day. In some religions, fasting is also adopted for spiritual reasons which put more emphasis on its benefits on human health.

There are different types of intermittent fasting the most popular of which have been described below in detail.

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female Summary

We gave 15 women a free copy of our Intermittent Fasting for Women 60-day journal to use for a 1 month study on intermittent fasting.  The women were also given our Intermittent fasting or women ebook.  We supplied the women with the fasting journal because research shows that people who use diet journals lose twice as much weight as those who do not.  We believed the woman would experience more success using the intermittent fasting journal. 

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female:  Pounds Lost

After one month, of the 15 women we provided the journal and ebook to, 12 of them successfully maintained their intermittent fasting diet and sent in the intermittent fasting results for 1 month. 

We asked the women a variety of questions ranging from the amount of weight they loss to their levels of energy at various time during their first month of fasting.  Below are the all of the intermittent fasting results 1 month female outcomes.

The 12 women who practiced intermittent fasting for one month lost an average of 10.33 lbs. with the highest weight loss being 14 lbs and the lowest 8 lbs.

Intermittent Fasting 1 Month Results

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female:  Preferred Fasting Method

16/8 Fasting Method

This type of fasting method is particularly popular among the masses as it is the easiest and easily fits the schedule of most people. The 16/8 method includes fasting for 16 hours a day followed by an eating window of 8 hours.

A lot of people who started intermittent fasting and fasted for 16 hours straight swear by its weight loss effects on their body.

The 16/8 method is a great way to lose weight, especially for people who usually like skipping breakfast. You can easily follow this diet by having your last meal of the day at 7 pm and fasting for 1 pm the next day.

This way, you will spend most of your fasting period in sleep and won’t get affected by cravings and hunger pangs at all. The only drawback of this method is for people who usually like to eat breakfast before going to work. It may also be problematic for people to go to the gym early in the morning as working out on an empty stomach can be difficult.

Some health experts suggest that women should not try out this method since their bodies are more prone to getting damaged due to prolonged fasting. However, remember that everyone has a different body and to know what suits you best, you would have to try it out for yourself.

5:2 Fasting Method

The 5:2 method is a hardcore method that includes fasting for 24 hours straight. However, some people consider it easy as you only need to fast twice a week and resume eating normally during the rest of the days.

During the 2 designated days of fasting, you have two options. You can either stop eating completely or restrict your calorie intake to 500-600 by eating healthy foods only

You also have an option to fast for 24 hours on two non-consecutive days or go for a 48-hour fast once a week. The latter is usually discouraged as experts consider it too harsh for the body.The 5:2 method may sound more extreme but is equally effective for fat burning.

Eat-Stop-Eat Fasting Method

This particular type of intermittent fasting comprises of a full 24-hour fast. This means that for 24 hours straight, you will consume nothing but water. You may also consider drinking calorie-free beverages like coffee.

The time frame in case of the eat-stop-eat method is completely up to you. You may begin Monday night after having dinner, fast for the next 24 hours and enjoy the dinner the very next day.

Because you are not allowed to take in any calories during this time, the stop-eat-stop method is very powerful at burning the fat stores in your body. It is also a great way to get into ketosis faster than usual.

If you are new to intermittent fasting, it is recommended to try the moderate fasting methods before switching to this hardcore type. Starting with crescendo fasting is a great approach to fasting for women.  Read about crescendo fasting now by clicking on the article link.

The women in the study utilized the three different methods discussed above.  Of the fasting methods utilized, the 16/8 method was the most popular.  Sixty-seven percent of women used this method.  Also, while it is not detailed in the data presented, many women said they begin their fasting journey using the crescendo fasting method for about one week.

Intermittent Fasting Preferred Fasting Methods

Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting

While intermittent fasting is generally safe for all people, it has been associated with certain risks and side effects. It is suggested to talk to a physician before trying this diet, especially if you already suffer from health complications or problems. Below are some of the most common side effects encountered during intermittent fasting.


