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Pescetarian Diet: The Path to Weight Loss and Renewed Health

Pescetarian diet plan

If you are looking for a diet heavy in fruits and veggies with sufficient protein, without saturated fat filled red meat, then the pesectarian diet is for you.  The pesectarian diet combines a traditional vegetarian diet with eating other fish and various types of seafood.   Practicing a pesectarian diet gives you double benefits by aiding in weight loss and helping to lower the risk of several diseases.

Wondering exactly what the pesectarian diet is and its health benefits? This article explains everything.

What does Pescetarian Mean?

Simply speaking, a pescetarian refers to some who consumes fish but does not eat meat. This term emerged in the early years of the 1990s and originates from an Italian word, “pesce” meaning fish, and “vegetarian.” It is sometimes spelled as “pescetarian” which also refers to the same dietary pattern.

The pescetarian diet is often known as the “pesco diet” and is usually considered as a part of vegetarianism. It is just like other plant-based diets and includes foods like nuts, whole grains, and legumes, but also gives the dieter an option to eat fish and other seafood. Eggs and dairy are also said to be a part of the normal pescetarian diet.

Why Should You Follow the Pescatarian Diet?

Just as following a vegetarian diet, the pescetarian diet offers many benefits. Following are some other benefits commonly attributed to pescetarian eating.

  1. A Better Heart Health

Eating fish, especially those with high-fat content, provides your body with an increased amount of omega-3 fatty acids. An omega-3 fatty acid refers to a type of unsaturated fats attributed to a lot of health benefits such as keeping the heart healthy heart, decreasing the risk of blood pressure, and better control on problems like heart attacks, stroke, and hypertension.

According to several studies, people consuming a high quantity of vegetables have a reduced risk of encountering coronary heart disease as compared to those who don’t. At the same time, these vegetables also improve the blood lipid profile and keep blood pressure in check.

The same research has established that vegetarian diets including all healthy veggies can even help reverse atherosclerotic plaques when performed with adequate exercise. Atherosclerotic plaques are accumulations of cholesterol in the arteries that make them hard and narrow and restrict their blood flow.

  1. Cancer Prevention

The pescetarian diet can also help protect individuals from certain types of cancer such as colorectal carcinomas that target the rectum and the colon.

As per a study, colorectal carcinomas have been found to be the second leading cause of death in the United States alone. This means that following the pescetarian diet can actually help you reduce the risk of developing one of the deadliest diseases within the U.S.

  1. Management of Inflammation and Diabetes

Because the pescetarian diet is a vegan diet, it can help decrease the risk of metabolic syndrome including high blood pressure, obesity, and insulin resistance. Following this diet adequately has even been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes type 2.

The omega-3 fatty acids present in the fatty fish also reduce inflammation and protect your body from several types of diseases.

Most of the plant-based diets, including the pescetarian diet, provide the body with flavonoids. Flavonoids are natural substances found in plants possessing antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties and can help keep your health in check.

A study carried out in 2016 investigated the dietary habits of over 77,000 individuals of the U.S. to conclude that those who followed the pescetarian diet had the highest intake of flavonoids than the others.

  1. Provision of Other Nutrients

Besides omega-3s, eating seafood provides with certain other important nutrients as well.

For example, oysters are a rich source of vitamin B12, selenium and zinc. One oyster is said to deliver about 55% of the RDI for selenium and zinc and 133% in case of vitamin B12. Mussels are commonly included as a part of pescetarian diet and provide the body with manganese in addition to vitamin B12 and selenium.

Whitefish varieties such as flounder and cod may not deliver much omega-3s. However, they are a good source of lean protein. For instance, consuming 3 grams of cod provides your body with 19 grams of protein and even less than one gram of fat.

  1. A Wide Food Selection

Many people complain about how vegetarian diets fail to provide them with enough options. There are also not many vegetarian options in restaurants making it difficult for many individuals to follow.

Apart from the high nutrition and the protective effects promised by the pescetarian diet, it is also said to add versatility to your menu. With fish added to your menu, you get more room to experiment and create different recipes every day.  It is also more conducive to social life.  Because there is an addition of fish and seafood, going out to dinner and finding good options is less of a pain.

  1. Environmental Benefits

Another reason why people prefer following the pescetarian diet is its positive effects on the environment. Those in favor of this diet firmly believe that raising and processing of meat are dangerous for the environment as it takes up a lot of precious land space and increases dangerous gaseous emission.

The pescetarian diet can help people get rid of these dangerous meat choices and divert them to making sustainable fish choices. This would ultimately contribute to a healthier planet.

Are There Any Disadvantages of the Pesectarian Diet?

The only disadvantage associated with the pescetarian diet is attributed to the increasing levels of pollution in water.

The presence of pollutants and heavy metals in the marine fish has become a global issue. Because 92% of the fish you consume is marine fish, there has been an increase in the risk of contamination.

Mercury is one of the most commonly found heavy metals in water. Because of this reason, almost all the fish may contain high levels of it. For most people, this may not be a concern but for nursing mothers, pregnant females, and younger children, it may lead to several health problems.

In order to avoid consuming too much mercury, it is generally advised to avoid the following types of fish:

  • King mackerel
  • Shark
  • Tilefish
  • Swordfish

The following types of fish can be considered as a good protein source with low levels of mercury include:

  • Salmon
  • Catfish
  • Shrimp
  • Canned tuna
  • Pollock

What to Eat on a Pescetarian Diet?

The pescetarian diet is simply a combination of a traditional vegetarian diet and seafood. The following things are generally allowed on this diet.

  • Whole grains
  • Nuts, seeds, peanuts, and nut butter
  • Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Legumes such as lentils and beans, hummus, and tofu.
  • Seeds such as chia, flaxseeds, and hemp
  • Eggs
  • Shellfish and fish
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

What Not to Eat on a Pescetarian Diet?

Other than fish and some other types of seafood, no other type of meat is allowed on the pescetarian diet. This includes the following options:

  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Lamb

Tips to Follow a Pescetarian Diet

Not sure how to start a pescetarian diet? The following tips may make the whole process a lot easier for you.

  • Use Healthy Cooking Methods

Remember that not all types of pescetarian diets are healthy. If you start using fried fish or processed fish foods, you may not be able to enjoy the health benefits offered by this diet. So whenever you decide to cook fish for yourself, try using methods like broiling or grilling and make sure to use healthy cooking oils.

  • Buy Canned Seafood

While fresh seafood is best, it can be costly.  Purchasing canned seafood is a great way to cut down the costs associated with pescetarian dieting. It is also a lot easier to prepare and can help you save time.

  • Take Cooking Classes

Taking cooking classes helps you learn different ways to cook fish and seafood. These methods are delicious, affordable, and quick. Cooking classes also teach you how to get creative with sauces and spices so that you never get bored with your meals.

  • Fill your Plate with Veggies and Fruits

Wherever possible, try filling your plates with maximum amounts of veggies and fruits. Consider dark leafy greens, bell peppers, eggplants, blueberries, green kiwi, corn, or any other vegetable or fruit of your choice.


A pescetarian diet is the perfect solution for people who wish to avoid meat but cannot survive on vegetables alone. It increases your protein intake, decreases the consumption of saturated fats, and reduces the risk of various health problems such as cardiovascular diseases.

Because it is a plant-based diet, the pescetarian diet is particularly helpful in losing and maintaining a healthy weight. It is generally considered to be healthier than other diets which focus on a calorie deficit to manage weight.

In short, the pescetarian diet is a healthy dietary approach which not only provides with you with numerous health benefits but also provides you with a broad range of food choices so that dieting will not get bored and mundane.


Top 10 Keto Diet Supplements

keto diet beginner

The popularity of the famous keto diet is on the rise due to its massive benefits like managing weight, controlling type 2 diabetes, and preventing heart diseases. This has made people eager to find different ways in which this low-carb, high fat-diet can be optimized. Since this diet cuts out numerous food options, it is always a good idea to keep keto diet supplements handy.

But why should you use keto diet supplements at all? How do these supplements help? Which of these supplements are the best? This article will address all these queries in detail.

Why You Need Supplements on the Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is a bit different from other conventional diet plans. This diet requires you to eat what most of the other diets restrict- fat! In addition to that, it also requires you to limit your daily carb intake to less than 25-30 grams per day.

Because the bodies of most people are conditioned to eating carbohydrates and burning them for energy, following a keto diet might turn out to be a difficult experience at the start. To help the dieters adjust, experts suggest taking keto diet supplements.

Using keto diet supplements can help keto-dieters with the following problems.

The Keto Flu

The keto flu refers to a number of symptoms like nausea, irritability, headaches, and drowsiness which occur as a result of “carbohydrate withdrawal.” The condition is common during the first two weeks and usually tends to go away once your body gets adjusted to the diet, however, it may prove to be extremely uncomfortable for a lot of people.

Using ketone supplements in these circumstances can treat the keto flu and avoid other side effects of the keto diet.

