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The Ultimate Guide Intermittent Fasting and Exercise Timing

Intermittent Fasting and Exercise Timing

Intermittent fasting seems to have picked up quite a bit of steam in the fitness world, for both men and women. People experimenting with it have experienced impressive results in terms of fat loss. At the same time, a lot of questions have been raised regarding this dietary approach, especially in terms of intermittent fasting and exercise timing.

In a world where you reach for a snack every few hours, it makes sense that your bodies welcome the natural patterns of fasting, similar to those of our ancestors.

Your Situation is Unique

But what does exercise look like while you are fasting? This depends on a number of factors. One of these factors is the type of fasting you choose. Some people fast for 16 hours straight and eat for eight every day. Others consume between 500 to 600 calories on any two non-consecutive days of the week.  Your method of fasting affects your energy levels at various times of the day.

The relationship between intermittent fasting and exercise timing may also depend upon how your body responds to fasting. Experts usually advise listening to your body. If you are too weak to workout because of fasting, then you should not do it.  If you feel energized during your fasts, then workouts during the fast may be feasible.  It all comes down to a personal choice and your own personal body.

But is there a right or a wrong time to schedule your exercise routine? What about fasted training?

The fact is, there is never a wrong time to train, but the timing can definitely throw off your fasting, making the process slightly more difficult. This is particularly true if the fasting period is already hard for you due to the hunger pangs that constantly keep kicking in.

So, if you want to go for intermittent fasting but don’t want to give up on high-intensity training, what should you do?

Avoid Morning Workouts

Most people tend to exercise in the morning for the sake of getting it out of their way. This usually works well for most of the people but definitely not for someone who is fasting.

This is because when you factor fasting into the equation, working out early morning may increase your appetite. This makes the ensuing hours a challenging battle, especially when you have several more hours of fasting to complete.

A typical intermittent fasting schedule tends to last from 4 to 8 hours after getting up every morning. In other words, if you get up at 8:00 am, you would not be able to have your first meal until 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Imagine getting off a strenuous workout routine at 9:00 am only to realize that you cannot have your first meal until 3 to 7 hours.

Following such a routine may accelerate weight loss, but would you be able to keep up with it in the long run? Probably not.  Also, after a long workout, your body will be looking to be restored.

What is the Best Time for Fasted Training?

So, what should be the ideal time frame for a workout during intermittent fasting?

Consider exercising out just before having your first meal.

If your first meal of the day is scheduled for 2:00 pm, start exercising at 1:00 pm. In this way, there wouldn’t be enough time between the conclusion of your workout and the first meal.

Alternatively, you can also work out right after having your first meal. Perhaps you can have a small lunch at, suppose, 2:00 pm followed by a workout session at the gym from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

By the time you come home, it will be time for your second and supposedly larger meal.

Basically, all you need to do is adjust your eating plan according to your eating window.

If you follow the above-mentioned advice, it puts your workout session in the afternoon. This may not be realistic for most people with a typical 9 to 5 job. In this case, you have the option to plan a workout session in the evening.

An evening session would possibly put exercise immediately before the final or the second to final meal. Hence, it would eliminate any hunger issues which are making it difficult for you to lose weight.

This is just one approach to fasted training.  Overtime, you can actually condition your body to workout fasted with little adverse consequences and burn even more fat.  You can read more about the benefits of fasted training here.

What if You Can Exercise Only in the Morning?

What if you work from 9 to 5 and have family commitments as soon as you get off? How can you manage intermittent fasting and exercise timing in such a case?

If the morning is the only time you have for exercise, do not worry. Knowing you are going to work out every morning, you should think about what to eat the day before. This mainly depends upon the intensity of your workout session.

For example, if you are planning to do cardio, you must build your glycogen stores with complex carbohydrates the night before. This way, you will have enough energy for muscles building and fat burning the very next morning.

Those of you who love working out in the morning can simply shift your eating window from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. This way, they will be able to fast from 4 p.m. until the next morning.

Manage Your Intermittent Fast with Simple Tips

Still stuck between intermittent fasting and exercise timing? Are you still wondering how will you resist the increased hunger pangs hitting you both pre- and post-workout?

Sure, you can definitely overcome them with sheer willpower, but it is definitely not going to be easy. So, perhaps you should try a few other things.

For instance, you will be surprised to know how much staying hydrated can reduce your appetite. Keep a bottle of water with you always. Take a sip every few minutes to avoid your body mistaking dehydration for hunger. Consuming sparkling water is more beneficial because the carbonation may help you feel full for longer.

Another way to kill the hunger pangs is by drinking a cup of bone broth. While it is extremely fulfilling, bone broth contains only 50 calories per cup. There is still much debate about whether or not bone broth throws you out of a fasted state.  However, it bone broth helps to you to control your appetite better during and after a fast, I say go for it.  Having a cup of bone broth during your fast, can help you to avoid binge eating when the fast is over.

After all, fasting does not mean entirely eliminating your calories. Liming the calorie intake to about a 100 will not defeat the purpose of fasting at all.

BCAAs and  Intermittent Fasting

Some people have reported a reduction in appetite when consuming a BCAA supplement pre-workout. These supplements not only provide a bit of calorie to your body but also maintain the level of amino acids in your muscles hence, aiding in muscle gains.  There is also a huge debate about whether or no BCAAs break a fast.  I personally use BCAAs during a fasted workouts because, per my own body signals, my training and workout sessions are better and more intense.  You have to do what is best for your body.  Here are a few articles and OPINIONS on consuming BCAAs during fasting.


Say No to Cardio

Cardio increases your appetite, forcing you to eat more. This nullifies the calories you just burned during a session on the treadmill. Hunger levels are proportional to the amount of energy you spend. If you are burning 500 calories during a Zumba session, your body will crave 500 calories worth of food.

While discussing the relationship between intermittent fasting and exercise timing is important, it is equally significant to focus on the type of exercise. As it pertains to traditional forms of exercise like jogging or other low intensity steady state cardio (LISS) should probably be avoided. Many bodybuilders and figure bodybuilding athletes swear by fasted cardio.  It is can be effective in eliminating stubborn fat.  However, the key is that those who typically perform fasted LISS do eat when they have finished the workout.  They do not go hours without replenishing their system.

Everyone is different and you must determine what is best for you by listening to your body and your health physician.  If fasted cardio and workouts don’t agree with you, your body will say it loud and clear.

Intermittent Fasting and Exercise Timing:  When Should You Back Off?

As mentioned above, when it comes to intermittent fasting and exercise timing, you must always listen to your body. Knowing when to back off requires you to pay close attention to cues.

One risk of exercising while fasting is a really low blood sugar. For someone new to fasting, experts do not recommend enrolling in a high-intensity cardio or workouts while fasting.  Especially when you are working at a high percentage of heart rate. This is because your blood sugar will start dropping; you may start feeling lightheaded and could possibly pass out.

Sounds a bit scary, right?

Performing exercise while fasting is, however, possible with proper planning and only after your body has become accustomed to doing so.

The most important thing to take into account for those practicing intermittent fasting is to determine their first meal of the day. Whether it is a 14-hour or 16-hour long fast, you must plan your first meal of the day properly and make sure it fits with to your workout schedule.

It is also important to eat more complex carbs, protein, plant-rich fibers, and healthy fats only to maintain a healthy fast. During the workout days, you will need more of all these types of nutrients compared to the rest days.

So, the bottom line is, you may go easy or hard. All you need to do is listen to your body and plan all your meals according to your exercise schedule.

Intermittent Fasting and Exercise Timing Takeaway

So, as it pertains to intermittent fasting and exercise timing, what should you do?

There is definitely a right way to do intermittent fasting and workouts and there is a wrong way. The right way, if you are a beginner is to time your workouts close to your first meal.  For those who have become accustomed to fasting, and do not have the ime to exercise directly before their first meal, should start with very short low intensity workouts to see how the body responds.  As your body becomes acclimated to workout out without food, you can increase the intensity.  No matter whether you are a beginning faster or an experienced one, YOU MUSH DRINK A HUGE AMOUNT OF WATER.

The benefits of intermittent fasting are real and proven. However, pairing it with an early morning workout can turn the early hours of your day into a wild hunger fest if your body is not conditioned for it.

If you can help it, try moving your training session to the afternoon or early evening. This way, you would not have to spend the entire day daydreaming about the delicious meal you will have after your workout and fast are over.

If you want to learn about a great intermittent fasting method especially for women, checkout this article on cresecendo fasting.

Easily Begin Intermittent Fasting with Crescendo Fasting

Till next time…


7-Day Proven Diet and Exercise Plan for the Mesomorph Female

libifit mesomorph female diet plan
mesomorph female diet plan, mesomorph female workout

Okay, so you have determined that you are a mesomorph female.  That’s great!  Consider yourself lucky.  You don’t have to fight fat as hard as an endomorph female, but you still have to fight!  Well girl, you have come to the right place.  We are about to give you a plan to win your weight loss battle and get a bangin’ body.

If you are a mesomorph female looking for the perfect diet plan and workout schedule to staying lean or getting rid of excess body fat, look no further. This article will provide a stepwise guide to get the body you’ve always wanted.

The Mesomorph Female Body Type

Everyone’s body shape is unique and falls into one of the following three categories: endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph. Ectomorphs are normally longer and leaner whereas endomorphs are fuller or rounder. Mesomorphs, on the other hand, lie somewhere between them.

A mesomorph female tends to be naturally muscular and normally has a solid frame. If you have a mesomorph body type, you will likely have the following set of qualities:

  • A symmetrical physique
  • Low body fat
  • Fast at sprinting
  • Wide shoulders
  • A narrow waist
  • An ability to gain muscle and get rid of fat more easily

It is very easy for a mesomorph female to maintain her natural muscularity and weight. It is also very easy for them to lose or gain weight.

Best Mesomorph Diet

The caloric needs of a mesomorph female tend to be a little higher than the other, probably due to a higher ratio of muscle mass. Such females also respond better to a meal plan with a higher amount of proteins.

It has been found that a mesomorph female responds best when her plate is divided into thirds: one-third vegetable or fruit, one-third protein, and one-third whole grains or healthy fats.

Every mesomorph female must include small amounts of proteins in every meal. This will accelerate muscle building and speed up the repair process. Carbohydrates are just as important since they provide glucose for energy production.

Mesomorphs must always mix up their carbohydrate choices to include fruit, vegetables, brown rice, whole grains, and oatmeal. Carbohydrates contain antioxidants and phytochemicals that aid in repairing exercise-induced muscle damage. As a mesomorph female, you must also add healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, and avocados to your daily diet to promote satiety.


