Do you want to lose 50 pounds in 3 months? This may seem like a lofty goal, but with the right plan, you can lose 50 pounds fast! Believe in achieving the best possible version of yourself and get on it! This guide will help you lose 50 pounds quickly and safely with the right kind combination of diet, exercise, and the right mindset. So keep reading!
Dieting Tips to Help You Lose 50 Pounds
You are what you eat. Here are some tips to help you shed those pounds, sister!
1. Drink Your Water!
Ladies, take note, drinking water is extremely beneficial for your weight loss goal. It is a well-established fact that staying hydrated has several health benefits. This is because it plays several crucial roles in your body’s digestion and muscle functions – even helping you burn calories faster.
In addition to this, water intake also acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking water lets the stomach send signals to the brain indicating that it is full. Give this a try if you ever find yourself craving a midnight snack: drink a cold glass of water instead.
So, drink up if you want to lose 50 pounds in 3 months.

2. Eat Breakfast
You’ve probably heard the adage: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A nice breakfast helps give you a great energy boost to start your day. At the same time, it prevents you from relentlessly snacking before lunchtime.
Of course, what you eat for breakfast is another important matter that you shouldn’t ignore. After all, eating a bowl full of sugary cereal won’t be doing you any favors. So, a healthy breakfast is just as important.
3. Drink Coffee
Caffeine is a girl’s best friend – especially if you are trying to lose 50 pounds. Needless to say, you’ll need all the help you can get to achieve this weight loss goal. This is where coffee comes in. Coffee boosts your metabolism.
This means that aside from that you’ll be getting a lot more than a jolt of energy from your morning cup. Specifically, you’ll also get to enjoy an increased capacity to burn those pesky calories at a much faster rate.
4. Drink Green Tea
Now, we understand that coffee isn’t for everyone. After all, some women like to follow a more laid back and relaxed pace to their morning routines. Luckily, there is an alternative source for that metabolism-boosting compound known as caffeine – green tea.
Similar to coffee, we highly recommend that you can drink this first thing in the morning to help jumpstart your body’s metabolism.
5. Try Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is another method that you can try to help you lose 50 pounds in 3 months. However, bear in mind that you will need to have considerable self-discipline to see this through. Yet, as anyone who has tried this diet will tell you, the results speak for themselves.
Just remember that there are different ways to approach intermittent fasting. The simplest and most viable route is following the 16-8 rule. This is a fairly straightforward approach: you fast for 16 hours. Then, you’ll fit your meals in the remaining 8-hour window.
6. Use Sugar Substitutes
As you probably already know, too much sugar isn’t good for you as it can lead to diabetes. Moreover, it is the leading cause of obesity among men and women alike. So, you should do your best to stay away from sugary products whenever you can.
Of course, this is easier said than done. That is why we highly recommend that you switch to healthier sugar substitutes. You are doubtless familiar with the big brands like Stevia, but you are free to use whichever sugar substitute fits your tastes best. Remember, small changes like these can go a long way if you want to lose 50 pounds.
7. Eliminate Sodas and Juices (Diet Sodas are Okay)
While we are on the subject of eliminating sugar from your diet, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention one of the biggest culprits: sodas and juices. It would surprise you how much sugar is in a can of soda. Even those so-called healthy drinks masquerading as juices serve ridiculous sugar levels.
That said like with everything else in your diet, you should explore healthier alternatives when it comes to your choice of beverage. Take note that you can still drink diet sodas because they contain sugar substitutes. Better yet, try sticking to water as it contains zero sugar and zero calories.
8. Use Smaller Plates
Now, this may seem like a strange tip but bear with us. Using smaller plates for your meals has a practical benefit as well as a psychological one. Specifically, a smaller plate prevents you from overindulging.
This is because you get to keep your portion sizes in check. This is especially handy if you are practicing intermittent fasting as it can be quite tempting to dump as much food on your plate as possible. Needless to say, with a smaller serving size, your plan to lose 50 pounds in 3 months becomes so much easier.
9. Keep Healthy Snacks Handy
It should be made clear that you don’t need to starve yourself to lose 50 pounds. However, you need to be smart about your eating habits. As much as we’d hate to admit it, we love snacking. Chances are, you probably share the same sentiment.
While eliminating snacks can be done, it can be extremely challenging and frustrating to do so. However, we do not recommend going down this path as the plan to lose 50 pounds in 3 months is hard enough as it is. Instead, we recommend preparing healthier snack alternatives like fruit to satisfy those midday cravings.
10. Reduce Carb Consumption
Carbohydrates are a major component of your diet. They provide you with energy to help you get through the day. However, too much of a good thing can be bad for you as excess carbs turn into unwanted weight gain.
While we don’t recommend cutting it out entirely, we suggest you cut back on your carbs. This can be as simple as cutting back on bread. When you go to a restaurant, stay away from the mashed potatoes and order a salad instead. These small changes can go a long way in helping you lose 50 pounds.