Energy Deprivation

If you are not careful with your macros, the keto diet might make you feel drained, both physically and mentally. Using keto supplements can help bridge this energy gap and provide you with an energy boost.

Micronutrient Deficiency

Nutrient deficiencies can effect anyone but are more commonly seen in those following a certain diet plan. To make sure you avoid these deficiencies, keto diet supplements are a must.

keto diet supplements

10 Best Keto Diet Supplements

Are you just beginning a keto diet? Consider using the following supplements in order to ease your weight loss journey.

1.  Exogenous Ketones

Exogenous ketones refer to the ketones that you take from external sources. Available in pills, powder, or liquid forms, these ketones are similar to those produced by your body. Research has proven that consuming exogenous ketones can help your body get into ketosis faster. [1]

Another reason to include exogenous ketones in your diet is that these supplements can fasten the keto-adaptation, making it easy for you to get into nutritional ketosis. [2] They also suppress your appetite, reduce anxiety, and improve the overall functioning of the brain.

Here is a great exgenous ketone supplement

2.  MCT Oil

MCT oil refers to a clear, tasteless oil consisting of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). Sourced from palm kernel oil or coconut oil, MCT oil is often prescribed by doctors to treat seizers, digestive disorders, and other diseases.

In the keto world, however, MCT oils are sold as supplements with the following benefits:

  • Increased production of endogenous ketones
  • Better control of appetite
  • Increased energy

With the three benefits mentioned above, losing weight on the keto diet seems less of a challenge.

Here is a recommended MCT oil supplement.

3.  Electrolyte Supplements

During the first week of the keto diet, your body is losing fluid like crazy. And along with this fluid, you are losing lots of electrolytes. The electrolyte is also regarded as one of the main reasons why you suffer from the keto flu.

Some of the most important electrolytes to balance include sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Getting enough sodium from bone broth and calcium from dairy products will make sure that you don’t suffer from muscle cramps, headaches, and numbness.

To make sure your heart, muscles, and nerves work perfectly, take a magnesium supplement daily.

Try this electrolyte supplement.

4.  Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids refer to the essential fatty acids that your body cannot make on its own. These fatty acids are required to maintain cell membranes and stimulate signaling molecules in order to derive energy. Omega-3s are also known for reducing inflammation and protecting the heart.

Why you should take omega-3s on a keto diet is because they help you get into ketosis faster. Most of the foods that you eat on a keto diet are rich in omega-6 fatty acids which are pro-inflammatory and may damage your body. [3] Taking omega-3s can help your body counteract this effect.

Here is a recommended omega 3 supplement.

5.  Vitamin D

While vitamin D doesn’t seem to affect your ketone levels, it does have a major impact on the overall health. From electrolyte absorption to immunity, vitamin D plays different roles in your body.

You require this vitamin for muscle functioning, calcium absorption, and immunity. Luckily, it is present in most of the keto food sources such as egg yolks, mushrooms, and fatty fish.  If you are not consuming a significant amount of these foods, a vitamin D supplement will be beneficial.

Try this Vitamin D supplement.

6.  Digestive Enzymes

Most of the people who are new to the keto diet complain about how consuming high fat gets tough and creates problems for their digestive systems like diarrhea and nausea. This is especially true for people who are not used to eating high-fat diets.

The high-fat consumption coupled with moderate protein intake further exacerbate the symptoms in some people. In order to encounter gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, and bloating, keto diet supplements can help.

A digestive blend containing enzymes like lipases and proteases is of particular significance as it can help optimize your digestive processes.

Try this supplement for digestive health.

7.  Greens Powder

Eating vegetables is important for everyone, irrespective of the diet they follow. Vegetables are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, and powerful plant-derived compounds which lower the disease risk, fight inflammation and maintain your body functions at optimal levels.

An easy way to increase your vegetable intake during the keto diet is by adding greens powder in the list of your keto diet supplements. While this powder may not be a great replacement for the fresh veggies, using it in a proper way can help the keto-dieters boost their nutrient levels.

Recommended greens powder supplement:

8.  Whey Protein

Protein is an extremely important part of every weight loss program, including keto. You require this macronutrient in order to maintain your lean muscle mass. [4] A great way to make sure you are getting enough protein is by using whey protein.

The importance of whey protein as it pertains to a keto diet has been proven by a study involving 25 participants placed under two different diets. [5] One of the groups followed a keto diet with whey protein supplement while the other followed a calorie-restricted diet.

Although both groups experienced weight loss, the one with whey protein supplementation was found to have more lean muscle mass.

Try this whey protein powder.

9.  Turmeric

 Turmeric is quite popular among the health and fitness gurus, mainly due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric is said to improve digestion and provide anti-oxidative properties to the body.

The main reason why you should add turmeric to your keto diet is that it fights inflammation. Because a lot of keto foods like dairy products are pro-inflammatory, their effects can be counteracted and neutralized by turmeric.

Try this tumeric supplement.

10. Fiber Supplements

Because the keto diet includes following a low-carb meal plan, it often fails to fulfil your daily recommended dose of fiber. A lack of fiber can make you feel constipated and bloated all the time. This combined with the harmful effects of a high-fat diet can make your keto experience miserable and painful.

To avoid all this fuss, it is important to include high-fiber sources like psyllium husk, chia seeds, and flaxseeds to your daily diet. Leafy greens can also provide you with a good amount of fiber.  If you are finding it difficult to intake a good amount of fiber, a fiber supplement should be used.

Here is a great fiber supplement.

Additional Keto Diet Supplements for Working Out

If you are aiming to work out during keto diet, consider adding the following keto diet supplements to your daily routine.


Creatine supplements are extremely beneficial for the keto-dieters who wish to enhance their physical performance and workouts. Studies have shown that supplementing with creatine can lead to a faster energy recovery both between and after a high-intensity workout. [6]


Accounting for 35% of the total muscle proteins, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a must for the keto-dieters who work out on a regular basis. These supplements increase muscle growth, prevent fatigue, and maximize performance.


HMB (beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate)

Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) is an important member of the protein family. It is produced during the breakdown of leucine, another amino acid, and is said to possess strong anti-catabolic properties. Using HMB supplements protect your muscles during workouts, especially during keto diet when you are consuming a moderate amount of proteins.


The keto diet is a popular way to promote weight loss and boost physical performance. To help people transition into this extremely beneficial diet, keto diet supplements can help. These supplements can not only enhance the nutritional value of the keto diet but can also prevent the usual side effects.

So, use the top ten keto diet supplements now and make your keto journey a lot easier.


5 Intermittent Fasting Supplements to Supercharge Fat Loss

intermittent fasting women

Intermittent fasting has been making headlines for quite some time. This weight loss approach has been linked with certain incredible benefits such as increased mental clarity, improved cognition, decreased inflammation, and a better insulin sensitivity. While achieving all these benefits require time, optimizing your diet plan with right intermittent fasting supplements can speed up the process.

What are the best intermittent fasting supplements to consume? How do intermittent fasting supplements make things easier? Keep reading to find out.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Unlike most of the conventional diet plans out there, intermittent fasting is much more than a diet. It actually refers to an entire pattern of eating. It involves planning your meals in such a way that you are able to get the most out of them.

Intermittent fasting refers to back to back cycles of fasting and eating. It usually includes fasting for 16 hours followed by an 8-hour long eating window. By restricting the eating hours, IF decreases your daily caloric intake and helps in losing weight.

Why You Need Supplements for Intermittent Fasting

During fasting, your body is completely relying on the stored fat. As the body breaks down fats for energy, it releases ketones in the body. This increased fat burning and induction of ketosis is how IF helps you lose weight.

While this entire mechanism of action may charm you, there is actually a downside to it. In order to sustain a state of ketosis, a lot of nutrients and vitamins are required and without adequate replacements, they may get depleted within days.

Intermittent fasting also has a tendency to seriously affect your metabolism, especially the blood sugar levels. Prolonged periods of fasting followed by uncontrolled eating may disturb insulin levels, creating problems for people with diabetes.

Taking intermittent fasting supplements keep these problems at bay and makes sure you lose those extra kilos without experiencing much trouble.

5 Best Intermittent Fasting Supplements

Now that you understand the reason behind using intermittent fasting supplements, it is time to know exactly which ones to use. Following are the top 5 intermittent fasting supplements.

intermittent fasting supplements

1.  Electrolyte Supplements

As mentioned above, the levels of ketones in your body tend to rise in a fasted state. This is usually followed by a drop in the insulin levels which signals the body to flush out important electrolytes such as potassium and sodium causing their depletion.

Depleted levels of sodium and potassium can be a problem since they are extremely important for maintaining ketogenesis. Also, a deficiency of these electrolytes can also cause problems like low energy, lightheadedness, and fatigue.

Another important electrolyte that often depletes during intermittent fasting is magnesium. A magnesium deficiency may trigger symptoms like muscle cramps and brain fog making it difficult for you to continue your fast.

So, it is recommended to take electrolyte supplements during fasting to make sure that you don’t develop any deficiencies or their consequent side effects.