General Diet Tips for Mesomorph Females

Keep in mind the following dietary tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  • Control Your Meal Size

Sporadic meals most commonly lead to overeating. So, it is better to eat smaller portions of food more frequently. Eating smaller meals also allows better regulation of the insulin secretion in your bloodstream.

  • Limit the Bulk of Your Carbohydrates

Limiting the bulk of carbs to times when your body actually needs them will help in the growth of muscles and reduction in fat gain. For mesomorphs, it is recommended to eat most of their carbs in breakfast or pre/post workout meals.

  • Never Skimp on Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and green veggies have a high fiber content, numerous nutrients, and a low glycemic index. On top of that, such food items are very filling and can help maintain a healthy body.

Here is a great video detailing how to eat for your body type.


Mesomorph Female Workout Guidelines

If you are a mesomorph female dying to lose weight, include exercise in your daily schedule. Cardio exercises and weight training can be particularly useful for you if you are drooling over defined muscles.

Cardio Training

Attaining a lean physique for a mesomorph female requires consistent cardio workout sessions. This is especially important to stop putting on excessive fat and promote weight loss. Performing 30 to 45 minutes of cardio exercise 3-5 times a week must be a regular part of your routine.

Mesomorphs who carry a lesser degree of body fat may decrease these sessions to twice weekly. For better results, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or cardio interval training is recommended thrice a week. Interval training includes alternating bursts of highly intense activity followed by intervals of a lighter one.

A sample of 30-minute HIIT workout is mentioned below:

  1. 5-minute warm-up session: Moderate jog
  2. 8 intervals: Sprints for 30 seconds followed by a slow jog or recovery walk for two minutes
  3. 5-minute cool-down session: Walk and stretch

Weight Training

A mesomorph female is naturally strong because her muscles are dense and thick. Lifting moderate or heavyweights, with limited duration for rest, five times a week can stimulate muscle growth and help achieve an ideal body weight.

If you are a beginner, consider performing a full body weight program focusing on lower and upper body parts. Perform 8 to 12 reps of four exercises for every muscle group. Be sure to complete at least three sets of every exercise and take rest for 30-90 seconds after completion of each.

Make sure that you are doing a broad range of exercises and keep changing your workouts to challenge your body and observe maximum results.

You can also take help from online websites with personal trainers without compromising on your personal data all thanks to their strict privacy policy.

Best Supplements for Mesomorph Women

To achieve the body of your dreams, a mesomorph female can also take help from certain supplements. Some of the best supplements well-suited for mesomorphs are explained below.

Creatine Monohydrate

Mesomorph females tend to respond well to creatine. Creatine consists of three different amino acids i.e. arginine, glycine, and methionine.

Creatine monohydrate is a popular muscle building ingredient that has been strongly backed by science. It supports the energy production to increase growth, endurance, and muscle power by increasing the ATP levels in your body.

Creatine monophosphate can be taken by mesomorphs to support strength-building exercises as well as high-intensity workouts.


If you are a mesomorph female in seek of energy and added performance benefits, a pre-workout may prove handy.

Pre-workouts are available in different formulas, each tailored according to your fitness goals. Irrespective of their specific types, these pre-workouts are all rich in vitamins, caffeine, and theacrine in addition to ingredients for performance such as beta-alanine, creatinine, and arginine.

If you are training hard, these pre-workouts can maintain motivation to help you move forward.

Finally, a good branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) is great for gaining lean muscle.  Check out this article on 9 benefits of BCAA’s.

9 Amazing Benefits of BCAA Supplements For Lean Sexy Muscles

7-Day Mesomorph Female Diet Plan

Don’t forget to follow this 7-day meal plan if you are a mesomorph wishing to live a healthy lifestyle.

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Monday Scrambled eggs with rye bread and a glass of beetroot juice


Lean beef with leafy greens and mashed potatoes Canned tuna with spinach, olive oil, and mashed avocados on rye bread Mixed nuts with slices of carrots and bell peppers
Tuesday A bowl of bran cereal with bananas and 2% milk Chicken breast with brown rice pasta and mixed veggies Grilled white fish with steamed brown rice, topped with broccoli and diced carrots


One snack bar and a banana
Wednesday A protein smoothie made with 1 cup of light milk, 1 scoop of protein, 1 banana, and 1/2 cup of blueberries and oats each Toasted sandwich with 100g of shaved chicken breast and 2/5th of an avocado with salad ·         1 cup of chicken stir-fry with one cup each of steamed leafy greens and brown rice


·         200g of fat-free yogurt with 1 serving of fruit


Thursday One glass of smoothie made up of milk, flaxseeds, raw oats, strawberries, and one teaspoon of whey protein Tuna salad with brown rice pasta Grilled chicken with spinach, peas, green beans, and baked potatoes 2 boiled eggs
Friday One cup of plain yogurt with bananas and blueberries A sandwich with chicken breast, tomatoes, and spinach on rye


4 Sushi rolls or sashimi 5 pieces of sweet potatoes or mozzarella cheese
Saturday A 2-egg omelet with mushrooms, diced peppers, and tomato One rice pudding and coconut milk One cup of chicken/prawn stir-fry with mixed veggies and noodles 6 whole grain crackers with mayo dip
Sunday Plain yogurt with added muesli and mixed fruits Lean steak with sweet peas, spinach, and broccoli Grilled salmon fillet with brown rice and mixed vegetables One small-sized apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter



If you are a mesomorph female, looking to transform your body and take it to a new level, try this 7-day diet and sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter.  In it, we share diet and workout plans for women of all body types and fitness levels to change their lives and get the body they have always wanted.

Until next time…



7 Weight Loss Plateau Breaker Methods to Start Shedding Pounds

weight loss plateau, break weight loss plateau

You have been doing everything to get fit: eating clean, counting calories every step of the way, and busting your butt at a local gym. And it has worked wonderfully as you have seen pounds melting away. But when the pounds decide to cling to your body, that’s when your body needs a weight loss plateau breaker.

A weight loss plateau is a pause in weight loss that you cannot trace back to your lifestyle or dietary changes. It usually happens in the later stages of the weight loss journey, after when you have lost the “easy” pounds.

Fortunately, a weight loss plateau is not permanent. The following strategies have proven to be the most effective weight loss plateau breakers to restart your fat burning furnace.


It is possible that you may have lost weight initially by focusing on small meals and cutting your calorie intake. However, if you are still eating Lean Cuisine a frozen dinners or grabbing an energy bar every day, it can be a problem.

These eating habits may cause harmful chemicals to accumulate in your body. As the chemical levels become high, they cause inflammation and contribute to weight loss plateaus.

So, what can you do to get rid of these chemicals? Follow a detox diet plan.

Take three days to detoxify your body from the hazards of chemically processed foods. This does not mean fasting or restricting yourself just to drink lemon water.

Focus more on cooking fresh vegetables and drink plenty of water and green tea. Be generous when it comes to eating a veggie salad since three cups of this type of salad could add up to only 100 calories or so.

When you feel like munching, make some bone broth because it has extremely powerful inflammation-lowering and gut-healing properties.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is yet another popular weight loss plateau breaker which requires you to go for long durations of time without eating anything. But don’t worry, these periods of starvation do not exceed 48 hours.

Intermittent fasting has been credited with the promotion of weight loss and fat reduction, in addition to a number of other benefits.

A review of studies focusing on intermittent fasting has successfully proven this practice leads to 3 to 8% reduction in weight and 3 to 7% reduction in the waist circumference. What’s even better is that these effects can be seen within 3 to 24 weeks only. [1]

You can try the 16/8 method which involves fasting for 14 to 16 hours every day and restricting your eating window to 8 to 10 hours. Within this window, you are allowed to fit 2, 3 or even more meals.

It may seem hard to follow intermittent fasting but in actual, it is quite easy. There are several fasting methods.  You may chose a method that requires is not eating anything after having dinner and skipping breakfast every morning. For example, if you have had your dinner at 8 pm, do not eat anything until 12 noon the following day.

As it pertains to women, it is recommended to fast for 12 to 16 hours since they do better with a bit shorter fasts.

More information on various intermittent fasting strategies can be found in the article below.  Check it out.

3 Fast Acting Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Strategies


Revving up your exercise schedule can actually be a great weight loss plateau breaker. As you lose weight, your metabolic rate tends to slow down. Fortunately, the right type and amount of exercise can help reverse this effect.

HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training is a smart way to lose weight and reduce body fat while growing the total muscle mass. It includes shorter workouts to burn a higher number of calories as compared to the prolonged cardio workouts.

Interval training includes accelerating the exercise speed for a short time followed by resuming the normal speed for a slightly longer period of time. Keep switching between the faster and slower speeds for the duration of your cardio routine.

For example, if you are using a treadmill, take 5 minutes to warm up followed by a minute of going into an all-out sprint. This can then be followed by two minutes of simple walking. Repeating this cycle for 20 – 25 minutes makes a great HIIT workout and can serve to be a great weight loss plateau breaker.

Here is a good HIIT workout.  Try it.  You can increase the intensity by doing more reps or performing the workout twice.

15 Minute HIIT Metabolism Booster - Total Body and Abs HIIT Workout



High-Intensity Resistance Training or HIRT is another excellent weight loss plateau breaker which helps retain the muscle mass, a major factor in determining how many calories you burn at rest and during activity. In fact, HIRT is the most effective form of strength training to lose weight. [2] [3]

You can perform HIRT in the form of sets, each lasting for 10 minutes. For example, you can include ten pushups, tuck jumps, squats, and Medicine Ball Slams per set.

Here are a few HIRT workout resources
Sample HIRT Workouts


20 Minute Full Body Dumbbell Workout | The Body Coach

Exercise on Empty Stomach

A great deal of research suggests that to jumpstart your metabolism you should perform exercise early in the morning on an empty stomach. Why do they suggest this?

Data supports the idea that you are likely to burn 20% extra calories if you work out before breakfast or before having the first meal of your day. The logic behind this is quite simple.

As you get up from 6+ hours of sleep, your blood levels of insulin, sugar, carbs, and glycogen are drastically reduced. If you force your body to work out in such a condition, it will have no choice but to burn more calories since there won’t be very many carbs or sugar left to obtain energy.  In this state you will force your body to burn stored fat for energy.

Also, low levels of insulin trigger the release of certain fat burning hormones such as HGH and adrenaline and improve the calorie burn.

Instead of losing hope and giving up on everything, try this effective weight loss plateau breaker tip to continue shedding pounds.  I can personally attest to this one.  I used fasted cardio to help me lose 40 pounds for my first figure competition.

Cycle Carbs

On days when you are working hard at the gym, carbs are your best friend. Your body uses them to generate energy instead of breaking down proteins. But on days when you feel like a couch potato, even a little extra amount of these carbs can be slow or stop your weight loss.

With no physical activity, most of the carbs you eat get stored in your body in the form of fat. And what does this eventually lead to? A weight loss plateau.

