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1200 Calorie Diet Meal Plan Lose 11 Pounds in 2 Weeks


Twelve hundred calorie meal plan diets have somewhat loss their popularity. With all of the new diets like keto, intermittent fasting, low carb, paleo, and many others, the 1200 calorie diet has fallen by the wayside. However, the fact remains that in order to lose weight, there must be a caloric deficit. This means that you must burn more calories than you intake. There is no better way to do this than to follow a 1200 calorie diet.

In this article, we will tell you why this tried and true diet is still effective and give you a 1200 calorie meal plan to lose all of the weight that has been sticking to you like glue. If you follow this plan, you can lose up to 11 pounds in the next 15 days.

So lets get right to it. Here’s how the plan works. Each of the breakfast items are 300 calories or less. The lunch entrees are 300 calories or less. And the dinner choices range from 300 – 400. We have also included a list of snacks under 200 calories. So these meals plans can range from 1100 – 1200 calories.

This 1200 calorie diet meal plan give you ultimate flexibility. You can rearrange the breakfast, lunch, and dinner choices and still not exceed the 1200 calorie limit. Rigid diets can be very tough to stick to and over time, just down right boing. Libifit gives you flexibility you need to successful at weight loss. Okay, check out the 1200 calorie meal plans below.

1200 Calorie Diet Meal Plan (2 Week Plan)

Below is a 1200 calorie diet meal plan to help you lose 11 pounds in 2 weeks.  You must follow this diet to achieve this goal.  One of the most important prerequisites is to make sure you are mentally ready to follow the diet and you are willing to work to PREPARE MEALS AHEAD.

Day Breakfast  Lunch Snack Dinner
Monday Bran Cereal/Low Fat Milk/Grapefruit Turkey Sandwich (on Sandwich Thins)of Whole Grain Bread, Kale Chips, Apple Low fat Creamy Mexican Dip (Greek Yogurt)  w/ Veggies or Kale chips Turkey/chilli or turkey soup (1 serving)
Tuesday Smoothie (See recipes) Chicken salad spread, 6 multigrain crackers (Triscuits) 14 Almonds or Fat Free Chocolate or Vanilla Pudding Grilled Chicken Veggies, Sweet Potato or 1/2 cup cooked wild rice
Wednesday Cereal/Low Fat Milk/Asian Pear Grilled Chicken Wrap on Multigrain wrap Greek Yogurt Parfait (Yogurt, granola, strawberries and or blueberries Turkey/chilli or turkey soup (1 serving)
Thursday Oatmeal 1/2 cup and banana Chicken salad spread, 6 multigrain crackers (Triscuits) Low fat Creamy Mexican Dip  w/ Veggies or Kale chips Baked Fish, Veggie, Whole Grain Rice
Friday Bagel with Greek Yogurt Baked Fish, Green Veggie Rice Low Fat cottage cheese w/ blue berries or strawberries Grilled Chicken Veggies, Sweet Potato or 1/2 cup cooked wild rice
Saturday Smoothie (See recipes) Turkey Sandwich (on Sandwich Thins), Kale Chips, Apple Kale Chips (1 serving) Turkey/chilli or turkey soup (1 serving)
Sunday Egg White Veggie Omlet Grilled Chicken Wrap on Multigrain wrap Low fat Creamy Mexican Dip  w/ Veggies or Kale chips Chicken salad (Grilled Chicken Breast, Romaine Lettuce, and only other Veggies) w/ 1 serving of Lite Vinaigrette Dressing


Additional Guidelines for the 1200 Calorie Diet Meal Plan

Here are a few additional guidelines to go along with this 1200 calorie diet meal plan:

Make oatmeal with water or unsweetened almond milk.  Only add cinnamon and artificial sweeteners to improve taste.

We found these great recipes for chicken salad spread, turkey chili, and turkey soup.  Make these to go along with your 1200 calorie diet meal plan.  Make sure you are only eating one serving per meal.

Chicken Salad Spread:

Turkey Chili:

Turkey Bean Soup:

1200 Calorie Diet Meal Plan Weight Loss Rules

Okay so now that you have the diet, here are a few weight loss rules.  These rules apply in any weight loss situation.  You must make sure you follow these rules along with the diet plan to make your 11 pound/2-week weight loss.  Here are the rules.

  1. Drink water (at least 64 oz. per day). The body requires energy to burn calories.  The process of burning calories requires water.  If your body is slightly dehydrated you will slow the calorie burning process.
  2. Eat lean protein. As mentioned earlier, consuming protein is vital for weight loss.  Protein helps to build lean muscle.  Lean muscle burns fat which is your ultimate goal.  Furthermore, protein helps you to eat less because it helps you to feel full longer.
  3. Exercise regularly (Make it a priority). Exercise must be a part of any long term weight loss plan.  Physical activity will help to burn calories as well as provide numerous other health benefits.
  4. Follow a kitchen curfew (8:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M.). Have a cutoff time at which you stop eating.  The ideal time is 12 hours before you plan to have breakfast.
  5. Limit Alcohol. Alcohol can hinder weight loss because it blocks fat oxidation.  This blockage accelerates the rate at which your body stores food as fat.  If you choose to drink do it only occasionally and in moderation.
  6. Avoid High Calorie Drinks (Commercial Coffee Drinks, Fruit Drinks, and Sodas).  Easy to drink a lot of calories.  High calorie coffee drinks, fruit drinks, sodas and smoothies are filled with sugar that pack on extra pounds.  Furthermore, drinking is a quick way to consume a great deal of calories because drinking is require much less effort than actually chewing.
  7. Eliminate processed sugary foods. Most processed foods and snacks contain high amounts of sugar.  Sugar is what cause weight gain.  Cookies, pastries, crackers, granola bars, and many other foods are the sneaky things causing you to gain weight.

Finally, the key to any diet, especially this 1200 calorie diet meal plan, is consistency and discipline.  You can start on the right road today by downloading our 1200 calorie diet meal plan pdf.  Enter your email below and we will shoot it over to you instantly.  Start shedding those pounds now girl!



3 Ways to Eliminate Intermittent Fasting Headaches Fast

intermittent fasting headaches

While the weight loss benefits of intermittent fasting far outweigh the drawbacks, there are potential small aggravating side effects, one of which being an intermittent fasting headache.  If you have ever gone without food for extended periods of time (much more than your body is used to), then you have experienced a fasting headache.  Headaches on your fast day, or during your fasting window, typically occur due to the following reasons:

-Hypoglycemia (Low blood sugar levels)


-Electrolyte Deficiency

-Caffeine Withdrawal

On the bright side, there are ways to manage and eliminate these headaches so that you won’t have to stop fasting and you can hold on until your target feeding window arrives.  Below is a summary explaining each of these causes, and remedies that have worked for me and many others.

Eventually as you progress in your fasting journey, the headaches will go away completely.

1.  Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia occurs when the body’s sugar or glucose level drops below 70mg/dL.  This decrease in glucose triggers headaches, confusion, irritability, weakness, dizziness, shakiness, and hunger.  If before your fasting window started, you eat a meal high in sugar, you could experience a quick rise in blood sugar and a rapid drop causing a headache.


Don’t eat carbs with a high glycemic index (GI) rank prior to starting your fasting period.  If you choose to eat high GI carbs, try to consume them towards the middle of your feeding window and low GI carbs closer to the end of your fasting period.  Low GI carbs produce a much smaller fluctuation in your blood sugar levels and should help reduce massive glucose swings that trigger intermittent fasting headaches.  If you are not sure what high and low GI carbs are, check out this link.