As your body is still adjusting to the new eating pattern, it is common to feel dull headaches. Dehydration is considered as one of the main reasons behind it. So make sure you drink lots of water both during the fasting and eating phases.

Another reason why these headaches occur changes in the sugar and insulin levels in the body. These changes occur due to the stress hormone released in your body during fasting.

In our intermittent fasting results 1 month female outcomes, we have data on how the 12 women who participated in this study experienced headaches.  See the results below.

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female:  Headaches

As mentioned above headaches are known to be a side effect of fasting, especially at the beginning.  We asked the women about their whether or not they experienced headaches after the first week and 83% of them said they did not experience headaches after the first week of fasting.

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Headaches

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female:  Energy Levels

Of the women who responded to our survey after using the intermittent fasting journal, 55% said they experienced low energy in the first week.  However by the second week, only 10% continued to have low energy.  This could be due to several factors which may or may not include the fasting protocol.  Most of the women who did continue to experience low energy after the first week were those who primarily followed the eat-stop-eat method.

Low Energy

During intermittent fasting, your body is not getting the constant supply of fuel as it used to get previously. So a drop in your energy levels is quite common, especially during the first few days.

Try keeping your schedule as relaxed as possible to lower your energy needs. You may also think about putting your workout schedule on hold until your body adapts to this new diet. Low energy is another side effect assessed in our intermittent fasting results 1 month female outcomes.

Intermittent Fasting Energy Week 1

Intermittent Fasting Energy After Week 1

Hormonal Imbalances

Intermittent fasting may sometimes lead to hormonal imbalances, especially in women. As soon as the body senses starvation, it immediately responds by releasing the hormones leptin and ghrelin. These hormones trigger the user to binge on food creating unhealthy food habits.

Prolonged duration of fasting can also affect the sex hormones in females which, in turn, may interfere with normal ovulation. This means that it can have direct effects on fertility.

While the potential for this occurring is there, the probability of such is very small. The women from our survey experienced no hormonal imbalances during the first month.

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female:  Average Daily Water Consumption

Water consumption is very critical to have a good fasting experience.  We recommended the women try to drink up to 1 gallon of water per day.  Below are the results of the water consumption of the women during the fast.

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Water Consumption

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female:  First Meal After Fast

In our fasting book, we outline the proper way to break a fast to avoid eating and we provide examples of meals to break a fast.  Breaking a fast in the proper way helps to stop binge eating by making you feel full.  Binging after a fast will only stifle your weight loss and increase weight gain.  Below is graph showing the first meal the women most frequently ate to end their fast. 

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month First Meal After Fast

As you can see, most of them had a green smoothie.  More than likely, this is because of the convenience of it.  In our intermittent fasting for women ebook, we explain what foods are best to break a fast and we give you great smoothie recipes to break your fast properly, continue fat burning, and avoid binge eating.

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female:  Brain Fog

Initial brain fog is frequently experienced by intermittent fasting practitioners.  While intermittent fasting has been scientifically verified to improve brain function, during the beginning stage of fasting (week 1), people sometime experience brain fog.  This condition typically subsides after the first week; however, we asked the women in the group did they experience brain fog during the first week.  Fifty-eight percent of them said they did experience brain fog. 

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Brain Fog

However, it should be noted that all of the women said by the middle of week 2, the brain fog had cleared up.

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Female:  Exercise

Exercising for weight loss and overall health is always advised. While it is very possible to lose weight without exercising, to achieve optimal health results, you should. Fifty-eight percent of the women who used the journal and responded to our survey performed routine exercise during the month.

Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Month Exercise

Intermittent fasting is a proven weight loss approach.  If you are ready to experience the same results these women did in their first month, grab our Intermittent Fasting for Women 60-day Journal on Amazon now.  Also, if you send your Amazon number to me (, I’ll send you a 50% off coupon for our intermittent fasting for women book which answers all of your fasting questions, gives ways to effectively break a fast, and thorough explains all of the health benefits of fasting.  It’s normally $9.99, but if you purchase our journal, you can get it for 50% off.