To avoid this cycling carbs could prove beneficial. Instead of entirely cutting them out of your diet, consume carbs more on days when you are performing long-duration workouts. On other days when you don’t feel like leaving the house, try eating fewer amounts of carbohydrates.

Eat Fiber

During your weight loss journey, as you focus daily calorie intake, it is important that you focus more on weight loss plateau breaker foods. The best plateau breaker foods are those with higher levels of fiber.

Soluble fiber helps slow down the movement of food through your gastrointestinal tract. This helps you feel satisfied and full.  Tanya Zuckerbrot, R. D., author of The F-Factor Diet, says “Fiber binds with fat and sugar molecules as they travel through your digestive tract, which reduces the number of calories you actually get.”

Increasing the daily intake of fiber from 18 to 36 grams can reduce the amount of caloric absorption by 130, as per one study. [4] So, be sure to eat more barley, whole grains, oranges, sweet potatoes, and lentils to gain maximum fiber.

Drink Water

Many people tend to overlook proper hydration as a part of the weight loss plan. Drinking sufficient amount of water can flush out toxins, keep hunger at bay, and empower you to perform exercises regularly. All these effects can help accelerate weight loss.

So, always keep a water bottle by your side and remember to sip through the entire length of the day.

Additional Tips to Keep in Mind

Keep a Journal

If you are not fond of counting carbs and are just guessing what your daily intake must be, it is time, to be honest with yourself. Get yourself a journal and develop a habit of writing down everything. This will help you have a realistic idea of what you are eating.

Stop Weighing Yourself Daily

Losing weight is not easy, especially during a weight loss plateau. It may be easy to stick to the plan when you are losing pounds at a steady pace. But during a plateau, you may require extra patience. Do not weigh yourself every day to check progress. There are so many things that affect the number on a scale (water retention, salt intake, a woman’s menstrual cycle, etc.).  Don’t weigh yourself everyday and let your emotions ride the roller coaster of the number you see on the scale. Relax!

Choose Water-rich Foods

The total storage capacity of your stomach is about three pounds. It does not actually matter whether you fill this capacity with 500 calories or 5000. So, try eating more water-rich foods instead of focusing on fat-loaded meals to fill this capacity.

If you are experiencing a weight loss plateau, try on of these seven methods for at least a week.  If you find one method isn’t getting you the results you want, then try another one.  One of the methods is sure to break your weight loss plateau and get you back on the road to your weight loss goal.


Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week with this 1200 Calorie Low Carb Diet

1200 Calorie Low Carb Diet 1200 calorie no carb diet
1200 Calorie Low Carb diet, 1200 no carb diet, 1200 calorie diet libifit

If you have tried your fair share of weight loss plans available today and none of which have ended up, in the long run, owing to its crazy restrictions, it’s time for a change. Of the countless diet plan to choose from, perhaps the most effective right now is the famous 1200 calorie low carb diet plan.  Keep reading and we will share a 1200 calorie low carb diet plan to help you lose up to 5 pounds in one week!

Why Carbs Cause Weight Gain?

“Carbs” have recently become one of the hotly-debated topics, particularly in the fitness world, due to the popularity of several low-carb diet plans such as the Atkins diet. But why should we specifically focus on a low-carb meal plan instead of a fat-free diet?

The logic is quite simple. When you eat more carbohydrates than you burn for energy, your body starts storing them as fat. This is one of the primary reasons for weight gain.

It works like this: Carbohydrates raise your blood sugar levels. Your body, in turn, produces more insulin to bring these levels down. As insulin is a fat storing hormone, a high amount of this hormone allows your body to convert carbohydrates to fat. These fats then start accumulating on your thighs, abdomen, butt, and hips.

Lose 5 pounds in 1 week with 1200 calorie low carb diet

What to Eat and What to Avoid

While on a low-carb diet, there are certain rules to follow in terms of what to eat and what to avoid. Unlike other diet plans where you have to sacrifice all your favorite things, a low-carb diet is different. You are allowed to eat natural fats such as butter and olive oil, fish, seafood, meat, cheese, eggs, and all the vegetables growing above the ground like avocados, and bell peppers.

Sugary or starchy items are, of course, not permitted. This means that you will have to give up on beer, potatoes, pasta, rice, sodas, candy, and chocolate bars. Remember that you do not entirely need to cut them out of your life, rather limit their intake to control your daily calories.

Benefits of Low/No Carb Diet

Why do you need to ditch carbs? There are a lot of benefits of following a diet with a total caloric intake of 1200 calories and low carbohydrates. By lowering the intake of carbs, you are able to control the blood sugar and insulin levels. This is particularly beneficial if you are struggling with diabetes.

A low-carb diet also increases satiety and makes you feel full fast. It can also improve the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglyceride levels hence contributes to your heart health.

Perhaps the most important benefit of following a 1200 calorie low carb diet is that you tend to lose weight at a rapid rate. This diet will ensure that your body does not store any excessive carbohydrates in the form of fat and will provide an ultimate solution to your fat thighs and stomach that has been making you miserable for some time.

7-Day 1200 calorie Low Carb Diet Plan

Following is a 7-daty 1200 calorie low carb diet plan with suggestions for lunch, dinner and breakfast. It also includes some healthy snacks like feta rolls with less than 100 calories to incorporate in your daily routine.


Day Breakfast Lunch Snack Dinner
Monday 2 slices of turkey bacon and 1 boiled egg 2/3rd cup of tuna salad

1 oz. of cheddar cheese

1 medium apple

2 tbsp of hummus

2 medium celery sticks

6 oz chicken breast and broccoli
Tuesday ½ cup of Greek yogurt

1 tbsp of slivered almonds/ shredded unsweetened coconut

1 cup of spinach with 3 ounces of broiled/baked salmon 16 almonds 1 serving of traditional Greek salad with 1 small whole-wheat pita bread and ¼ cups of hummus
Wednesday 2 egg omelet with veggies


Chicken salad stuffed avocados 1 serving Cucumber feta rolls 1 serving of roasted salmon with smoky greens
Thursday  1 medium-sized grapefruit

½ cup of Greek yogurt with 1 tbsp of shredded coconut

1 serving of cucumber turkey open face sandwich 2/3rd cup of blueberries 1 piece of baked tilapia or flounder,

Asparagus ½ cup of brown rice

Friday 2 slices of turkey bacon and 1 boiled egg 6 ounces of tuna salad with 1 cup of cherry tomatoes 16 almonds Grilled chicken breast, small sweet potato, broccoli
Saturday 2 ½ serving of kale salad with eggs and bacon Cucumber tuna sandwich (open face 1 medium-sized bell pepper (cut into long strips) dipped in  1/3 cup of  pico de gallo 1 serving of roasted salmon with smoky greens
Sunday 2 egg omelet with veggies


One serving of green salad with 3 cups of spinach leaves, 3 ounces of grilled chicken and ¼ cup of cottage cheese ½ cup of blueberries Half a fillet of salmon (grilled) with Brussels sprouts


Fasted Cardio:  A Key to Losing 5 pounds in a week

This 1200 calorie low carb diet will put you on the road to losing 5 pounds in one week.  However, you must incorporate some type of fasted cardio exercise to reach this goal.  By cardio I mean walking on the treadmill, doing the elliptical machine, or Stairmaster for 40 – 50 minutes.  This is low impact sustained cardio work.  Before you stop reading, and become completely turned off, hear me out.

As a former figure bodybuilder, I know the power of fasted cardio.  It is the technique I used to trim down body fat to be ready for the stage.  When you perform fasted cardio, your body has nothing in it to burn except fat.  Typically, fasted cardio is done in the morning before breakfast.  Here’s the scenario.  If you eat your last meal before 8:00 PM and you get up before your work day to perform fasted cardio around 5:00 AM.  By this time, there has been about 9 hours since your last meal and your body has consumed all of the carbs and sugar typically used for energy.  It is now required to pull energy from stored fat. This will lead to greater weight loss.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of fasted cardio, check out this article.


15 Low Carb Weight Loss Tips

Follow these 15 easy tips to make your weight loss journey through a low-carb diet more bearable and effective.

  1. Focus on Whole Foods

Ignore processed and refined foods and focus more on good quality protein from meat and healthy fats from nuts and seeds.

  1. Eat More Healthy Fat

In contrast to other low-carb diet plans which incorporate high amounts of protein, your diet must be high in fats and moderate in terms of protein.

  1. Start Reading Labels

Edible or non-edible, read labels of every type of food such as sauces, ketchup, canned goods, and even medicines and cough syrups.

  1. Monitor the Progress

Make a journal to keep a track of your calories and carbs and, of course, to keep you focused and motivated.

  1. Get Rid of High-carb Snacks

Keep your home entirely clear of all the high-carb snacks like crackers and introduce healthy ones such as nuts.

  1. Remember that Feeling Tired is Normal

Following a low-carb diet may make you feel weak initially but don’t worry. It is absolutely normal as you have stopped providing your body with the “quick-fix” in the form of carbs.

  1. Store Ready Meals in your Fridge

You tend to make bad choices when you are extremely hungry. To avoid this, store boiled eggs, tossed, chicken, steamed broccoli, etc. in your refrigerator.

  1. Eat Cheese for Midnight Hunger Pangs

Instead of munching on a packet of chips or a soda can at the midnight, eat a piece of cheese to satisfy your hunger.

  1. Don’t Skip Meals

Skipping meals will not help you cut calories and lose weight. Ensure that you eat properly throughout the day to maintain your insulin levels and avoid any abnormality in blood sugar.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Your body loses a lot of water as you tend to skip eating sugar and grains. So, be sure to drink sufficient water for compensation.

  1. Eat Hard-boiled Eggs

Feeling low? Snack on a hard-boiled egg. It is delicious and will make sure to give it a protein boost.

  1. Drink Green Tea

To recover from a “coffee crash”, drink green tea which will provide your body with caffeine and antioxidants to boost health.

  1. Seek Help

If you feel like a low-carb diet is not working for you, get help from a qualified nutritionist

  1. Do not Fall for Low-Carb Snack Bars

All the candy bars and snacks labelled as “low carb” may not actually be low in carbohydrates. Always check the labels before falling into any trap.

  1. Be Patient

Weight loss does not occur overnight and requires patience and dedication. Give your best and let your body do the rest.


To lose 5 pounds in one week with this 1200 calorie low carb diet meal plan, is consistency and discipline.  You also must perform the fasted cardio or some form of exercise.  Get started down the road to weight loss today. Download our 1200 calorie low carb diet meal plan pdf.  Enter your email below and we will give you instant access.  Do it now!

If you like this diet plan, check out our other 1200 calorie diet meal plan.  Although it is not necessarily low carb, it will help you to lose up to 11 pounds in 2 weeks if done right! Check it out here.