11. Increase Lean Protein Intake
Try to stay away from fatty cuts of meat if you are looking to lose 50 pounds in 3 months. This means no bacon or fatty hamburgers. Instead, stick to lean white meats like chicken and turkey for your protein intake. Alternatively, you can also eat fish rich in healthy fats like tuna and salmon.
Remember, just because you are trying to eat healthier doesn’t mean that your diet needs to be bland. There are plenty of ways to prepare a delicious and nutritious meal using lean proteins. So be sure to give it a try.
12. Consume Large Amounts of Green Veggies
If you have kids of your own, then this piece of advice will certainly seem familiar. Eating lots of green and leafy veggies is an indispensable component of any realistic dietary plan. If you are serious about your mission to lose 50 pounds, then you should take this advice to heart.
To start, you should ensure that vegetables comprise at least a third of your plate. This is a basic rule of nutrition that you shouldn’t ignore. Then, if you start to feel the cravings creeping up on you, you better have some vegetable-based snacks ready just in case – carrot sticks and zucchini sticks are a great place to start.
Lose 50 Pounds in 3 Months with these Mindset Tips
You are a warrior woman! You can do anything if you set your mind to it. So, be sure to follow these tips.
13. Set Small Goals
As you have probably figured out, to lose 50 pounds is no laughing matter. However, the last thing you would want is to be overwhelmed by the gravity of your goals. Rather than setting out to lose 50 pounds in 3 months in one go, we highly recommend that you divide it into smaller and more attainable goals.
Alternatively, you can also focus on a set of goals dedicated to helping you establish the right kind of weight-loss habits.
14. Stay Away From the Scale
As you embark on this fitness journey, you will likely be tempted to check the scales daily. However, we highly recommend that you do the opposite and stay away from the scale. Instead, schedule a monthly weighing session to keep track of your progress.
This has a lot to do with the previous tip as it will likely overwhelm you with the immensity of your weight-loss goal. By constantly checking on your progress, you will easily get frustrated as you fixate on the seemingly slow progress of your journey.
15. Find An Accountability Partner
Increase your chances of success by finding an accountability partner in your weight-loss journey. After all, the last thing you want is to go on this journey alone. Your accountability partner should be someone you trust and is willing to push you towards your goal.
Your accountability partner can be your best friend, husband, one of your girlfriends, even your kids if they are feeling up to the task. The most important thing is that they are able to push you to do your best. Your success is their success.
16. Keep A Food Diary
Keeping a food diary is an effective means of keeping your eye on the ball. As its name suggests, a food diary is a list of all the things you eat in a day. You should also indicate your mealtimes. Needless to say, this will give you a lot of perspective concerning your eating habits and which aspects you need to improve upon.
Additionally, you can also use the information in your food diary to start counting calories.
17. Plan Your Meals
While improvisation is a highly important life skill, it isn’t something you should rely on in your three-month weight loss journey. Instead, you should be organized in your approach to losing weight. This means establishing the right kind of eating habits and having a working meal plan to see it through.
When making your meal plan, make sure to keep it interesting. Mix it up and play around with the menu. A quick online search will yield an endless list of healthy recipes that you can try at home.
18. Recite Mantras
The power of repetition is a wonderful thing. Get in the right headspace for weight loss by repeating a powerful motivational mantra. This will strengthen your resolve and keep you focused as you work to shed those pounds.
Want more weight mindset tips? Click on the link below to read more details mindset tips.
Exercise Tips to Lose 50 Pounds
Shed those pounds with these easy workout tips!
19. Invest in Cardio (Walking is Great)
One of the best ways to shed those pounds quickly is by investing in a solid workout routine that incorporates a lot of cardio. This is because cardio helps shed those pounds quickly as you burn off the fat in your system.
Jogging is perhaps the most ideal place to start. However, that can be pretty intense for some. We also recommend that you give long-distance walking a try if it is more your speed.
20. Build Your Strength
Enhancing your endurance levels through cardio isn’t enough. You should also focus on your strength and conditioning. Needless to say, this is another aspect of your workout plan that you need to focus on. This way, you get to build muscle as you shed the fat.
There are different approaches available to you. The most sustainable of which is the use of body-weight exercises.
21. Pace Yourself
Similar to setting smaller and more realistic goals, you will need to pace yourself when it comes to exercise. This is especially true if you are trying to shed some of the baby weight that you’ve put on recently.
Remember that this is not a race. You want to reach your goal in the safest way possible.
22. Don’t Overdo It
When you are just starting out, it can be awfully tempting to start exercising on a daily basis. As commendable as the sentiment may be, you should be careful not to overdo it as it can easily lead to undue strain and stress on your body.
23. Establish A Routine
Similar to making a meal plan, you should also develop an approach to your exercises. This is crucial if you are looking to establish a working routine for your workouts. It can be as simple as making a weekly schedule. You can also assign days dedicated to specific types of workouts like cardio or weight training.
By doing this, working out should become second nature to you.
Ladies, losing weight is no easy feat. It requires dedication and a lot of hard work. Moreover, you have to be smart about it. More than shedding pounds, your weight loss journey entails a lifestyle change. This change reflects in the way you eat, exercise, and think. Hopefully, these changes make you a more fulfilled and more complete woman.