What are you waiting for?  These results can be yours!  Get started now and travel down the intermittent fasting road to lose up to 14 pounds in one month and renew your health and vitality!


The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Food List PDF

Ketogenic diet food list pdf

The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, has been making headlines for a while now and for a good reason. This high-fat, low-carb diet has claimed to help millions of people burn fat and quickly shed pounds.

But what is this ketogenic diet? What are its benefits and side effects? This article will provide you with in-depth answers and we will give you access to free ketogenic diet food list pdf file to download and use for your convenience.

Ketogenic Diet Food List PDF

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet that helps you lose weight by eating fat. The famous Atkins diet, another low-carb diet, is also a modified version of the keto diet. The ketogenic diet includes drastically decreasing the carbohydrate intake and gradually replacing with healthy fats like olive oil, avocado oil, nuts and seeds.

This means that you have to say goodbye to all starchy vegetables, added sugars, and every other food high in carbs and instead focus on keto recipes that are high in fats.

Now you may be wondering how eating fats can actually help you lose weight. This occurs by the induction of a metabolic state called ketosis.

Once you enter ketosis, your body starts burning fat more efficiently leading to a slimmer and leaner you.

The Science Behind the Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet focuses on weight loss by reducing your net carbs. By reducing the carb counts and promoting healthy fat consumption, this diet forces you to stay in ketosis for longer durations of time.

Ketosis refers to a metabolic state where your body stops burning carbohydrates for fuel and switch to fat-burning. As it burns down fats, the body releases certain chemical agents known as the ketones. These ketones are then used to derive energy and carry out all the functions in the body.

When you eat a food rich in carbs, your body responds by secreting two types of chemicals i.e. insulin and glucose.

Glucose is the main source of fuel for your body and your body naturally tends to prefer it over any other source. Insulin, on the other hand, is a hormone that is used to process this glucose in your body.

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Under normal circumstances, your body is using glucose to derive energy and hence, does not need fat. So whatever fat you eat gets stored leading to obesity. But when you switch to a ketogenic diet, your body gets deprived of glucose and starts searching for other sources of fuel. It finally settles on fats and starts burning it rapidly leading to weight loss.

The human body is extremely adaptive to what you put in it. When you overload it with fats while cutting off the carbs, it will start burning ketones as the primary energy source. This helps provide you with various like weight loss, improved mental performance, and better physical endurance.

Different Types of Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is of four different types with slight differences. Let’s take a look at these types one by one.

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Ketogenic Diet Food list pdf

Standard Ketogenic Diet

The macronutrient ratio for this type of ketogenic diet includes 75 percent of fats, almost 15 to 20 percent of proteins and 5 to 10 percent of carbs.

On a standard ketogenic diet, every meal plan of yours must include foods like butter, avocado, fatty fish, ghee, olive oil, and olives. You will have to get around 150 grams of fat every day (present in a ¾ cup of olive oil) for shifting your metabolism so that it burns more fat.

At the same time, you also need to reduce your carb intake to around 300 grams per day to no more than 50.

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Cyclical Ketogenic Diet

The macronutrient ratio for this type of ketogenic diet includes 75 percent of fat, 15 to 20 percent of protein and 5 to 10 percent of carbs on the keto days. On the off days, consume around 25 percent of both fat and protein both and almost 50 percent of carbs.

The cyclical ketogenic diet is a way to get in and out of ketosis while enjoying your food on the off days. This approach includes the following 5 days of the conventional keto diet with two non-keto days on a weekly basis.

Sometimes, people choose to save their days for special occasions like birthdays and weddings. During the cyclical ketogenic diet, it is important to eat wholesome carb-rich foods on the off days such as fruits, dairy products, starchy veggies, and whole grains.

