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Using the Carb Cycling Diet to Shed Pounds Fast

carb cycling meal plan

Carbohydrate intake has been under the radar of most nutritionists for a long time now. While a number of successful diets focus on restricting/excluding carbs in the diet, there is great success in focusing on “cycling” carbohydrates, in a process known as the carb cycling diet.

This article will provide an in-depth review of the science behind carb cycling. It will also detail carb cycling scheduling and foods to eat while on the diet.

What is the Carb Cycling Diet?

Carb cycling refers to a dietary approach in which you continuously alter your carb intake on a daily, weekly, or a monthly basis. This approach is commonly used to get rid of excess fat, maintain physical performance, an overcome a weight loss plateau.

While some people adjust their carbohydrate intake on a daily basis, others prefer going on long periods of low, moderate and high-carb diets.

In short, a carb cycling diet aims at timing the carbohydrate intake to when it is the most beneficial and excludes or reducing it at certain times to create fat loss.

Your carb intake can be programmed based on a number of factors which include:

  • Body Composition Goals: Some people will decrease the carbs during the diet and add them during the performance or muscle building phase.
  • Training and Rest Days: One of the most popular approaches is a going for a high carb intake on training days and a comparatively lower one on the rest days.
  • Scheduled Refeeds: Another famous approach is to go on a very high carb intake acting as a “refeed” after a prolonged phase of dieting.
  • Special Competitions or Events: Athletes often load up on carbs prior to engaging in an event. A lot of physique competitors do the exact same thing before a photo shoot or an upcoming bodybuilding show.
  • Type of Training: Individuals alter their daily carb intake depending on the duration and intensity of a certain training session. Longer, more intense training sessions lead to higher consumption of carbs and vice versa.
  • Body Fat Levels:  A lot of individuals cycle their carbohydrates depending upon the amount of fat in their body. The thinner they become, the more high-carb days they add to their schedule.

Why Does the Carb Cycling Diet Work (How it Burns Fat)

Carb cycling diet is a comparatively newer dietary approach. The science behind this program relies on the biological mechanisms that control carbohydrate manipulation.

Carb cycling diet is an attempt to match your body’s need for glucose or calories. For example, it helps provide the body with carbs during the intense training days. These high-carb days are also used for refueling the muscle glycogen which, in turn, improves the performance and reduces muscle breakdown.

Strategic high-carb periods also improves the function of appetite and weight-regulating hormones called ghrelin and leptin. [1]

The low-carb days on a typical carb cycling diet, switch your body to a fat-based system due to which your metabolic flexibility improves greatly. This also increases the ability of your body to burn fat as fuel in the long run which helps lose fat.

Another way carb cycling diet works for you is through the manipulation of insulin. The low-carb days together with targeting the carbs around exercise particularly improves the insulin sensitivity.

carb cycling for fat burning

Sample Carb Cycling Diet Schedule

There are several variations of carb cycling.  Some carb cycling schedules may only include high and low carb days, while other schedules may include high, moderate, and low days.  The selected schedule should depend on what is best for you individually.  As a general rule of thumb, high carb days should only occur on days of more intense weight training and exercising.  If you are someone who does not exercise very often, you may want to limit your high carb days to 1-2 days per week.  However, if you perform vigorous exercise more than 3 times per week, you may want to have up to 3 high carb days per week. 

Here are sample carb cycling diet schedules.  Again, you have to choose what is best for you.  Keep in mind that more lower carb days will facilitate greater fat loss.

Sample Schedule 1 (Beginner)

Day Carb Intake Grams of Carbs
Monday High 200 g
Tuesday Moderate 100 g
Wednesday No/Low 0 – 50 g
Thursday High 200 g
Friday Moderate 100 g
Saturday No/Low 0 – 50 g
Sunday No/Low 0 – 50 g

Sample Schedule 2 (Extreme Fat Loss)

Day Carb Intake Grams of Carbs
Monday Low 30 g
Tuesday Low 30 g
Wednesday High 200 g
Thursday Low 30 g
Friday Low 30 g
Saturday High 200 g
Sunday Low 30 g

Sample Schedule 3 (Exercise 3X per week)

Day Carb Intake Grams of Carbs
Monday High 200 g
Tuesday Low 50 g
Wednesday High 200 g
Thursday Low 50 g
Friday High 200 g
Saturday Low 50 g
Sunday Low 50 g

Foods to Eat on a Carb Cycling Diet

While on a carb cycling diet, the types of carb you eat on your high, moderate, and low days should vary.  Here is a list of the types you should consume based on your carb intake level.  Remember, on low/no carb days, you should only consume low carb veggies.


  • Starchy Veggies (potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams)
  • Beans, Lentils, Peas
  • Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats)
  • Fruits and Veggies
  • Whole grain pasta and bread


  • Leafy greens (spinach, cabbage, kale, lettuce chard, etc.)
  • Eggplant
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Zucchini
  • Celery
  • Asparagus
  • Onions
  • Cucumbers

In addition to eating the right carbs, you must make sure that you consume the proper amount of all of the macronutrients: protein, carbs, and fat.  Pertaining to protein, a good rule of thumb is to consume at least half your body weight in grams.  For example, a person weighing 150 pounds, should consume at least 75 grams of protein per day.  For individuals looking to build lean muscle and burn more fat, it is recommended to consume 2/3 to 1 gram of protein per body weight.  Here is a quick list of good lean protein sources for a carb cycling diet.

  • Turkey Breast
  • Chicken Breast
  • Egg Whites
  • Pork Chops
  • Lean Beef
  • Shrimp
  • Tofu
  • Lamb
  • Tuna
  • Tilapia
  • Flounder
  • Cod
  • Halibut
  • Orange Roughy
  • Salmon

Consuming the proper amount of fat is important as well. Here are healthy fat sources:

  • Avocados
  • Cheese
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Olive Oil
  • Eggs
  • Nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter)
carb cycling pdf
healthy protein and fat

Keep in mind that you must monitor your fat intake.  You an slightly increase your fat intake on low/no carb days.  However, you must make sure you do not consume too much fat.  This will stop weight loss and lead to weight gain.

Foods to Avoid on a Carb Cycling Diet

All process foods must be avoided while on a carb cycling diet.  Refined carbs lead to weight gain and even though you count the carbs in these foods and keep track of them, you need to avoid them.  Here is a quick list of foods to avoid:

  • Candies
  • Sodas
  • Pastries (donuts, cupcakes, pies, etc.)
  • Sugary cereals
  • White carbs (white bread, white pasta)

Carb Refeeds: How they Help Burn More Fat on a Carb Cycling Diet

A carbohydrate reefed refers to a short period of time when you strategically eat more carbohydrates than usual. While the range may vary from person to person, the normal range of carbs for most of the people is between 300 grams to 1000 grams of carbs.

Refeeding yourself on carbs is extremely important for a number of reasons. This always puts your body into a caloric surplus and if done properly, carb refeeds can even prevent fat gain usually linked to a caloric surplus.

The Science Behind Refeeds

Refeeding is usually said to have strong ties with the bodybuilding culture. A lot of individuals previously followed this dietary manipulation before it was backed up by all the research.

What’s interesting is that while it may seem unnecessary from a performance and practicality standpoint, it actually checks out.

You might be wondering what is the actual point behind overeating carbs when you know they make have been linked to increase weight gain and fat accumulation.

To understand this, remember that as you are dieting aggressively to get rid of the body weight, the metabolic processes of your body tend to slow down naturally. Over time, you start burning glycogen, the carbs stored in your muscles, which negatively impacts your performance in the gym.