2.  Dehydration

Dehydration can bring on an intermittent fasting headache.  The average human person should have a body composition made up of 50-65% water.  What this means is that next to oxygen, drinking water is essential.  Even more so, your brain is made up of 75% water and when there is a lack of water, your brain can temporarily contract or shrink from fluid loss causing dehydration headaches.  Per Medical News Today, this pain is caused due to your brain pulling away from your skull.  Yea…who’d have thought!! Wow!  It’s true, check it out here:

Medical News Today also shared a few symptoms of dehydration headaches.

  • extreme thirst
  • reduced urination
  • dark colored urine
  • confusion
  • dizziness
  • fatigue
  • dry, sticky mouth


Okay so the obvious solution here is to drink water.  You should try to aim for at least ½ gallon of water per day and if you are doing rigorous workouts, I recommend at least 1 gallon per day.


3.  Electrolytes Deficiency

Another reason for intermittent fasting headaches are electrolyte imbalances.  Drinking water full of electrolytes will help you endure your fast.  Electrolytes are chemical components in the body which are necessary for many physiological functions within your body, such as: muscle contraction, nerve impulses, heart function and brain function to mention a few.  The major electrolytes your body needs during intermittent fasting are: sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

As it pertains to intermittent fasting, the goal is to lower insulin levels to tap into fat stores for energy usage to lose weight.  When insulin levels are lowered, your body holds less water and sodium, which can lead to electrolyte imbalances.  Some common signs of electrolyte deficiencies are:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Racing Heart

This is why you must consume electrolytes during fasting.


In an article posted on, they provide this rule of thumb as it pertains to consuming enough sodium to keep your electrolytes balanced during fasting.

“RULE OF THUMB: Get at minimum 2000 mg-s of sodium a day (1-2 tsp of salt). If you’re physically active or sweat a lot, then aim for 4000-7000 mg-s (2-3 tsp of salt). Mixed with water.” (

Libifit recommends adding Himalayan salt to your water as opposed to regular table salt.  The benefits of Himalayan salt are widely supported and written about.  Check out this image below from comparing table salt and Himalayan salt.

To make sure you get all of the other necessary electrolytes, here are some awesome drink recipes to help remedy intermittent fasting headaches and to ensure you receive all of the proper chemicals you need during your fast.

This drink is made of lemon and Himilyan salt to stop your headaches within minutes.  In addition to addressing electrolyte imbalances, this salt and lemon drink helps to boost your immune system, boost energy, restore alkaline balance within your body, and increase serotonin levels (your “feel good” hormones).  Check it out.

I have tried this one and this drink will help you allude this nagging intermittent fasting headaches until your body adjusts.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe for Fasting: Thomas DeLauer



4.  Caffeine Withdrawal

Caffeine withdrawal is a common cause of intermittent fasting headaches.  If you are used to drinking several cups of coffee and tea per day, and you suddenly stop cold turkey, your body isn’t going to like it and in response, you may begin to have headaches.


Drink caffeine!  Coffee and tea will not break your fast.  You should drink coffee and tea because both help to improve the rate at which you burn body fat and helps to make you feel satiated.  Black coffee has GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) which is a chemical to help you feel good and calm.  Green tea especially has a chemical called Epicgallocatechin – 3- gallate (EGCG) which helps you handle your fast better and reduce your hunger levels as well.  So, if you feel hungry, reach for a cup of green tea!

***Be advised to not add creamers and sugar to your coffee or tea.  These things will break your fast and you certainly don’t want that.  Also, you don’t want to over do it with the caffeine.  Too much caffeine can have a negative effect in that it may rev your adrenals and cause your cortisol levels to rise.  Rising cortisol levels could lead to insulin levels increasing and of course the goal of intermittent fasting is to keep insulin levels low to activate fat stores for energy.  So don’t blow it by drinking too much coffee.


Finally, Take Pain Medicine

There may come a time during your intermittent fasting period where your headache may be too severe for you to handle and in that case, simply take some pain medicine.  If you do not have any health conditions and taking over-the-counter pain meds have been approved by your health care provider, go for it.  A little Advil won’t break your fast.  And with the stress of kids, jobs, spouses, and God knows what else, some times you just need some DRUGS!!!

Whether you are doing a 16 hour fast, every other day fast, intermittent fasting headaches may come along with the package.  However, thankfully there are ways to cure the headaches and keep you on your weight loss journey.

Hey girl, you are in luck.  We have put together an intermittent fasting book and daily journal just for women. It is designed for women and by women who have successfully undertaken a long term intermittent fasting protocol and experienced success.  We show you how to start your fasting program, optimize it, workout for max fat loss, and most of all MONITOR YOUR HORMONAL HEALTH!!!!

No other women’s intermittent fasting book/resource exists like ours.  Stop going in circles with intermittent fasting and experience the results you’ve heard about all over the internet.  Click below to start our program.




Intermittent Fasting Pros and Cons: Is It Right For You?

Intermittent fasting pros and cons

Every weight loss approach has pros and cons and so is the case with intermittent fasting.  In this article, I’ll share intermittent fasting pros and cons article and give you some food for thought concerning whether or not this weight loss method is right for you.


What is Intermittent Fasting?


Despite the scary name, intermittent fasting is not about the dreaded process of starving yourself or only drinking water for days on end. So say goodbye to the vision of hunger-induced delirium. You can experience the same weight loss benefits of prolonged fasting, but with none of its negative side effects.


The key word here is “intermittent.” Intermittent fasting is a method of structuring your meals to achieve an optimal balance between fasting and eating in order to maximize weight loss.


Unlike traditional diet plans, intermittent fasting is a method of calorie restriction rather than restriction of certain foods. It focuses on when you should eat rather than on exactly what foods you should and shouldn’t eat. Intermittent fasting protocols do not allow eating solid foods during the fasting days, but allow fluids like water, tea, and coffee.


Intermittent fasting is a natural process. Skipping meals was not uncommon for our ancestors. They often did not have the means to eat three square meals every single day of the week.  In addition to that, they certainly didn’t have the means to eat whenever they wanted. In a sense, our body is naturally geared towards intermittent fasting.  This allows ample rest in between meals so that we are not continuously expending energy and resources in digesting food. Fasting helps our precious energy reserves to be diverted towards fighting disease and eliminating waste, among other important functions. While intermittent fasting is a powerful weight loss method, it is not for everyone.


Here is the breakdown of why some people are jumping up and down about it while others are rubbing their chins with a worrisome gaze.


Types of Fasting


There are many different ways to do intermittent fasting that range from easier to more difficult plans. Here are some of the more popular ways people do it.

  • 16/8 plan: Arguably the easiest and most popular method is to eat within an 8 hour window and fast for 16 hours. This can be accomplished simply by abstaining from eating after dinner and skipping breakfast. Some people are not big breakfast eaters and they aren’t that hungry in the morning. If they don’t eat after dinner then you probably didn’t realize it at the time, but you have done intermittent fasting!
  • 5:2 plan: Another method of intermittent fasting is to eat regularly for five days and fast for two days, in which you only consume 500 daily calories.
  • Eat-Stop-Eat or Fasting Every Other Day plan: This is the more difficult plan. This involves eating regularly for one day and then fasting for 24 hours. For example, you might eat dinner at 6:30 pm on Tuesday and then fast until 6:30 pm on Wednesday.