3 Easy 1200 Calorie Diabetic Diet Plans to Lose Weight Fast

1200 Calorie Diabetic Diet
1200 calorie diet

Trying to lose weight and keep type 2 diabetes under control can be challenging.  Knowing what to eat to keep blood sugar regulated and ensure weight loss can be confusing and daunting.  We have created three easy 1200 calorie diabetic diet plans to help solve this problem.  These plan includes a variety of healthy fats, lean protein, and fruits with low sugar content.  Using these plan, you could lower your blood sugar and lose from 10 -12 pounds in one month.

Following a healthy diet to treat and reduce the severity type 2 diabetes does not mean you should give up all the foods you enjoy.  Of course, foods processed foods and foods high in sugar should be virtually eliminated, but creating a healthy meal rich in fibrous food, healthy fats, and lean protein can significantly help to reduce blood sugar levels and lower your A1c.

Using the meal plans below, you can avoid significant swings in your blood sugar and all of the other discomforts that go along with it (headaches, fatigue, dizziness, etc.).  You could also lose from 10 – 12 pounds in one month.

The three 1200 calorie diabetic diet meal plans below contains meals and snacks to support weight loss and potentially help lower A1c and blood sugar levels.  Please keep in mind that before pursuing any diet or exercise plan, especially if you have been diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes, you should contact your doctor or health professional.

Diabetic Diet Basics: Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats

A good diabetes diet contains a healthy balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.  Carbohydrates affect blood sugar the most.  For this reason, eating the proper number of grams of carbohydrates and the right carbohydrates (low glycemic) is very important.  A good 1200 calorie diabetic diet plan should include good carbohydrate sources such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grain fibrous foods.

Knowing the proper carbs to eat can be somewhat confusing so a simple rule of thumb is that carbs that are white/yellow should be avoided.  Here are a few carbohydrates diabetes patients or those with pre-diabetes should avoid and their replacements:

  • White bread (replace with whole wheat or whole grain bread)
  • Pasta (replace with whole wheat pasta)
  • White potatoes (replace with sweet potatoes)
  • White rice (replace with brown, wild, or long grain rice)


Most people, especially women, do not consume enough protein.  Lean protein is necessary to ensure you have a balanced diet and to help keep you satiated.  They do not raise blood sugar and support weight loss.  In addition to lean protein, healthy fats such as flaxseed and nuts should be consumed and have no impact on blood sugar levels.  Healthy fats are beneficial for heart health and they also help to increase satiation.  It should be noted that healthy fats should be consumed in moderation.  One of the best ways to consume healthy fats is to take an Omega-3 supplement.

General Diabetic Diet Guidelines

Here are general guidelines to be followed diabetes patients looking to improve their health and lose weight.

  • Space meals and snacks evenly apart to help regulate blood sugar levels and avoid spikes
  • Use sugar substitutes instead of sugar
  • Avoid sugary drinks. Try to drink unsweetened beverages (water, coffee, tea)
  • Read labels!!! Drinks with 0 sugar content are generally okay
  • Consume fibrous carbohydrates
  • Avoid fruits high in sugar (figs, mangos, cherries, grapes, oranges)

Here are 3 very easy 1200 calorie diabetic diet meal plans to help you lower your blood sugar and lose from 10 – 12 pounds within 1 month.  Keep in mind that exercise is critical to lowering blood sugar and will also help to speed your weight loss.   So in addition to these plans, get out and move!

If you would like a downloadable pdf file of this meal plan, see below.

1200 calorie diabetes diet

1200 Calorie Diabetic Diet Meal Plan #1

Here are the meals for 1200 calorie diabetic diet meal plan #1.

Breakfast Snack 1 Lunch Dinner Snack 2
Oatmeal (1/2 cup uncooked oats, 1 cup of almond milk, artificial sweetener) 1/4 cup of blueberries

200 calories

Spinach Strawberry Smoothie
120 calories
3 Kale Wraps
300 calories
Tilapia (Baked or Grilled), small sweet potato, broccoli
450 calories
Choose from snack from diabetic snack list.


Here are recipes for this meal plan.

Spinach Strawberry Smoothie

  • ½ cup low fat vanilla yogurt
  • ½ banana
  • 1 cup chopped strawberries
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup almond milk (if allergic use another cup of water instead)

**Add artificial sweetener to improve taste (Splenda, Stevia, etc.)

Instructions: Mix ingredients in a Vitamix or Ninja Blender.

Kale Wrap

  • 3 slices turkey (3 oz.)
  • Sliced red onions
  • 3 medium kale leaves
  • Dijon mustard (1 tsp)
  • Cranberry sauce (1 tsp)
  • 1 pear cut into 9 slices


Combine cranberry sauce and mustard in a small bowl.

Spread on kale leaves.

Place one slice of turkey on each leaf, 3 pear slices and 1 slice of onion.

Roll each leaf into a wrap.

Cut each wrap in half and enjoy



1200 Calorie Diabetic Dieet Meal Plan #2

Here are the meals for 1200 calorie diabetic diet meal plan #2.

Breakfast Snack 1 Lunch Dinner Snack 2
1 serving of Post Shredded Wheat Cereal w/ 1 cup of almond milk , 1/2 grapefruit

230 calories

Strawberry Kiwi Kale Smoothie
100 calories
Salmon Salad Sandwich
300 calories
6 oz. Chicken Breast (Baked or Grilled), 1 cup cooked brown rice, asparagus
485 calories
Choose from snack from diabetic snack list


Here are recipes for this meal plan.

Strawberry Kiwi Kale Smoothie

  • 1 ½ cup of Kale
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 ½ cups of sliced strawberries
  • ½ peeled kiwi
  • ¼ cup of low-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon of Splenda or artificial sweetener

**Add more artificial sweetener if taste is not acceptable.

Instructions: Mix ingredients in a Vitamix or Ninja Blender.

Salmon Salad Sandwich

  • Two 6- to 7-ounce cans boneless, skinless wild Alaskan salmon, drained
  • ¼ cup minced red onion
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • 4 tblsp reduced-fat cream cheese
  • 2 Slices of tomatoes
  • 2 Slices Pumpernickel bread
  • 1 large romaine lettuce leaf


Combine salmon, lemon juice, olive oil, pepper, and onion in small bowl.

Spread 1 tablespoon cream cheese on each slice of bread.

Spread ½ cup salmon salad over the cream cheese on one slice of bread.

Add tomato slices, lettuce, and second piece of bread.

(Salmon mix should make up to 4 sandwiches)


1200 Calorie Diabetic Diet Meal Plan #3

Here are the meals for 1200 calorie diabetic diet meal plan #3.

Breakfast Snack 1 Lunch Dinner Snack 2
Breakfast burrito, 1/2 grapefruit
240 calories
Kale Blueberry Smoothie
115 calories
Grilled chicken salad ( only veggies, romaine lettuce, 1 cup grilled chicken, 2 tbsp vinaigrette dressing)
350 calories
Turkey chili (1 and 1/2 cups)
400 calories
Choose from snack from diabetic snack list


Here are the recipes for 1200 calorie diabetic diet meal plan #3.

Breakfast Burrito

  • ¼ medium chopped bell pepper
  • 1 tbsp chopped red onion
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 slices of cooked chopped turkey bacon
  • 1 tbsp reduced fat mild shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 Whole wheat low carb tortilla


Cook and chop bacon

Use cooking spray to lightly sauté onions and bell peppers.

Add eggs and egg whites to pan and cook and scramble eggs until done.

Mix eggs and bacon together.

Place egg and bacon mixture onto tortilla.

Top with cheese and roll and close tortilla.

Kale Blueberry Smoothie

  • ½ peeled banana
  • 1 cup of chopped kale
  • ½ cup of frozen blueberries
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 pack of Splenda, Stevia, or artificial sweetener

**Add more artificial sweetener if taste is not acceptable.

Instructions: Mix ingredients in a Vitamix or Ninja Blender.

Low Calorie Snacks for Diabetic Diets

If after your meals, you find that you are not completely satisfied, here is a list of low calorie snacks you can eat to help ease hunger.  Remember, you are only allowed one of these snacks per day.  Consuming more than one snack will put you over the 1200 calorie daily limit.

  • Pack of 100 calorie Blue Diamond Almonds
  • Ants of a Log (1 Tbsp peanut butter, 2 small celery stalks, a few raisins)
  • ½ tablespoon of almond butter on brown rice cake
  • Dannon Light & Fit Vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • 2 tbsp of hummus w/ baby carrots or celery
  • Hard boiled egg
  • Mini bag of 100 calorie popcorn
  • Nature Valley Fruit & Nut Chewy Trail Mix Bar

A Quick Note on Exercise

I do understand that most people do not enjoy or have a great deal of time to exercise.  Exercise is terribly important in regulating and lower your blood glucose and losing weight.  While an in-depth exercise regime is great, simply walking will work wonders.  Try to start walking for at least 30 minutes daily to add to the effectiveness of this diet.  Check out this video below on how you can walk away the pounds.

Walking for Weight Loss: 2 Clever Ways to Walk Off 25 lbs in 30 Days

Get Started Today

To lower your blood sugar, fight diabetes, and lose weight, with this 1200 calorie diabetic meal plan is discipline.  Remember, you didn’t get to the point at which you are now, overnight.  Therefore, it will take time and hard work to turn your situation around.  Give yourself a huge boost with this diet plan.  You start down the road today to heal your diabetes or get yourself out of a pre-diabetic situation.  Sign up for our newsletter where we share new 1200 calorie diet plans each week.

If you want more healthy diet plans, check this super simple 1200 calorie diet plan here.

Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any supplement, nutrition or exercise program. If you choose to use this information without prior consent of your physician, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your decisions and agreeing to hold harmless Libifit, its agents, employees, contractors and any affiliated companies from any liability with respect to injury or illness to you or your property arising out of or connected with your use of the information contained within this article, other programs and ebooks, other programs, our email newsletter or our website.

Flexitarian Diet: How to Start And 3-Day Diet Plan

what is the flexitarian diet

Are you a vegetarian who lives off boiled veggies and considers salad bars your second home? Or do you consider yourself a straight-up carnivore who can’t live without a grilled steak?  Well, there is an eating plan for you that can accommodate your carnivore needs as well as your vegetarian desires. It is known as a flexitarian diet and is equally great for both vegetarians and meat eaters.

Now, before you let attach typical assumptions to the flexitarian diet because of the word “diet”, it is important to know that flexitarianism is more like a way of living and easy to maintain.

What is a Flexitarian Diet?

The word “flexitarianism” is exactly what it sounds like: a flexible vegetarian diet plan. “Flexitarian”, on the other hand, refers to someone who is primarily a vegetarian but enjoys eating fish or meat every now and then.