Refeeds help refill these depleted glycogen stores and give a boost to your hormones regulating weight loss and gain. If you are on a diet and find it difficult to do your best in the gym, it might be because you are losing muscle. This is especially true when you go too long without taking any break from dieting or observing any carbohydrate refeeds.

Having extremely low carbohydrate levels in the body may lead to a lesser production ofT3 thyroid hormone. Because T3 is an important driver of your body’s metabolism, a deficiency of this hormone makes it difficult to process fat and lose weight.

Going through regular carb refeeds prevent this deficiency of T3 and makes sure your metabolism runs optimally.

Another reason why a reefed can help you lose fat is its ability to increase the hormone leptin. When you are following a diet for an extended period of time, you are losing fat which, in turn, reduces the amount of leptin in your body. A decreased leptin level triggers hunger forcing you to eat more than you need. This often leads to weight gain and all your efforts to look slimmer go waste.

With regular carb refeeds, your body tends to maintain the amount of leptin in your body. This keeps your hunger levels in check and makes sure that you do not overeat.


Carb cycling diet is a relatively newer approach to lose weight efficiently and safely. It involves eating carbohydrate-rich diets for days, weeks, or even months.  Here are 5 quick carb cycling diet rules.

5 Carb Cycling Diet Rules                                        

  1. Eat 5-6 meals per day
  2. Eat 20 – 40 grams of protein per meal
  3. Eat vegetables at every meal
  4. Only consume whole grain carbs
  5. Drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces of water each day.

Following a carb cycling diet can help promote fat loss by improving metabolism and balancing hormones responsible for regulating hunger and appetite. This dietary approach may take some time to work than the usual diet plans but produces more optimal results. So try it out now.


Simple Carb Cycling Keto Diet Beginner’s Guide

Keto carb cycling

The ketogenic diet is one of the hottest diets today. The keto diet requires you to drastically reduce your carb intake and focus on a high-fat diet. While this weight loss approach is effective, experts say it is not sustainable and may not always be healthy. Carb cycling keto diet could be the solution to long sustained keto weight loss.

What is the Keto Diet?

The keto (ketogenic) diet refers to a low-carb diet in which the body produces ketones within the liver to be used as energy. It is similar to other diets such as, the “low-carb diet”, or the “low-carb high-fat” LCHF diet.  However, the keto diet allows for an extremely low amount of carbohydrates.

The keto diet helps to lose weight by switching your body into a perpetual fat burning mode. When you eat something rich in carbs, your body starts producing glucose. Because glucose is the primary fuel for energy, fats are not needed so they get stored making you gain or hold excess fat. In a normal high-carb diet, the body preferably uses glucose but when you start lowering your carb intake, the body starts burning fat for fuel by entering ketosis.

Ketosis refers to a natural process that the body utilizes to survive when food intake is little. During this state, the body’s fat is broken down to form ketones which are then used to derive energy.

The end goal of a ketogenic diet is to maintain your body in this metabolic state by strict carb restriction leading to a reduction in overall body weight.

carb cycling keto

What is Carb Cycling Keto or Keto Cycling?

Carb cycling keto diet, also known as the cyclical ketogenic diet, refers to a diet program in which you follow the keto diet six days a week but have a higher carb day on any one of the days. This type of carb cycling keto diet has surprising health benefits for people who are unable to follow the strict guidelines of the keto diet.

Simply put, you will be following the normal keto diet for 5-6 days followed by a day or two when you can eat carbs without any restriction. While some people restrict their high carb day to once or twice a week, others have longer cycles extending over weeks.

Extended carb consumption within keto cycling is usually performed by people performing physical training (weight or resistance training) to refill their muscle glycogen stores and target muscle growth. In such cases, the keto cycling must be supervised by a medical professional or some type of sports nutrition training expert.

 carb cycling keto

Benefits Carb Cycling Keto Diet

While following the carb cycling keto diet, you have to focus on a high-fat diet and eat carbs less than 50 total grams or 30 net carbs, 5-6 days a week. On the 7th day, try eating more than 150 grams of carbs.

What are the benefits of following a carb cycling keto diet?

  • It keeps you slim
  • It enhances your immune function
  • It improves your sleep
  • It satisfies your carb cravings making it easier to follow the diet on a long-term basis
  • It keeps keto flu at bay
  • It balances your gut bacteria which, in turn, improves your mood

Full ketosis is not suitable for everyone. Cycling the carbohydrates by adding clean carbs like sweet potatoes and white rice once a week will provide your body with carbs to function properly. Your body, brain, and the joints will all benefit from this.

Integrating Carb Cycling Keto and Intermittent Fasting

Performing intermittent fasting in some form or fashion can prove to be very beneficial to maintaining health and longevity. Combining it with the ketogenic diet will increase these benefits ten-fold.

As mentioned before, the keto diet induces a state of ketosis in which you burn fat as your main fuel instead of glucose. Before this happens, the liver glycogen stores need depletion which requires about 16 to 24 hours. This process can be sped up if you combine intermittent fasting with your usual keto diet approach.

Ketosis can be achieved through a low-carb diet or by fasting for a few days. Keto follows the physiology of a fasted state and enhances the ability of your body to use its own fat stores for energy.

If you wish to fast on a high-carb diet when you are not keto-adapted, you will likely benefit from the ketosis metabolism. However, it would not be as effective as it would be if you were already following a keto diet. Because your body and brain would not be able to burn fat immediately, the body will start compensating for this lack of energy by deriving glucose from the breakdown of organ and muscle tissue.

In short, combining intermittent fasting with the ketogenic diet further improves your overall health than doing either of them alone.

Foods to Eat on a Carb Cycling Keto (Cyclical Ketogenic Diet)

Following a carb cycling keto diet does not mean you should completely fall off the wagon and start eating pizzas, fries, or an entire tub of ice cream. Good carbs are what you should aim for in order to achieve a balance in your diets.

Endurance athletes must focus on consuming complex nutritious carbs that will stabilize the sugar levels and sustain energy.

The following three features are the characteristics of a good carbohydrate:

  • They must be slowly digested
  • They must be high in fiber
  • They must not be processed.

Some common examples of good carbohydrates include:

  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Fruits (every morning)
  • Whole grain starches
  • Legumes, lentils, and split peas
  • Vegetables
carb cycling keto

Foods to Avoid on a Carb Cycling Keto (Cyclical Ketogenic Diet)

All types of bad carbs must be avoided at all costs. These types of carbs include:

  • Highly-processed foods
  • Low in fiber
  • Contain sugar and/or white flour

Try avoiding simple carbohydrates as much as you can, irrespective of what day it is. Examples of these carbs include cereals, sugary snacks, cookies, soda, and white bread.


Carb cycling keto diet is highly recommended by experts as it makes the ketogenic diet less restrictive and more sustainable on a long-term basis. It is something to look forward to as it will speed up your journey towards a leaner, healthier body without much side effects. In the meantime, learn more about intermittent fasting and how you can easily start it with crescendo fasting.


7 Scientifically Proven Foods to Improve Happiness, Increase Productivity, and Boost Sex Drive

increase happiness, productivity

It is a famous saying that, “you are what you eat.” Your food choices are extremely important because they largely affect your health. It is these foods that determine how you feel, act, and work. So if you have been feeling low lately, unable to perform on your job, or having trouble getting excited between the sheets, chances are you are not eating the right kind of food.

So you wonder…how can food lift your mood and improve your sex drive? By controlling the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin in your brain.  Keep reading and I’ll explain.

The Role of Neurotransmitters in Brain Health

The human brain is just like an electrical circuit controlled by certain chemical agents called neurotransmitters. There are hundreds of neurotransmitters working in your nervous system every minute to accomplish various functions. Among these neurotransmitters are dopamine and serotonin which are in charge of the “pleasure system” of your brain.