2.  Cinnamon Supplement (insulin resistance)

Restricting calories and fasting for hours may damage your body by increasing oxidative stress and releasing free radicals. While this approach may help with fat loss, it has a tendency to damage the pancreas, alter insulin function, and disturb blood sugar levels.

Taking intermittent fasting supplements such as cinnamon can help prevent insulin spikes and control blood sugar levels in the body. It also increases insulin sensitivity and keeps its functions intact. [1]

Being a rich source of antioxidants, cinnamon supplements can also protect you from the oxidative stress imposed by IF. [2]

3.  Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been associated with a lot of health benefits. Consuming apple cider vinegar during a fast helps to optimize it.


Apple cider vinegar possesses strong antibacterial properties which can protect you from several illnesses. It is calorie-free and contains some extremely beneficial minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium to cover up for any electrolyte deficiencies.


Drinking apple cider vinegar can improve digestion, regulate blood sugar, and resets your metabolism.  Further, apple cider vinegar helps you to absorb the food you eat during your feeding window better, helping you to ward off hunger pangs.


4.  Whey Protein

Whey refers to the product that is often left behind following the coagulation of milk during cheese production. This product consists of several milk proteins which can be isolated to form whey protein.

While most of the people consider whey protein to have amino acids only, it actually consists of many other molecules.

So, why should you include whey protein among other intermittent fasting supplements?

A pre-workout consumption of whey protein has been associated with an increased muscle mass and strength. Consuming this supplement can help build muscle and compensate for any protein deficiency which may occur as a result of prolonged fasting.

Intermittent fasting combined with heavy exertion often leads to weakening of the immune system. This may predispose you to an increased risk of diseases and infections. Consuming whey protein makes sure to keep your immune system competent and prevents unwanted infections.

Consuming 25 grams of whey protein thirty minutes before a workout and after can be advantageous for everyone following intermittent fasting.

5.  Fiber Supplements

Fiber supplements decrease the effects of carbs on your blood sugar. They can also help improve insulin sensitivity. Because fiber is required for maintenance of a healthy gut microbiome, these supplements can help regulate the digestive processes going on in your body.

Mixing one teaspoon of a fiber supplement with water is enough to suppress appetite and curb any unwanted cravings. Research suggests that it can enhance satiety and reduce the desire to eat. [3]

So, adding fiber to your list of intermittent fasting supplements will make it easier to maintain fast without succumbing to unhealthy cravings.

Concluding Thoughts on Intermittent Fasting Supplements

No matter which type of intermittent fasting regimen you plan to follow, it is extremely important to optimize it with intermittent fasting supplements. The right types of supplements and minerals will support your body and make the entire experience extremely pleasant and healthy.

Get the top five intermittent fasting supplements now and enjoy the countless benefits that intermittent fasting has to offer!


Keto Diet Beginner’s Guide for Women Over 40

Keto diet for women

Losing weight is difficult for everyone, but for women who have just passed the age of 40, it can be a real struggle. The whole process of weight loss becomes complex, due to hormonal imbalances. Luckily, the keto diet for women has proven itself as an effective way to lose weight and improve the overall health for women over 40. Not sure how to begin? Keep reading to find out how to follow the keto diet for women over 40.

The Keto Diet Explained

The keto diet is a high fat low carb diet that is designed to push your body to burn fat for energy instead of carbs and sugar.  The keto diet forces your body to use stored fat and this enables your fat cells to release fatty acids. These fatty acids are then converted into ‘ketones’ by your liver. When this process occurs, your body enters into a state of ketosis where it starts burning ketones for fuel, instead of glucose (sugar). As the intake of carbs is reduced further, ketones become the primary source of energy.  This leads to massive weight loss and fat burning.

While your body is transitioning from carbohydrates to ketones, you are likely to suffer from some temporary side effects, one of them being the keto flu. While the keto flu is not fun, it is only a minor temporary setback.  But remember that it is common and goes away once your body gets used to utilizing ketones.

Now that you understand the science behind the keto diet for women, lets take a look at how it is beneficial for women over the age of 40.

Benefits of Keto for Women Over 40

For women over 40, the keto diet helps to maintain a healthy weight, reduce body fat, and improve cognition.  This is achieved by the following:

Balance Hormones: Women just over 40 frequently begin to experience hormonal imbalances. As a woman approaches perimenopause, her estrogen levels begin to fluctuate. The keto diet for women works by normalizing these imbalances. By balancing estrogen, the ketogenic diet helps balance insulin. This consequently improves insulin sensitivity and stabilizes the sugar levels in the blood.  This hormone balancing the effect of the keto diet has also been proven to treat PMS symptoms in younger females.

Increase Sex Drive: Although very few of us will say it, most of us women want to have better sex.  The keto diet can do that for us.  The ketogenic diet increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin D. Being a precursor of sex hormones, vitamin D ensures balanced levels of testosterone and other sex hormones that could become unbalanced due to testosterone.  In layman’s terms this means that the keto diet can help to increase a reduced or diminished sex drive.

Enhance Brain Functions: The hormone estrogen ensures a smooth inflow of glucose into your brain. However, as a woman ages, the high levels of estrogen eventually begin to drop and so does the amount of glucose reaching your brain. A lack of glucose to the brain leads to a decline in brain functions. By the following keto diet, women over 40, the problem of glucose intake can be mitigated or even avoided. This leads to enhanced cognition and brain functions.

Enhance Sleep: Are you tossing and turning at night?  Are you finding it difficult to really rest?  If that’s you, the keto diet is your fix.  Keeping in mind that the keto diet helps to regulate glucose levels, even a small amount of glucose can disturb your blood sugar levels leading to poor quality of sleep. And over time, your sleep can really become disturbed. Ketogenic diet balances blood glucose levels, and other hormones like cortisol, melatonin, and serotonin ensuring proper sleep.

Reduces inflammation:  As we age our joints are not quite as “oiled” as they used to be.  The process of aging can increase the level of inflammation which can lead to unpleasant and painful joint pain. Following keto diet, women over 40 can make use of healthy anti-inflammatory fats to reduce inflammation and lower pain in your joints and backbone.

How Keto Affects Hormones in Women over 40

Over the period of reproductive years, the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ensures proper release of an egg from either of an ovary of a woman. This egg is released every 28 days and stimulates the production of estrogen. The release of estrogen signals the production of progesterone.

As a woman enters her pre-menopausal state, her levels eggs start to decline and so does the levels of estrogen and progesterone. Although FSH, from the brain, tries to maintain these hormones, over the period of a few years all of these hormones start to decline steadily.

Estrogen directs storage of fats in areas like thigh or hips. However, as levels of estrogen drop, the fat starts to get stored in the abdomen. This visceral fat can lead to insulin resistance, various heart diseases, and other general health problems. In addition to fat deposition, weight can generally increase due to:

  • Higher levels of insulin (hyperinsulinemia)
  • Increased levels of hunger hormone (ghrelin)
  • Impaired production of leptin and neuropeptide Y
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Slower metabolism

However, lifestyle changes and a well-formed ketogenic diet can impact this balance strongly. Ketosis lowers the levels of insulin and enhances the production of leptin. Increasing fat intake by 5% than usual can enhance the production of estrogen and androgen levels by 12% in women in perimenopausal and menopausal states.

Ketones also activate the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis) which promote the interaction between the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the adrenal glands. As mentioned earlier, insulin sensitivity can affect your sexual hormones. Ketones balance your insulin sensitivity and increase the production of sex hormones.

5 Simple Steps to Start the Keto Diet for Women Over 40

  1. Identify a set start date

An important aspect of the keto diet for women is identifying a set start data.  This means selecting a period where your schedule is clear of any parties, lunch and dinner dates, or trips.  The reason for this is that you need to be laser focused at the beginning with very few distractions.  Let your friends and family know about your new diet journey so that they can help you in the process and so that you will have people to be accountable to.  This will help to give you a strong start.

  1. Get rid of all non-ketogenic food

The second step in starting a keto diet is to clean all non-ketogenic foods out of your kitchen and home.  Having these foods in the house will make it easier to break your diet.  You will less likely have non-ketogenic food if you have to put effort into leaving your home to go get them.  It may tough to throw perfectly good food away and costly to buy new food to start over, but your health and new body are worth it.

If you live with other people who are not on the keto diet or if you have children who aren’t eating keto, then work on avoiding the foods they eat and remember, nibbling or eating the smallest amount of non-ketogenic food will kill your diet.  You must have discipline!

  1. Try intermittent fasting

It is strongly recommended to add intermittent fasting to your schedule. This does not mean fasting for the entire day. All you need to do is skip one meal every day so that you can control your net carbs more efficiently.

It’s completely up to you which meal you skip, but it’s will be of great service to you if skipped one of the major meals per day and fasted.  Many gurus and health practitioners recommend eating an earlier dinner combined with a late breakfast. Just by doing that a few times a week, you can create an effortless fast of 12-14 hours.