Targeted Ketogenic Diet

The macronutrient ratio for the targeted ketogenic diet includes 65 to 70 percent of fat, 20 percent of protein and around 10 to 15 percent of carbs.

The targeted keto diet is particularly famous among the athletes and physically active individuals who are following the ketogenic diet but require more carbs. This type of keto diet provides an additional 20 to 30 grams of carbs before and after the workouts to improve the recovery. The total carb count has to be around 70 to 80 grams per day.

The keto food list for this type of diet must include fruits, grain-based foods, and dairy.

High-Protein Ketogenic Diet

The macronutrient ratio for this type of ketogenic diet includes 60 to 65 percent of fat, 30 percent of protein and around 5 to 10 percent of carbs.

This type of diet includes eating around 120 grams of protein and approximately 130 grams of fat every single day. Carbohydrates are restricted to lesser than 10 percent of the daily calories.

A lot of people tend to find this type of ketogenic diet as more convenient and easier to follow. This is because it focuses more on protein and lesser on the fat. Some people argue that this approach may not help you get into ketosis. However, the high-protein keto diet will definitely lead to weight loss.

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Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

In addition to helping you lose weight, the ketogenic diet can provide the following benefits to you.

  1. Heart Diseases

The ketogenic diet can improveheart health by altering the HDL cholesterol levels, blood pressure, total body fat, and blood sugar.

  • Cancer

The ketogenic diet is currently being utilized to manage different types of cancer and slow down the progression of the tumor.

  • Alzheimer’s Disease

The keto diet has also been known to reduce the progression and the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Epilepsy

Research has indicated that using a ketogenic diet can lead to a reduction in seizures in children suffering from epilepsy.

  • Parkinson’s Disease

The ketogenic diet has also been known to improve the signs and symptoms of Parkinsonism, according to a study.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

The ketogenic diet can also decrease the insulin levels which, in turn, reduces the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome.

  • Brain Injuries

One study has found that diet can decrease the concussions and support the recovery after getting a brain injury.

  • Acne

Lower levels of insulin together with a reduction in the consumption of processed or sugary foods can reduce acne.

Ketogenic Diet Food List PDF Download

Who Should NOT try the Ketogenic Diet

While the ketogenic diet is extremely beneficial for the mind and body, it is not suitable for all types of people.

  • Pregnant Women

Staying in ketosis for a long duration can cause problems for the growing baby. This affects the development of the brain and increases the risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida. Because it is very risky to protect the baby from the harms of ketosis, it is not recommended to follow the ketogenic diet during pregnancy.

  • Lactating Women

Not enough studies have been conducted to test the safety of a keto diet while breastfeeding. So it is normally recommended to maintain an optimal carb intake as long as you are breastfeeding your baby.

  • People on Medications

People suffering from other conditions and taking medications to manage them must consult a doctor before following the ketogenic diet. This is because certain medications increase the risk of side effects when taken on keto. Some of these medications include glinides, sulphonylureas, and insulin

Keto Diet Side Effects

The ketogenic diet is said to be safe for healthy people. However, there still may be some side effects while the body is adapting to it. This condition is referred to as the keto flu.

The symptoms of the keto flu include a poor mental function, reduced poor energy, increased hunger, nausea, digestive discomfort, sleep issues, and bad exercise performance.

To make sure you prevent this side effect, try opting for a low-carb diet for a few weeks. This helps teach your body to burn more fat before you totally eliminate the carbs from your body.

A keto diet may also change the mineral and water balance of your body. So it is also important to add extra salts to your daily meals.


The ketogenic diet is a proven high-fat, low-carb diet that can help you lose weight within weeks. This diet plan has four different types and you are free to choose any one of them according to your feasibility. In addition to helping you lose weight fast, it can also provide a myriad of other benefits. Despite having preventable side effects, the ketogenic diet is definitely worth a try.

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