Both serotonin and dopamine help you feel happy and invokes a sense of reward in order to increase performance productivity. They also increase attention, sharpen focus, and increase your ability to work. Dopamine also increases the blood flow towards the sexual organs by vasodilation of the arteries. This helps increase the sex drive.

Individuals having low dopamine or serotonin levels often suffer from feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and at times despair. They are sometimes not able to cope with stress and tend to isolate them from others, leading to a decreased happiness level. They are easily distracted, unable to focus, and often find it hard to finish tasks within the deadline. [1]

So if consider yourself a periodic or chronic victim of dopamine or serotonin deficiency, the following 7 foods will help you regain happiness, improve focus, and increase your overall interest and desire for sex.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons are extremely important to improve mood and increase your body functioning. This is mainly due to the presence of vitamin C.

The presence of vitamin C is necessary for your body to produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine. These neurotransmitters, in turn, stabilize your mood and prevent the feelings of unhappiness.

A clinical study has indicated that replenishing the levels of vitamin C in hospitalized patients can lead to a 51% decrease in psychological stress and a 71% decrease in mood disturbances. [2] Once you regain control of your mood, it becomes easier to find happiness, increase mental capacity, and improve sexual performance.


Spinach and other leafy greens are a rich source of vitamin B6. This nutrient is famous for its positive effects on the production of serotonin. By increasing the levels of this happy hormone, spinach helps you to feel good about yourself hence, makes you happier.

Folate deficiency has strongly been associated with clinical depression and reduced productivity. [3] Fortunately, spinach is a rich source of folate and can help you overcome a depressive phase in an efficient way.

So try including as much spinach as possible in your daily diet. Remember to consume it in raw form to gain maximum benefits.


Salmon along with other cold-water fish such as herring, tuna, and mackerel are also a rich source of vitamin B complex. As mentioned before, these vitamins are important for stimulating the production of serotonin which makes you happy, relaxes your mind and helps with performance anxiety.

In addition to this, salmon is also a rich source of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids called the omega-3s. These omega-3 fatty acids can also trigger the release of serotonin from brain and help in regulation of mood. [4] Lastly, salmon along with other types of fish is a great source of selenium, a trace mineral. Low levels of selenium have been strongly associated with depression.

So if you believe depression is one of the reasons for your unhappiness, reduced focus, and tensed sexual life, try eating as much salmon as possible.


Who doesn’t love chocolates? It is not only delicious but also elevate your mood by regulating neurotransmitters. Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters affected by chocolate which, in turn, regulates mood, appetite, and sleep patterns. [5]

Like all other starchy foods, chocolate is also a rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid that gets converted into serotonin within the brain. Moreover, it also contains an antioxidant called resveratrol that boosts the production of dopamine and improve the sharpness of brain and treat problems with libido.  Sometimes chocolate can even be better than sex…just kidding!


Tyrosine is an important amino acid found in most of the dairy products including cheese. This amino acid supports your brain to produce norepinephrine and dopamine. [6] Both of these neurotransmitters possess stimulating properties and perk you up, increase the alertness levels, and sharpen your mind.

An increased dopamine level due to cheese will also ensure that you are able to perform better sexually. This will help you achieve satisfaction in your personal life which consequently increases the overall levels of happiness and quality of life.


Many of you have witnessed the powerful effects of caffeine on your brain. It drastically increases your energy levels and boosts overall productivity. In addition to avoiding grogginess, it also stimulates the release of dopamine, especially in the area controlling focus and attention.

It is a common misconception that consuming coffee alters the blood sugar levels, exerts stress on your adrenals, and disturb the hormones controlling sex drive. Most of these facts are nothing but myths and coffee consumption has nothing to do with increased adrenal stress or a low sex drive. It may slightly alter sugar levels but only in people suffering from diabetes type 2.

Research has indicated that men who consume 2-3 cups of coffee per day are at a lesser risk of developing erectile dysfunction. [7]


Bananas are a rich source of an enzyme called bromelain which not only increase sex drive but may potentially reverse male impotence. In addition to this, bananas are a rich source of vitamin B and potassium which increase your energy levels and sharpen focus.

Tyrosine, the building block of dopamine is also found in abundance in bananas so make sure to eat enough of this fruit. [8]

Check out this video for more diet tips on how to increase serotonin.

Diet & Nutrition : How to Increase Serotonin With Foods & Vitamins


The seven food items mentioned above have been scientifically proven to increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine, the mood-regulating neurotransmitters of the brain. Using these foods on a regular basis can, therefore, increase happiness, productivity, and sex drive leading to a better quality of life.

For more information like this concerning diet, exercise, productivity, and how to just be phenomenal woman, sign up for our newsletter.

Till next time…


7 Proven Ectomorph Female Diet and Exercise Tips

ectomorph woman

The ectomorph female. Are you one? Do you look like a marathon runner instead of a sprinter? Is your frame long, lean and wiry? Do you struggle to gain weight or find it difficult to gain muscle mass? If yes, you are an ectomorph female.

As an ectomorph female, you are naturally looking for ways to make yourself stronger and add the right kind of mass to your body for a lean sexy shape. The following tips may help you build muscle and stay healthy. But first, let’s take a look at the characteristics of an ectomorph female.

The Ectomorph Female Body Type

Models who you often see gracing the covers of most fashion magazines usually have an ectomorph body type. They are tall, have a thin build, small joints, and long limbs.

Most of the females with ectomorph body shape usually have smaller breast. They may appear skinny but some of them may have a tendency to gain fat, making them “skinny fat.” This means that they appear to be skinny, but their bodies are mainly composed of fat.  They have a naturally fast metabolism and burn sugar at fast rates.

An ectomorph female usually finds it difficult to build muscle or put on weight because of their fast metabolisms. This is why these females are commonly known as “hard gainers.”

Ectomorph Female Diet Tip #1: Track your Calories

Because an ectomorph female usually doesn’t need to lose weight, it is a common misconception that they don’t need to track their calories. Wrong!

Even if weight loss is not a primary goal for ectomorphs, they must keep a track on their calories all the time? Why? Because if they don’t track calories, they will have no way of knowing how many calories they are consuming.

Most of the naturally lean people overestimate the number of calories they are eating. This means that they are not consuming as much as they think they are.

In order to gain the right amount of weight and consume enough calories to build muscle, an ectomorph female must increase her calorie intake and for that, she must track her calories.

Ectomorph Female Diet Tip #2: Eat High-density Foods Only

As an ectomorph female, you must avoid all foods with a low caloric density. What does this mean? It means avoiding food that you will need to eat in higher amounts just to gain a significant amount of calories.

A great example of a high-calorie food is cooked oatmeal. Even a small serving of this food will give you an energy boost and keep you from feeling hungry for longer.

Some other foods to consume include the following:

  • Whey protein powder
  • Nut
  • Nut butter
  • Avocadoes
  • Dried fruit
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Salmon
  • Bagels
  • Sweet potatoes

Ectomorph Female Diet Tip #3: Eat Smaller Portions More Often

Eating small portions more often is an excellent way to make sure that your body is getting the fuel that it needs to run.

If your daily caloric target is more than 3000 calories, it will be much easier to reach this target by dividing them into 6 to 8 meals throughout the day instead of eating 3 large meals, each with 1000+ calories.

Your stomach cannot handle so much food at a time and could make you feel sluggish throughout the day. So by eating six to eight meals, each with 500 calories, you will be providing your body with a consistent source of fuel. This will keep you energized and fully-functional all day long while successfully meeting your daily caloric needs.

Ectomorph Female Diet Tip #4: Rely on Shakes

If you find it difficult to meet your daily calorie requirements, try using shakes. Shakes are easy to make and a very convenient option to hit your calorie target. All you need to do is blend high-calorie ingredients together and drink up the beverage as many times as you can.