It is recommended that women start intermittent fasting with crescendo fasting.  Learn more about it here.

Easily Begin Intermittent Fasting with Crescendo Fasting

  1. Never consume more than 25 grams of carbs per day

When transitioning into ketosis, it is important that you consume a fair amount of healthy fat. Because keto is a low carb diet, make sure to reduce your intake of carbohydrates or less than 25 grams. You can add in some extra fats and proteins (eggs, avocados, or coconut oil) to your meals. This may be challenging at the beginning but you will get used to it.

Try to add butter and coconut oil to everything you eat. This ensures that your body starts to transition into ketosis and motivates your body to get energy by burning fat. Make sure your body gets less carbs and more of fats so that there would be no lack of fuel (ketones).

  1. Adopt a morning routine

Adopt the following ketone enhancing routine in the morning:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Take two teaspoons of coconut oil
  • Take half teaspoon of MCT oil as a supplement

Your ketone levels are a great indicator of either your body is using fats for energy or not. Any blood ketone tracker will ensure that you remain motivated and on the right track.  Testing ketone levels should be done frequently when initially starting the keto diet.

7 Keto Beginner Tips for Success

The ketogenic diet plan can be tough to start. Here are seven quick tips to get you started:

  1. Try intermittent fasting with keto diet for a faster weight loss. Intermittent fasting also helps to get to ketosis faster.
  2. Manage your stress levels as excessive production of stress hormone can make you gain weight
  3. Ensure that you sleep properly every night as this helps reduce your stress levels
  4. Maintain adequate protein intake to maintain healthy muscle mass and for liver health.
  5. Exercise more frequently to stay fit mentally and physically
  6. Stop drinking any soda or any sugar substitute
  7. Drink more water to help with satiation and hydration.


Additional Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40

Research suggests that weight loss is highly attainable after 40 by doing regular exercise and eating healthy. Here are general weight loss tips for women over 40 following any diet.

  1. Practice portion control.
  2. Add more protein and good fats to your diet, especially at the start of the day to maintain your muscle mass
  3. Add strength training or resistance training to your regular exercise routine.
  4. Make sure you get enough sleep at night. Without proper sleep, weight loss cannot occur.
  5. Cultivate your mind about new ideas of wellness and adopt a fresh perspective on health and fitness.
  6. Avoid nutrient-poor processed “diet foods.” These are processed foods that are said to support diets and weight loss.  EAT REAL FOOD.
  7. Set some realistic goals and follow a well-structured
  8. Keep a journal and chart your weight loss journey.

Following the keto diet for women in combination with the tips mentioned above will definitely help you get rid of the excessive weight.


The keto diet for women over the age of 40 is a perfect way to reduce weight, stay active, and enjoy life. It can balance hormones, improve cognition, and improve the quality of sleep without posing any threats to your health. It can also help to improve your sex drive and your intimate relationships.  So if you have just broken into the 40 club, or if you have been a member for a few years now, and are struggling with weight management, try keto diet now.

However, please remember to consult your health professional before starting any weight loss plan.

benefit keto diet


Simple Endomorph Workout Plan to Reduce Belly Fat

endomorph workout plan

Do you find it difficult to lose weight? Is your body naturally wider? If so, then the technical term for your body type is “endomorph.”

As an endomorph, you may find it difficult to achieve the body you want. Endomoprhs put on weight easily, particularly around the abdominal area.  After trying all types of exercises and detox diets and God knows what else, the stubborn fat in this area just doesn’t seem to want to go away.

If this exactly sounds like the story of your life, don’t worry.  You are not alone.  We got you!  Keep reading and we will give you a strategy to start burning that stubborn fat around your belly away. First, let’s understand the three body types.

Three Body Types

The human body is divided into three different somatotypes (human body shape and physique type): ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

  1. Ectomorph

An ectomorph body type is naturally skinny. People with this body types have a light build and small joints. Characterized by long, slender limbs, thin shoulders, and stringy muscles, ectomorphs actually find it difficult to put on weight.

2.    Mesomorph

A mesomorph body type is characterized by large muscles, a huge bone structure, and an athletic physique. For these people, gaining and losing weight is a not very difficult. Because a mesomorphic body is naturally strong, it is the perfect body type for building muscle.

3.    Endomorph

The endomorph body type is described as solid but generally soft. As an endomorph, you are likely to gain weight more easily. This body type is explained below in more detail.

Endomorph Body Type Explained

Endomorphs tend to have a higher amount of body fat as compared to the ectomorph or mesomorphs. They get tired quickly, have larger appetites, and face issues related to weight loss.

With a larger bone structure, wide shoulders, and high strength, endomorphs struggle to achieve their fitness goals. Other characteristics of an endomorph body type include:

  • Short stature
  • Round physique
  • Slower metabolism
  • Poorly-defined muscles
  • A stocky build
  • Easy to build lean muscle

When it comes to workouts, endomorphs must have a well defined approach to burn fat and build muscle.  A combination of cardio training and resistance training is ideal for endomorphs to burn fat, lose weight, and build a nice sexy physique.

Best Cardio Endomorph Workout to Burn Fat

As mentioned before, losing weight for endomorphs can be challenging. Cardio workouts are great for burning fat.  There are a variety of types of cardio workouts that experts support for weight loss.  Most cardio workouts will fall into two groups: HIIT (high intensity interval training) or LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio.  While both are beneficial, for the optimal endomorph workout and to burn belly fat, LISS should be performed.

  • LISS (Long Interval Steady State) Cardio

Low-intensity Steady State Cardio (LISS) is the best type of cardio endomorph workout. As suggested by the name, it involves any aerobic or cardio activity performed at low intensities for a prolonged period of time, usually between 30-60 minutes.

LISS cardio has been used by a many professionals in the fitness world as a way to compliment weight loss in endomorphs.  Female figure bodybuilders and fitness competitors use LISS to help lean out their bodies.

  • Benefits of LISS for Fat Loss

People who advocate for LISS training are well-aware of its ability to cause rapid fat loss. Performing cardio activities at low intensities has been proven to cause a greater utilization of body fat as compared to muscle glycogen.

Because endomorphs have naturally high body fat percentage, they particularly benefit from this effect.

Performing LISS every morning in a fasted or a semi-fasted state has been linked to significant weight loss benefits. The science behind this is simple. As you sleep, the glycogen stores in your body are used up for various regenerative processes occurring over the night. Performing LISS cardio in such states makes sure that your body taps into fat stores to derive energy, leading to an increased fat burning.

Other benefits of LISS cardio include:

  • It is less taxing on your body as compared to other exercises
  • It works by burning calories derived from fats rather than glycogen
  • It is easier on your ligaments, tendons, and joints
  • It does not psychologically drain you

LISS cardio can be performed on the following fitness machines.

  • Treadmill (***Pro tip: Raise the incline all the way up, slow the speed down and walk without holding the hand rail)
  • Elliptical
  • Step Mill

Usually exercise bikes are not ideal for LISS.

Best Ab Endomorph Workout Exercises

Before discussing the best ab workouts for endomorphs, it is important to know about the important muscles present in your abdomen.

To understand the muscles of your abs, consider them as the meat sandwiched between fat. On top of these muscles lies the subcutaneous fat. It is the type of fat that you touch and pinch while looking in the mirror. Below these muscles is the visceral fat, the type that lies adjacent to your internal organs.

Along with the muscles present in your lower back, the key abdominal muscles making up your abs include:

  • External Obliques
    The external obliques make up the outer layer of your abs. These muscles can be felt running diagonally in a downward direction.
  • Internal Obliques
    Lying just below the external obliques are the internal oblique muscles which run diagonally upwards on your sides.
  • Rectus Abdominis
    These are two sheets of muscles that arise at the level of ribs and extend to the pelvis. These muscles normally help you flex forward.
  • Transversus Abdominis
    Transversus abdominis is the deepest ab muscle which forms wrapping around your waist to support the spine.

Now that you know about your ab muscles, it is time to know about some exercises to strengthen them.  Here are

-Best Upper Ab Exercise (Double Crunch)

-Best Lower Ab Exercise (Leg Scissors)

How to Do Scissors | Ab Workout


-Best Exertnal Oblique Exercise (Side Plank w/ Hip Dip)

How to do a Side Plank with Hip Lift - Hip Dip

-Best Internal Oblique Ab Exercise (Ab Vacuum)

Stomach Vacuum - Ab Exercises -


10-Minute Endomorph Workout for Abs

Now for the good stuff. If you are ready to burn your stubborn belly fat, here is the endomorph workout for you.  Perform this workout at least 4 times per week.  If you want faster results, you can do it 5 times per week.

Before performing this 10 minute Endomorph Workout for Abs, you should perform 40 – 50 of LISS cardio using the suggested equipment discussed in the LISS cardio section of this article.