Learn more about intermittent fasting strategies here:

3 Fast Acting Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Strategies



Pros of Intermittent Fasting


  • You don’t have to deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy; you just have to eat less of them.
  • Intermittent fasting maximizes your potential for fat burning as it induces a metabolic shift away from burning blood sugar stored in the liver as glycogen to using fat for fuel.
  • Changes hormone levels to facilitate fat loss. The hormone, insulin goes out of whack in type 2 diabetes and there is evidence to suggest that intermittent fasting reduces insulin resistance.  This scenario is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes as well as unhealthy eating habits.
  • Increases your energy levels by boosting the amount of mitochondria, the energy generators of each and every one of your cells.
  • Powerful way not only to lose weight but also lower disease risks associated with the onset of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, among others. Intermittent fasting boosts your immune system, and facilitates the removal of disease agents and wastes from the body.

Pros Summary


Intermittent fasting helps shed fat off your body by both restricting the number of calories you are eating and by increasing your metabolic rate. This ensures more burns fat is being burned for energy. This not only benefits you in the form of weight loss, but also in the form of increasing your energy, lowering certain disease risks, and boosting your immune system.


Cons of Intermittent Fasting


Believe the hype is real! Everyone seems to be talking about intermittent fasting. But what are also real are many of its alleged drawbacks.

  • Unsurprisingly, hunger is the main side effect of intermittent fasting. And while many people do feel hungry when beginning intermittent fasting, persistent, agonizing hunger should not be taken lightly. After all, hunger is a natural signal sent by your body to let you know that you are in need of nutrients.
  • Some people should consult their doctor before even trying to do intermittent fasting. This includes the elderly, pregnant women, and people with metabolic diseases and eating disorders.
  • Women have to be especially careful, as in some cases intermittent fasting has been shown to affect a woman’s menstrual cycle and affect fertility. However, we have developed a system specifically for women to avoid these hormonal issues.  Read about it below.
  • While many of the hormonal changes facilitate fat loss, some of these changes can cause an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which can be dangerous. (But we have got you covered. Check out our intermittent fasting for women system below.)
  • It’s difficult! Intermittent fasting is hard and it takes a lot of self-control.


Cons Summary


For some people, intermittent fasting can be dangerous. Some people, especially if they have pre-existing medical conditions, should not try it before consulting their doctor. If you do try it, you should be aware of potential warning signs of persistent agonizing hunger and other health effects such as effect on your menstrual cycle, as these might be warning signs that you should to stop intermittent fasting.


Intermittent Fasting Pros and Cons…What You Should Do?


Now that you have learned about a few intermittent fasting pros and cons, what should you do? For certain individuals there are real health risks involved in intermittent fasting and they should not try it without speaking to their doctor first. Unlike many weight loss methods, intermittent fasting is something that you can really ease yourself into.  You can also do it without putting yourself at any health risks if you do it carefully and at your own pace.


For most people interested in weight loss I would say, try it! You do not have to begin at a sprint, fasting for 24 hours right from the get-go.  You can however, begin with the easier and more manageable plans such as the 16/8 plan. There are many different methods of doing intermittent fasting so you can find the method that works best for you.


Additionally, not everyone is going to have success with intermittent fasting. While it is worth trying if you are serious about weight loss, it is not for everyone. Intermittent fasting is not the be all and end all of weight loss methods. Some people might achieve more weight loss through less risky and just as effective methods such as portion control and exercise. Intermittent fasting alone provides enormous health benefits for some people. However, ensuring you are eating healthy foods and exercising is always recommended not only for weight loss but also for living a healthy life.


Our Intermittent Fasting for Women System


Libifit has taken the time to create an intermittent fasting protocol just for women.  Much of the current research and programs concerning intermittent fasting is primarily for men.  However, using our approach to intermittent fasting, us women can easily take on this eating pattern to lose weight, detox our bodies, and experience many other health benefits without the typical hormonal side effects sometimes present while intermittently fasting.  If you want to learn more about our tested and proven intermittent fasting for women system, click the ebook below.





The Ultimate Endomorph Diet Plan for Max Fat Loss

endomorph diet female
Ulimate endomorph diet plan

If you are one of those who have the endomorph body type then take note that sticking to the best endomorph diet plan is crucial considering the fact that this body type causes you to gain weight easily. Fortunately, you can counter this effect to your weight through a proper diet and regular exercise.


You need the perfect diet plan and exercise routine; otherwise, your body will most likely turn soft, plump, and doughy. While genetics plays a major role on why you have this specific body type, it is still possible for you to improve your physique by eating the right foods and sticking to the most appropriate exercise regimen.


Common Weight Loss Issues for Endomorph Body Types

An endomorph body type is often characterized by fuller figures. Most endomorphs also complain that they have a difficult time maintaining a healthy body fat percentage. It is mainly because of their tendency to gain weight easily. With that in mind, it is no longer surprising to see endomorphs struggling with their weight.


They often find it hard to lose weight and find the perfect diet plan for them. However, by understanding the common weight loss issues that plague endomorphs, finding the most appropriate diet plan for you will be much easier. Here are the most common issues associated with losing weight that you might encounter if you are an endomorph.

  • Slow or poor metabolism – As an endomorph, you will most likely have a poor or slower metabolism. Naturally, you will have a sluggish metabolic rate. There is no need to worry too much, though, as this does not necessarily mean that you are going to be obese or overweight forever. Just making some changes in the foods you eat can help in firing up your metabolic rate.


  • Gains weight easily – As mentioned earlier, endomorphs are prone to gaining weight fast. The weight that you will most likely accumulate will usually be on your hips, thighs, and low belly. You also tend to store fat. Again, the best way to handle this is to eat the right foods. Combine it with proper exercise, too.


  • Sensitivity to extra calories – One major reason why endomorphs tend to struggle more when it comes to their weight than the other different body types, like ectomorph and mesomorph, is their sensitivity to excessive food consumption. In other words, burning calories is a bit hard for you. In fact, you will most likely store extra calories as fat, causing you to accumulate weight.


  • Sensitivity to carbs and insulin – Another issue associated with weight loss that you will most likely encounter as an endomorph is your sensitivity to carbs and insulin. Because you are carb-sensitive, you will have a higher chance of surviving better and losing weight if you follow a low-carb diet.

While being an endomorph causes you to encounter a few weight loss challenges, it does not mean that you can’t lose weight or maintain a healthy and fit figure. All it takes is to adhere to the healthiest eating and exercise plan.

Ideal Endomorph Diet Approach

The ideal diet plan for endomorphs is actually a low-carb diet. In this case, you should develop your diet plan in such a way that your fat and protein intake will be higher when compared to carbs. Your carb intake should be brought down to the minimum. The perfect macronutrient ratio for you, therefore, is 30 to 40% carbs, 30 to 35% protein, and 30 to 35% fat.


As a start, you may have more carbs when distributing the nutrients. For instance, you can set your diet plan at 40% carbs then 30% each of healthy fats and proteins. However, if you still notice that you don’t lose weight, then you can further decrease your carb consumption and distribute the remaining percentage equally between protein and fats.


The goal of any your endomorph diet is to stay away from starchy carbs and white bread. You also have to incorporate healthy fats into your diet plan, such as olive oil, which is a good source of it. You don’t need to make everything too complicated, though. The ratio of fat, carbs, and protein does not even have to be exactly accurate.