Try incorporating calorie-dense food items into your “weight gain” shake. Some of these foods include avocado, flaxseeds, coconut oil, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or grounded oatmeal.

Always remember to avoid commercially prepared weight gain shakes as much as you can. While they seem like a more convenient way, most of them are potentially loaded with sugar and provide your body with nothing more than empty calories.

Empty calories are not only nutritionally unhealthy for your body, but they will also make you feel hungry very soon.

Always prepare your own shakes so that you can control what goes in every serving.

Ectomorph Female Diet Tip #5: Consider Full-body Weight Training

As an ectomorph female, you will greatly benefit from weight training. Remember that your weight training must consist of full-body exercises instead of split programs such as back and biceps, triceps and chest, and shoulder and legs on separate days.

Split programs will make you work on one body part per week which may not be enough for your body

Ectomorph Female Diet Tip #6: Do Less in the Gym

In contrast to what most people think, an ectomorph female should do less in the gym if she wishes to gain weight. A lot of thin people tend to think that they need to hit the gym six times a week in order to gain weight. Wrong!

In the gym, you are breaking your muscle tissue. So the more time you spend weight lifting in the gym, the less time you are giving your body to build the muscle mass.

This does not mean you should never lift heavy weight. Just limit your gym sessions to 3 or 4 times a day. Each session must not be longer than 45 minutes. This is all you need to see optimal results.

Ectomorph Female Diet Tip #7: Focus on Compound Movements

As you plan your gym sessions, remember to include more compound exercises and movements and less isolation work. Your body tends to get a greater hormonal response from compound exercises like deadlifts, squats, bench press, and shoulder press. This, in turn, will lead to faster muscle buildup.

Here is a great video for compound lifting for beginners

Full Body Beginner Compound Workout


As an ectomorph female, there are certain dietary and workout tips you need to follow to gain weight. Always keep a track on your calories, eat nutrient-rich food and load up on shakes more often. Do hit the gym but make sure you don’t work out every single day because you certainly don’t need it. Follow these tips and you are guaranteed to get that strong lean sexy body and ditch your old skinny one.


Metabolic Confusion for Endomorphs for Quick Fat Loss

metabolic confusion

Metabolic confusion is an excellent way to lose weight.  Endomorphs can specifically benefit from this technique.  Metabolic confusion for endomorphs is a great way to lose weight.  If you are an endomorph looking for a way to lose weight, this is the technique for you.

Well, how do you know if you are an endomorph?  Do you gain weight quickly but just can’t lose it? Is your body’s natural size larger than most of the people? Do you carry more weight around your thigh area or midsection? The scientific term for this kind of body type is endomorph.

Typically, endomorphs are people with body types that store fat more easily, making weight loss difficult. The body of an endomorph is wider than that of an ectomorph or mesomorph, with large bony structure and slower metabolisms. But endomorphs can conquer weight loss by simply paying attention to their bodies and tweaking their food intake to achieve the desired weight and muscle building aims.

Metabolic Confusion Explained

Endomorphs can usually suffer from some degree of carbs and insulin sensitivity. Foods rich in carbs convert into sugars and are more likely to be converted into fats than burned for energy. That’s the very reason endomorphs do much better on a diet low in carbohydrates. By reducing the amount of carbohydrate intake these people can make a significant change in their body fat.

This is the reason it is vital to familiarize yourself with the concepts of metabolic confusion for endomorphs. Metabolic confusion works on the idea that you can easily lose weight by ‘eating more’ but at various intervals to confuse your metabolism so that it starts to work faster than normal. The main key to this kind of eating routine is to alter the days of caloric intake. In simpler terms, you eat foods that add up to a large number of calories one day, and the next day you eat foods with lot less calories ultimately lead to fat loss.

endomorph female

How to Perform Metabolic Confusion

Instead of eating meals in the same routine with the same amount of calories, you eat four or more meals every day varying the amount of calories per meal. A caloric deficit is still necessary for weight loss so you must monitor your total calorie intake. Every meal should be different in terms of total calories. For example, the first meal could be 600 calories. The next one could be 150, the next could be 300, and so on.

You can also induce metabolic confusion by varying calories on a day-to-day basis as opposed to a meal-to-meal basis.  For example, on Monday you may eat 1500 calories, Tuesday 800 calories, Wednesday 1000 calories…etc. keeping your calories under 1500 or a reduce amount overall.

By maintaining your eating habits ‘uncertain’,’ you create an ‘effect’ of metabolic confusion. Meaning your body adjusts your metabolism based on the order you eat. If there is no order, then the body raises metabolism to compensate for the ‘disorder’ caused due to erratic caloric values each day. Long story short…metabolic confusion for endomorphs is a great way to maintain shape and lose weight.

If you are not eating any fattening food or taking any medications (consult your doctor to check which of your medications can interfere with metabolic confusion), there shouldn’t be any kind of issues. In the end, this is an effective technique to speed your metabolism.


Best Approach for Metabolic Confusion for Endomorphs

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with metabolic confusion you’ll be wondering how to induce it. The best way to induce metabolic confusion for endomorphs is to start carb cycling.

Carb cycling is a way of eating where you rotate the amount of total carb intake around the week. On some days you eat a higher amount of carbohydrates, while on others you eat a minimal amount of carbohydrates. Higher carb days should be the days you are more active and participate in exercise.  Low carb days should typically be reserved for less active rest days.

Carbohydrate cycling includes rotating the levels of carb intake throughout the week. For a few days (no more than 2 -3), you eat more grams of healthy carbs while on others, you eat a lot less. The idea behind doing carb cycling is to enhance the metabolic rate. This continuous cycling of carbs gives your body enough time to get adapted to the regular consumption of carbs.

In this way, your body is unable to set a fixed rate of the fat burning process. This, in turn, increases the metabolism of the body.

Carbohydrate cycling is said to be extremely useful for inducing metabolic confusion for endomorphs. Because endomorphs have a slower metabolism and increased sensitivity to carbs, they gain fat easily. This diet plan helps regulate their carb sensitivities and help them control their weight gain.

Following is the sample of an effective way to cycle carbs for one week:

  • Monday: High carb day: consume between 120 -150 grams of carbs
  • Tuesday: Low-carb day: consume no more 50 – 75 grams of carbs
  • Wednesday: Follow a no-carb diet rich in healthy fat and protein
  • Thursday: Follow a no-carb diet rich in healthy fat and protein
  • Friday: High carb day: consume between 120 -150 grams of carbs
  • Saturday: Low-carb day: consume no more 50 – 75 grams of carbs
  • Sunday: Follow a no-carb diet rich in healthy fat and protein


Best Carbs for Metabolic Confusion for Endomorphs

Mentioned below are the seven best sources of carbs to create a metabolic confusion for endomorphs.

Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes refer to one of the best carbs you can consume during carb cycling. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, anti-inflammatory agents and other useful ingredients. Therefore, you must eat them a few times a week.


Potatoes are another excellent type of carbs that are extremely easy to digest. They are packed with nutrients and vitamins and help promote satiety. All these effects when combined increase your overall performance. Fried potatoes (French fries) are a no-no.


Quinoa is a gluten-free alternative that is not only a good source of carb but also controls your protein intake and various essential amino acids.

Rice (White or Brown):

The carbs acquired through white or brown varieties of rice are usually considered bad. However, these carbs are extremely easy to digest and consist of a high dose of minerals and vitamins.

For people struggling with digestion, white rice must be preferred to brown rice.

Steel Cut Oats:

Steel cut oats have a low glycemic index which promotes satiety and keeps you fuller for longer durations.