Rest no more than 30 seconds between sets.endomorph workout weight loss

5 Weight Loss Tips for A Fat Burning Endomorph Workout

The following tips will make it much easier for you to burn fat:

  • Limit your carb intake by avoiding sugars, cereals, pasta, bread, and crackers. This is because an endomorph, you have carbohydrate intolerance so a low-carb diet will suit you the best. Combine it with high-fibre foods to boost your health.
  • Consider taking fish oils. These supplements may reduce the risk of many diseases like hypertension, coronary disease, and diabetes often encountered by endomorphs.
  • Eat healthy fats. A lot of endomorphs try limiting their fat intake in order to speed up the process of fat loss which is not right. Try including healthy fats such as olive oil, fish oils, nut butter, and avocados to your daily diet plans.
  • Try including 25 to 35 grams of lean protein in every meal plan. Not only will it support your health, but it will also preserve your muscle mass and increase protein building.
  • Be consistent and motivated and don’t forget to keep a track of your progress. Retake your measurements after every 6 weeks to make that you are moving in the right direction.


If you follow the workout plans and tips mentioned above, you will definitely see results. But remember that the key is to keep going and show patience as it will take time. You did not gain weight overnight so you cannot expect it to go away in one day.

Lastly, remember that it is not only about losing weight, but it is also about choosing a healthy lifestyle that can be sustained.

endomorph workout


Keto Diet Beginner’s Guide for Women Over 50

keto for women

Women who have experienced menopause know the troubles it brings: irritability, increased fatigue, and weight gain. Luckily, the keto diet has proven itself as an effective way to lose weight and improve overall health. Not sure how to begin? Keep reading to find out how to follow keto for women over 50

The Keto Diet Explained

The keto diet is a high fat low carb diet which forces your body to burn fat for energy instead of carbs and sugar.  The keto diet pushes your body to use stored fat which, in turn, enables your fat cells to release fatty acids. These fatty acids are then converted into ‘ketones’ by your liver. As soon as this process occurs, your body enters into a state of ketosis where it starts burning ketones for fuel, instead of glucose (sugar). As the intake of carbs is reduced further, ketones become the primary source of energy.  This leads to significant weight loss.

Keto Flu

While your body is transitioning from carbohydrates to ketones, you are likely to suffer from a temporary side effect known as the keto flu. But remember that it is common and goes away once your body gets used to utilizing ketones.

Now that you know the science behind the keto diet for women, it is time to understand how it is beneficial for women over the age of 50.

Benefits of Keto for Women Over 50

Keto for women over 50 helps to reduce some of the side effects of menopause. Some of the ways it helps are:  maintaining a healthy weight, reducing body fat, and improving cognition.  Here are a few of the cognitive benefits:

Balance Hormones: Most of the symptoms of menopause encountered by women are due to hormonal imbalances. The keto diet for women works by normalizing these imbalances of hormones such as estrogen. This enables you to experience lesser post-menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. Even if they occur, they are shorter in duration and more bearable. The ketogenic diet also balances insulin and helps regulate insulin sensitivity.  This hormone balancing effect of the keto diet has also been proven to treat PMS symptoms in younger females.

Enhance Brain Functions: The hormone estrogen ensures a smooth inflow of glucose into your brain. However, after menopause, the high levels of estrogen eventually begin to drop and so does the amount of glucose reaching your brain. If you are not getting enough glucose, your brain functions will start to decline. By the following keto diet, the problem of glucose intake is bypassed. This leads to enhanced cognition and brain functions.

Increase Sex Drive: The ketogenic diet increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin D. Being a precursor of sex hormones, vitamin D ensures balanced levels of testosterone and other sex hormones that could become unbalanced due to testosterone.

Enhance Sleep: Even a small amount of glucose can disturb your blood sugar levels. This leads to poor quality of sleep. Combined with other menopausal symptoms, your sleep can really become troubled as you age. The ketogenic diet balances blood glucose levels, and other hormones like cortisol, melatonin, and serotonin ensuring a improved sleep.

Reduces inflammation: Menopause can increase the level of inflammation which can lead to unpleasant and painful symptoms. Women over 50 following a keto diet makes use of healthy anti-inflammatory fats to reduce inflammation and lower pain in your joints and backbone.

Keto, Hormones, and Menopause

Over the period of reproductive years, the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ensures proper release of an egg from either of an ovary of a woman. This egg is released every 28 days and stimulates the production of estrogen. The release of estrogen signals the production of progesterone.

As a woman enters her pre-menopausal state, her levels eggs start to decline and so does the levels of estrogen and progesterone. Although FSH, from the brain, tries to maintain these hormones, over the period of a few years all of these hormones start to decline steadily.

Estrogen directs storage of fats in areas like thigh or hips. However, as levels of estrogen drop, the fat starts to get stored in the abdomen. This visceral fat can lead to insulin resistance, various heart diseases, and other general health problems. In addition to fat deposition, weight can generally increase due to:

  • Higher levels of insulin (hyperinsulinemia)
  • Increased levels of hunger hormone (ghrelin)
  • Impaired production of leptin and neuropeptide Y
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Slower metabolism

However, lifestyle changes and a well-formed ketogenic diet can impact this balance strongly. Ketosis lowers the levels of insulin and enhances the production of leptin. Increasing fat intake by 5% more than usual can enhance the production of estrogen and androgen levels by 12% in women after menopause.

Ketones also activate the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis) which promote the interaction between the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the adrenal glands. As mentioned earlier, insulin sensitivity can affect your sexual hormones. Ketones balance your insulin sensitivity and increase the production of sex hormones.

5 Simple Steps to Start the Keto Diet for Women Over 50

  1. Have a Planned Start Date

An important aspect of the keto diet for women is clearing your schedule of any parties or lunch plans. Tell your friends and family about the new diet you are planning to follow so that they may help you in the process. Ask them to support you instead of judging you for your choices.

  1. Throw away any non-ketogenic stuff

Clean out your refrigerator from any non-ketogenic food. If you have them around, they will surely tempt you. You may believe in toughing it out, but it’s better to be overly prepared than sorry. Some people might suggest you giving away these food items to your friends and family members. It’s best you throw them away as it would seem like dumping all your weight-gaining and diabetes causing foods on your loved ones. You know the food is not healthy so do them yourself a favor as well as your loved ones.  After you have discarded all of your non-ketogenic food, go and restock your home with ketogenic foods. Because the keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet, this means piling up on foods with healthy fats.

  1. Try intermittent fasting

It’s a good idea to add intermittent fasting to your schedule. This does not mean fasting for the entire day. All you need to do is skip one meal every day so that you can control your net carbs more efficiently.

It’s completely up to you which meal you skip, but its recommended that you don’t consume either your breakfast, lunch, or dinner every day. Many doctors recommend eating an earlier dinner combined with a late breakfast. Just by doing that a few times a week, you can create an effortless fast of 12-14 hours.

Here is a great article on ways to begin intermittent fasting for women.

Easily Begin Intermittent Fasting with Crescendo Fasting

  1. Never consume more than 25 grams of carbs per day

When transitioning into ketosis, it is important that you eat a lot of healthy fats. Because keto is a low carb diet, make sure to reduce your intake of carbohydrates to 25 grams or less. You can add in some extra fats and proteins (eggs, avocados, or coconut oil) to your meals. Try to add butter and coconut oil to everything you eat. This ensures that your body starts to transition into ketosis and motivates your body to get energy by burning fat. Make sure your body gets fewer carbs and more of fats so that there would be no lack of fuel (ketones).

  1. Adopt a morning routine

Try your best that you start your morning with the following ketone enhancing routine:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Take two teaspoons of coconut oil
  • Take half teaspoon of MCT oil as a supplement

Your ketone levels are a great indicator of either your body is using fats for energy or not. Any blood ketone tracker will ensure that you remain motivated and on the right track.

Beginner Keto Diet Tips for Success

The ketogenic diet plan can be tough to start. However, you can always make use of the following tips to ensure success.

  1. Follow intermittent fasting with keto diet for a faster weight loss.
  2. Manage your stress levels as an excessive production of stress hormone can make you gain weight.
  3. Ensure that you sleep properly every night as this helps reduce your stress levels.
  4. Add more salt to your food.
  5. Exercise more frequently to stay fit mentally and physically.
  6. Stop drinking any soda or any sugar substitute.
  7. Drink more water.

Additional Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 50

Research suggests that weight loss is possible after 50 by doing regular exercise and eating healthy. Some of the tips to help you reduce weight effectively are for women over 50 no matter which diet you choose are:

  1. Eat smaller portions.
  2. Add more protein and good fats to your diet, especially at the start of the day to maintain your muscle mass.
  3. Make sure to strength train as part of your regular exercise.
  4. Make sure to get enough sleep at night
  5. Cultivate your mind about new ideas of wellness. Forget the old rules of weight loss.
  6. Avoid nutrient-poor and processed “diet food.”
  7. Set some realistic goals and follow a well-structured plan.

Following the keto diet for women in combination with the tips mentioned above will definitely help you get rid of the excessive weight.