Protein:  The Key to Endomorph Weight Loss

In general, it just involves developing a diet plan composed of foods that are higher in fat and lean protein and lower in carbohydrates. What’s good about the low-carb diet is that it can help endomorphs in losing excess fats while maintaining their energy levels.


The higher protein consumption also promotes a lower calorie intake without making you feel hungry and deprived. It is mainly because a meal rich in protein is known to be more satisfying. It can make you feel fuller compared to when you are eating a carb-heavy meal.


Your lower carb intake combined with higher amounts of protein can also prevent you from losing muscles, which usually happens once you lower calories for weight loss. The low-carb diet is also good for endomorphs as this can supply them with just the right amount of carbs to serve as fuel for their metabolic needs while controlling their blood sugar.


Workouts for Endomorphs

Proper exercise can also help endomorphs battle their genetic tendency for weight gain. Note that diet alone can’t give you the results you want. It’s also important to exercise. However, you can’t just do any type of exercise without figuring out whether it is indeed the most appropriate workout strategy for you. One of the most effective exercise strategies for endomorphs is HIIT (high-intensity interval training).


Also referred to by others as interval training, metabolic conditioning and circuit training, HIIT has a goal of training you by using short and intense bursts of energy then following them up with short periods of rest. One major goal of HIIT for endomorphs is to promote a higher calorie burning ability.


This workout also aims to increase the capacity of your heart and improve your muscle strength and endurance. However, take note that this exercise is quite hardcore so you need to really condition your body prior to trying it out. If you don’t condition your body then you will find this exercise too taxing.


The key to getting the results you want is to push yourself to the limit. Note that you will gain better results if you exercise with intensity. Push yourself as much as possible but make sure that you also listen to your body. It is because there’s a tendency for it to stress your central nervous system. Take a rest when necessary, especially if you’re still a beginner.


Importance of Weightlifting Workouts for Endomorphs

Aside from HIIT, you should also make it a point to include weight training or weight lifting into your workout plan. The goal of weight training is to not only help you lose body fat but also build and maintain lean muscle mass. In addition, this form of training can rev up your metabolism.


It allows you to develop more active muscle tissues, thereby increasing your resting metabolic rate while stimulating your body to burn excess fats for fuel. Some of the workouts that you can do in this category are compound exercises and circuit training, which only has little rest time in between each set.


It is also advisable to focus on your large muscle groups, like on your back or legs, when doing this workout. Make it a point to increase your repetitions, too.


Best Supplements for Endomorphs

Aside from the proper diet and exercise, it is also necessary for you to learn more about the best supplements for endomorphs. Ensure that you take them regularly to increase your chances of maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Whey protein – One supplement that works well for endomorphs is whey protein. It is a good choice as it is nutritionally complete. This means that it can provide your diet with the protein-building blocks and amino acids your daily meal plan needs.


As an endomorph, it is greatly possible that you are carefully monitoring your nutrient intake as a means of preventing unwanted weight gain. In this case, whey protein can help. It has a predetermined serving size as well as protein content, which promotes further ease when it comes to monitoring your protein consumption every day.


What is even better about it is that it is now available in various flavors. With that, you can add variety to your daily diet, which is a good thing, especially if you are still on the stage of restricting calories.

  • BCAA – Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are also among the most vital supplements that an endomorph should take. It would be best to take this supplement during and right after you work out. It is because this supplement can aid in effective muscle recovery and endurance.


Note that your workout plans will most likely focus on intense intervals and big movements. This is the main reason why you need to have the proper fuel so you can put more effort during your training. You can get such fuel by supplementing with BCAA.

  • Fat-burning supplements – It is also advisable to take supplements that improve the ability of your body to burn fats. In this case, you can take certain herbal supplements, minerals, or vitamins that are proven scientifically to stimulate weight loss.

Keys About Fat Burners

What’s good about most fat burners today, is that they can not only speed up the ability of your body to burn fat, they also provide a boost in energy to help you power through workouts. They are also helpful in reducing your appetite and increasing your metabolism.

Want more supplements to burn fat?  Check out this article on the one of the hottest fat burning supplements on the market.

5 Proven Garcinia Cambogia Benefits For Fat Burning Results


7-day Sample Endomorph Diet Plan













2 scrambled eggs 

1 bacon or any other source of protein

Some tomato, spinach, and onion

½ avocado

A handful of mixed greens 

1-2 tbsps. vinaigrette dressing

1 palm-sized serving of chicken

1 portion of seeds or nuts

A small serving of mixed green salad 

Crockpot chili

A handful of sliced peppers 

Mixed raw nuts



2 scrambled eggs 

½ grapefruit

Mixed berry smoothie 

Crockpot chili

A small serving of mixed green salad 

½ avocado

1 tbsp. vinaigrette dressing

1 hard-boiled egg 

3 tbsps. hummus




½ cup Greek yogurt 

1 tbsp. slivered almonds

1 halved and sectioned medium-sized grapefruit

1 serving (around 2/3 cups) of tuna salad 

1 oz. cheddar cheese

1 medium-sized apple

1 and ¼ c. Greek salad 

1 small-sized, round whole-wheat pita bread

¼ cup hummus

¾ cup grapes


2 fried or poached eggs 

1 sliced tomato and ½ avocado with a drizzle of olive oil

½ avocado

Mixed berry shake 

A handful of mixed greens

1-2 tbsps. vinaigrette dressing

A portion of seeds or nuts

1 serving roasted salmon 

Steamed broccoli and cauliflower


1 banana or apple 

1 tbsps. peanut butter



2 poached eggs 

Some tomatoes and fresh basil

A serving of spinach salad 

Some strawberries

Grilled steak 

Sautéed kale

Apple slices


2 egg omelets 

Tomatoes and green onions

A sprinkle of cheese

Salmon salad 

A serving of fresh fruits

Shrimp stir-fry 

Mixed veggies

Carrot sticks 




1 bowl of rolled oats 

1 egg

1 banana

Turkey sandwich 

Mixed greens

Spinach salad 

Turkey burger

Celery sticks



Even if you are prone to gaining weight, there is still hope for you if you have an endomorph body type. What you have to do is to learn about the ideal diet plan for you, stick to the right exercise regimen, and take the necessary supplements. You will notice that you are shedding off pounds in no time if you strictly stick to a healthy lifestyle and the best endomorph diet and exercise plan.


3 Meso Endomorph Female Diet Strategies


If you fall under the meso endomorph female body type then rest assured that there is a specific diet plan and strategy for you that is effective in helping you lose weight or maintain a healthy one.

Your specific body type plays a major role in selecting the kind of diet plan that will work for you. Basically, it will give you an idea of what you should eat and what you should avoid. Knowing your body type is also crucial in figuring out the most appropriate and effective diet plan and strategies guaranteed to work in your favor.

Meso Endomorph Female Body Type Defined

The meso endomorph female body type, as the name suggests, carries the qualities of both the endomorph and the mesomorph. A female with the combined body types will realize that her body and physique is ideal for bodybuilding. It is mainly because she has the carriage and structure of a mesomorph while having the ability to retain her muscles just like what happens for endomorphs.

This means that if you have a meso endomorph body type then building and retaining muscles will not become a problem for you. However, since you also have the traits of a mesomorph, you still need to adhere to a program designed to hone a leaner and harder physique.