Black Beans:

Black beans have a low glycemic index and have high fiber content. This means it will not affect your blood sugar.


Fruits like apples, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries are the best ways to get carbs during carb cycling. These fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins, and nutrients in addition to high-quality carbs which are guaranteed to provide faster results.


7 Benefits of Metabolic Confusion for Endomorphs

Wondering why you should try metabolic confusion for endomorphs? Check out the following benefits.

  1. It Boosts Metabolism

Carb cycling is a great way to ensure that your body is performing well at breaking down and utilizing calories.

  1. It Gives you Energy

Carb cycling is a great way to balance insulin levels which, in turn, provides your body with balanced energy.

  1. It Prevents Fatigue

Restricting your carbs can often make you feel cranky, but this does not always mean you get tired too. Carb cycling can, in fact, improve your energy levels making sure you stay away from fatigue, something that you don’t see with other low-carb diets.

  1. It Improves Workout Recovery

Carb cycling doesn’t mean you are completely cutting off carbs. A majority of the carbs you take are around the time you are doing weight training so most of them go into maintaining post-workout nutrition. This consequently enhances recovery.

  1. It Promotes Lean Muscle Growth

Carb cycling can be used for weight gain as well as fat loss. By increasing the number of carbs to your diet, you may provide an anabolic environment to the body which increases muscle mass.

Conversely, lowering your carbs on other days can help you get rid of fat (mainly due to a reduction in lipogenesis.

  1. It Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Prolonged periods of taking high carbs or no carbs at all can make you insulin resistant. This means that your body cells stop responding to glucose which can severely damage your health.

Carb cycling can help prevent this as it continuously alters between low-carb and high-carb diets, leading to better overall health.

  1. It Cause Glycogen Super-Compensation

A few days of hard training together with a low-carb diet can reduce the quantities of glycogen stored in your muscles. This increases the levels of glycogen synthase, an enzyme that converts glucose into glycogen.

As soon as you raise your carb intake, your body will require time to recognize that there is a sufficient amount of glucose for the enzyme to act on. During this window, your muscles will consume all the carbs you are eating like a sponge, resulting in harder, fuller, and bigger muscles.

Concluding Thoughts on Metabolic Confusion for Endomorphs

Creating metabolic confusion through carb cycling is the best way to help endomorphs lose weight. With constant alterations in the level of carbs in the body, the creation of confusion in the body’s metabolism can help endomorphs tackle carb insensitivity and deal with slower metabolisms in a much more efficient way.


The Cruise Control Diet PDF Food List (150+ Foods)

cruise control diet

Looking for a cruise control diet pdf?  Well you have come to the right place.  Keep reading to learn about the cruise control diet and how you can get a cruise control diet pdf containing more than 150 foods permitted for this diet.  But first, let’s briefly discuss the cruise control diet.

There are plethora of diet plans across the world that are being practiced by people with the goal of losing weight. The cruise control diet is one of the most effective diets among those. If you are really struggling with your current diet plan, you should give it a try. It could be the end to your weight loss woes.

The Cruise Control Diet History

The main principal of the cruise Control diet is to eat all natural whole foods to facilitate weight loss.  Our downloadable cruise control diet pdf is full of these foods.   The fascinating fact about this special diet is you can burn your extra fat from your body without even following any detailed instructions.

The idea of the cruise control diet was generated from James Ward. After trying so many different diet plans, he observed that one regains his lost weight after going off the diet which is not an optimal solution at all.

He realized that dieters need a sustainable diet plan which will be effective even if they go off that particular diet plan. From that thought, the idea of the cruise control diet emerged. This diet plan became popular in 2012, one year after James Ward shared this with the dieters via his website. So, it is safe to say that this diet has been around for a while and it is not just some fleeting diet trend.


cruise control diet pdf


General Cruise Control Diet Rules

The general rules of this diet program are:

  1. You have to consume natural whole foods which are tonics for burning fats.
  2. Eating processed and packaged foods is completely prohibited. (see permitted foods in our cruise control diet pdf)
  3. You don’t have to count the calories that you consume. You should only follow your natural instinct while eating foods.

These principles might seem a bit odd to some people because of its non-restrictive regulation while eating foods. Most dieters are used to following highly restrictive diets. From that perspective, people might think this diet won’t work effectively which is entirely a wrong conclusion.

The principle of the cruise control diet is to not restrict the natural hunger of a human being. Rather than that one should keep eating healthy. This diet only does not permit you taking meals which are not natural.


Is The Cruise Control Diet Safe?

Yes, this diet is not only safe but also effective for your body. Because you are avoiding processed foods as well as fried foods that contain plethora of calories and sugar, it makes you healthier. No matter how much you eat, refraining from these types of foods will always be better for your body. This is how you will start losing your body fat naturally.

This diet also steps up and resets your brain and body. After two to three weeks of eating clean, your body will no longer crave for junk and unprocessed foods. So, it is really crucial to maintain this diet plan strictly for the first few weeks to make your journey successful.

Calorie counting diets or other diets completely eliminating food groups, are overwhelming, in some points even stressful to maintain, the cruise control diet is easier and sustainable. In addition, you won’t have to focus on physical exercises to achieve your goal through this diet plan. However, exercising is always recommended for overall health.  So, it is pretty safe to say that this diet is safe and very effective.

Now that you have learned about the cruise control diet, get started by downloading our cruise control diet pdf with a list of permitted foods to help you begin losing weight easily and naturally.  Simply enter your information below to gain immediate access.



Top 10 Weight Loss Supplements for Women for 2021


Losing weight is tough.  Following diet plans, working out, and trying to determine the best supplements for you can be daunting.  Well, today, you can get help to learning out the best weight loss supplements for women for 2021.  We have complied a list of 10 awesome supplements to help you in your fat burning quest.  Check them out and seriously consider adding one or two of these weight loss supplements for women to your weight loss plan.


Caffeine is among the most commonly used psychoactive components across the world. It is naturally found in green tea extract, dark chocolate, and coffee. In addition to this, caffeine is also a part of many commercially processed beverages and food.

Studies show that caffeine can boost metabolism by 3 to 11%, accelerating natural weight loss. [1] It is the #1 weight loss supplement for women.  There are many fat burners that have caffeine as a main ingredient.


Carnitine is another great weight loss supplement for women.  Carnitine refers to a naturally-occurring agent derived from amino acids. It is commonly used as a dietary supplement to lose weight and boost brain function.

Carnitine is a potent fat burner that helps shift more fatty acids into the cells to be utilized for energy. This eventually increases the body’s ability to burn fat. Studies have shown that using diet pills with carnitine can help people lose about 1.3 kg more weight as compared to those not taking it. [2]


Conjugated linoleic acid or CLA is a type of fatty acid naturally found in meat and dairy. Being a common over-the-counter weight loss pill, it is claimed to help lose weight, retain muscle mass, and manage type 2 diabetes.

Research has indicated that CLA helps to lose weight by increasing fat breakdown in the body. [3] In addition to accelerating fat loss, CLA is also said to prevent further accumulation of fat in the body. It is also an appetite suppressant and helps reduce the risk of overeating, one of the most important causes of obesity.

Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee bean extract is the perfect, all-natural diet pill to reduce body weight without any side effects. Green coffee beans are the regular coffee beans prior to roasting- a process that turns them brown.

The weight loss effects of the green coffee bean extract are due to the presence of chlorogenic acid. Being the active ingredient of the green coffee beans Chlorogenic acid is thought to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the gut. This, in turn, regulates the blood sugar and controls insulin spikes. [4]

Remember that most of the chlorogenic acid is removed during the process of roasting. This is why roasted coffee beans do not exert the same effect as the green ones.