Derived from two words- “flexible” and “vegetarian”, the world flexitarian describes a person who consumes more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and plant proteins as compared to meat, refined grains, fat, sugar, and processed food.

Does this mean you would be giving up meat? Of course not. The flexitarian philosophy emphasizes more on minimally processed foods but does not completely cut out the occasional pleasures of eating meat. So, for vegetarians and vegans, this might be particularly relieving.

As described by Dawn Jackson Blatner in her book called “The Flexitarian Diet: The Mostly Vegetarian Way to Lose Weight, Be Healthier, Prevent Disease and Add Years to Your Life”, the essence of a flexitarian diet is that it’s flexible but certainly not overly prescriptive.

As compared to other diets with strict meal plans and food rules, a flexitarian diet fosters sustainable eating habits that help you shed pounds and improve health on a long-term basis.

Does Flexitarian Diet Improve Health?

If you look at the health benefits offered by a vegetarian diet, then yes, a flexitarian does improve your life.

Research shows that those who follow a vegetarian diet are likely to have a BMI falling within a normal range.

This might be because vegetarians are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables. These food items have fewer calories and more fiber, making it perfect to promote weight loss.

In addition to this, vegetarians usually have an increased life expectancy as compared to people who eat meat. Different studies have indicated that people following a diet rich in fruits, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains have a low risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular disease- two of the most dangerous diseases today. [1] [2]

This effect is mainly due to the high amounts of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, mineral, plant proteins, and phytochemicals in these foods. [4]

Many observational studies have proved that eating red meat increases the risk of cancers and a high blood pressure. [5] Hence, limiting its intake can significantly reduce the risk and increase your life expectancy.

But a flexitarian diet may also have additional benefits as compared to a vegetarian diet. This is because a flexitarian will also be getting important nutrients like vitamin B12, protein, an iron, all of which are concentrated in meat.

If you are a diabetic, eating a diet with a low amount of red meat is likely to improve the blood sugar. [6] [7]

It seems like a flexitarian diet is pretty healthy for a whole range of people. So, if you just start following this diet plan wholeheartedly, you are going to be among those semi-vegetarians with low BMI, low blood sugar, and a low risk of cancer.

Are there Any Disadvantages?

Because a flexitarian diet does not have a proper structure or any hard and fast rules, there are not many downsides to it. This eating plan is free of any real disadvantages but it may not be perfect for a person who thrives on more structure and stricter guidelines.

If you are a strict carnivore, it may be tough for you to change your ways. This is especially true if you are unable to feel satisfied after having a meatless meal. Soon enough, you will get hungry again and stuff yourself with lots of nuts and carbs to get the required protein. In doing so, you are likely to take more calories that you would have if you just ate animal protein.

To fight these constant hunger pangs, active individuals must incorporate 30 grams of protein per meal. This seems pretty easy for the meat eaters, but as a flexitarian, you would need to be more strategic and find ways to get proteins from plant-based sources.

If you just relying on a spinach salad, there is no way you are going to hit the target. But if you combine it with tofu, lentils, or a simple protein shake, you are there, mate!

While following plant-based diets, you also have to pay closer attention to the levels of iron, vitamin D, B12, and calcium in your body. Prefer consuming nut milk or daily fortified with vitamin D and calcium.

If you are already a victim of iron deficiency, it is better to eat vegetarian for two to three days rather than pushing it to five.

How to Start a Flexitarian Diet?

If you currently eat meat, it is better to introduce small, more gradual changes to your diet. Keep a track on your meat intake for at least a week. Note down every little portion of meat you consumed up to seven days.

The following week, start reducing your total meat intake by approximately 3 ounces. Continue to do this until your weekly intake comes down to less than five servings or 26 ounces of meat.

Also, keep a check on the time when you usually consume the largest portion of meat throughout the day. For the majority, this happens around dinner. Replace meat in your evening meal with meat substitutes or vegetarian options.

Since the flexitarian diet is “flexible”, you are free to choose the amount of meat you wish to eat. Continue to reduce your meat consumption until you reach a point that feels just right.

Keep reading to know how to use this idea to formulate a 3-day meal plan.

A 3-day Meal Plan for Flexitarians

Day 1

Breakfast: Omelette with eggs and vegetables (such as bell peppers, tomatoes, and mushrooms) and cheese as desired, coffee/tea.  You can choose different vegetable is you like

Lunch: Sandwich with wholegrain bread, lettuce, cottage cheese, grated carrot, tomato, and cucumber

Mid-day Snacks: Nuts, fruits, yogurt

Dinner: Pasta with vegetarian sauce (

Day 2

Breakfast: Oatmeal with berries and milk, coffee/tea

Lunch: Sandwich using whole grain bread with cheese, egg, lettuce, beetroot, alfalfa sprouts, and tomatoes

Mid-day Snacks: Nuts, fruits, yogurt

Dinner: Salmon with roasted vegetables

Day 3

Breakfast: Two slices of granary bread with peanut butter with 200ml of fruit juice

Lunch: Salad with sunflower seeds, kidney beans, cheese and have it with 4 to 5 oatcakes or rye crispbread

Mid-day Snacks: Nuts, fruits, yogurt

Dinner: Two Quorn burgers or cook 100g of tofu mince in the sauce

Is Flexitarian Diet Right for You?

The truth is, there is no one perfect diet for everyone. A diet that supposedly works wonders for one person may not do the same for another. However, the flexitarian diet is more like a universal diet because it promotes sensible and more sustainable ways of a healthy eating and that it does not impose any strict rules.  This gives it the potential to work effectively for a wide variety of people.

Reducing your meat intake and balancing it with vegetarian options offers many health benefits, particularly if you are obese or suffer from metabolic health issues.

So, if you wish to eat a little bit better but do not like committing to something too extreme, the flexitarian diet is the perfect fit for you. Happy eating!

what is the flexitarian diet, flexitarian, what is flexitarian

How to Easily Begin the FODMAPS Diet to Ease IBS Pain


Have you recently been diagnosed with IBS? Do you suffer from digestive stress, particularly after consuming certain foods? Is the discomfort making your life miserable? It is time to break up your digestive problems and try the famous FODMAP diet (FODMAPs diet), a dietary intervention that is quickly growing in popularity.

The word “FODMAP” itself may not make your mouth water, but most of you eat at least some of these items as a part of your daily diet. This is especially true for those suffering from a serious gastrointestinal issue like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hence, the reason why cutting them off can help treat this disease.

If you are interested in learning about the FODMAP (FODMAPs DIET) or have just started out on the FODMAP diet and feeling overwhelmed or lost, this post is solely dedicated to you.

What does FODMAPs Mean?

Let’s begin by breaking down what FODMAPs actually refers to.

FODMAP is actually an acronym that describs five different types of sugar commonly found in food items.

These sugars include fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. [1]

Each of these sugars has three primary characteristics in common. These characteristics include; a rapid process of fermentation due to the presence of long-chain carbohydrates, a poor absorbance in the small intestine, and a high osmotic activity because of their small size.

These properties of the FODMAP sugars together with their similar structures can help induce a number of gastrointestinal problems like abdominal pain, bloating, gas, constipation and/or diarrhea. [2]

These basic FODMAP groups also have more than one sub-groups within them, some of which are mentioned below:

  • Oligosaccharides: These sugars have two subgroups including galactans (galacto-oligosaccharides) or fructans.
  • Disaccharides: Sugars belonging to this group are known as lactose and do not have any subgroups.
  • Monosaccharides: Also known as fructose, this group of sugars has no subgroup.
  • Polyols: Two subgroups of polyols have been identified so far- mannitol and sorbitol.
Fodmap diet fodmaps diet low fodmap foods high forbidden

Why do FODMAP Foods Cause Stomach Issues?

Before discussing how to follow a FODMAP diet (FODMAPs Diet), it is essential to answer the most important question popping in your heads right now- how can it treat stomach problems?

Foods high in FODMAPs are harsh for your stomach. The intestines are not able to absorb them easily and draw a lot of water into the gastrointestinal system in doing so.

These foods are also thought to remain in your gut for a longer period of time. This causes most of them to undergo fermentation resulting in the extremely discomforting symptoms like gas, bloating, or diarrhea.

In layman’s terms… these sugars can make your life a living hell!

Therefore, avoiding the foods containing FODMAPs can spell relief and make your life more comfortable.

Should You Follow a Low FODMAP Diet?

While the FODMAP diet (FODMAPs diet) was originally designed to handle digestive issues, it has recently been emerging as a beneficial tool to handle several other problems.

This diet has potential benefits from those who suffer from:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine
  • Any other types of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder (FGID
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Migraines that get triggered after some specific meals
  • Autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and eczema
  • Fibromyalgia

How to Follow a Low FODMAP Diet?

To make it easier for you, a low FODMAP diet has been broken down into three phases.

Stage I: Elimination (3-8 weeks)

As the name suggests, the elimination phase means excluding all the food items high in FODMAPs from your diet. This may be the hardest phase because you would have to cut down on your favorite ice cream or stop including a certain “forbidden fruit” in your salads.

See a list of FODMAPs diet “forbidden foods” or high FODMAP foods below.

FODMAP Diet “Forbidden Foods”




Sun Dried Tomatoes Navy Beans
Sugar Snap Peas Split Peas
Leeks Soybeans (flour, milk)
Beetroot Baked Beans
Onions (includes onion powder) Black Beans
Garlic (includes garlic powder) Fava Beans
Cabbage Kidney Beans
Broccoli Wheat and rye
Cauliflower Rye
Snow peas Wheat
Onions (includes onion powder) Barley
Garlic (includes garlic powder)


Shallots Milk (Cow, Goat, Butter, Evap, Condensed, Sheep)
Asparagus Soft cheese
Artichokes Yogurt
Celery Ice cream
Sweet corn Custard
Brussels sprouts Pudding
Mushrooms Cottage cheese


Nuts, including cashews and pistachios


Peaches Honey
Apricots Sorbitol
Cherries Isomalt
Blackberries High fructose corn syrup
Persimmon Agave nectar
Nectarines Xylitol
Plums Maltitol
Prunes Mannitol



Pears (any type) Rum
Watermelon Sports drinks
Dried fruits (raisins, figs, dates) Coconut water
Herbal tea


As soon as you start showing signs of improvements, you will quickly be moved to the next phase.

Stage II: Reintroduction (4-8 weeks)

During this phase, you can begin to systemically reintroduce all higher FODMAP foods back into your diet.

Wait, what? Why would you start eating all those things that you had just cut out from your life?

This is because reintroduction of these foods will help determine your individual tolerance to every FODMAP subgroup.

Stage III: Personalization

Thanks to the reintroduction phase, you will have a better idea about which foods help trigger digestive issues in your body. Now all you have to do is to simply avoid eating those foods.