Also, take note that this body type makes you capable of accumulating fats easily. Fortunately, you can also gain muscle just like what has been mentioned earlier. As a meso endomorph female, you will most likely have a small to medium chest as well as larger hips. You will also most likely sport a thickness in your ankles and waist.

The Ideal Diet Plan

A combination of the endomorph and the mesomorph body type requires the proper diet. What you have to take note of when finding the right diet plan for you is that your body type causes you to be carb-sensitive. This is the main reason why you have to keep track of your intake of carbs all the time.

In addition, you will most likely be a water holder, causing you to take a hold of your glycogen stores to thrive. This makes it often necessary for you to follow a cycle diet, which often involves following a low-carb and high-protein diet on one day and consuming moderate amounts of carb and protein the next.

Also, take note that the body type tends to respond positively if you include some fats in your diet plan as a means of replacing carbs. Cycling your diet works in controlling your fat burning process and the loss of muscle more easily. To further give you an idea about the three dieting strategies that are really effective for females with a meso endomorph body type like you, here is a background of each one:

Low-carb Diet

The fact that you have the traits of an endomorph makes you extremely sensitive even if you just indulge a little or over-consume certain foods just once. It is mainly because you have the tendency to store extra calories as fat. This can result in the storage of fat. With that in mind, you need to be careful when it comes to monitoring your calorie consumption.

Your meso endomorph body type requires you to not only monitor your calorie intake but also your macronutrient ratio, which refers to the ratio of fat, protein, and carb. Such ratio plays a major role in losing weight and getting fit. Since you have carb and insulin sensitivity, you will also thrive well by sticking to a low-carb diet. Note that carb-rich foods will most likely be converted by your body into sugar in your bloodstream fast.

There is also a great chance for it to be stored as fats instead of being burned as energy. With that in mind, you will really thrive well if you stick to a low-carb diet. Even a moderate decrease in your carb intake can already produce a significant difference when it comes to shifting your body fat.

In this case, it would be ideal to consume complex carbs that are usually predominant in veggies and small amounts of high-fiber and unrefined starches, like amaranth and quinoa. If your goal is to lose weight then you should also avoid white bread, sweet cereals, cookies and cakes, as well as pasta and rice.

Also, remember that while fruits are rich in vital nutrients, they also have a high sugar content. Your goal, therefore, is to consume a minimum of five servings of vegetables for every two servings of fruit. Another thing to remember is to reduce your intake of carb-dense foods. Stick to consuming complex carbs most of the time.

Carb-dense foods should only be consumed during your pre and your post-workout period as this is the specific time when your body needs them for energy and for body repair and recovery. Continue lessening your carb intake while increasing the amount of fat and protein you take in.

The “Diet Doctor” has an excellent 2-week low carb challenge to get you started.  Check it out here.


Carb Cycling

Your meso endomorph female body type will also thank you if you adhere to another dieting strategy called carb cycling. The carb cycling approach actually works in helping you gain maximum muscle mass while ensuring that you do not gain excessive amounts of fat. In fact, there are instances when you lose a slight amount of fat from this approach.

With this approach, you can achieve weight loss as it forces your body to burn more fats than what it can normally do. It does so by ensuring that you rotate your carb food intake. To make this work, you need to rotate the amount of your carb intake in the days of the week.

This means choosing some days in the week when you will be eating plenty of carbs then picking another set of days in the week when you need to minimize your consumption of it. The goal of the carb cycling approach is to raise your metabolic rate. With the help of carb cycling, your body will not have sufficient time to adapt to your regular carb intake, which is good especially if you are sensitive to it.

With that, your body will also be unable to set a fixed fat burning level, making it possible to increase your metabolic rate. The carb cycling approach is truly beneficial for meso endomorph body types as they are sensitive to carbs. Also, your body type is characterized by a slow metabolism and the ability to gain fats and muscles easily. You can counter the negative effects of your body type to your weight through carb cycling.

Check out this link to learn more about carb cycling



Intermittent Fasting

The last but definitely not the least dieting strategy that works effectively for meso endomorph females is intermittent fasting. You can greatly benefit from intermittent fasting, which requires you to alternate periods of eating and periods of fasting. What is good about the intermittent fasting approach for meso endomorphs is that it aids in burning fat and blasting through a weight loss plateau.

If you are planning to use this approach then take note that you have a few options to make it work. You can follow that intermittent fasting approach, which requires you to eat only during an 8-hour window. For instance, you should commit to eating only at around 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

You also have the option of fasting for around 24 to 36 hours, which you can do one or two times every week. What you have to do is to figure out what works specifically for you. Fortunately, you have several options for dealing with your hunger cravings and staying hydrated. One thing you can do is to stick to plain water. Alternatively, you can incorporate some combination of fiber, green tea, and coffee.


Also, keep in mind that this strategy is an advanced eating plan so you really need to learn the ins and outs of it before starting to avoid crashing your metabolism and failing to get the results you want. In this case, you need to make sure that you manage your stress level, get at least 7 hours of sleep, and do high-intensity interval training or burst training.

Prevent snacking in between your meals, too. It is because each time you eat, it also causes your insulin level to spike, thereby preventing the fat burning process and stimulating fat storage. Your goal, therefore, is to curb hunger by ensuring that your meal during your eating period contains enough fat, fiber, and protein.

To learn more about intermittent fasting, check out our article using the link below.



Your body type really plays a major role in whether or not you will lose weight or maintain a healthy one. However, even with the meso endomorph body type, which is sensitive to carbs and seems to be prone to gaining fat fast, you can still stay fit. All it takes is to find the best meso endomorph female diet strategy that is appropriate for you.



3 Fast Acting Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Strategies


Are you looking for an effective way to lose weight? Then why not try intermittent fasting weight loss? If you are still unfamiliar with this form of weight loss technique then take note that it is not actually a diet plan. Studies show that intermittent fasting is actually a pattern of eating. It requires you to schedule your meals a day, allowing you to take full advantage of them, especially their health benefits.

Before trying out intermittent fasting, note that it does not actually alter the foods you eat normally. What it does, instead is it alters the time when you eat. It is advantageous in the sense that it lets you get lean without significantly cutting down your calories or causing you to stick to a crazy and fad diet. In fact, in most cases, intermittent fasting requires you to maintain the amount of calories you take in. This means there is no need to undergo continuous calorie restriction.

Some of those who follow it even try to eat bigger meals within a shorter timeframe. Another advantage of intermittent fasting is that it maintains your muscle mass while still ensuring that you stay lean. It is a great way to keep your body weight in check.

How Does Intermittent Fasting (IF) Work?

If you wish to fully understand how intermittent fasting works in losing weight then you have to be fully aware of the common distinctions between the fasted and the fed state. Note that you are in a fed state each time your body digests and absorbs food. In most cases, the fed state begins right after you start eating.

You can also expect this state to last for around 3-5 hours as this is the period of time when your body works in digesting and absorbing your consumed foods. Your body will have a hard time burning fat in this state due to your high insulin levels. Once the 3 to 5 hours are up, you reach the post-absorptive state, the state wherein your body is not processing food.

Such state lasts for around 8-12 hours after you have last eaten your meal. With that in mind, it’s safe to assume that it’s the specific time when you’re entering the fasted state. When you are in this state, expect your body to have an easier time burning fat because it is also when you have low insulin level.