Garcinia cambogia

Another fabulous weight loss supplement for women is Garcinia cambogia. Garcinia cambogia is a small, green-colored fruit popular for its weight loss properties. The skin of Garcinia consists of hydroxycitric acid (HCA), the main ingredient responsible for accelerating fat loss in the body.

Hydroxycitric acid is known to control weight gain by stopping a fat-producing enzyme in the body. Moreover, it increases the serotonin levels in the body which eventually decrease unhealthy cravings. [5]

best over the counter diet pills


Pyruvate refers to a chemical agent produced by the body as a result of glucose breakdown. Commonly known for its weight loss abilities, pyruvate is considered as a better alternative to most of the prescription weight loss pills. It works by breaking down all the excessive fat stores in the body.

Additionally, pyruvate supplements also boost your energy levels by increasing the transport of protein and glucose into the muscle cells. For additional benefits, look for pyruvate supplements with added calcium and without any allergens, chemicals, or fillers.

Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry ketones are naturally found in raspberries. These agents are what impart raspberries their characteristic smell. The same ketones also exist in other berries and fruits such as cranberries, kiwis, and blackberries, but in smaller quantities.

Raspberry ketones are more effective than most of the over-the-counter diet pills. They make the fat cells more susceptible to the effects of norepinephrine, the fat burning hormone.

Also, regular consumption of these ketones also increase the levels of adiponectin, a hormone secreted by the fat cells. Adiponectin is commonly involved in the regulation of blood sugar and body metabolism. [6]

Lastly, they increase metabolism and force the body to burn most of the fat instead of storing it, eventually leading to better control of obesity.  Because we are always looking for ways to increase the metabolism, raspberry ketones are a great weight loss supplement for women

White Kidney Bean /bean pod

The extract derived from white kidney beans is commonly used as a natural, non-stimulating ingredient in a lot of weight loss supplements. The reason behind the popularity of this extract as a weight loss supplement is its ability to delay digestion.

White kidney bean extract slows down the absorption and digestion of carbohydrates in the gut by preventing the activation of alpha-amylase. Alpha-amylase is an enzyme that normally helps break down carbohydrates once they reach the small intestine.

By slowing down the carb digestion, white kidney beans reduce the glycemic index and promote early satiety.

African Mango

African mango is a recent product advertised as an effective weight loss supplement. It suppresses appetite, speeds up metabolism, and prevents fat buildup in the body all of which lead to increased weight loss and better fat management.

A study published in the journal named Lipids in Health and Disease has indicated that consumption of African mango on a daily basis for 10 weeks can reduce body fat, regulate weight, and improve the levels of cholesterol, blood sugar, and C-reactive protein. [7]


Chitosan refers to a synthetic dietary fiber derived from chitin, a fibrous substance found in the exoskeleton of crustaceans like lobsters and crabs. It is also an important component of the fungal cell wall.

Chitosan possesses special properties that allow it to attach with fat and decrease its absorption. Due to this reason, consuming chitosan supplements with meals may decrease the overall calorie content and decrease the chances of weight gain. As a bonus, consuming chitosan may also lower blood cholesterol. [8]


So there you have it…the top 10 weight loss supplements for women for 2019. Use these weight loss supplements to experience long-term benefits. Re-read the summary above for each of these weight loss supplements for women and decide on which on you think would work best for you.

Now that you have read up on the best weight loss supplements for women for 2019, start a new diet regimen by doing intermittent fasting.  This is a proven method that lead to significant weight loss.  Read about how women can easily get started with this method by doing crescendo fasting.

Easily Begin Intermittent Fasting with Crescendo Fasting

Always consult a doctor before using any weight loss supplements, especially if you have any pre-existing disease or condition.


5 Must-Have Supplements for Women in Their 20’s

supplements for women

Trying to identify the best supplements for women in their 20’s can be daunting. As women, trying to stay healthy, happy, and sexy is a full-time job. There is so much to account for. From sexual health to physical fitness to the health of your hair and skin, the struggle never ends for us girls.

For younger women in their 20’s, starting a great supplementation regimen can have an impact on you for the rest of your life.  While you are giving your blood, sweat, and tears to the daily workouts, it is equally important to supplement your body with vitamins and minerals.  Getting the right supplements for women in their 20’s could mean the difference between a long healthy life and a life filled with health complications.

The Importance of Supplements for Women in Their 20’s

Based on statements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), getting an adequate amount of vitamins and nutrients are important for overall growth, development and normal cell function. Since it is extremely difficult to get all the nutrients through food, using supplements makes things a lot easier.

Vitamins and minerals are extremely important for women’s health. They help strengthen the immune system, improve physical endurance, and protect from heart disease.

Vitamins and minerals are extremely important for women’s health. They help strengthen the immune system, improve physical endurance, and protect from heart disease.

Here is a list of five of the most important supplements for women in their 20’s.

  • Fish Oil
  • Folic Acid
  • Calcium
  • B-Complex
  • Coenzyme Q (Coq10)

Because it is a pain to try and take each one of the supplements individually, we have found two awesome supplements from Naturelo (Vitamins and Fish Oil tablets) to take the guesswork out of supplements for women in their 20’s.  These vitamins and tablets contain each of the supplements and their recommended dosage based on what doctors recommend.  Here are our recommendations.

Omega-3 Tablets


Keep reading to learn about how these supplements for women in their 20’s can help to support a long healthy life.

supplements for women

 Fish Oil

Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and an excellent supplement for women in their 20’s. These fatty acids are of two types i.e. docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Both of these fatty acids cannot be synthesized in your body and must be taken from external sources such as mackerel, sardines, trout, salmon, and tuna.

Because most women do not consume fish very often, we lack these fatty acids. Therefore, it is extremely important to consume fish oil supplements on a daily basis.

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the maintenance heart and blood vessel health. These healthy fats also optimize brain functions and decrease inflammation. A low level of omega-3s has been strongly linked to depression and mood swings. Omega-3’s are supplements for women in their 20’s that will help you to lay the foundation for a healthy heart and a force against depression.

How Much Fish Oil to Take?

For an average woman, one gram of EPA and DHA is enough. However, those who are at an increased risk of cardiovascular complications can increase their dose up to 3 grams after consulting with a physician. Pregnant women must consume one gram of DHA to improve the health of their baby.

If you are pregnant, suffer from a bleeding disorder or are currently using any blood pressure medication, consult your doctor before taking fish oil supplements. To avoid side effects like “fish burps”, find the specially processed varieties.



Another great supplement for women in their 20’s is calcium.  Actually, calcium is an essential nutrient for women, irrespective of age. Commonly found in milk and dairy, calcium is a major component of your teeth and bones. Because females are four times more likely to suffer from osteoporosis than males, calcium is extremely important for the maintenance of bone health.

Adequate calcium supplementation is also guaranteed to improve your heart health, blood clotting, and muscle action. Out of all the supplements for women in their 20’s this one will contribute the most to overall bone health.

How Much Calcium to Take?

For women in their 20’s, 500 to 1000mg of calcium per day is recommended. In addition, they must include calcium-rich foods such as cheese and milk in their daily diet.  So for twenty-somethings, 500-1000 mg of calcium per day is your goal.

If you are already suffering from a kidney problem or are taking any medication, talk to your doctor before using calcium supplements.

Folic Acid

Another great supplement for women in their 20’s is folic acid.  Folic acid or folate refers to a water-soluble vitamin commonly found in food sources like cantaloupe, asparagus, and spinach.

Women need adequate levels of folic acids to make DNA and normal cell function. A lack of this vitamin may lead to defective tissue development. Maintaining sufficient levels of folic acid during the initial days of pregnancy is extremely important since it helps prevent developmental abnormalities in the unborn baby.