For most of the people, this diet does not have to be strict. They can observe dietary flexibility and eat almost all of their favorite foods while controlling their symptoms well.

Is FODMAPs Diet a Permanent Solution?

Before you mentally prepare yourself to pass through the three stages of FODMAPs diet, which can be a torture for some of you, remember that it is restrictive diet.

Yes, for some people, this may require cutting down a number of common food items. But you would have to reintroduce these foods at some point in your life so, do not consider it as a permanent solution.

FODMAPs Diet and IBS: What is the Relation?

The FODMAPs diet has been known to control or treat IBS symptoms.

IBS refers to a chronic gastrointestinal problem characterized by altered bowel habits and abdominal pain. Almost two-thirds of people suffering from IBS report how their symptoms are mostly associated with food.

Do you know that 11% percent of the global population suffers from IBS? The toll is particularly high in the United States; a whopping 20 percent. [3]

One landmark clinical study compared the 39 patients of IBS receiving standard eating advice against the 43 patients who were counseled to follow the FODMAP diet. [4]

Diet changes helped both groups but the people following the FODMAP diet experienced more improvement

Another Australian study studied the effects of a FODMAPs diet in IBS patients for 21 days, followed by a washout period. Then, an alternate diet was introduced in the patients for the next 21 days. [5]

The IBS symptoms were decreased by 50%, particularly a week after implementation of the FODMAP diet.

Other studies have report similar benefits of the FODMAP diet with a success rate of almost 68 to 76 percent. [6]

So, What About Probiotics?

Recent data has suggested a strong link between your health and the balance of your gut bacteria, also known as the gut microbiome.

Any imbalance in this bacterial community, a condition known as gut dysbiosis, can lead to many problems the most prevalent of which are gut issues.

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that we eat especially to restore this balance and improve digestion, health, and quality of life. Probiotics have also shown to exert a wide range of other health benefits including weight loss.

But how is this associated with FODMAPs?

Previous literature has shown that different subgroups of IBS patients tend to have irregularities in the bacterial environment of their guts. [7]

The real question posed now is can you manage FODMAP sensitivities by adding “good bacteria” from these probiotics? The research seems to be strongly in favor of it.


It has been shown that the probiotics supplements VSL#3 Align/Alflorex and Symprove are the most beneficial. If you have a predominant cause of constipation, choose probiotics with lactobacilli species in it.


You can also obtain these probiotics from whole food sources such as kefir, quark, pickled vegetables, and yogurt.


But the problem here is that many of these foods that contain probiotics are also high in FODMAPs and may not be tolerated by a lot of people. There are a lot of other problems that arise when you keep relying on these whole foods to obtain probiotics.


For example, each batch of these foods has variable concentrations of active probiotics strains. Moreover, these foods are also rich in certain chemicals like histamine and salicylates which many people are sensitive to.  These problems must be considered on an individual basis.

Detecting the Common FODMAPs in Diet

Here are common groups of FODMAPs foods:

  • Fructose: honey, fruits, high corn syrup
  • Lactose: dairy
  • Galactans: lentils, beans, and legumes such as soy
  • Fructans: Onion, wheat, and garlic
  • Polyols: sweeteners such as mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, and stone fruits like cherries, apricots, avocados, peaches, nectarines, and plums

Is Gluten Included in FODMAPs?

Gluten is said to trigger many food sensitivities in certain people. Does this mean that a low FODMAP diet must be gluten-free? Not at all.

Gluten is a protein hence, it cannot be classified among other carbohydrates in FODMAPs. The Monash University in Australia has shown that gluten-free diet may appear useful to manage FODMAP sensitivities. This is because it reduces the number of oligosaccharides and fructans.

Moreover, most of the gluten-free products have low FODMAPs in it. Meaning, by choosing to follow a gluten-free diet, you can easily get rid of all or most of the digestive issues triggered by FODMAPs.

Amazing, isn’t it?

What to Eat on a Low FODMAP diet?

You are allowed to eat a number of food items in a FODMAP diet. These mostly include fruits and vegetables such as tomato, lettuce, carrot, zucchini, cucumber, orange, grapes, and mandarins.

Lactose-free yogurt and milk, hard cheese, fish, meats, olive oil, quinoa, and wheat-free pasta can also be included in the FODMAP diet plan.

Don’t forget to put the following items on your FODMAP food list.


Wheat-free carbs and lean proteins are still on the menu and are equally important for staying satisfied during the entire length of the day. Try poached eggs with zucchini, spinach, and tomato with wheat-free bread, or berries in lactose-free yogurt for a delicious breakfast.


Eat plenty of vegetables while you are on a FODMAP diet. Make a delicious tuna salad with baby spinach or eat boiled eggs with white potato for lunch. You can also try green beans, olives, capsicum, lettuce, and alfalfa.


For dinner, it is important to consume low-GI carbohydrate with a sufficient number of prebiotic fibers. However, be careful not to overdo it.

Some meal plans for dinner include quinoa with grilled fish or a stir-fried meat with boy choy and capsicum. Don’t forget to use carrots and zucchini and top it off with garlic infused olive oil with a hint of basil and coriander.

How to Follow FODMAPs Diet While Dining Out?

The meal plans and food allowances for a low FODMAPs diet may are not particularly tailored for dining out. Here are some tips to make appropriate choices while you are dining out at a restaurant on this diet:

  • Café Food: Choose coffee or tea with almond or lactose-free milk. You can also try poached eggs on sourdough of low FODMAP vegetables with gluten-free bread. Fruits low in FODMAPs may also be eaten with lactose-free yogurt or in the form of a smoothie.
  • Pub Food: Go for chicken, plain meat, and fish with low FODMAP vegetables, lemon juice, and olive oil. Fries with plain salt can also be added.
  • Asian Food: Always go for stir-fries with no garlic or onions. You can also try sashimi, sushi, or rice paper rolls.
  • Mexican Food: Ask for no beans, garlic, onions, and sour cream on tacos or corn nachos.
  • Italian: Go for gluten-free pasta and get any sauce that does not contain garlic and onion. Alternatively, ask for a salad with chicken/plain meat, lemon juice, and olive oil.
  • Fast Food: Eat fries with plain salt
  • Cinemas: Munch on popcorn with plain water.

Should You Seek Help Professional Help?

As you may have observed, low FODMAP diet is a complex way of managing your dietary habits.

It mostly consists of generalized advice which might be difficult to follow all on your own. Getting professional guidance can, therefore, be of great help.

People all over the world are relying on group education sessions which have shown high success rates. In addition, you may want to seek advice from a dietician, doctor, or some type of structured program.  This is because once you begin to reintroduce things into your diet and make modification, you will need guidance.

If you want to give the FODMAPs diet a try, Libifit is creating a 16 FODMAPs diet course to help you navigate the stages of this diet and relieve you of IBS for good.  We will offer this course at a reduced introductory rate for the first 50 students.  Make sure you enter your email address to be notified when the course is released to get in on it at the reduced rate.  Freedom from IBS is right at your finger tips.  Get it now!


9 Amazing Benefits of BCAA Supplements For Lean Sexy Muscles

BCAAs for women

Are you a regular gym rat? Do you consider yourself a fitness junkie who has recently put on a few pounds and its nagging you every now and then?  You may consider using the much-touted branched-chain amino acid (BCAAs). Are BCAAs any good for you? Are they all that your needs to improve endurance and strength? Keep reading to learn about top 9 benefits of BCAA supplements for lean sexy muscle.

What are BCAAs?

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) refer to the essential amino acids commonly used to build muscle. These consist of three amino acids- valine, leucine, and isoleucine.

Once they are inside your body, BCAAs help activate protein synthesis and prevent the breakdown of muscles. Your body is unable to synthesize these building blocks; therefore; they must be taken from an external source.

In the recent years, BCAA supplements have made a comeback in the fitness world and with a good reason. BCAAs are considered an exercise recovery supplement since they prevent muscle loss and reduce protein breakdown. Studies showed that it can help athletes reduce fatigue, increase power output and accelerate fat loss. [1]

If you are looking forward to getting the most out of your gym sessions, BCAA supplements are here for you!

Still not convinced?

Keep reading to know about the 9 benefits of BCAA supplements and decide for yourself.

Benefits of BCAA Supplements #1: Enhance Protein Synthesis

Believe it or not but BCAAs are your best option to trigger muscle protein synthesis. If you combine them with resistance exercise, they stimulate the mTORC signaling pathway which helps in muscle building.

Another great benefit of using these supplements is that they will minimize muscle loss. This is true even when you decide to take some time off from training due to a lack of time or a physical energy.

That’s right! BCAA supplements keep triggering protein synthesis even when you are too lazy to hit the gym. Due to this reason, the lean muscle in your body is preserved which helps to boost metabolism and fights fat gain.

What’s more exciting is that BCAA supplements increase the lean mass by 4 grams, which is way more than other supplements such as whey protein.

Benefits of BCAA Supplements #2: Support Fat Loss

Studies show that BCAAs can help achieve more muscle and less fat in your body. Researchers consider leucine, a BCAA to be the magic bullet that triggers weight loss by increasing energy expenditure and stimulating fat oxidation.

Using BCAAs will help increase fat mobilization that leads to a more flexible metabolism. This means that you can lose fat much more easily.

Scientists also believe that BCAA supplements have certain “obesity-reducing effects”. These effects decrease body weight by stimulating the gene signaling that controls muscle building pathways.

So, if you want to get rid of body fat fast without any side effects, try these supplements now.

Benefits of BCAA Supplements #3: Improves Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is said to increase your blood sugar levels which you can effectively control all thanks to BCAA supplements.

In a double-blind randomized control trial, scientists instructed 27 patients suffering from insulin resistance to take BCAA supplements. It was found that these supplements improved the insulin resistance in 10 of these patients successfully. [2]

One thing that you must remember is that a diabetic person has a dysfunctional BCAA metabolism and taking BCAAs can elevate insulin. So, these supplements must not be used as a proper treatment in such individuals.

Diabetics should instead focus more on attaining an optimal body composition through proper diet, exercise, and these supplements after consulting a doctor.

Benefits of BCAA Supplements #4: Balances Hormones during High-Intensity Training

If you consider yourself a fitness freak, maintaining a balance in hormones is extremely important for you. And what is the best way to do this? BCAA supplements.

Hormonal balance is among the top benefits of BCAA supplements. By supporting hormone balance, these supplements play a crucial role in your ability to respond to training exercises.

The BCAA supplements also boost a faster recovery right after a strenuous workout session. So, do not forget to add them to your daily schedule, especially if you plan on performing some high-intensity, muscle-damaging exercises any time soon.