Once you’re in the fasted state, it is possible for your body to burn excess fat that is not accessible when you were in your fed state. Since you can’t reach the fasted state until 12 hours after your last meal, it would be rare for your body to get into this phase of fat burning.

That is the specific reason why intermittent fasting is so popular and allows you to lose and burn fats even if you don’t actually change the foods and quantity you eat as well as the frequency of their exercise. When you go into a fasted state, you are pushing your body into optimal fat burning. That’s something that rarely happens during your normal eating schedule.

Here is a great video on a video intermittent success story.  Keep in mind, there are several different strategies to intermittent fasting.  Everyone has a different hormone and genetic makeup.  The video discusses a 36-hour fast.  I personally think that is BANANAS and I would not be able to do it.  But it worked for this woman.  Check it out.

Meet A Woman Who Lost 50 Pounds Through Intermittent Fasting | Megyn Kelly TODAY



If you want to start intermittent fasting weight loss, then here are some of the fastest-acting strategies in this approach:

#1 – Leangains

This specific intermittent fasting weight loss strategy requires you to fast for either 14 or 16 hours daily. Fourteen hours is the ideal fasting hours for women while the 16 hours is for men. The remaining 8-10 hours should be dedicated for feeding. Once you are in the fasting period, it is necessary to avoid consuming any foods, especially those with calories. However, you can take in calorie-free sweeteners, sugar-free gum, diet soda, and black coffee.

Some of those who practice this noticed that it is easier to schedule the fasting period starting at night and continuing it in the morning. The fast will then end around 6 hours after they wake up. You can stick to such schedule, too because it is easy to adapt it based on most people’s lifestyles. Just make sure that you stick to a feeding window time consistently to prevent your body’s hormones from getting out of balance.

The foods you should eat as well as the time you should consume them during your feeding window should also be based on your workout schedule. During those days of the week when you exercise, take note that carbohydrates are more essential than fats. During your rest days, ensure that you take in more fats. Foods rich in protein, on the other hand, need to be fairly high on a daily basis.

Also, take note that whatever program you follow, it is necessary to ensure that most of the calories you take in are from unprocessed and whole foods.

#2 – Eat Stop Eat

This intermittent fasting weight loss strategy is also one of the most effective ways to lose weight. It works by fasting for strictly 24 hours one or two times weekly. The 24-hour fast requires you to stay away from any food. You need to skip meals during the fasting periods. However, you’re actually allowed to consume calorie-free drinks. Once the fasting period is over, it’s safe to return to your normal eating habits.

This form of eating is known to reduce your overall calorie consumption significantly without putting too much limitations on the foods that you can eat. What it does, instead, is putting a schedule on how often you should eat.

If you wish to follow the eat stop eat form of intermittent fasting then make it a point to do some regular exercises, too, especially resistance training. Exercising is helpful in attaining success in this strategy, especially if your goal is to improve your body composition or to lose weight.

#3 – The Warrior Diet

Another effective intermittent fasting weight loss strategy that you can follow is the warrior diet. It often works under the philosophy that you should fast for around 20 hours daily then eat one huge meal in the remaining 4 hours, which usually happens at night. The key to achieving success in this strategy is to eat the right foods at the right time during the period when you are already allowed to take in that huge meal.

The rationale used in this technique is to feed your body the specific nutrients it specifically needs while harmonizing it with your circadian rhythms. It should be noted that the fasting state of this intermittent fasting strategy focuses more on under-eating. This means that within your 20-hour fast, you can still consume some servings of fresh juice and raw fruits and veggies.

The 4-hour feeding window, on the other hand, is the time when you should overeat. It is mainly because you will need to take in a huge meal during this phase. Ensure that you strictly follow the order of eating certain food groups as it plays a major role in the success of this program. In this case, begin with vegetables then protein then fat. Once you finish the mentioned food groups, you should only allow yourself to indulge in some carbs if you still feel hungry.

Still a bit confused on how intermittent fasting works?  Check out the graphic below to determine how your fat body’s fat burning mechanism varies over time.  This will help you to understand how long you should try to fast.


Intermittent fasting for weight loss has really gained a great deal of popularity and for good reason…it just plain works. It is one of the most effective approaches to losing weight.

While intermittent fasting is great, women should have a slightly different approach to than what is generally presented in much of the articles and books available.  Here at Libifit, we have performed the research and created an intermittent fasting program specifically designed for women to burn fat and ensure that all of the hormonal concerns of women are addressed.

Our guide provides specific techniques for intermittent fasting for women and we also provide a checklist to ensure fasting is working for you and maintaining your hormonal health.  Check out our ebook now.

In addition to our downloadable ebook, we offer women the opportunity to recieve a printed daily intermittent fasting journal to log your weight loss and health progress, and also monitor your hormones so that you don’t experience the intermittent fasting side effects some women do.

Alright, the ball is in your court girl!  Ready to get started? Click the link below.



5 Proven Garcinia Cambogia Benefits For Fat Burning Results


Garcinia cambogia is a small pumpkin-shaped fruit, which extract is now used to produce a supplement designed to help anyone lose weight. Also called Malabar tamarind, it has been traditionally used in treating gastrointestinal complaints and rheumatism.

Recently, it has gained great reviews for being an effective solution for weight loss. In fact, the extract of this tropical fruit can produce a kind of weight loss supplement that is now so popular among medical professionals, celebrities, and fitness experts.

How Does Garcinia Cambogia Work?

The garcinia cambogia extract used in creating its weight loss supplement counterpart actually works with the help of the active ingredient found in the rind of the fruit. This active ingredient is known as the hydroxycitric acid, HCA. It is known to suppress your appetite while also speeding up the fat burning process.

HCA also works in blocking citrate lyase, an enzyme used by your body in making fat. It also increases levels of serotonin, which is a brain chemical designed to lessen your feelings of hunger.

How Does Garcinia Cambogia Work? Must See

To further understand how garcinia cambogia works, it pays to learn more about its weight loss benefits.  Below are five can’t miss benefits.

#1:  Lowers your Appetite

One of the many benefits of garcinia cambogia supplements is that they are effective in the area of appetite suppression. It is mainly because of the HCA present in the supplement, which can suppress your appetite through increased serotonin production. This neurotransmitter in your brain promotes happy and calm feelings.

It is, therefore, helpful in lessening your cravings, suppressing your appetite, and minimizing your desire to eat your comfort foods. By suppressing your appetite through the supplement, it is possible for you to train your body to eat foods only at specific times and amounts.

Note that your attempt to lose weight might be hampered by those in-between snacks that are sometimes hard to resist. Through the extract, you can keep your appetite in check, thereby preventing yourself from getting tempted to eat those unnecessary snacks.

#2:  Improves Metabolism and Energy

Another of the many benefits of garcinia as far as losing weight is concerned, is that it improves your metabolism. The good thing about having a faster metabolism is that it also speeds up the results of your weight loss efforts. With a better metabolism, you can also elevate your energy. Note that a lot of those who are trying to lose weight experience muscle weakness and fatigue while starting to shed excess pounds.

Garcinia can combat that through proper metabolism and a higher level of energy. It can provide you with an energetic boost designed to overcome exhaustion and fatigue. Furthermore, you have a lower risk of packaging calories into adipose fat. With such benefit, it can benefit you a lot of if you make taking garcinia a part of your daily routine.