The keto diet for women over the age of 50 is a perfect way to lose weight, stay active, and enjoy life. It can balance hormones, improve cognition, and improve the quality of sleep without posing any threats to your health. So if you are someone struggling with post-menopausal symptoms, try keto diet now.

However, please remember it is advised to check with your health care doctor or professional before starting any diet regimen.


Ultimate Diet Guide for Mesomorphic Body Types

mesomorph woman

If you close your eyes and imagine an athletic physique, you are probably thinking about a mesomorph: Lean, but well-proportioned and muscular. People with mesomorphic bodies are genetically gifted. They have naturally low levels of body fat but have an equally high tendency to gain weight if they are not mindful of eating healthy and exercising regularly.

As a mesomorph, you may be wondering: how should you maintain a healthy lean body. Or, what should you do to achieve your fitness goals? Keep reading to find out.

The Mesomorphic Body Type

Body types can be broadly classified as ectomorphs, endomorphs, mesomorphs, and combination types such as ectomorphic or endomorphic bodies.

A mesomorph body build is defined by a large bone structure and high muscle content. The body shape of most mesomorphs falls somewhere between ectomorphs (having a small frame) and endomorphs (having a broad frame).

With a naturally athletic body, mesomorphs find it easier to gain muscle mass than other body types. It is also quite easy for them to gain or lose weight.

Some other characteristics of a mesomorphic body type include:

  • Well-defined muscles
  • Strong body
  • Efficient metabolism
  • A quick response to exercise
  • Rectangular-shaped body

3 Easy Dieting Strategies for the Mesomorphic Body

For people with a mesomorphic body type, it is quite easy for you to gain and lose fat. To make sure your body weight does is constantly fluctuating, it is important to maintain a healthy consistent diet. Below are three easy and best dieting strategies for those with a mesomorphic body type.

  • Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet refers to a high-fat, low-carb diet which includes shifting your body’s fuel source from carbohydrates to fats. It includes reducing your carbohydrates and replacing it with fats. This reduction in carbohydrates places your body in a state of ketosis.

In ketosis, your body starts breaking fats to derive energy thus, helping in weight loss.  The keto diet is great for mesomorph body types.

  • Flexible Dieting (IIFYM)

Flexible training, also called as If It Fits Your Marcos (IIFYM) is a diet that involves counting your macronutrients and keeping a track of them to achieve a perfect body composition.

To practice IIFYM, you need to calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) based on your exercise routine and current body weight. Next, you count your macros (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) in ratios that may help you achieve your goal.

Lastly, you need to keep a track of your food intake in order to meet your macro limit and TDEE every day.

Want to learn more about IIFYM?  Check out the article below.

IIFYM Meaning: What it Is and How to To Do to Lose Weight Fast

  • Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) refers to an eating pattern that involves periods of eating and fasting. It does not specify which food groups you must eat but focuses on when you should be eating them.

Some common methods of IF include fasting or 16 hours every day or for 24 hours twice a week.  To learn more about intermittent fasting, check out the link below.

3 Fast Acting Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Strategies

Workout Tips for Mesomorphic Body Types

To accelerate fat loss without losing muscle, those with a mesomorphic body type can benefit from the following types of exercises.

  • Cardiovascular Exercise

In order to achieve a lean physique, a mesomorphic body requires consistent sessions of cardio. Incorporate 45 minutes of cardio exercises three to five times a week in order to lose fat and maintain a healthy weight.

For mesomorphs with a relatively lesser amount of body fat, performing this type of cardio training program twice per week is sufficient.

  • High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves alternating bouts of intense activity followed by small durations of lighter activity. Performing HITT two or three times per week along with 2 sessions of steady-state cardio will yield optimal results and a lean body.

  • Strength Training

A mesomorphic body is naturally strong because of naturally thick and dense muscles. Hence, weight lifting using moderate to heavy weights four days a week is ideal to put l on muscle mass while losing weight.  Adding this lifting protocol along with cardio will lead to an addition of lean muscle.

Try performing 8 to 12 reps of three to four different exercises for every muscle group. Be sure to complete at least 3 sets of every exercise with 30 to 90 seconds of rest after each set.

If you are fast-twitch dominant, try lifting heavier objects (90 percent or more of your 1RM) as fast as you can.

mesomorph body type

Best Supplements for the Mesomorphic Body Type

The following supplements best suit the mesomorphic body type.

  • Whey Protein

Whey protein is a great supplement to round out your protein balance. Studies have shown that it can lead to a significant loss of body fat with greater preservation of lean muscle. [1]

  • BCAAs

Branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) can be used by your body as the building blocks for muscle and protein. Consuming BCCAs can also reduce post-workout fatigue by 15%, according to some studies. [2] [3]

  • Glutamine

Glutamine is building block of protein and a great supplement to build muscle. It has been associated with an improved muscle strength and mass. Some studies have also proven that taking glutamine supplements can reduce muscle soreness and enhance recovery after intense exercise. [4]

  • Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements can increase the rate of muscle synthesis while decreasing its degradation. By consuming these supplements, you can easily push the muscle-building balance in your favor.

Top 5 Weight Loss Tips for Mesomorphic Body Types

Following are the top 5 weight loss tips for mesomorphic people looking forward to lose weight.

  1. Eat More Protein

Mesomorphs naturally respond better to diets with high protein content. Including protein such as eggs, fish, lentils, beans, and Greek yogurt will also help with muscle building and repair.

While all body types need carbohydrates, protein and fat, mesomorphs seem to respond better to higher-protein diets. We have found that mesomorphs respond best when their plates are divided into thirds: one-third protein, one-third vegetable (or fruit) and one-third whole grain (or healthy fats).

  1. Say No to Processed Foods

It is quite easy for mesomorphic bodies to gain weight. Therefore, it is wise to avoid processed foods like cakes, biscuits, fries, etc. as they contain empty calories and do nothing for your body except increasing weight.

  1. Focus on Carbs

Carbohydrates are an important constituent of a mesomorphic diet. They not provide energy to your body but also help trigger glycogen synthesis in muscles after a workout session. Some good sources of carbs include fruits, vegetables, quinoa, and brown rice.  Be sure to consume the proper amount of carbs for overall nutritional balance.

  1. Eat Healthy Fats

Eating healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, and coconut oil will accelerate weight loss. Additionally, these fats will also increase satiety and decrease inflammation. [5]

  1. Stay Hydrated

Water is an essential component for proper growth and working of the human body. It helps drive metabolic processes and provides optimal conditions for metabolic enzymes to function. So make sure to stay hydrated by drinking 8 glasses of water every day.


For more details on the best diets and exercise habits for mesomorphic body types, sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter where we share the best weight loss tips and strategies.


How to Lose Weight Fast for Women Over 50

diet women over 50 menopause diet

Let’s be honest, menopause is painful and highly uncomfortable. While the symptoms of menopause are likely to vary, weight gain is often considered to be the common problem. It’s no secret that proper diet and exercise are the best ways to manage this sudden weight gain, but as a menopausal woman, you may face several difficulties. The following article will help to offer guidance concerning this and discuss some of the best diets for post-menopausal women and weight loss for women over 50.


Best Diets for Women Over 50: Intermittent Fasting, Carb Cycling, Mediterranean

As scientists deepened and evolved their knowledge of nutrition, several new diets have been getting a lot of buzz. The current most popular and effective weight loss approaches for weight loss for women over 50 include intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and the Mediterranean diet. These diet plans have been associated with reducing cardiovascular events, increasing bone and muscle mass, promoting longevity, and reducing the risks of various cancers.


Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is becoming a new craze for post-menopausal women. People have seen it deliver some amazing results on all body types. The popularity of intermittent fasting in weight loss for women over 50 has also gained interest in recent years promoting more and more women switching to this diet.

Intermittent fasting promises following benefits, along with a lean and energized body:

  • Prominent weight loss and maintenance of a healthy weight
  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Improved energy
  • Enhanced immunity against various pathogens
  • Reduced stress on the brain and body
  • Promoted cell growth (and stimulated resistance towards various diseases in turn)
  • Increased cellular sensitivity towards insulin
  • Boosted cognition
  • Making the anti-aging system robust as it enhances your body as a whole

For women over 50, it is better to talk to a doctor before starting intermittent fasting. Your health and age must be kept in mind while determining which kind of intermittent fasting is good for you.

There is some speculations about the benefits of IF created by the people who believe fasting is never a good option for the human body. But the reality is humans have always fasted. As we look back into history, we can see that periods of fasting has always been a part of human life.

Cavemen would fast for long durations of time and then after a good hunt, they would feast. Not only this, fasting has been deeply rooted in many cultures and features in various holy books like the Bible, the Quran, and the Mahabharata.

If you are ready to start intermittent fasting, check out this article on crescendo fasting, the best fasting approach for women.

Easily Begin Intermittent Fasting with Crescendo Fasting

Carb Cycling

Carb cycling means restricting carbohydrates for a temporary amount of time. “Temporary” is the key here.