Benefits of BCAA Supplements #5: Decreases Muscle Soreness

It is believed that BCAA supplements can help treat sore muscles after a workout. It is not uncommon to feel a little sore a day or two after working out. This is especially true if you are following a new exercise routine.

The soreness you feel in your muscles is known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). It usually develops 12 to 24 hours after exercising and may last for as long as 72 hours. While the exact reason of DOMS is unknown, researchers strongly believe that it occurs due to the tiny tears in muscles due to exercise.

If you suffer from this uncomforting problem more often, try including BCAA supplements in your pre-workout routine. BCAAs have been shown to reduce muscle soreness during exercise. It may also reduce the duration and severity of DOMS.

Benefits of BCAA Supplements #6: Controls Exercise Fatigue

Just like BCAA supplements stimulate muscle growth and reduce muscle soreness, they may also be helpful in treating exercise-induced fatigue.

Your muscles tend to utilize BCAAs during exercise. This drops the level of these amino acids in the blood. As their levels decline, the amount of tryptophan, another amino acid begin to rise in your brain. [3]

Inside your brain, tryptophan is actively converted into serotonin, a brain chemical that contributes to the development of fatigue during an exercise session.

The only solution to this problem is increasing the BCAA levels in the blood, and relying on BCAA supplements can do the trick.

Benefits of BCAA Supplements #7: Reducees Muscle Wasting

Because BCAAs trigger proteins synthesis, they can help reduce muscle breakdown or wasting. Muscle proteins are broken down and re-synthesized in your body all the time. The balance between the two processes is what determines the total amount of protein in your muscles.

When the protein breakdown exceeds the rate at which new protein is synthesized, muscle wasting occurs. This can be a sign of malnutrition that occurs due to a number of reasons like prolonged fasting, cancer, chronic infections, or as a part of the natural aging process.

In humans, BCAAs make up for approximately 35 percent of the essential amino acids constituting your muscle proteins. At the same time, they account for almost 40 percent of the total amino acids that your body requires.

Therefore, it is extremely important that you replace BCAAs along with other essential amino acids during muscle wasting. This will slow down the process and will eventually put it to end.

Benefits of BCAA Supplements #8: Increases Energy

One of the top benefits of BCAA supplements includes increasing total body energy. Increasing the levels of BCAAs in your body can help increase the energy levels. This is because an increased amino acid level will allow these building blocks to compete with glucose to release energy.

In other words, BCAAs in high levels serve as a secondary source of energy.

In one study, scientists proved that people with high levels of amino acids require 36% less glucose as compared to those with normal levels of amino acids. [4]

Isoleucine, a type of BCAAs, has successfully decreased the use of glucose by 71 percent in muscles and 20 percent in blood. [5] Valine and iso-leucine can also be converted into glucose to get energy during the times of crisis.

BCAA supplementation before exercise can, therefore, provide enough energy to carry out intense exercises and lose fat more fastly.

Benefits of BCAA Supplements #9: Treat Liver Disease

BCAAs improve health in patients of cirrhosis, a chronic illness in which your liver is not able to function properly. A review of 16 studies has estimated that BCAA supplements have beneficial effects on the signs and symptoms of this disease. [6]

The liver is an important organ of your body and a primary fat metabolizer. In case of a liver disease such as cirrhosis, the liver tends to slow down and become sluggish.

Under such circumstances, the liver is unable to perform its job well. As a result, you start to pack on the pounds and face great difficulty in losing weight once you put on some pounds.

Scientific authorities recommend BCAA supplements as the best nutritional intervention for liver disease to prevent any complication. These supplements keep the liver healthy and regulate fat metabolism to prevent any unnecessary weight gain.

BCAA Pills or Powder: Which is Better?

You can purchase BCAA supplements in two different forms- powder and pills.

The powder form is taken two to four times a day. Each dose must contain 5 grams of this powder. This powder is consumed pre-workout, during exercise, and post-workout according to your preference.

Pills, on the other hand, have different recommendations regarding the dosage. Most of the supplements are recommended to be taken 2 to 3 times a day.

BCAA supplements in powder form may have a bad taste but are generally more popular and better than the capsule form. This is because powdered forms are stronger and provide a more intense effect with fewer doses. In contrast, you require a lot of BCAA pills to achieve the same effect.

In addition to this, pills take much more time to digest. The powdered form, on the other hand, digests quickly and provides more rapid effects.

The Final Verdict

Are you convinced about the benefits of BCAA supplements?  The hype about BCAA supplements and their broad-ranging effects in the fitness and athletic world is true. The metabolic properties and energy production of these supplements are amazing and can help you achieve a stronger body with high muscle mass and low-fat content.

Another great supplement to accompany a BCAA regimen is garcinia cambogia.  It is know for its fat burning power.  Check it out now.  Click here now.

If you want to learn more about supplements that will help you with fat loss, energy, sex drive, mental focus and more, download our free supplement guide.  Get the real truth about supplements and what each type can do for you.  Then you can logically choose ideal supplements for you.  Complete the form below and we’ll give you instant access to it.

Till next time…


9 Secret Benefits of BCAA Supplements to Fuel Fat Loss

BCAAs for women
benefits of bcaa supplements bcaa supplements for women what are bcaas

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are growing to be one of the most popular supplements in the fitness industry. While there is no such thing as a “secret weapon” that will increase weight loss, BCAA supplements are pretty close.  Studies showed that using BCAAs during a workout is extremely effective in facilitating lean muscle growth. This article will detail the benefits of BCAA supplements and how they can help you on your fitness journey.

Studies show that BCAAs will help you achieve better results through fat loss and at the same time maintaining muscle mass. Chain Amino Acids BCAAs have been highly recommended to gym goers who are on a weight loss program.


What are BCAAs?

Before discussing branched-chain amino acids, it is better to understand what amino acids are. Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins. Studies show that 20-22 amino acids make up a protein, of which 9 amino acids are essentials as they cannot be synthesized in the body. The rest are non-essential and can be present or absent in the food or supplements ingested.


BAACS are made up of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine which comprise 35 % of your body muscle proteins. These amino acids are essential because the body is unable to synthesis in the body and thus they must be ingested as food or supplements. The BCAAs are the amino acids that are broken down in the muscles.


The BCAAs are found most commonly in foods containing protein. It has been studied that a high concentration of BCAAs are found in chicken, eggs, and whey protein. As the name Branched Chain Amino Acids suggest, BCAAs have a branched side chain that has the simplest task ever of converting amino acid into energy during intense exercise. The BCAAs makes 35 percent of all the body muscles making them important.


The more the BCAAs are present in the muscles, the more the body is likely to use them as the source of energy. The studies showed that when BCAAs are synthesized to energy, it slows the breakdown of muscle cells, thus making lean muscles and prevent muscle loss.


In the past, BCAAs were most commonly used by bodybuilders to increase energy, and boost protein synthesis which prevents muscle loss.  However, they are becoming more widely used among people looking to build lean muscle, burn fat, and boost energy.

Best BCAAs for women, Benefits of BCAAs

Benefit of BCAA Supplements #1: Increase Protein Synthesis


The BCAAs supplements are well known to stimulate protein synthesis. This, in turn, helps maximize muscle building. Studies showed that while you are working to reduce body fat, the body goes into a catabolic state where they break down tissues such as fat and muscle. While you reduce the calories intake, some muscles are expected to be lost as the body uses muscle protein as an energy source. BCAAs improve protein synthesis which in this case, must be at a higher rate to prevent muscle loss.


Benefit of BCAA Supplements #2: Enhance Performance During Exercise. 


The BCAAs speed up muscle growth and healing process. BCAAs supplementation is one of the best ways to reduce and recover from muscle damage that occurs during training. They play a role in the increment of energy levels and enhancing performance. BCAAs have proven to slow down muscle breakdown do the exercise which plays an important role in the synthesis of protein while keeping blood sugar levels up stable and balanced.


As a matter of fact, BCAAs have been found to be responsible for almost 40% of blood sugar production during exercise. Leucine is degraded during exercise reducing our body’s ability to synthesize protein. Thus, supplementing with BCAAs increases the Leucine level, both during pre-workout and post-workout session, as it offers It offers a huge benefits growth of muscles and the repair.


Benefit of BCAA Supplements #3: Increase Fat Burning and Support Fat Loss


Studies show that people who have a high intake of BCAAs develop fewer body fats. More to that, they develop more muscles and get a better body composition. It’s believed that branched chain amino acid Leucine is responsible for providing lean muscles. Leucine in combination with other amino acids is responsible for faster energy expenditure and fat oxidation.


In addition, fat breakdown allows flexible metabolization in the body which enables fat loss through training and dieting. While reviewing the role of essential amino acids in the body composition, studies showed that BCAAs may have an obesity-reducing effect. BCAAs reduce food intake by cutting down the cravings and increasing the gene signaling of muscle building pathways. Taking them pre-workout, post-workout and between meals shows the best results.

Benefit of BCAA Supplements #4: Balanced Hormone Levels


Studies show that BCAAs balance hormone levels during exercise. There are two hormones that come into play during workout: cortisol and testosterone. Cortisol is the stress hormone and the main goal is to maintain low Cortisol hormone and high testosterone hormone during exercise.


Supplementation before any exercise will help the body to maintain both hormones in balance which in turn allows you to workout harder without getting fatigued. In general, BCAAs help improve hormone balance for greater strength, increase in power and endurance during hard training.

***Here’s a little note.  Testosterone is not only for men.  Women do have small amounts of testosterone in their bodies and it is essential for building lean muscle.


Benefit of BCAA Supplements #5: Improves Sugar Level Intake


Branched chained amino acids play an important role in regulating sugar uptake levers. The BCAAs are released from the liver to other internal organs such as skeletal muscles where they maintain blood sugar levels. Studies show that having enough of these amino acids improves glucose uptake and increase insulin uptake.


BCAAs supplements are responsible for the large production of blood sugar during exercise. Thus, they are important if you are fasting or during dieting.


Benefit of BCAA Supplements #6: Prevent Muscle Loss


While you may be trying to lose weight, you may experience some muscles loss in the process. However, with BCAAs, you can preserve your muscle as you burn off body fat enabling you to look good. The reason why muscles loss occurs while trying to lose weight is that you eat less and thus the body will use muscles for energy it needs.


However, taking branch chain amino acid supplement provides that is used by the body preventing the muscles from being broken down. It is recommended that the BCAA supplement should be taken between meals, before and after every workout. This helps keep the body in a muscle building and fat burning state.

Benefit of BCAA Supplements #7: Motivation During Training Development


Studies show that BCAAs supplements may improve strength development during training. While you are training to lose body fat, an expert may recommend strength training. In conjunction with the above training, supplementation before a workout, necessarily with protein leads to greater strength development during a workout.