#3:  Speeds Up the Weight Loss Process

This specific benefit is one of the reasons why many consider garcinia cambogia as one of the best weight loss supplements today. Some even view it as a miracle cure for those dealing with obesity. The ability of this supplement to speed up the weight loss process can again be attributed to the active ingredient, HCA. It is mainly because it ensures that the calories your body accumulated won’t be stored as fats.

Note that specific enzymes have the tendency of slowing down your metabolism and boosting the fat production process. This is the time when your body starts to store calories as fat. With the high HCA content in garcinia camboga, it is possible to block your body from producing the mentioned enzymes. This means that instead of producing fat, the stored calories will be converted to glycogen, which is vital for muscle-building.

#4:  Reduces your Cholesterol Level

Several studies showed the effectiveness of garcinia cambogia in lowering the cholesterol level of those who take the supplement regularly. It can increase the level of good cholesterol within your body while lowering high triglycerides. It optimizes your body’s cholesterol balance, which can also have a positive impact on your weight loss journey.

Aside from HCA, garcinia cambogia also contains other herbs designed to lower your bad cholesterol and raise your good cholesterol. What is good about this specific benefit is that it does not only aid in weight loss but also lowers your risk of suffering from strokes, heart attacks, and atherosclerosis. It is also a big help in lowering your blood pressure while supplying you with the energy to fulfill your daily tasks.

#5:  Keeps your Blood Sugar Levels in Control

Another of the many health benefits offered by taking a garcinia cambogia supplement is that it can significantly lower your blood sugar levels. If you are suffering from or are prone to diabetes then the supplement is a great solution for controlling your blood sugar and accompany it with the effective regulation of your metabolism. The combination of such benefits means that you will not experience any unexpected spikes or drops in your blood sugar.

The ability of this supplement to control your blood sugar can actually be attributed to the fact that it can significantly improve the way your cells handle sugar or glucose, especially when it comes to using it for energy. Such benefit also enhances the results of your weight loss effort because it inhibits the pancreatic alpha-amylase enzymes as well as some changes in synthesizing fatty acids.

This can actually help in changing the way carbohydrates within your body are metabolized. The supplement is also known to regulate blood sugar because it can help your body have a better response to insulin.

Are There Side Effects?

While there are numerous long-term benefits out of taking garcinia cambogia, it is still advisable to figure out whether it is indeed the right supplement for you. Note that it also carries with it some side effects, including mild headaches, especially if you just started taking this weight loss supplement.

You might also experience skin rashes but rest assured that it will go away once you get used to the supplement. Other side effects experienced by some of those who take it are mild diarrhea, fatty stools, and restlessness. These side effects are just minor and rare, though, but it is still best to consult your doctor prior to taking the supplement just to be on the safe side.

In addition to garcinia cambogia, there are six other awesome weight loss supplements.  Read about them here .


Garcinia cambogia is indeed one of those supplements designed to help you shed those unwanted and excess pounds easily. As a fruit and a weight loss supplement, it aids in naturally blocking the fat production process within your body. It is, therefore, helpful in reaching your target weight.

Just make sure that you take the right dosage of this supplement. The best dosage recommendation to those who are trying to use garcinia cambogia to lose weight is around 250 to 1,000 milligrams daily. If possible, visit your doctor first to ask whether it is indeed a safe supplement for you. Ask about the safest dosage for you, too.

By taking in the right amount, you can maximize its health and weight loss benefits. You can also enjoy its other benefits, including better mood, improved concentration and energy, improved bowel movements, stronger desire to do some physical activities, and decreased joint paints.


7-day Proven Diet and Exercise Plan for Endomorph Females

endomorph diet female

The Endomorphic Body Type

An endomorph body type refers to a body type, which is adept at storing fuel with fat and muscle usually concentrated at the lower parts of the body. Endomorph females who have this body type frequently experience struggles losing weight and managing your overall fitness levels.

Endomorphs tend to gain weight easily while having a difficult time losing it. Females who have this body type are usually curvaceous and soft while showing a feminine body shape. Males with the endomorph body type, on the other hand, tend to have round and soft bodies.

If you notice that you have problems losing weight even if you exert a lot of effort then there’s a great chance that you fall into the endomorph category. Among the most common characteristics showcased by endomorphs are the following:

  • Soft and round physique
  • Naturally chubby
  • Long trunk and tapered limbs
  • Short neck
  • Wide bone structure
  • Prominent upper arms and thighs
  • High fat-to-muscle ratio
  • Have muscles concealed beneath layers of subcutaneous fats
  • High BMI or weight range
  • Strong bones
  • Poor muscle definition

As an endomorph, you have a higher chance of gaining weight easily because of your poor metabolism but there is still a way for you to drop the excess weight and enjoy a leaner and more balanced physique. All it takes is to develop a diet and exercise plan, which greatly considers your body type as you can expect to respond well to it.

Getting a more balanced physique for endomorphs is actually all about developing your shoulders as well as getting rid of the excess weight from the lower part of your body. You can also take advantage of a cardio plan with low to medium intensity. As far as your meal plans are concerned, it would be best to focus on a 1,750-calorie meal plan daily, which is rich in fiber.

Best Diet Approach for Endomorph Females

Your body type actually plays a major role not only in figuring out the best sports and exercise plan that’s suitable for you and how easily you gain and lose weight but also in determining the kinds of foods that can fuel your body and promote weight loss. If you’re an endomorph and one of those women struggling with weight loss then note that the best diet plans for you are those that are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber.

Note that as an endomorph, you have a high insulin and carbohydrate sensitivity. Your body converts foods rich in carbs into sugar, increasing their chances of being stored as fats instead of being burned for energy. With that in mind, it would be best to stick to a low-carb diet for several days a week. By significantly reducing your carb intake, you can encourage your body to burn fat.

Here are just some reasons why a low-carb diet works for endomorphs:

Increases your Consumption of Protein

By creating an endomorph diet plan, which has a lower amount of carbs, you also get the chance to increase your intake of protein. It’s actually beneficial for you, especially if your goal is to lose the weight. What’s good about increased protein intake is that it also leads to quick satiation. With that, expect the low-carb and high-protein diet to give you full control of your appetite.

An increase in protein intake is also helpful in retaining or gaining lean muscle mass when you’re losing weight. A higher amount of protein in your diet plan results in a higher lean muscle mass and an increase in the amount of fats burned during the weight loss process.

Reduces your Sugar Intake

When following a low-carb diet, one of the carbs that you have to get rid of from your meal plans is sugar. It, therefore, automatically reduces your intake of sugar and reduces your risk of dealing with metabolic problems caused by fructose. Note that if your liver accumulates excessive amounts of glycogen, the fructose that will reach there gets converted into fat.

This will result in a high level of blood lipid or increased risk of experiencing fatty liver. This further results in insulin sensitivity, poor metabolism, and glucose tolerance, causing you to gain more weight. That won’t be the case if you stick to a low-carb diet since your sugar intake will be reduced dramatically.

Increases Fat in your Meals

What’s good about increasing fat in your meals while taking in fewer carbohydrates is that it also works in slowing down the gastric emptying process. This results in making you feel full for longer because it takes a longer time for food to reach your gut. You will have lower appetite, which will subsequently reduce your calorie consumption, making it possible to attain weight loss in the process.

Other Potential Benefits

A low-carb diet is also good for endomorph females because it works fast and aids in minimizing your caloric density while increasing your nutrient density at the same time. It also helps you remove foods that are really rich in fat from your diet, such as potato chips and cheesecake. Furthermore, it lets you enjoy flavorful foods, so expect to have an easier time sticking to it for a long time.