This means that there will be times when you can decrease the intake of carbohydrates. This decreased intake of carbohydrates will allow you to benefit from ketosis but without destroying the systems that need some amount of carbohydrates to run properly. Carb cycling is actually a modified version of keto-diet that reduces negative effects even more.

A carb-cycling diet focuses on foods like grilled chicken or lean proteins. This diet can help a post-menopausal woman and a woman over 50 in the following ways:

Balanced hormones: A carb-cycling diet ensures that all your hormones, including insulin, are in check. This makes certain that you experience fewer hot flashes, and even if they occur, they are less intense and persist for a lesser period of time.

Enhanced brain function: When glucose is in lesser quantity, hot flashes become more frequent and intense, thereby decreasing brain’s health. This happens in the keto diet in which you start depriving your brain of glucose leading to a hot flash which indicates that your brain is trying to protect itself from over-starvation.

Things get worse when Estrogen, a female hormone with a job to increase the transport of glucose to the brain, gradually drops. As the estrogen levels drop, so does the ability to transport more glucose leading to increased hot flashes.

A carb cycling diet makes sure that your brain never runs out of glucose completely. This eventually reduces miserable menopausal symptoms. At the same time, it will help you control your total carbohydrate intake and promote weight loss.

Increased Weight loss: Many women attest that weight loss for women over 50 can become a serious issue, particularly after menopause. Carb cycling diet helps with this problem by optimizing hormones that regulate hunger. These hormones include insulin, leptin, and ghrelin. This diet also reduces your cravings and prevents weight gain.

Boosted sex drive: Carb cycling diet makes sure that the fat-soluble vitamins in your body get properly absorbed. One of the most important fat-soluble vitamins in your body is vitamin D- a precursor of sex hormones. By increasing vitamin D absorption, carb recycling helps rebalance your sex hormones which are knocked away as menopause kicks in. The result: enhanced spark between the sheets!

Stabilized energy levels: Menopause can usually have you wiped out, making you feel fatigued and irritable. Carb recycling diet aids in the maintenance of optimum energy levels through pathways that burn calories at a fixed pace. This stabilized energy also ensures that the hormone levels of a woman stay in check.

Improved sleep: Sleeping can become an issue after menopause, especially if you are not focusing on your diet.  Consuming variable quantities of fats and carbs can induce a spike and crash in blood sugar which may lead to insomnia. Combined with other menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and palpitations, the sleep of a menopausal woman can really become disturbed. Carb cycling diets balance blood sugar, regulates the sleep-controlling-hormones like melatonin, serotonin, and cortisol, and resets your circadian rhythm for better sleep.

Reduced inflammation: Menopause often causes inflammation which may lead to the development of several painful symptoms. This increased inflammation also plays a vital role in inducing nearly every disease on earth. Carb cycling diet helps by combining the power of fats and carbohydrates to ensure a reduced level of inflammation, joint pain, and back pain.


Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is more like a lifestyle than just a meal routine. By mixing a well-balanced diet along with regular physical activity in an environment with no fast foods, this diet ensures enhanced weight loss for women over 50. The hallmark of this diet is getting rid of poor food choices, eating products derived from plants, unprocessed foods loaded with nutrients, and healthy fats, and maintaining the target of 1200 calories a day.

The Mediterranean diet puts special emphasis on fresh foods that are prepared in simple ways, using minimal saturated fats, sugars, and salts.  Extra virgin olive oil is frequently added to foods in this diet. It contains monounsaturated fat that protects against cardiovascular issues and helps you lose weight after 50. Many studies have shown Mediterranean diet to be extremely beneficial with advantages such as:

  • Lowered risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis
  • Reduced risk of diabetes type- 2
  • Enhanced cognition
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women
  • Increased muscle mass in women over 50
  • Delayed progression of carotid plaque
  • Stabilizing resting metabolic rate

A higher Mediterranean diet score (MDS), meaning better adherence to this diet, ensures that a post-menopausal woman improves her bone mineral density and enhances her slower metabolism irrespective of her hormonal profile, prior lifestyle, and even smoking habits.


7 Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 50

In addition to the diet recommendations discussed above, here are seven weight loss tips for women over 50 and post-menopausal women.

  1. Be More Active. Try weight training, walk for at least 30 minutes every day, or perform some aerobic exercises daily.
  2. Stay away from sugary drinks. Don’t risk your health over soda. Simply swap it with water or may sparkling sugar-free drinks.
  3. Eat more vegetables. Try to fill up with food that is high in good nutrients. Vegetables will reduce your calories per day and will boost weight loss.
  4. Control your portions. Controlling how much food you eat is as essential as eating healthy foods.
  5. Eat breakfast. This will not only keep you active all day but will also stop you from binge eating.
  6. Stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water will ensure that you are losing weight and avoiding mistaking thirst signals for hunger signals.
  7. Eat only when you are hungry. Not eating on time will only lead to binge eating making you gain weight in the process.

For more details on the best diets and exercise habits for women over 50, sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter where we share the best weight loss tips and strategies.



Top 10 Rules for Intermittent Fasting

intermittent fasting for women

Intermittent fasting is one of the easiest most popular weight loss diets. This simple way of dieting has proven to boost metabolism, trigger weight loss, and possibly promote longevity. Despite all the claims, only a handful of practitioners manage to get away with a full spectrum of benefits offered by intermittent fasting.

So how can you reap all the benefits of intermittent fasting? Follow these ten rules.

Top 10 Rules for Intermittent Fasting

If you are new to intermittent fasting or if you have been practicing intermittent fasting and it is not quite working out for you, follow these 10 rules to make sure you are on the right track.

1. Start Slow: Try Crescendo Fasting

Crescendo fasting requires you to fast a few days a week instead of every day. By fasting this way, you can slowly introduce your body to fasting to ensure you remain dedicated to it.

The basic method is to fast twice two-three times per week on alternate days for 12 – 16 hours.  This type of fasting has a 12-16 hour “fasting window” and a 8-12 hour “feeding window.”  This approach to fasting is much easier to walk into.  An easy way to start is to just simply skip breakfast.

When fasting is approached in this way, you can loose more fat and gain lot of energy at the same time.  Also, crescendo fasting is safer, more sustainable, and much less stress on your body.

Learn more about the details of crescendo fasting here:

Easily Begin Intermittent Fasting with Crescendo Fasting

2. Restrict Portion Sizes

If you are already limiting your meals to 12 hours a day but with no results, what can you do? Consider restricting your portion size. Most of the experts suggest trimming down your daily food intake to two meals per day in order to observe the full effects of intermittent fasting.

This rule is particularly important for overweight individuals or for those who are obese because such people tend to overeat when they break or end their fast. So, pay attention to your portion size and start restricting your calories in order to experience rapid weight loss.

3. Choose an Appropriate Eating Window

Remember that everyone has different needs and schedules, so there is no specific eating window that works perfectly for everyone. People who workout every morning prefer going to bed empty stomach whereas others cannot sleep without having a proper dinner.

So instead of blindly following others, consider making an individual schedule. If you like enjoying dinner with family, you may adjust your eating window from 12 pm to 8 pm. But if you are someone who cannot kickstart the day without breakfast, the eating window can be from 8 am to 4 pm.

Choose what works best for you and stick to it wholeheartedly.

4. Try a Feeding Window of 12 Hours

While some people claim a 24-hour fast works perfectly for them, experts are not in favor of such an aggressive approach.  It is generally advised to abstain from longer periods of fasting on a regular basis.


According to the experts, restricting your food intake to six hours on a daily basis may increase the risk of gallstone formation. This ultimately increases the possibility of complications, even the risk of gallbladder removal.

Studies have also proven that fasting for longer periods of time can particularly increase the risk of gallstone formation in women, irrespective of their weight. [2]

Maintaining a feeding window of 12 hours per day (no less than 8 hours) is generally considered safe for health and can trigger effective fat loss.

5. Eat Protein-rich Meals

One of the major side effects of alternate day fasting is that it can drastically affect your body muscles, sometimes leading to muscle wasting. To compensate for this, try including more protein in your meals.

Eating protein-rich meals will not only maintain your muscle mass but may also improve appetite control. Foods like eggs, chicken, oats, and nuts are some healthy options to include in your everyday meals.

6. Drink Lots of Water

Drinking water is something that must be mindful of throughout the day. Make sure you drink a lot of water during your fasting window. This is particularly important for people who have just started following intermittent fasting.

In addition to water, you may also have black coffee or unsweetened tea. Avoid adding any milk or sweeteners to your drinks as they may break your fast.

7. Don’t Force Yourself to Workout Fasted

A lot of people love fasted workouts. They feel more energized and feel like they can give more attention to their training sessions in a fasting state. However, this may not be something that everyone is able to do. Some people prefer adjusting their eating window in a way that allows them to eat before working out.  This is perfectly okay.

Whatever you decide upon, remember to work out only when you are comfortable. This is important to ensure that you make it safely through the workout session.