Folic acid helps maintain normal levels of homocysteine in the body which ultimately reduces the risk of heart disease.

How Much Folic Acid to Take?

Twenty somethings who are not pregnant, consuming around 400 micrograms of folic acid each day is recommended. During pregnancy, the dose can be increased up to 800 micrograms. Remember to consult with your gynecologist or obstetrician for further advice.

B-complex Vitamins

Vitamin B complex is another supplement for women in their 20’s.  The vitamin B complex includes seven vitamins including vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, and biotin. These water-soluble vitamins naturally exist in most of the vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Vitamin B12, on the other hand, is exclusive to fish, milk, and meat.

An active woman burns over 2000 calories a day. To produce the energy required for everyday tasks like showering, going to the gym, or doing laundry, B-complex vitamins are extremely important.

Vitamin B6 and B12 play a role in the maintenance of heart health. They also reduce the levels of homocysteine and other naturally-occurring amino acids which may otherwise lead to stroke, blood clots, and heart attacks. Biotin, another famous B vitamin is important for the health of your hair. Supplementing with vitamin B6 can control the symptoms of PMS and boost general health.

How Much B-complex to Take?

Women who exercise on a daily basis and burn more calories must pay special attention to vitamin B supplementation. Apart from including lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet, take a multivitamin that provides 50 to 100% of your recommended daily intake for B vitamins.

Coenzyme Q10

Our final must-have supplement for women in their 20’s is Coenzyme Q.  Coenzyme Q refers to a fat-soluble vitamin found in a number of food items including fish and meat. It is a strong antioxidant that helps fuel the energy production within the body cells. Coenzyme Q also provides protection against premature aging and supports heart health.

According to the food and drug administration (FDA), coenzyme Q is an important supplement for all women, especially those at a greater risk of developing cancer and heart diseases. Those following a vegetarian diet must also consider adding this supplement to their daily routine.

How Much Coenzyme Q to Take?

The average suggested dose for coenzyme Q supplements is 30 to 100 milligrams per day. If you are consuming more than 100 grams of this vitamin, consider splitting it into multiple serving for better absorption. Prefer oil-based gel capsules as they can be consumed more easily.


Vitamins and minerals are important for women health especially younger women in their 20’s. Because it is impossible to consume all these nutrients in adequate amounts on a daily basis, using supplements is highly recommended. Once again, here are our recommendations for the best tablets and vitamins to take to ensure you are getting these essential supplements.

Omega-3 Tablets


Before starting any mineral or vitamin supplement, always consider talking to your doctor to determine its safety.

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to receive more life changing health enhancing information ladies!


The Ultimate Cruise Control Diet Guide

cruise control diet free download

The cruise control diet has recently gained a bit of popularity. Created by James Ward, this diet not only claims to accelerate weight loss but also prevents it from coming back. But is there any truth to these hefty claims? Does cruise control really promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle?

Keep reading to learn all about the cruise control diet, how it works, and the pros and cons of this diet.

What is the Cruise Control Diet?

The cruise control diet focuses on eating all natural whole foods to boost weight loss. It ensures fat burning without implementing too many limitations. The diet aids in the incorporation of a newer and much more effective lifestyle, converting the dieter into a fat burning machine.

The cruise control diet plan is simple yet effective and consists of four basic rules:

  1. Eat natural foods only that will ensure burning of fat.
  2. Steer clear of foods that have either been processed or packaged as these lead to fat storage.
  3. Feel free to indulge in ‘guilty pleasures’ like chocolates, cookies, or candies so that the dieter does not feel too much restricted. However, this should be done once or twice a week
  4. Never count your caloric intake, keep any journal, calculate points, or even try fake portions to control your food consumption. Rather, let your body’s intrinsic ‘appetite control system’ guide you how much and when to eat.

The first three rules are pretty basic and are generally present in any sensible weight loss plan. The fourth rule is what makes the cruise control diet a unique approach to burning fat. This rule is also the main reason behind its success.

Cruise Control Diet Cycling Phases

There are three stages within the cruise control diet that will continue to cycle for eight weeks.  They are: the metabolic reset phase, the cruise control stage, and the rapid fat-burning phase.

  1. The Metabolic Reset Phase

The phase of metabolic reset will teach how to control your blood sugar levels and, in turn, control the levels of insulin once again. For most of the people, this phase will last two weeks. It will also educate on how to avoid packaged and processed foods and choose natural foods only. This phase will teach you to eat foods only when you are hungry; not when you are having cravings

  1. The Cruise Control Stage

This second stage will ensure that you eat only well-balanced nutritious foods which you have already learned to select in the first stage. However, during this stage, you are allowed to eat junk foods twice a week. This will ensure that your body is getting the essential amount of fats and give you some mental diet relief. This stage will last for a maximum of three weeks.

  1. The Rapid Fat-Burning Phase

The phase of rapid-fat burning continues for six to eight weeks. This phase can be considered as a natural expansion of the second stage.  This phase will help you lose weight rapidly, burn fat, and will ensure that you live a healthy and happy life.

Is the Cruise Control Diet for Everyone?

Anyone who is truly dedicated to losing weight can follow this diet program. However, the typical yo-yo dieter will find this program to be the most effective. More specifically, those who have been trying weight loss for years and have tried many diet plans and are still obese will find this diet plan to be a key to permanent fat loss.

The Cruise Control Diet can also be used by people who are looking to improve their overall health and physique. With that said, this diet is not a crash diet. So if you expecting to lose 50 pounds within a month or having other unrealistic goals, move on from this diet plan as it’s not suitable for you…for that matter any diet plan! Also, it’s not suitable for those who strictly eat vegetables only as this plan recommended eating meat from time to time.

Best Way to Follow the Cruise Control Diet

Knowing which foods to each and to avoid is most of the battle of the cruise control diet.  Below is a list of foods that are allowed on this diet and those not permitted.

Foods Allowed

Fruits- Lemon, lime, tangerine, oranges, pluot, apricot, strawberries, gooseberries, star fruit, blackberries, papaya, pineapple, grapes, blueberries, watermelon, banana, apple, cranberries, sweet lime, peach, plum, pomegranate, and dates

Vegetables- Swiss chard, potato, sweet potato, okra, brinjal, , tomato, kale, spinach, cauliflower, gourd, squash, bottle gourd, striped gourd, snake gourd, bell pepper, scallion, bokchoi, edamame, peas, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, purple cabbage, radish, turnip, and bitter gourd.

Nuts and Seeds- Pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, pistachio, cashew nuts, macadamia, chia seeds, and almonds

Protein/Meat– Free-range eggs, wild-caught fish, chicken, soy chunks, soy milk, tofu, mushroom, grass-fed beef, pork, lentils, kidney beans, and soybeans

Fats and Oils– Rice- bran oil, coconut oil, ghee, cheese, olive oil, almond butter, and peanut butter

Dairy– Ghee, Cheese, grass-fed cow’s milk, butter

Beverages– Pressed fruit and vegetable juice, water, fresh coconut water, and homemade buttermilk

Foods Not Allowed

X Sugary sodas

X Fruit juice of any kind

X Fried foods

X Energy drinks

X Potato chips

X Added artificial flavors and colors

X Deli meat and sausage

X Frozen foods

Pros and Cons of the Cruise Diet

Now that you know what a cruise control diet is, let’s take a look at what advantages and disadvantages it has.