Steps to Attaining Success when Following the Low-carb Diet

#1 – Eat Frequently

Taking frequent meals is the key to success when following a low-carb diet. You need frequent meals to gain the right balance of cortisol and insulin. Your goal should be to eat around 5-6 small meals daily spaced out every 2-3 hours.

#2 – Include Complete Protein and Healthy Fats in your Meals

Make sure that each of your meals comes with one source of complete protein. Some options are free-range and wild-caught animal proteins. Healthy fats should also form part of your meals. Aside from enhancing the flavors of the foods you take in, healthy fats also aid in quick and proper nutrient absorption. Some excellent sources of healthy fats are nut oils, avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil.

#3 – Make Green Veggies a Part of your Diet

The best recommendation is 2-3 cups of green veggies incorporated into your meals. Aside from being rich in nutrients, these vegetables also help you get fuller for longer. They also provide a good supply of fiber into your diet.

#4 – Stay Away from Drinks Rich in Calories

Ensure that your diet includes only those liquids that do not contain calories. Some of your best options are coffee, tea, and pure water. Stay away from sweetened drinks.

#5 – Customize your Carbohydrate Consumption

It would be best for you to customize your carbohydrate consumption based on your specific needs. For instance, if you fall under those who are overweight with minimal activities (just like most of the endomorph female population) then make sure that your daily carb intake is only 50 grams to guarantee weight loss.

7-day Endomorph Low-carb Diet Plan














½ banana 

1 glass protein shake

½ cup oatmeal

1 6-oz. can tuna with sesame seeds and low-fat mayonnaise 

½ peach

Celery sticks

1 cup veggies 

6-oz. lean protein

1 sweet potato

1 tbsp. pumpkin seed 

1 peach



1 slice ham and cheese 

½ slice whole-grain toast

½ cup blueberries

6-oz. lean protein 

½ cup edamame

2 cups romaine

¼ avocado

8-oz. steak 

½ cup strawberries

½ cup broccoli

1 glass protein shake


½ cup porridge containing 1 tbsp. crushed walnuts 

½ cup soy milk

1 grilled fish fillet 

2 cups veggie salad

100-g steak 

½ cup wild rice (cooked)

1 pear 

Brazil nuts



Poached eggs with 1 slice of cheese 

1 cup coffee with cream or milk

3 pcs. strawberries

6-oz. lean protein 

1 small sweet potato

1 cup veggies

½ cup berries

 chicken breast 

cup strawberries and walnuts

cup cabbage salad

Soy yogurt with granola


2 slices of carrot and cheddar sandwich 

Some slices of pineapple

1 salmon steak 

½ cup green beans

small side salad

Grilled Chicken Breast 

1 cup rice

1 orange 




½ cup oatmeal 

1 banana

Protein shake

roasted chicken breast 

Vegetable salad with at least 7 veggies

Lean chicken sausage 

Mashed potato

Steamed veggies

2 rice crackers


Scrambled egg whites 

½ cup grapes

1 cup coffee or tea

Spinach salad containing almonds 

½ cup pineapple

Pork chop 

1 cup cucumber salad

½ cup cantaloupe

Some celery sticks


Endomorph Weight Training and Exercise Plan

One of the most common misconceptions when it comes to working out is that women should avoid lifting weights and focus on cardio workouts even more. It’s the reason why there is only a small number of women doing weight training. It’s time to change that misconception, though as weight training is actually helpful in trimming inches from your waist and hips and transforming your whole health and body for the better.

Here are five of the benefits that women, especially endomorphs, can get from weight training:

Benefit 1:  Loses Body Fat

With weight training, building muscle will be much easier for you. The good thing about building and increasing lean muscle is that it also improves your metabolism, resulting in an improved ability to burn more calories throughout the day. An average woman who does strength training 2-3 times weekly for a period of 2 months can even gain almost 2 lbs. of lean muscle while losing 3.5 lbs. of fats.

Benefit 2:  Improves Strength without Bulking Up

Most women do not strength train because they are afraid that this will cause them to bulk up. It’s actually a misconception as such case won’t happen. Note that women don’t have enough testosterone designed to gain and build muscles as men. That said, expect weight training to actually help you develop strength and muscle definition without the bulk.

Benefit 3:  Adds Curves to your Body

Another positive benefit of weight training to endomorph females is that it adds more curves to their body. Your gained muscle can actually help you obtain a nice hourglass figure. Weight training is, therefore, the answer to your desire to develop lovely curves and retain them.

Benefit 4:  Elevates Energy

Weight training can also help elevate your energy. It has a positive impact on your energy balance. That said, it would be best to grab a barbell in place of your afternoon coffee. Aside from lifting your energy, this workout can also improve your mood because it helps release endorphins.

Benefit 5:  Promotes Better Heart Health

Weight training also makes you less prone to developing heart diseases. In fact, lifting weights can lower your chances of having risk factors for heart disease, like large waist circumference, increased glucose level and blood pressure, and high triglyceride level.

Check out the video below to learn more tips on workouts for endomorph body types.

High Intensity Interval Training

Aside from weight training, high intensity interval training (HIIT) is also a great exercise for endomorph females. HIIT refers to workouts with an aim of alternating intense activities and fixed periods of activities that are less intense. It could also be alternated with a period of complete rest.

An example is running intensely for a minute then alternating it with walking for two minutes. Do this for 5 times within a 15-minute workout. If you’re an endomorph then HIIT is also a good workout for you. Here are the reasons why:

Increases your Metabolic Rate

A sluggish metabolism is a common problem among endomorphs. This problem can actually be solved with the help of HIIT. It lets you burn calories and increase your metabolic rate even hours after your exercise. It is also capable of shifting your metabolism towards utilizing excess fats for energy instead of carbs.

Burns Fats and Calories in a Short Period

As an endomorph, you can greatly benefit from a workout that burns fats and calories within just a short period, and that’s what you can expect from HIIT. A 15-minute HIIT workout can even let you burn more calories than walking or jogging on a treadmill for at least one hour.

Loses Fat Instead of Muscle

Cardio workouts are often linked to muscle loss. This isn’t the case with HIIT. In fact, you can combine HIIT with weight training to ensure that you preserve your gained muscle while shedding excess fat and weight.


Endomorph females, while facing struggles with weight loss, can actually attain their target weight if they just customize their diet and exercise plan based exactly on their body type. If you’re an endomorph then you’ll gain favorable results by tailoring your workout plan through weight training and HIIT and your meal plan through a low-carb diet.


5 Ultimate Belly Fat Burner Supplements You Must Have

how to get rid of stubborn belly fat


Coming Soon

A little help

If you want to lose weight, you need to increase your daily caloric deduction by 500 calories, but you can do this by cutting 200 calories out of your daily diet and burning 300 calories more through exercise.

Add that up over a week and you’ll have nearly a pound of fat loss with very little pain or diet deprivation

It’s the little things you do every day that can make the difference between keeping fit or packing on additional pounds every year. Don’t underestimate the power of tiny changes: consistent, lifestyle changes are always more successful for losing and maintaining weight loss.

Be creative! Instead of thinking of all the ways you don’t have time to exercise, make it a game to see how many ways you can carve out time for little bouts of exercise. Lose your all or nothing mindset and look at exercise as a daily accumulation of activity.



Intermittent Fasting For Women