Remember that fasted workouts are not required to experience the health benefits of intermittent fasting. It is something that’s optional and up to you to decide if you want to do it or not.

8. Keep Yourself Busy During Fast

At the start of you an intermittent fasting journey, it is often awkward not eating. This is largely due to long term eating habits and schedules.  You may realize that most of the time, you are eating out of habit instead of need.

So to make sure that you do not succumb to the unnecessary temptations of eating out of habit, remember to keep yourself busy on the fasting days. If you are not working, consider finding a hobby just to keep your mind occupied. Read a book, visit a friend, or take a stroll outside to keep your mind off eating.

9. Take BCAAs

Fasting for long hours and skipping meals during intermittent fasting may lead to muscle loss. The only way to avoid this problem is by taking BCAAs.

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) can be extremely helpful for people following intermittent fasting. These proteins enter into your bloodstream and help your body build muscle tissue.

Moreover, BCAAs have the ability to bypass the degradation step in the liver and enter directly into the blood. Therefore, they can be a great source for obtaining instant energy without actually eating anything.

10. Stay Consistent

Starting an intermittent fasting diet is not easy.  While your body is becoming acclimated to fating you may dizzy, experience fatigue from low blood sugar, and other minor issues. While these things typically pass after the first week of fasting, it can be tough.  You may find yourself slipping up and eating during the fasting window. But remember that it’s okay.

Just stay consistent and keep yourself on the right track. It takes time for your body to get used to intermittent fasting and mistakes happen until that time comes. One way to stay consistent is to use a journal.  Try Libifit’s 60-day intermittent fasting journal for women.

Click on the image below to grab this now from Amazon.

intermittent Fasting for women results

Intermittent fasting can help you to lose a significant amount of weight, and improve your overall health.  Follow these 10 rules and hang in there.  Renewed health and weight loss is just around the corner.


Intermittent Fasting for Women over 50

intermittent fasting for women over 50

Intermittent fasting (IF) is simply a means of dividing your meal plans into periods of eating and fasting. This innovative mode of fasting has recently gained a lot of hype among the younger generations. However, the diet holds equally important benefits for more senior people, especially women. What are the benefits of intermittent fasting for women over 50? Keep reading to find out.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50

Being one of the hottest topics in the weight loss world, intermittent fasting has proven itself as a successful remedy for losing weight, maintaining muscle mass, increasing longevity, and even enhancing cognition. Above all, it is considered to be widely useful for older women who want to lose belly fat.

Reduces Weight

Belly fat becomes an issue for women as soon as they hit the age 40, not only due to its bad appearance but also because of its deteriorating effects on the general health. Weight loss through intermittent fasting enables such post-menopausal women to reduce their risk of encountering several life-threatening diseases.

Strengthens Musculoskeletal System

Intermittent fasting for women over 50 has been clinically proven to enhance the overall health of the skeletal system. It has been found to be an efficient way of reducing the symptoms of arthritis and back pain which are commonly encountered by older women. A few studies have also proven how altering meal plans according to IF can affect the production of hormones that control muscle and bone health.

Research has proven that fasting helps to reduce pathways that increase the production of cancerous cells. Intermittent fasting for women over 50 can aid an increase in self-esteem and better moods along with a decrease in negative symptoms like anxiety, depression, and stress.

Controls Diabetes

Eating during certain periods of time is strongly correlated with a decreased risk of diabetes. Some studies show that intermittent fasting can be an efficient way to keep glucose levels in check, get off insulin, and even get rid of, or reduce the usage of prescribe medications.

Improves Longevity

When a women starts fasting at fixed intervals, their body starts sending a signal that activates genetic repair mechanism. This mechanism fights aging and various other diseases by producing human growth hormone (HGH). HGH, in turn, works to strengthen muscles, ligaments, and tendons, speed up metabolic rate, regenerate tissues and increase longevity. This is arguably one of the best advantages of intermittent fasting for women over 50.

Types of Intermittent Fasting

5:2 Fasting

5:2 intermittent fasting works by allotting five days a week to practice normal eating habits and two days of reduced caloric intake.  Meaning during these two days no more than 500 calories should be consumed. These two days of fasting do not necessarily come right after the five non-fasting days. They can be intermixed throughout the week.

The 5:2 diet plan has proven to be a successful tool for combating weight gain, and decreasing insulin resistance.

16/8 Daily Fasting

The 16/8 intermittent daily fasting routine allows you to eat for eight hours followed by a fasting period of 16 hours. This fasting period includes sleep time, so there is no need to worry about sleep negatively affecting the fast.

To increase the efficiency of IF, experts advise to fit in at least two or three small meals throughout the eating window. Many people have vouched for daily fasting as being the easiest way that burns calories fast, even in women of older ages.

Eat Stop Eat

Eat stop eat, also known as alternate-day fasting, includes a ‘feeding day,’ where the person can eat whatever they want (within moderation and still eating healthy) for one whole day, followed with a ‘fasting day,’ where the normal caloric intake is reduced to 25% for the next 24 hours. On the fasting day, it is advised to eat more protein, vegetables, and healthy fats and reduce the intake of sugar or starches.

Eat stop eat method can be done from breakfast to breakfast or from lunch to lunch. This type of intermittent fast can prove to be a bit tricky and is, therefore, suitable for advanced fasters.

Intermittent Fasting for Women: Balancing Hormones and Crescendo Fasting

Women are naturally more sensitive to intermittent fasting, most likely due to the presence of a chemical named kisspeptin. This sensitivity can cause abnormal periods, disturb the normal cycles, making women hormonally unbalanced.

That being said, it is vital to keep in mind that no two women are exactly the same. There are some who do great with intermittent fasting, and others don’t. Should this mean that intermittent fasting is not meant for those who are sensitive to it? No.

For such women, it is preferable to try a gentler version of fasting called the Crescendo fasting. Crescendo fasting has proven itself to be the perfect method for middle-aged women over 50 who are unable to follow other IF routines and generally find it harder to lose weight.

Following is an example to follow a crescendo fasting:

  • Perform intermittent fasting twice a week, preferably on non-consecutive days (E.g., Tuesday and Saturday) fasting for 12-14 hours.
  • Perform light physical activities on the fasting days, for example, gentle walking, light yoga, or light aerobic exercises
  • Add another fast day after two weeks of IF (E.g., Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday)

For a more detailed explanation of crescendo fasting, check out the article below.

Easily Begin Intermittent Fasting with Crescendo Fasting

Special Tips for Intermittent Fasting and Women Over 50

Eat Healthy during the Eating Window

It is said that any fool can fast, but it takes smartness to break it. What a person eats after breaking a fast is extremely important. The perfect breakfast meal would contain a big green salad bowl containing some raw vegetables immersed in olive oil and some steamed broccoli, spinach or baked yam.

Vegetables are generally preferred as they are easy on the stomach and are packed with nutrients.  Also, throughout the eating window, try to maintain a healthy diet with balanced nutrients.

Pack on Fiber

Intermittent fasting for women over 50 can be difficult especially for those who have not experienced hunger for a few hours every day. Eating foods that are rich in fiber and protein during the eating window can help fight this issue. Fiber helps a person feel full and can aid in preventing a blood sugar crash. Good sources of fiber include: whole-grain bread, pasta, nuts, and beans.

Start with Crescendo Fasting

Beginner fasters should start with crescendo method as it sets more reasonable goals. It is the recommended way of fasting in women as it ensures that the hormones levels don’t fluctuate too much. Being a much gentler approach to intermittent fasting, this method ensures the beginners get the most out of fasting.

Perform Regular Hormonal Checkups

Many modified versions of intermittent fasting appear to be safe for women. However, some studies have reported the occurrence of serious side effects such as increased hunger, mood changes, reduced concentration, bad breath etc.

Some women have also reported a complete stop in their menstrual cycle while observing IF. Therefore, it’s vital that women undergoing fast check their hormones regularly. Women are advised to stop fasting at once if they experience significant changes in mood or health status and contact a physician.

intermittent fasting for women over 50

Additional Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 50

The following tips will help you lose more weight faster.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping has a strong impact on leptin and ghrelin, the hunger hormones. So make sure to sleep 6-8 hours every day to regulate your hunger levels and avoid excessive eating.

  1. Strength Train

Strength training and weight training together with intermittent fasting will not only accelerate weight loss but increase muscle mass.

  1. Eat Less Sugar

Sugars or carbohydrates contribute a lot to weight gain and may decrease the benefits offered by intermittent fasting. It is, therefore, advised to avoid sugary food and drinks.

  1. Keep a Food Journal

Keeping a food journal will help you keep a track of your calories and weight loss throughout the dieting period. This will help you regulate eating habits and daily schedule according to the needs and maximize your gains.

  1. Take a Probiotic

Probiotics are known to improve your digestive health, restore the gut microbiome, and boost your immune system. So, remember to take probiotic supplements to keep yourself healthy during intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is beneficial for women of all ages.  If you are looking to lose those extra stubborn pounds and you are a woman over 50, give intermittent fasting a try.