  • It is a well structured and well-organized plan
  • It comes with 60 different kinds of recipes so you don’t have to start meal planning from scratch. This ensures that meal planning remains as simple as possible
  • It is very straightforward and easy to follow
  • It allows you to eat junk foods twice a week so you don’t feel restricted and tempted to cheat
  • Most of the food items are allowed which makes your trip to grocery store easier and convenient
  • The cruise control diet is for everyone, irrespective of their gender or age
  • The diet requires you to eat all-natural foods that are not harmful to your health and well-being
  • The stages of weight loss mentioned in the cruise control diet are supported by scientific evidence
  • The cruise control diet is cost-efficient and everyone can afford it
  • The dieter will no longer be counting calories and keeping a record


  • The cruise control diet can only be availed online
  • It only focuses on the dietary pattern with no attention to physical exercises which may aid the process of weight loss
  • People having preexisting food restrictions may face difficulties in following this diet


Every day the health revolution is growing all over the world.  More and more people are getting closer to adopting a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. The cruise control diet gets you closer to this mission by providing you with four simple steps in order to experience a sustainable weight loss. Following the three phases of this program is guaranteed to help you drop any unwanted weight and prevent you from regaining it for sure.

If you are interested in trying the cruise control diet, you can check out this book on Amazon.


The Ultimate Dr. Sebi Food List for Natural Healing

dr. sebi cleans

Have you heard of Dr. Sebi or the Dr. Sebi food list?  If you are into “organic”, “natural” diet and lifestyle, you must have pretty much read and explored lots of healers, theories, modalities, schools of thoughts, and philosophies pertaining to your health. This lifestyle is actually an ongoing search and somewhat an adjustment to find out what works best for you. The sole purpose of all this is to maximize the advantages of your lifestyle choices.

One of such healers that may have seemed to miss your health radar is Dr Sebi. The nutritional guide proposed by Dr Sebi, in the famous Dr. Sebi food list, has slowly behind the scenes growing in popularity worldwide.  You may know it as the alkaline diet.

What is the “Dr. Sebi Diet” and how can you follow it? Keep reading to find out.

Who was Dr. Sebi?

Dr. Sebi, also known by the name of Alfredo Bowman, was an uneducated man of Honduras. He started his journey of healing by curing himself of diabetes, asthma, impotence, and blindness. By receiving help from a traditional herbalist from Mexico, he was successfully able to restore complete health.

He then moved his practice from the United States to Honduras. The USHA Research Institute operating in Honduras is Dr. Sebi’s creation. It is a humble village with acres of live, fresh, and completely organic vegetables, fruits, spices, herbs, grains, and even cannabis.

Dr. Sebi’s Approach to Eating

What sets Dr Sebi food list apart from the traditional Chinese medicine, allopathic medicine, and other healers? It is the perspective he holds for nutrition.

According to Dr. Sebi, the majority of foods we eat have artificially been introduced in our nutrition regimen. For example, most people are well aware of the typical American diet, and you all can agree that this traditional diet is full of toxins, excess salts, fats, and sugars.

Following such a diet plan gives you nothing but diabetes, hypertension, cancers, glaucoma, and what not.

According to Dr Sebi, these food items are not even a part of your “natural” food pyramid. Why?

Because most of them are hybrid foods which are not genetically compatible with your cellular systems and DNA. Hence, Dr. Sebi suggests that to free your body of all the diseases, you must consume non-hybrid foods containing “bio-mineral” alkaline foods.

This is the concept on which the famous African Bio-Mineral Therapy is based.

Dr. Sebi has further acknowledged mucus to be the cause of all the diseases present in your body. He believed that disease tends to manifest themselves in the body where mucus accumulation has occurred.

For example, if you suffer from a poor eyesight or glaucoma, it means that there is an excess of mucus in your eyes. Similarly, a case of fibroid cysts represents having too much mucus in the reproductive system, and so on.

For this purpose, it is important for your body to be nourished and cleansed as a whole. Hence, Dr. Sebi proposed an electric food list, similar to that of a vegan diet, to help dieters achieve a good health.

Benefits of the Dr. Sebi Diet

The Bio-Mineral Therapy proposed by Dr. Sebi is actually a natural vegetation cell food. It is extremely low in refined foods and saturated fats. Furthermore, it has a negligible amount of alcohol, sugar, and cholesterol.

Most of the people eating foods from Dr. Sebi’s food list, tend to lose weight, particularly because they are eliminating sugar, processed foods, and animal products.

At the same time, following this list helps reduce the risk of certain conditions such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure

Just like other vegan diet plans, the food list proposed by Dr. Sebi also acknowledges the importance of supplementation, mainly for vitamin B-12.

You can also supplement your diet with other nutrients such as iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, even though these can be obtained from whole plant-based sources as well.

If you are not an outdoorsy person or do not get a sufficient amount of sunlight due to other reasons, you may need supplementation for vitamin D.

Download Our Dr. Sebi’s Food List pdf below!

So, what does the famous Dr. Sebi food list include? The list has been broken down into several food categories. In addition to drinking a gallon of spring water everyday, the people following Dr. Sebi’s diet or an alkaline diet, are required to choose their foods from the following lists.

Dr. Sebi Food List (Vegetables)

  • Amaranth
  • Avocado
  • Arame
  • Chayote
  • Bell Pepper
  • Plum Tomato
  • Cherry
  • Dandelion Green
  • Cucumber
  • Dulse
  • Hijiki
  • Lettuce (Except iceberg)
  • Kale
  • Flower and leaf of Izote
  • Nori
  • Nopales
  • Okra
  • All mushrooms except Shitake
  • Onions
  • Olives
  • Zucchini
  • Squash
  • Watercress
  • Tomatillo
  • Wakame
  • Turnip Greens
  • Wild Arugula
  •  Purslane Verdolaga

Dr. Sebi Food List (Fruits)

  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Cherries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Berries
  • Currants
  • Figs
  • Oranges
  • Dates
  • Grapes
  • Mango
  • Limes
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Melons
  • Plums
  • Papayas
  • Raisins
  • Prickly Pear
  • Tamarind
  • Soursoups
  • Soft Jelly Coconuts

Download Our Dr. Sebi’s Food List pdf below!

Dr. Sebi Food List (Alkaline Grains)

  • Amaranth
  • Quinoa
  • Spelt
  • Wild Rice
  • Tef
  • Fonio
  • Rye
  • Kamut


Dr. Sebi Food List (Nuts and Seeds)

  • Hemp Seed
  • Walnuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Raw Sesame Tahini Butter
  • Raw almonds and almond butter
  • Pine nuts
  • Raw Sesame Seeds


Dr. Sebi Food List (Oils and Spices)

  • Olive Oil (Do not cook)
  • Coconut Oil (Do not cook)
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Sesame Oil
  • Hempseed Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Achiote
  • Thyme
  • Dill
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Bay Leaf
  • Cloves
  • Cayenne
  • Sage
  • Sweet Basil
  • Habanero
  • Savory
  • Tarragon
  • Pure Sea Salt
  • Onion Powder
  • Powdered Granulated Seaweed

Download Our Dr. Sebi’s Food List pdf below!

Dr. Sebi Food List (Sweeteners)

  • Date Sugar derived from dried dates
  • 100 per cent pure Agave syrup derived from cactus


Dr. Sebi Food List (Herbal Teas)

  • Chamomile
  • Burdock
  • Tila
  • Fennel
  • Elderberry
  • Red Raspberry
  • Ginger

The Bottom Line

According to some dieters, Dr. Sebi’s food list is too limiting for their liking. Nevertheless, the faithful followers of this diet are convinced that there are enough food choices on this list for variety. A typical meal prepared for this diet would include vegetables sautéed in avocado oil placed on a bed of wild rice or a delicious green salad with olive oil dressing.

It may take time getting used to this plan, but once you have, Dr. Sebi’s diet can be extremely beneficial for you.

Enter your email address in the form below to receive an easy to read downloadable Dr. Sebi’s food list pdf file.  You can print this out and take it along with you to the grocery store to begin this healing weight loss diet.

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