Though people recommend diet rich in amino acid, BCAAs supplements are the best in maximizing strength that results from training. Research suggests that BCAAs improve the neuromuscular adaptation which may result in longer workouts.


Benefit of BCAA Supplements #8: Decrease Muscles Soreness


BCAAs have become widely used in the field of the exercise for their ability to reduce muscle soreness and increase muscles recovery. During exercise, biochemical end products accumulate in the muscles resulting in acidity. This results in muscle soreness which disappears after several hours of post-workout.


BCAAs supplementation before an intense exercise was found to reduce the damaging effects of an intense workout. The branched-chain amino acids allow rapid muscles growth thus enhancing performance. Studies showed that creatine kinase which is a marker of muscle damage was lower when BCAAs was used. The studies suggested that the BCAAs maintained the integrity of muscles fibers which prevents post-workout soreness.


Benefit of BCAA Supplements #9: Improves Health and prevents Aging


Studies showed that BCAAs have found their way in therapeutic medicine to treat liver disease and reduce the mortality risk of cancer. While reviewing human health and BCAAs, studies showed that BCAAs can help a person live longer if they get enough of them. They have been found to help in the synthesis of glutamate and GABA. It also inhibits serotonin.


Other than being therapeutic, BCAAs have been studied to have an anti-aging effect. They do so by increasing the formation of new mitochondria- important in generating adenosine trisphosphate in the cell. This makes BCAA a potential anti-aging tool.

The Simple Science Of Losing Body Fat With BCAA's – With Thomas DeLauer

BCAA Pills or Powder: Which is Better?


The most important thing while using the BCAAs supplements is to determine the dosage. Without the correct dosage, both BCAA Pills or Powder become worthless. However, many people prefer BCAA powder supplements because it is easier to measure and change the dosage. Being able to vary the dosage tends to be difficult when it comes to pills. In addition, BCAA powder is sometimes cheaper than the BCAA pills.

Furthermore, when pills are manufactured, other substances are added to make the capsule.  While this is not a huge deal, this makes the supplement a little less pure. Finally, BCAA powder is more effective than pills and directly goes into the bloodstream and start working immediately.

One benefit of BCAA pill supplement are more convenient when it comes to transportation. They also tend to hide the “sometimes not so great” taste of the supplement. In most cases, users of BCAA powder incorporate it in the protein shake or other energy drink to mask the taste.

Here are our recommendations for BCAA supplements.

Recommended BCAA Powder Supplements

Optimum Nutrition Pro BCAA with Glutamine, Raspberry Lemonade, Branched Chain Amino Acids Support

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard BCAA, Watermelon, 28 Servings, Branched Chain Amino Acids, 5g BCAA blend

Recommended BCAA Pill Supplements

Optimum Nutrition Instantized BCAA Branched Chain Essential Amino Acids Capsules, 1000mg

Sheer Strength Labs BCAA Capsules – Extra Strength 1,950mg Branched Chain Amino Acids Muscle Building Post Workout Supplement, 90 Easy-Swallow Veggie Caps

Now that you have learned about the benefit of BCAA supplements, you can add them to your supplementation regimen.  If you are interested in learning about the best supplements for weight loss and fat burning, joint health, muscle building, mental focus, sexual health, and general overall health, download our free 20-page supplement guide.  With so many supplements out there, things can get confusing.  Download this guide now by completing the form below.


Easily Begin Intermittent Fasting with Crescendo Fasting


Intermittent Fasting (IF) refers to dietary eating patterns that involve not eating or severely restricting calories for a prolonged period of time. There are many different subgroups of intermittent fasting with each varying fasting duration; some for hours, others for day(s). An ideal fasting method for women is crescendo fasting.  Crescendo fasting is a modified type of progressive intermittent fasting.  Fasting has become an extremely popular topic in the science and weight loss community due to all of the potential benefits on fitness and health intermittent fasting facilitates.


Intermittent Fasting and Women


Intermittent fasting is specifically beneficial to women.  Due to a women’s body naturally having a higher proportion of fat, and especially for women who are overweight or looking to burn fat at a faster rate, intermittent fasting is an almost perfect solution.  When trying to lose weight, the body primarily burns through food consumed and carbohydrate stores within the first 8 -10 hours of eating and then starts to burn fat for energy and fuel.

Women who are following a healthy diet and exercise plan who are still struggling with stubborn fat and lose nagging pounds may find that intermittent fasting is their answer.  Check out this video below to learn more about intermittent fasting.

Although intermittent fasting has many benefits, this weight loss strategy may cause hormonal imbalances in women for some.

  • Women have a high sensitivity to starvation. If signals of starvation are sent to the brain, the body thinks it is being starved and hunger hormones (leptin and grehlin) will ramp up in production.
  • An increase increase in these hormones can cause imbalances and stop ovulation.
  • Stopping ovulation can impact menstruation. This could lead to a shrinkage of the ovaries.
  • In addition, increases in the hunger hormone and unnormal hunger sensations increases the risk of eating disorders (anorexia, binge eating, etc.)

So what is the SOLUTION? Is intermittent fasting good for women? The answer is YES! And the solution is CRESCENDO FASTING FOR WOMEN. Crescendo fasting requires you to fast a few days a week instead of every day. By fasting this way, women can experience the benefits of intermittent fasting without throwing their hormones into a frenzy.




Crescendo fasting is one of the safest and healthy means for women. It is one of the cheapest fasting diets to lose weight. It doesn’t require any other tools such as pills or medicines, nor does it entail any expensive gym equipment. All it simply asks is a strict and stern discipline to fasting.


The basic method is to fast twice two-three times per week on alternate days for 12 – 16 hours.  This type of fasting has a 12-16 hour “fasting window” and a 8-12 hour “feeding window.”  This approach to fasting is much easier to walk into.  An easy way to start is to just simply skip breakfast.

At first, you may experience hunger pangs, but these will go away, and once you get used to crescendo fasting, you will find that feelings of hunger will no longer become a problem.  As your body adapts, and if your hormones remain balanced, you can stretch your fasting window to extend the fat buring time during the fasted state.

Eventually you will find that while fasting, you are very concentrated and focused, which is the opposite of what you would expect, but many people experience this. It is a more gentle approach to make your body adapt to fasting.  When women do undertake fasting in this way, they can loose more fat and gain lot of energy at the same time.  In short, main benefits of crescendo fasting are:

  • A less invasive form of intermittent fasting
  • Is less aggressive on a woman’s hormones
  • Is easy to start and allows you to progress as your body adapts.

Crescendo fasting for women is guranteed to lead to weight loss results. It truly is safer, more sustainable, and much less stress on your body.


How to Begin Crescendo Fasting for Women


But for you to begin crescendo fasting for women you need to follow some general guidelines to make this intermittent fasting work effectively for you.

Guidelines for Crescendo fasting for women;

  • Crescendo fasting should be done on alternate days per week. This means you only fast for two or three days per week.  Fasting on consecutive days should be avoided. For example, if you fast on Monday, the next fasting days should be Wednesday and then Friday.
  • Crescendo fasting, ideal for about 12 to 16 hours instead of 12 to 20 hours. Because of a woman’s increase of hunger hormones while fasting, shorter fasting periods are best to start with. You can easily do this by stoping eating around 8PM at night and not consuming any food until 10 PM the next morning.
  • On fasting days, performing lower impact execise such as Pilates, yoga, or low impact exercise on treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike is recommended
  • On non-fasting days, higher impact exercising such as resistance training, or high intensity interval training can be done.
  • Stay hydrated during your fast drinking plenty of water. You may also drink coffee or tea as long as creamers, milk and sugar are not added.

This is a basic blueprint for cresecendo fasting for women.  While fasting intervals will vary from person to person, these are the general guidelines that should be followed.


Who Should Not Do Intermittent Fasting?


Intermittent fasting is not for all women.  Here is a list of conditions and situations in which intermittent fasting should not be undertaken or practiced under a doctor’s care.

  • Women who want to get pregnant, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding.
  • Women who are underweight.
  • People who have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
  • Women who have eating disorders.
  • People who are taking diabetic medications and insulin should consult with their physicans as fasting may require changes in medicine dosages.
  • Individuals under the age of 18 and elderly adults.
  • Individuals who have gout.
  • People on any type of medication should first consult with a physician.
  • Women who feel very stressed or have cortisol issues should not fast practice fasting.
  • Athletes or people who are training intensely during 4-7 days per week should not fast or fast with great caution.

As with any diet or exercise plan, intermittent fasting should be discussed with your physician before starting.


Benefits of intermittent fasting with crescendo fasting


In addition to the specific benefits of crescendo fasting, there are overall intermittent fasting benefits:

  • Speeds metabolism to increase weight loss and fat burning

Many caloric restriction diets slow down the metabolism.  However, intermittent fasting does the exact opposite. If we do not consume food, our bodies naturally uses stored energy (fat) for fuel until we eat again.  We begin to burn fat for energy leading to weight loss.

  • Reduces insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes risk

Type 2 diabetes is very common and is growing by the day.  The simple description of Type 2 diabetes is that it is a condition where there is just too much sugar in the body.  Thereby causing cells to no longer respond to insulin and take in any more glucose from the blood (insulin resistance).  These events result in high blood sugar levels.

Intermittent fasting can address this condition in the body by lowering blood glucose and insulin levels to support reversing insulin resistance.

  • Increases Heart Health

Heart disese is one of the leading killers of women.  By lowering blood sugar through intermittent fasting, the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke is also reduced. Also, intermittent fasting with crescendo fasting has been found to improve blood pressure, total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, blood triglycerides, and risk factors associated with heart disease and many chronic diseases.

  • Boosts Brain Function & Power

Multiple studies have shown that intermittent fasting huge implications on brain health.  Some of the neurologic benefits of fasting include improving attention and focus, reaction time, immediate memory, cognition, and generation of new brain cells. Studies also showed that intermittent fasting reduces brain inflammation, promotes recovery after a stroke or brain injury, and decreases risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.


Concluding Thoughts on Cresendo Fasting


Cresendo fasting is an easy way for women to begin intermittent fasting.  Because we are special delicate creatures with complicated (but beautiful bodies), we must handle them with care.  Our homones are present to help make sure we handle our bodies in the right way.  Listen to them!  However, while we are listening to our homones, we can still use intermittent fasting to get the body we want.

Ladies, you are in luck.  Libifit has created an intermittent fasting system just for women.  Our system includes instructions on how to safely practice most the most popular types of intermittent fasting safely.  Our system includes:

  • Instructions on how to fast
  • What to eat during a fast
  • How to correctly break a fast
  • What to eat during your feeding window
  • Daily hormone check list to ensure your homones are balanced
  • Healthy smoothie recipes
  • Printed Daily Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Journal
  • …and much more.

Click here to get in on this now.



